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Amanda 3.0

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amanda 3.0

  1. Amanda 3.0

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I agree that the post seemed to be targeted to newly post-op folks. I have seen several posts lately, and I am pretty new to the board . And, I haven't heard of any bariatric surgeons directing patients that they can never eat a food again. So, the posts about popcorn, burgers, chips, whatever in the week or two after surgery are doubly disturbing because no one has ever said these foods are forever off limits. I just think maybe some people could have done more work on compulsions pre-operatively. This is not their fault, IMO, but perhaps they needed more pre-op preparation. One things that really boggles my mind is that people are having this surgery and then saying they cannot tolerate Protein supplements after they are already into the process. I couldn't get a letter of recommendation from the nutritionist until I had not only bought protein supplements, but had actually tried them. I really feel that some people are not being prepared. And that hurts me because we have all had enough hardship already, leading up to this surgery. I also agree that the variety of post-surgical dietary instructions is mind-boggling, and the same goes for the pre-surgical requirements. I still believe that we should go with the requirements of our surgeon, as he or she is who we will ultimately answer to, and complain about, if things go wrong. We select a surgeon for various reasons, maybe a PCP recommendation, or because of feedback on a forum or an internet search, and at the end of it all, we have to look that surgeon in the face if things go wrong. If my surgeon says "no oatmeal", I am not going to go against him just because I find information on the internet to the contrary. I signed up for his expertise and success rate, I am going to play by his rules. You mention forgetting to take a dose of medicine, and is that cheating? No, because that is likely unintentional ommission rather than avoidance. I would compare eating chips, burgers or pizza the week after surgery to consciously taking two doses of medicine, because it feels good. And if the doctor gave a dosing chart that was disobeyed, then yes, that would be cheating. I'm not saying I have never cheated. Taking an extra bite or two, I would not call cheating. Eating something and not counting the Weight Watchers points at all because I was ashamed, or I blew it, was cheating (and yes I sure did that). I also like thinking as well, so thanks to you too!
  2. Amanda 3.0

    Someone Explain This To Me..

    A little more about my drain: When they removed it on day three before I left the hospital, they left the hole to heal by itself. No sutures, surgical glue, etc. It heals from the inside out, I guess is the way it was explained. If there is any infection, it will drain there. I was able to shower, wash it, etc. and I was instructed not to put anything like Neosporin on it. Just let it be. It was really easy. So, it was the last wound to close up all the way. I think my little scab fell off just over a week ago (I am almost five weeks post-surgery).
  3. Amanda 3.0

    Someone Explain This To Me..

    My doctor does insert a drain. It collects all the fluids and, via suction action, the fluids are collected in a plastic bulb that is outside your body. When the drain is emptied, the Fluid quantity is measured. I had two drains when I had my breast reduction, and I think those were in over a week and I had to measure and empty them myself at home. It was not uncomfortable, but a small pain to deal with. My surgeon does insert a drain, but if there is no problem it is removed before leaving the hospital. I wouldn't worry about it if your surgeon does insert a drain.
  4. That's funny! My surgery was 12/20 and just today I went over to say hello to a friend who works at the best pizza place in the world! It smelled so good. I am not able to eat solids yet, so I just went in and visited while she was eating her pizza. Later this week I am allowed to try solids and at that time I might try a small tidbit of their pizza. Not sure though, as it seems like it would be too filling. I'm wearing my size 16 jeans but they are too big. LOL - bought them in an optimistic moment when I was bigger. I had no idea that they would only fit for two weeks.
  5. Amanda 3.0

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I do like your post, but would like to add that many of us got to where we were pre-surgery by living in denial, and thinking that a little of this or that doesn't really matter. And, many of us have been encouraged to live in denial by loved ones who tell us that we can have "just a little bit", or "you're not fat". And, I see people posting on the internet who get upset if someone has the gall to disagree with something they've done. Like they only want to read "That's okay", "You'll be fine." Anyone who replies differently is considered unsupportive. We just had the majority of a major organ cut off, and unfortunately, we still need to use it while it recovers. If the doctor says to eat a certain type of food, we should be doing just that. To do anything else is to be out of control just like how we got this way in the first place. So, I do think we can be supportive, yet blunt. Sometimes blunt is needed. I, for one, am not offended by blunt. Bring on the blunt!
  6. Another idea is to try goat milk. It is very good for you and easy to digest. Only downfall: pricy. I prefer goat milk products to cow.
  7. What does that mean? The current stomach is too big? What a disappointment this must be.
  8. My surgery was on 12/20/2011 so I am 4-1/2 weeks out. I decided to take a little impromptu road trip to our little vacation house in the desert. It is an eight hour drive. I packed a few Protein drinks and PowerAdes for the road, and set off with my coffee with Muscle Milk in hand. The first thing that I noticed was how little food I packed. ONE can of refried Beans, ONE can of Soup, ONE banana, a tiny portion of homemade black bean soup and a small container of homemade vegetable curry. Instead of my usual rolling cooler, I had one mini-cooler with a few items in it. Plus, of course, my protein powders and shakes. It took such a short while to unload the car this time. I like it! And, I'm pretty sure I overpacked. Also, I felt very alert on the entire drive. This was such a nice change from the drowzy spells I usually get! Nice energy. I did stop for some baby food bananas as I am in a remote location and don't want to have problems with my potassium. I was thinking about an upcoming flight. Has anyone been able to take premade protein on a flight, like the Premier Protein cartons? Or are we stuck with taking powders and buying something to mix them in at the airport? Even a three hour flight can be over five hours in the secure airport area. How have you handled travel?
  9. I am going to check into this as the TSA does allow liquid foods to be brought on for infants. What is the difference? And, you're right - the TSA will be hit or miss.
  10. Amanda 3.0

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I understood the "cheating" concern to be for the people who are still on a post- (or even a pre-) surgical diet. Like eating solid foods or junk foods when they've been given a list of specific foods. Usually, because they just couldn't help it. That worries the heck out of me! Like if on a liquid diet, that means no cake or popcorn. Or anything else, that if confessed to the doctor, would result in a good finger-wagging!
  11. Thanks, massindex. I'm not going to be at the Protein bar stage by then, and I don't really like the bars that much anyway. Looks like I'll be packing some powders. If I buy the Crystal Light individual packs, I can add my strawberry sorbet unjury to that, just pack my shaker cups and buy a Water at the airport. It really irks me to be a captive in the airport. There is so much unhealthy food, and everything is overpriced.
  12. Amanda 3.0

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    No, my husband's company is self-insured so the requirements were specific to his employer. None of the health care providers I dealt with had ever heard of the hoops I had to go through! ETA: At first I was irritated by all the requirements, but now I am glad. I feel like I was very well prepped and have had very few surprises. I feel very well cared for.
  13. Thanks Lissa! I stopped to buy gas and use the restroom once, and then to pick up the baby food and use restroom. I tried to exercise my legs as much as possible in the car (automatic with cruise control on, so no feet needed to drive). I don't have blood clot issues to my knowledge, but I did worry about it and did what I could while making good time. I can't see well at night so I wanted to get to my destination before dark, so I didn't want to stop much. I hope the TSA will let me take packaged Protein on the flight. I guess I could get a note from the doctor or show them my scars. Other than that, I guess just chug one before going through security and hit up a store as soon as we get the rental car. But that could be many hours. :nonod:
  14. Amanda 3.0

    "cheating" (A Concern)

    I am at 4-1/2 weeks, and I don't think the post-op diet is too bad. So, I won't say it sucks for me. I do feel upset when people post that they are cheating with food, or if they want to do something else their doctor has said not to do, like smoking or drinking. Perhaps some people did not have the same preparation as many of us did. I had six months of diet doctor, nutritionist, counselor, psychiatrist, blood tests to prove no smoking, etc. I was told that bad reactions like throwing up too much could kill me. The big thing I think I am reading is that some people have not dealt with their emotional eating. And, as a (hopefully) former emotional eater, I know how destructive and overwhelming that habit can be. And, I don't know if I will be hit with the emotional eating again, but for now I am very obedient! So I too worry when I read of people "cheating", but I am not condemning. If we were all capable of impeccable willpower, we wouldn't be on this board talking about how we are coping with having ~75% of a major organ removed.
  15. For me, I wish I hadn't bought so many supplies before the surgery. I am so tired of looking at the huge Protein product stash I've purchased. I have a whole shelf on my pantry with premade protein products and powders, Jello, and baby food (until I took all the baby food to the local food pantry). I guess I was afraid that I wouldn't feel well enough to go shopping, and I didn't want to be a burden to my husband if I could prepare in advance. That turned out to be far from the case. I wish I had bought stuff in moderation, maybe some small sizes, instead of getting multiple huge tubs of stuff at the warehouse clubs. What about you?
  16. Exactly what happy1957 said! I have a Mr. Coffee mug warmer from Amazon, and I bought a supply of six small glass bowls at a restaurant supply. They fit fine and keep the food hot.
  17. Amanda 3.0

    Urgent - Advice Needed Please

    I agree with the others. You need to be able to concentrate 100% on you following the surgery. I am sorry you are going through this!
  18. Amanda 3.0

    Replying To Posts

    How does using the quote feature make another's post seem more important? It clarifies the exact thought that is being referenced. It makes for more clarity. If you don't like it, don't use it. Or perhaps ask what it is for instead of incorrectly assuming?
  19. Your post makes complete sense. My experience is a lot like yours. Everyone wants to get together and eat or drink. It takes a real change of mindset to stop concentrating on eating. Maybe you could get the mommy's to go to chik-fil-a, where there are better options. If I had to eat fast food, that is where I would go. At least they have soup and chicken salad. I haven't been losing that fast either. I'm okay with it because I know it will happen. There is no way it can't. Hang in there!
  20. This is a completely valid answer, of course. I am in a similar situation being just one month out. I have gone out to eat and barely picked at a bowl of Soup or similar, but I did expect that and I did feel warned. I can relate to andersonlj in that I also check out menus before going out and "pre-plan". So many fast food places simply don't have an option for us. Also, like andersonlj, too many of my activities revolved around food. That is how I socialized. I do hope things get better for you in time, it is definitely a huge life changer!
  21. McKinney here, my surgery was 12/20/2011.
  22. Amanda 3.0

    Sleeve Size

    I asked my surgeon at a follow-up appointment what size bougie he used. I believe he said 38fr. I meant to look up what that meant and then promptly forgot.
  23. Amanda 3.0

    How's Your Energy Levels?

    I'm okay most days. Like you, some days I drag. I also had the great fortune to get a respiratory infection a few weeks after surgery. Bah. But I have energy most days and sleep well most nights.
  24. Crystal Light has worked for me. Yes, full of artificial sweeteners, but I do find it refreshing. I also add to the Crystal Light a scoop (or half) of the Unjury strawberry sorbet flavor if I need to get some protein in.
  25. Come to think of it, I am going on a trip next week so I will be taking some of this stash away with me. That's a relief! Oh, exercise! I was back at it almost right away. Especially since I had the post-surgical gas shoulder pain for over a week! I was on my elliptical just a few days after surgery (with surgeon's blessing). But it was just for 15 - 20 minutes. Now I am back to 30 minutes of more intense. But right after, I would do anything to get rid of that miserable shoulder pain. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I don't think I could do a bootcamp yet. Eek!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
