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Sarah E. S.

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Sarah E. S.

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 02/10/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm 23, married, 1 step son, 1 puppy, HAPPY
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Video games, Swimming, Quilting, Blogging, and now Vlogging
  • Occupation
    Game Master for Blizzard Entertainment
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  1. So my Dr works closely with you during the 6 month weight loss diet plan presurgery. We set a goal for me to lose 16 pounds between now and surgery ( My personal goal is 25) however, I've already lost 9 of those and I'm only in month two ( WOOT WOOT). Anyone else know if you lose more than you are required if that will mess up the approval process? I know that the more I lose before surgery the better the results after surgery, but I worry still, that I won't be approved.
  2. 101.4 pounds down!!

  3. Sarah E. S.

    I've been sleved!

    You are doing amazing! <3
  4. oh goodness I know exactly how you feel, even though I have lost so much, I still look very much larger than I feel. I feel like a size 14, I AM a size 22, and when I catch site of myself in the mirror on a bad day, it can be a little depressing, but you know what? That's ok! It's good to take that and make it into more fuel! <3 You really look as good as you feel you look, you can be 400 pounds, but if you have confidence, you and others won't see you that way! I hear all the time, when I tell people my weight " My GOD! You never looked that heavy to me! Where were you hiding it?!?!" lol <3
  5. Sarah E. S.

    Feelings of Loss

    You know, they will love you just as much! And you may inspire them to all be healthier with you! So proud of you!!!
  6. Thanks! I will definitely try to be more positive on that note, but I have not gotten discouraged, even though I still have about 150 pounds to go, I am ready and willing to take that on! The small goals I set for myself help a lot as well My dr only wanted me to lose 16 pounds before my surgery, ( I have to wait 6 months because of my insurance) And I have already lost 9 of those pounds 6 weeks in to my 6 month program LOL! I have no doubt I will we well below the goal we set by the time I go in for surgery, and because I am so committed, I ahve no doubt I will get to my goal, I was told to only expect to get down to 170, but I know that since I am determined, I can get to my personal goal which is 35 pounds below my dr's goal.
  7. So yall recently I finally got under 300 pounds, this has been a now 21 month journey, I started at 397, and am now 295.4 ( Yep I count the ounces too because those really add up ) I cannot even express how excited and happy I am!! I was between 307-311 for months, and then about 6 weeks ago I stepped on the scale and it was 299, then it was 27, and now it's 295.4!!!! I know that I still have a long way to go ( Over 100 pounds still *sigh*) But see the scale continue to go down is so inspirational! I am really and truly excited about this! The surgery I will be having in a few months will only help. Something I hear a lot from people who just don't know, is that Surgery is teh easy way out, I disagree, the surgery is a TOOL, without it, you can still lose, but maybe not as much, maybe not fast enough for you to feel like anything is even happening, but it's definitely not the easy way out! So much work goes into preparing for the surgery, and actually getting it takes time and recovery is painful, and UPKEEP goodness gracious, you have to be truly COMMITTED to losing this weight, you have to change your whole life, eat what's good for you, Cheating is something you can only do rarely, and even then, you can't cheat much, because your tummy just isn't the size it used to be! But yall I"m committed, I'm going to make it work, and I'm going to make it stick, I'm going to lose all this weight, and I'm going to keep it off, and my profile picture will soon feature me as I see me, Thin, Beautiful, Ready to take on life in all it's glory! I hope I can inspire anyone who is worried about what others think, because I have lost 101.4 pounds in 21 months without surgery, I KNOW how hard you all have worked, because I have worked just as hard! I'm proud of you all, and I'm proud of me, and I can't wait to get to my goals! I have set a mini goal to be 289 ( At least) By December 16th, and I think I can really do it! I went and tried on that dress I posted about last time again, and I will have to actually take it in to wear it to my job's Christmas party, I can't go a size down yet, because my hips are still a size 22, but my waist has gotten so much smaller.... This week has been marked by both Scale and Non-Scale victories, and I couldn't be happier! Thanks for the read! <3 Sarah
  8. Sarah E. S.

    A My Fitness Pal Testimonial

    I SO AGREE!! I adore MyFitnesspal! It inspires me to not cheat, and when I do cheat I still don't feel too bad, because I am almost always under my calorie goal with nutrient rich foods, my favorite part about the whole thing is that it tells you your nutritional information as well! So you know what you've eaten and how much of it you've eaten. I Also really like the label scanner, though since I started using it I have been making more of my food at home, because it's healthier, and usually has less fat. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Sarah E. S.

    Ashamed of WLS?

    This touched me, thanks for sharing iegal <3
  10. Sarah E. S.

    Ashamed of WLS?

    Oh I understand that! I have had mixed responses for my decision, some are scared for me, and some think it's laziness, and some think it's wonderful, I just have to do what I think is right for me, because in the end, I am the one who has to live in this body for the res of my life, not them. You can do it girl!! <3
  11. Hahhaha!! I've been on my preop diet for on month, they have me on 1500 calories aday, no sodas, no juice, and I had to cut waaaaaaaaaaay back on my sweets and carbs! I have, and I am finally below 300! I am at last weigh in 297!! that puts me at 4 pounds lost since I went to my first appointment, and the Dr only wants me to lose another 12 before surgery, surgery will be sometime in march because I have to have the 6 months preop due to my insurance, but this is so exciting! Now I haven't lost any weight in the last 2 weeks, but I did have a rather huge non scale victory, I went shopping for my company holiday party, as it's black tie, I needed a nice dress, every 24 I tried on was too big, and only one 22 fit right ( 20's are still to small) But I was so excited! Luckily for me the 22 that fit just right was my favorite lol. Thanks for the read!! <3 <3 <3
  12. You tell em! No joke, you deserve to live your live the way you want to live your life! I'm proud of you, and I totally 100% support you! <3
  13. Thanks so much! :) I appreciate the feed back! <3

  14. I TOTALLY feel you , I made the decision and now have to do the 6 months of hoop jumping LOL it's all I think about, talk about, plan for.... I am seriously obsessed. I have these serious in depth conversations with people about the merits of this surgery over all the others, and I vlog about my journey ( Even though it's JUST beginning) It's just everything to me at the moment, I know it's right

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