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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tiffnie

  1. Oh yah...and when your mom calls you "Skinny" as you walk away...never heard that one before
  2. LOVE THESE! - When you dont really bother cooking fancy meals anymore - cause they will just be leftovers! (I stick with chili, meaty stews, or chicken, I can store them in the fridge/freezer for awhile) - When you buy your first ever pair of skinny jeans, and wear them for a night out with some sexy stilettos - and feel fabulous! (And actually get attention from the opposite sex) - Also wearing said skinny jeans and actually being able to tuck them into a pair of Uggs, I have wanted to do that for so long but my legs were always too meaty - Crossing my LEGS - Trying on a bathing suit and actually feeling ok in it (the kind with the little skirt, but still!) - Shopping at Target for clothes, nothing would fit me before, not even the 2x, and now Im in a 1x or large - Looking forward to spending time outdoors in public, and not feeling like everyones going to stare at you/avoid you cause youre fat - *ahem* the sudden increase in interest from your hubby...
  3. tiffnie

    Slider Foods

    Im normally that way too, when I do eat bread I use those orowheat thins with some thin shaved turkey and lettuce. Ill take one slice and cut that in half and make a sandwich and Im good. Thats why Im so so surprised that I was able to finish 3 rolls...I think it might have to do that with the fact that they have almost no substance, basically just fluffy grease. To quote myself, never again! lol
  4. tiffnie

    Slider Foods

    Speaking of slider foods I need to NEVER EVER buy Pillsbury Crescents EVER AGAIN! I made them for my son with ham and cheese and ended up eating THREE :/// I have stayed away from carbs pretty well, and I never had a problem with slider foods until today. Now I understand!! That was 330 cals just in the bread, not to mention the cheese that was packed into those suckers. I feel so super guilty, I hit close to 1200 cals today which is an absolute first since I was sleeved 2 months ago (Usually Im between 600-800 a day) I will never ever buy those or anything like that again period. And Im getting my butt up early for a jog tomorrow.
  5. tiffnie

    Slider Foods

    Speaking of slider foods I need to NEVER EVER buy Pillsbury Crescents EVER AGAIN! I made them for my son with ham and cheese and ended up eating THREE :/// I have stayed away from carbs pretty well, and I never had a problem with slider foods until today. Now I understand!! That was 330 cals just in the bread, not to mention the cheese that was packed into those suckers. I feel so super guilty, I hit close to 1200 cals today which is an absolute first since I was sleeved 2 months ago (Usually Im between 600-800 a day) I will never ever buy those or anything like that again period. And Im getting my butt up early for a jog tomorrow.
  6. They wake you up with the tube still inserted to make sure that you are conscious enough to breathe on your own before they remove it. I remember waking up and I didnt have the tube in, but I was very groggy, and I kept falling back asleep and would stop breathing. The nurse would have to wake me up when the machine started beeping because I wasnt breathing. So maybe the tube isnt such a bad thing, you will be so out of it you might not even notice....maybe... lol Either way goo dluck with surgery, it is an amazing journey. Im only 2 months out and my life has changed so much already
  7. tiffnie

    Out of control

    Hi Im about 2 months out and Im starting to get the same feeling. I was around 600-700 cals, but this last week Ive been up in the 800-900s. Not so bad but I am getting worried about how it will be a few months out. I do know - when I dont get my fluids in it makes a huuuuge difference. I try to drink a few chugs if I get hungry too soon after a meal, and that usually helps. I am also a night snacker, and my go-to is SF NF Jello - I will let myself eat as much as I want, along with 2 tbsp whipped cream (15 cals). I think an entire package of Jello is 40 cals, and I think I might be able to finish half (1 cup) in one sitting, but really thats better than gorging on ice cream or something else. AND it increases my fluids, which I struggle to get in. Or I go for the SF NF Pudding, I think half a cup is 40 cals with NF milk, but it really helps with the sweet tooth, and if you mix protein powder in its more filling. Good luck and hang in there
  8. Hi!

    Im so looking forward to meeting all of you :) I will be coming along on the hike as well, haven't done that in awhile so it should be interesting :D

  9. tiffnie

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    YUM Protein ice cream This I gotta try! B - I was on the run, has 2 slices shaved turkey L - Soft taco from Taco Bell - no cheese, ate meat (?) and a little lettuce, half a Pintos and Cheese w/o cheese S - Other half of pintos and low fat string cheese D - 2 oz grilled chicken over a few salad greens with half a piece of Laughing Cow light Bleu Cheese flavor - sooo good I didnt even need dressing S2 - 1/3 of a small apple, used the rest in chicken waldorf salad for tomorrow
  10. tiffnie

    Unjury protein

    The chocolate is delicious!! I think that is my favorite flavor. But - I bought the Chicken Soup and dont like it at all! For some reason I can deal with protein if its sweet, maybe because I am used to the flavor. With the chicken soup it has a bit of a creamy taste that I just cant eat. Plus I dont like the fact that it cant be heated too much or the protein will coagulate. I got some recipes from them and I know the powder can be mixed into greek yogurt as a dip or cream cheese as a spread, I might try that. That said, you might try it and love it.
  11. This is true. Im a little over a month out, and I have stalled twice. Once for a week and a half, and the second for almost a week. I am pretty positive that both times it was because I wasnt getting my required fluids and Proteins in. Also, when I dont get both in I tend to eat more calories. I was on a 5 day stall until yesterday. I wasnt getting in my protein or my fluids, maybe half of each. Then after 2 days of getting in all my protein, all my fluids and keeping it under 700 cals, I lost 1 lb the the first day and 1.5 lbs the second. So just hang in there and do your best to follow dr's orders, and you will lose
  12. tiffnie

    Its a Wrap!

    Ok so I was browsing The World According to Eggface and I came across her "Master List" of wraps, using low carb whole wheat tortillas. Being an on-the-go person, I am always lugging little containers of healthy goodness everywhere with me, and I can appreciate the simplicity and convenience of a wrap. Even though I have sworn off carbs for now, I think I ill make an exception for the tortillas mentioned here - 80cals/12 g carbs/2 g Protein. (They are more like soft taco size Im assuming) I think that one of these puppies with some turkey, cheese and veggie inside would probably last 2 meals with me. Anyway heres the link: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/08/its-wrap-and-product-review.html She also uses these tortillas for homemade pizzas, which look so so tasty! Link here: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/03/pizza-sex.html Enjoy
  13. tiffnie

    NSV shout outs

    -I went shopping for scrubs yesterday (having just found my first job as a nurse) and while my pants would normally be in a 2 or 3 x ... I FIT INTO A LARGE!! Woweeee I did have a little muffin top but that would have been there in the 2x too... - I have wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle FOREVER, like since I started driving over 10 years ago. BUT I always told myself that I would not be "a fat chick on a bike"...I know it sounds horrible but I am a self conscious and extremely sensitive person, and didnt want to deal with the feeling of being laughed at (whether real or imaginary). Well, my dad has a couple motorcycles and yesterday I decided to take one out and learn how to ride. It was so exhilarating and just seemed like a natural thing to do, no weirdness or self consciousness. Granted I am by no means thin, but post-op I just feel like an invisible cage has been lifted off of me and things I would have never done before I am now doing without hesitation. Also my mindset has changed a lot and I am not so mean to myself anymore - A weird mental thing I had was that I hated to meet with people in person. At the park playground when other parents would come talk to me I would clam up. I even hated talking on the phone with people. I would always communicate by email. It was some self esteem thing that I had. In the past few weeks though I felt that changing, I am not afraid to go up to new people and start a conversation, and I am reaching out to people as well. I used to avoid social situations, but now Im starting to let myself go and not be so controlling and restrictive. - AND I am now actively planning my wedding to my fiancee of over 3 years!! There were a lot of factors in play with this one, as I got preggo right after we got engaged and put off the wedding for a year or so, then I went into school and that put it off even more. BUT the underlying issue in all of that was that I wanted to be the beautiful blushing (thin) bride, not walk down the aisle looking (in my opinion) pudgy and awkward. I know I am being super harsh, but this is the way I felt, strongly enough that I just kept putting priorities over my wedding. I was always planning on it being low budget and intimate, so I know I could have had my wedding long ago, but I kept it on a back burner. Now planning is on full speed ahead, and even though I am still a big girl my mindset has changed a bit. Its amazing to me how much freer and full of options my life has now, as opposed to before VSG when I had more of a negative and bleak attitude. I am so so so sooooooo thankful that I had the sleeve done, it has only been a month - ONE MONTH - and changed my life in so many ways Wow.
  14. tiffnie

    Warning to new sleeves

    I am almost 5 weeks out and the same happens to me. I take small bites like Im supposed to, but I take them too quickly. I go from hungry to stuffed in literally like 5 or 6 bites, and on SEVERAL occasions I have had to run to the bathroom and throw it up, which I absolutely hate to do. And I have never ever been one of those people who threw up for anything, not the flu or while I was pregnant. Right now Im really working on slowing down my eating, but its a hard habit to break. But Im getting better at eyeballing portion sizes for my new tummy so I dont get to that stuffed point.
  15. tiffnie


    So Im wondering how everyone else is doing carb-wise. I am COMPLETELY avoiding them, somewhat reluctantly but I have always been more of a protein person so its not a huge problem. I do get carbs from the carrots etc. in my soups as well as the occasional few oz of juice so its not like Im totally carb free. But I would love to have someting to place my tuna/chicken salad on - like a Saltine or some toasted bread -- without feeling guilty. I am part Filipino and rice is SUCH a huge staple, and I am pretty much just making the "good" dishes and eating them w/o rice. And I love love sushi, but I have avoided any and all rice, as well as bread, pasta, etc. So is the the occasional carb ok? Also, when eating carbs and protein versus just protein, do you get fuller faster and/or stay full longer?
  16. tiffnie


    Thanks! You know what, I had sushi today, and I decided it was ok to sample a little rice...well I took a tiny bite and I realized I didnt even want it Wierd but totally fine with me! I think I will try the brown rice eventually, I still need to get into the groove of cooking full meals instead of just preparing bits of this and that then I will incorporate more (good) carbs into my diet along, with the Protein of course. I have been craving something saucy and cheesy, maybe I will hunt down some whole wheat pizza dough and make myself a mini pizza.
  17. tiffnie

    Chin Hair and Weight Loss?

    I have had a problem with chin hair since high school, which is when I really started gaining weight. A few months before I was sleeved my dr put me on Tri-sprintec, a type of birth control that she said would help control my high testosterone/low estrogen levels. I noticed that my chin hair started coming in a lot more slowly, but unfortunately for some reason I started to lose the hair on my head! Post op I have lost 28 lbs and the chin hair is definitely growing a lot slower, maybe half the rate as before, even though Im not on the pill anymore. The hair on my head is still thinning though, and I know it will continue for awhile :/
  18. Hello friends :) If yall have a FB then add me - facebook.com/tiffies :)

  19. tiffnie

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    HEEYY! Im so in Im in So Cal too, but wouldnt mind traveling, maybe Ill make a road trip out of it
  20. tiffnie

    Its a Wrap!

    Ohhh that sounds so delish. I do miss In n Out, to think I used to have Double-Double with fries - both Animal style :/ YIKES! The slider sounds like such a good idea, esp with the hot Cali weather coming, those would be perfect for a BBQ. Grilled chicken strips w buffalo sauce would be good protein style too. Yum.
  21. tiffnie

    Its a Wrap!

    Oooh good idea Thanks!! Im definitely gonna try that.
  22. Honestly, I dont think you need either. The only pain I experienced was from gas, and the only thing that helps that is walking I think you should add to your list basic toiletries like a mini shower gel and lotion, those made a huge difference for me after not being able to shower after 2 days. Also, I brought some knitting, my laptop for movies/wifi and a book. BUT I was in from Monday morning to Thursday so I definitely needed entertainment. Im not sure how long your stay will be.
  23. tiffnie


    THANKS for all the helpful info! Im finding now that I can actually eat meat instead of just mushies, its not too bad staying away from carbs. And now that I know that it is ok to eat the right ones in moderation, I dont feel like Im being deprived. That said, I dont know if I have room in my diet for carbs, Ive reached a kind of balance where I end up right around 60 g of Protein while keeping in the cal range I want. I think for me to give in and have a couple bites it would have to be a special occasion. (Sushi is the exception!) So Im gonna keep it mostly carb free for now. I found a recipe for a tuna melt where you just slap the tuna and some cheese on a slice of tomato then stick it in the broiler for a bit. I had that for lunch and it was yumm! Im also gonna try the tips from Tiffykins: use cucumber slices, also salami in the oven until crispy. I also remember making stuffed peppers back in the day, that would be soo good, and I think I also might be able to use big tomatoes or even maybe a small squash and stuff it with something good and healthy and bake. I might buy some low fat whole wheat Wheat Thins in case a craving hits really hard Oh BTW my stall is now at an end! Ive lost a pound a day for the past 3 days, I think mostly from cutting the excessive snacking AND increasing protein and fluids. Yay!!
  24. tiffnie

    So, how much can you eat??

    It depends on the time of day for me. In the morning I usually cant eat too much, maybe a half a scrambled egg and half slice turkey, then I come back and finish it maybe half an hour later. lunch today was 1 oz of tuna salad w 2 black olives. I usually have 2 Snacks a day, one was a Protein shake and the other was 1 oz of plain shredded chicken. dinner was 4 oz of cauliflower and chicken soup, recipe off bariatriceating.com. Question: I will sometimes set out a specified amount of food, say 2 oz of meat, and work at it over an hour or so until it is gone, considered as lunch or dinner. Technically it wont all fit in one sitting, but if I just eat what will fit (sometimes a little less than an ounce) I know Ill be hungry again in an hour or so. Is it better to just eat what I can in that specific sitting, then STOP and ride out the hunger w fluids until the next snack or meal, OR eat a reasonable amount (1-2 oz of meat, and thats it) over a timeframe? What are other people doing?
  25. tiffnie

    Whatcha eating today!!! Monday

    B: hard boiled egg w slice deli turkey S: Muscle Milk light L: Tuna w LF mayo and some black olive chopped in, maybe 2 oz S: 2 tsp SF pudding D: 4 oz Cheesy Chicken and Cauliflower Chowder (SOO GOOD, here is the link -- http://www.bariatriceating.com/BEhealthnutrition/recipes/cheesychickencauliflowerchowder.php )

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
