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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hlr7910

  1. Don't give up! I too was banded June 2011, did ok, slow prgress and then after my last fill in March 2012, I lost while on the liquids for 2 days and then nothing. I am now 4 lbs heavier than when I had my last fill.... I decided that I needed to think about how I am using the band. My band works, as I can get stuck everyday if I am not careful. But I think I am realizing that that is why I haven't lost any weight.

    I have been taking the easy way out and making poor decisions food wise. I lost my health insurance in March and haven't been back to my doctors since then either. I kinda fell off the band wagon and keep rolling down the hill til today. I have sat down and re-read my information. I have thought about my diet and the lack there of, of exercise. I have read the posts on here.

    I hope that my band is still good and that I haven't hurt myself by the poor decisions I have been making. food addiction is a hard thing to overcome because it is legal and it is EVERYWHERE. I guess we just need to learn how to move past the struggles with food one little bite at a time. Counting calories is tedious I agree but I think as an "addict" it is helpful to be mindful of what you are "using" hence journeling everything that goes into your mouth. Sit back at the end of the week and read your journel and reflect on ways you can tweak your food intake and make the band work for you!

    The band is not a miracle cure all to weight loss and you will still have daily struggles with food but you need to find ways to manage your addiction and take control. The band is a tool and a tool only... we all have to keep working hard daily to reach our goals... I am starting all over, back to the basics because I know this tool works and I know that I have the information to make it work... I just have to do the work and so do you!! It is so hard to get back on track but the only way you can do it is to just DO IT!! Track your food, measure your food, be mindful of your food and take control!! Best of luck and I hope you think about it for awhile before you plan to remove it...

  2. Hi all I was banded a year ago... I initially did great but am afraid I have fallen from the band wagon... I have gained 10 lbs over the summer. I have a demanding job and feel like I just dont have time for me... How do I get back on track and help the scale go down again? I am happy I had the band done just frustrated that I am not using it properly!! Any advise on getting back on track? I would appreciate any feedback, butt kicking, inspiration as I am feeling lost... I have had 3 fills total and honestly thought after my last fill I may have been too tight leading to poor slider food choices but now I just don't know why I can't get on track... I even tried the 5 day pouch test... please help...

  3. Thanks... I am going to try the 5 day pouch test and start all over... starting tomorrow... today will watch what I do but tomorrow is a new day...

    agree with Brenda. It is so easy to get off of track, it is the bad habits that got us to where we were. but that does not define you at all. i get off track too, but pick myself back up and get back on track. you would not be human if you fell off the wagon :)

    you can do this!

  4. Hi all,

    I have been struggling for the past 3 weeks. I have been making poor choices and seems as if I am letting my old self back in. I DO NOT want this to happen... I need to get back on track... I need to find it within me again as I am too newly banded to be self destructing already... Any tips on getting back on track before I do some damage to my band...


  5. so this feeling went away after I ate my oatmeal... I guess I will just monitor it and take it from there.

    Although we all could tell you what it possibly could be I think these questions are for your doctor. You are not guaranteed to get a proper answer here but only opinions of what it could be. If you are having pressure or discomfort you should call your doctor.

  6. Hi all,

    I was banded 6/23/11. I just got my first fill friday 9/9/11. I have lost 28 lbs so far. Since my fill I am not having any trouble eating, I feel like nothing is getting stuck as ppl say, not having the sliming or pb but I do have a constant knot feeling in my throat. Even hours after I eat. Now the PA told me I could have pressure in my esophogus so I am assuming that this feeling is totally normal. I am not having any pain or trouble otherwise just this annoying feeling like something is in my throat. Did liquids friday, and saturday and today am on softs. Am totally not hungry which is good because I was starving prior to the feel. I am having trouble getting Protein in today just because I have been a little worried about eating. Working night shift this week so when I got up around 330 pm I had pureed turkey 1/4 cup and 1/4 c of mashed potatoes. the turkey was moist and I took small bites and chewed. No problems other than this feeling. It is now 2 am and I am still not hungry but know I have to eat so I am going to make oatmeal with added protein powder... Is this feeling I am having normal and will it always be there or is it because I am still "healing" from the fill? I have a realize band and she said she put in 5 cc because the line wasn't primed... Just curious thanks for you help.

  7. hi there! I am post banded June 23rd. I work in the ER and was of for 4 weeks. I could have come back about 3 weeks out but I took the extra week because we only have 2 nurses in my er and I didn't want to hurt myself lifting. The whole thing has gone well for me so far I have lost 25 lbs in the first 2 months. I haven't had to have a fill yet either. My next appt is on Sept 9th so I will see if I get a fill then. I think I may need a little bit but not too much. Good luck to you!!


    Iam stuck too! It does get a bit discouraging, but I keep at it! I keep going up and down the same 2 lbs. And have only lost 20 lbs not including preop diet. I do myfitness.com, I eat between 900 cal-1100 cal a day, walk daily and eat my Protein. Not sure, what's going on. I need to find something to help me lose more. My goal is 10 lbs a month, but this month it is not happening. Next week, my kids are back at school and I am going to hit the gym. I am going to try to think positive and not give up! Good luck to you all and please let us know how ur progress goes.

  9. aww thanks!!!

    Hey Heidi,

    The band means giving up control in order to get control. Congratulations on your weight loss. Naturally, there will be days without loss - this is not as simple as opening the plug in the bathtub and watching all the Water drain out. :) The band definitely "save[d] my life and help[ed] me to be the healthier person i want to be," and I know that if I could do it, so can you.

    Being emotionally wrought from time to time is only natural. You have embarked on a major life change, one which affects your self image, your behavior, your relationships and your appearance, among others. Celebrate yourself for doing what you have done, and know that today is not only a new day but a better one because of the step you've taken. Good luck!

  10. Shirley,

    I take the Centrum Complete chewable adult Vitamins 2 a day as ordered...

    thanks for your feedback :)


    It didn't take you long to figure this whole thing out at all. So I have a feeling that you are going to go far, as long as you understand that this band is a one day at a time tool.

    Some days I can eat, and some i can't ! on those can't days,,,, I just thin out my shakes, so it's a little easier going down.

    You will get to the point where you can get it what is required of you, but don't push it... You will get there...

    The up and down thing. I am not sure if you are speaking about the HORMORNAL factor it Obesity bothering you (CAUSE IT CAN) or if your just tired or beat feeling.

    If that's it are you on any chewable vitamins?

    We were all put on FLINTSTONES COMPLETE with CHOLINE. I chew 4 a day and it keeps me rolling. Just like Gas in the Tank ! I'm ready for anything.

    You might want to keep that in mind. But it must be the COMPLETE or they won't work. Also off brands just don't have the kick that these do. Keep that in mind.

    I buy them when there on sale BOGO, plus take in a coupon from there website, and save a Dollar or 2.

    Good Health to you, Shirley.

  11. So today starts a new day and I have been having a hard time getting my Proteins in. SO this am I had blueberry oatmeal for Breakfast and I added a tablespoon of unflavored Protein Powder and 1/2 c skim milk to it and it was tolerable. Maybe this will help me reach my Protein needs. Since being banded on 6/23 I have lost 21 lbs which is an average of 3 lbs a week although I have had weeks of no loss at all. I have been researching ways to have a high protein diet that is doable in the portions that I am able to take in. I am supposed to be eating 3-4 ounces of protein 2 meals a day but am not successful yet. I am only able to eat about 2 ounces. I am not complaining because I have not had a fill yet and am 7 weeks out and not feeling hungry like most that I read on here so for that I am grateful but I think that my progress would be better if I could manage to get my protein numbers up. I am going to start blogging because I think it will help me with the feelings that I am having and not able to understand yet. Somedays I feel good, someday worn down, and somedays just plain old frustrated but I am learning to take it one day at a time which is necessary through this journey I guess... patience and one day at a time. I think this band is going to be the tool I needed and I think it is going to save my life and help me to be the healthier person i want to be. Yesterday I was overwhelmed with emotions and I cried for a little bit when talking to my partner about things I was feeling. But today I feel better so maybe I just needed to get those feelings off my chest... today is a new day and tomorrow will be too so hope I am able to make the most of all of it... have a great day every one and lose a little of yourselves today :)

  12. I was banded 6/23/11. I know that losing what I have lost since the surgery is good and personally I was pleased with it but when I went for my first fill on 8/5 she scolded me that I had only lost 4 lbs since my post op appt. OK only 4 lbs in 4 weeks but 13 lbs in the previous 2 weeks. They didn't weigh me preop but I weighed myself the morning of surgery. She made me feel kind of crappy because I thought I was doing good and although she wasn't pleased with my progress she didn't give me a fill. I honestly don't think that I need a fill at this time. I am hardly ever hungry and when it does hit it is mild. So I guess I am one of the lucky ones so far I just hope I meet the goal she set for me for my next appointment so I can leave there feeling positive and like I maybe doing this somewhat right. Last night I cried to my partner just out of frustration because I feel lost as to what I need to be doing to get it going but I think I am doing good... I have totally changed my eating habits...

    I wish they would give more detailed meal plans some sample menus etc... Thanks for replying this place is great because I don't feel like I am all alone through this process...


    You didn't say what your surgery date is in June - I was banded 6/21 and have been struggling to loose too. I've had 2 fills and now have 6cc in an 11cc band. I can feel a small amount of restriction which is helping the feelings of hunger, but my weight loss has been s.l.o.w! I've lost 21lbs since the surgery, most lost the 1st week. But my doc is not unhappy with my progress. I have an appointment the end of the month for another fill so I'm hoping I hit my sweet spot then. I've been trying to keep my fluids up and plenty of Protein (60 gms) both with meats and Protein drinks. I think I just need to be sure to keep my calories up to 1000 - 12000 and just be patient... sigh.

    I need to get more exercise, and while my knees have been improving so my walking is increasing, I still have arthritis pain that restricts how much I can do. With time, that will improve too.

    I'm older so I suspect my age has something to do with it too. I have to recognize I have lost weight and while it's slow, I'm getting there one day at a time!

    Maybe we just need to do the right things and just be patient with ourselves!


  13. I read all your post and find some peace... I have been eating my 3 meals a day, Proteins and produce. I do not drink my calories but I do not feel like I am getting anywhere. My weight loss has staled, I exercise frequently. My doc didn't feel me still which is fine because for the most part I am not hungry. Some days I have trouble getting my Protein and somedays my calories in general. How do I get back on the losing side of this... I feel like it is never gonna get going... I have lost 18 lbs since my surgery in june but my doc said she expects me to lose 8 lbs by my next appt in sept and the scale isn't moving...

  14. So I went to my second post op visit friday. She lectured me telling me that I only lost 4 lbs since my last appointment. They never weighed me pre-op so she doesn't have it recorded that I lost 17 lbs the first month... she said that 1 lb a week isn't where I should be and that I need to lose 8 lbs by my next appt on 9/9. She said I am not eating enough Proteins. I did correct her and told her that I did lose 17 lbs since the day of my surgery... But she decided not to give me a fill... If I am doing so poorly and she wasn't happy with my progres why would she not give me a fill? I am a lil fustrated... I am not losing anything but I am not overeating... just not sure what is going on or how to step it up...

  15. I don't understand what you all mean by restriction... does that mean you feel full? I haven't had my first fill yet (next week on the 5th) but rarely am I hungry... My belly growls on occasion but most of the time I eat my 3 meals because my family are eating the meals. I measure it out and am eating between 1/2 cup and 1 1/4 cup of food. I never feel full but am satisfied. I have been on solid normal foods since friday and haven't had any problems sometimes I worry that I am stretching my pouch because I am eating when I am not hungry... I have trouble getting in all my Proteins because I just don't want/feel like eating. I try to be strict with eating my 3 meals and I always eat the Protein first but don't think I am getting enough. For snack if I feel I must eat I have been eating those cottage doubles which are 100 calories and 8 gm of protein still have to have Protein Shakes which my surgeon said that at this stage I should be getting my protein from my food... I dunno I feel confused at times as whether I am doing this right.

  16. hello from PA I was banded June 23rd and am down 16 lbs so far. I get my first fill next friday for 5 cc's. I have the 11 cc Realize band. I have been doing good so far starting to notice a difference in my sizes. I am pleased with the 16 lb loss in a month. My soreness from the surgery has finally left. I was incredibly sore at the port site but that is gone now. Looking forward to learning about you all and following this journey with you!

  17. I am on a pureed diet for a few more days the only thing I have been grinding is chicken everything else just mashed... example of what I eat... today I had 1/4 c oatmeal and 1/4 cup of scrambled eggs for breakfast... lunch was stuffed zucchini with ground chicken and sauce baked in the oven had this smashed up 1/2 cup and for dinner will have 1/4 c of fish and 1/4 c of carrots...

    still eating popcicles as Snacks to help get in my fluids... am doing a little better drinking the Fluid but still not getting the 60 ounces every day... and I am lacking on my Protein shakes... so this is what I am going to have to work on...

    hello i was also banded in june on the 22nd.it is so hard getting 64oz's of Fluid in each day but i do try.i go for my first fill on aug.5th.im so ready.what are you ladies eating on a daily basis :unsure:

  18. I went for my post op visit on friday the 8th all is well and advanced to pureed foods yay... I am not sure if my band is sewn in or not... I know I have the Realize band though. Have lost 12 lbs so far am pleased with that. I go back August 5th for my first fill which they said will be 5 ccs... Do you wanna be my buddy since we are banded same day :)

    Banded on the same day, too! :)

    Doctor says that in the stage we are right now, it is more important to HEAL from the surgery than to concentrate on losing weight. Was your band sewn in? That takes time to heal, too.

    Crystal Light is my friend for sure!!! Keep one of your 64 ounce juice bottles to make your Crystal Light in. That way, once you have finished that bottle, you have done a good job at getting your Water down. Fill it up again for the next day.

    I'm not feeling any restriction like I did the first week. Dr. says that is good because it means the swelling is going down and I am healing. Wooo Hooo! Can't wait till my post op visit on Monday to see if I have lost anything since Surgery.

    We need to start a JUNE 23RD Banded group! but I'm not sure how to do that. Anyone know how???

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