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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thatgirl

  1. thatgirl

    Banded today! (1/31)

    :update: :update: :update: I am alive.... I think:nervous I finally turned a corner today. I was not that nervous about surgery- I have had 9 laproscopies before (for endometriosis) so I was prepared for some gas and misery but I think the difference this time was 5 incisions instead of the 2 I am used to. I dunno, maybe that was it?! It's Tuesday evening and I am feeling alright. Sore at the incision sites (especially the port site but the one on the left above my belly button is almost as bad) but doing better. I am drinking as much Water as I can stand and trying to juggle slimfasts, baby juices (gerber ones- they have an apple prune that is pretty tasty and helps keep things moving, so to speak) and broth sometimes. I also drink some soy milk and almond milk here and there. I have not been counting how many calories or whatever, there is no way I could get down enough to be a good amount yet- right now I am just trying to heal... heal slowly and take care of me. I am using Source of Life liquid Vitamins, which I like pretty well. Tomorrow I go back to the office to try to work for at least a few hours. I feel good about that, yesterday I thought I was going to be home all week. I hope the rest of you week old bandsters are doing well- I think of you all often. I have spent a fair amount of time giggling at my heating pad (I labored over which one to get and got a big fancy one and haven't used it once!!!) I tried but it made me hurt :straight so I put it away.
  2. thatgirl

    Banding 1/30

    Here I am- well, I turned a corner for the worse last week. I was banded Wed, felt awesome. felt a little worse Thurs and even worse Friday and stayed that way until today. In fact, yesterday I thought "do I regret this??". I just felt too crummy to even get to the computer- too sore, tired, in pain, nauseas. I had medicine for it all but the less pain I had the sicker I felt, the sicker I felt the more pain, etc. the gas wasn't too bad, I had those melt in your mouth Gas thingies and I took them faithfully every 3-4 hours for the first 4 days and I really think that helped. Today I feel a bit better. Sore, and stuff (oh and tired of liquids- my family ate pizza yesterday and I felt like a wearwolf, my sense of smell was so heightened:heh: ) but I really do feel better. tomorrow I head back to work at least for a few hours...
  3. thatgirl

    Banded today! (1/31)

    I know how you feel- I was SO excited when I got going... I had my consultation and surgery 2 weeks later. I would have had surgery the next day if they had an opening. I made a word document shopping list and am editing it as I recover so I know what works, what doesn't. etc so be sure to PM me when you get your surgery date so I can send it to you if you want. we'll be the Banded lLorelei's (using traditional spelling- mine isn't spelled traditionally either!). I think it is so cute that is your nickname. that is my mom's first name (spelled as mine is, Loreli).
  4. thatgirl

    January Bandsters???

    I know exactly how you feel- I loved getting in a last meal. yours was much better than mine but still... it felt important to me :rose:
  5. thatgirl

    January Bandsters???

    I know exactly how you feel- I loved getting in a last meal. yours was much better than mine but still... it felt important to me :rose:
  6. thatgirl

    January Bandsters???

    I know exactly how you feel- I loved getting in a last meal. yours was much better than mine but still... it felt important to me :rose:
  7. thatgirl

    Banded today! (1/31)

    :update: :violin: wow- did I turn a corner for the worse last night. I woke up and apparently the pain meds had worn off. I got up to use the bathroom and could barely walk it hurt so bad. then when I got back into bed I was just shaking with pain. the gas has me feeling like a hot air balloon. :rose: this part sucks! I have been taking ibuprofin and my pain meds, soon I should have my medication back up to where I am a bit more comfortable and tonight I am going to set the alarm and get up every 4 hours to take my medications so I don't have to feel like that again. I am much less mobile today, and the incision sites are sore:eek: sore:eek: sore:eek: but I am not as bad as I could be.
  8. thatgirl

    Banded today! (1/31)

    that is good to know, thanks. I am currently taking Advil . by the way, I hope you are joining us soon too:) hey- my middle name is Loreli (as in the german mermaid, pronounced like the gal from Gilmore Girls...) is that how your is pronounced?
  9. thatgirl

    going nuts on liquid diet.

    I agree- kudos to you for following the liquid diet- 20 pounds is awesome and although I know you don't need a band to lose on a liquid diet, if you are like me then we wouldn't choose to or stick to a liquid diet if not for recent surgery :rose: . Anyhow, I know it must be discouraging but if it is any comfort- I am totally inspired to hear that you are following it, it lets me know I can do it too (follow exactly what they told me). great job and hang in there. maybe cruise the threads here and look for some more interesting stuff to drink... I got tiny bottles of gerber baby juices in banana apple and they are awesome. not sugar free, but 100% juice and the banana makes them seem a bit filling
  10. thatgirl

    I'm APPROVED!!!

    hooray! Congrat's!!!!
  11. thatgirl

    Banding 1/30

    ooooooo- I hope you are all okay. I go in tomorrow... I bet you are just wiped out tired. get rest, I will be online as soon as I get the energy.
  12. what's your fave? what works best? I am getting banded tomorrow but have had laproscopies before- I haaaaate the gas.
  13. thatgirl


    I will definitely be online just as soon as I can type
  14. sorry to rant, but I thought my insurance had approved my surgery (so said my surgeon's office) but it turns out that someone at my surgeon's office had accidentally checked the 'insurance approved' box so I was given wrong information. So I have a surgery date of Wed (yes, as in day after tomorrow) but am still waiting for the 'nurse' at my insurance company to finish reviewing the case and to let me know if I am approved. I am super scared they are going to reject me. :cry So here I am with the time taken off work for this week, a fridge full of liquids and Vitamins and heating pads (okay, those aren't in the fridge!) all ready to go and now I might not get to. any advice? I guess I just sit here and freak out and wait.:cry
  15. thanks- I got the melt in your mouth strips and I am ready. fingers crossed, toes crossed...
  16. this made me laugh SO loud (the magic words part) and I am at work!!!
  17. what's this for? I read all of this at my surgeon's....
  18. thatgirl


    WOOOO HOOOOOOO!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I got the call- they approved. whew! that was down to the wire, considering I check in for surgery at 6 am! thanks so much to everyone for the well wishes, prayers and crossed fingers and toes. I am ready, picking up my last couple items at the store on my way home and going home to put away the mountain of laundry so I don't have to look at it while I recover (hubby is doing his and the kids, I just have to put away mine). hooray! I will be backonline later tonight for some last minute chatting
  19. thatgirl


    thank you so much, Kat. I am just heartbroken because I am so ready. worst case scenario, I can push out my time off by a week or two (not without making my work a total disaster since I rebooked things and moved all my deadlines) but it can be done. I am scared they are going to deny me altogether. I wish I had done that sleep apnea test, I didn't do it (they didn't think it was going to be neccesary as I have outrageous high blood pressure and such) but now I wish I had, thinking it might have helped. If they decline me now I am sure I will have to go do that. thanks for the prayers, I will let you all know as soon as I hear tomorrow.
  20. Hi, I'm Susan (37 years old) and I am getting banded on 1/31 (one week from tomorrow). I can't wait. I have a BMI of 35 and 80 pounds to lose. I know that isn't as much as some people, but I admire every pound anyone can take off. I worked hard to earn the extra weight- lots of overeating and sitting. I do have thyroid issues and had a hysterectomy when I was 30 but honestly, it is my eating habits (volume volume volume) and laaaaccckkkk of exercise that got me here. But, I am so thrilled to be getting a Lap Band, this little tool is going to be the key to my success. I have tried everything out there. I am excited, and reading everything I can get my hands on... but nervous also....
  21. okay- so I posted this as a thread to see if anyone has advice... my surgeon's office made a mistake and I was not approved. so we are rushing to get in all the info that the insurance wants to get me approved (with surgery scheduled for day after tomorrow). I hope I can still get it - now I am even more stressed out... trying to prepare for surgery that may not happen. :cry
  22. thatgirl

    Banding 1/30

    good luck everyone, can't wait to hear how you are doing tomorrow. hang in there and remember how worth it this will be. oh, and remember that every day after surgery you will feel better- so if you feel a little crummy, just hang on until the next day!
  23. thatgirl

    Chest Pains?! Help:(

    I have not been banded but have had laproscopis and dealt with the gas- I have had those chest pains, they are terrible. I hated those- they feel so crushing. And it is hard to want to get up but the more I got up and walked the better they got. Not very reassuring, huh? (when I hurt all I want to do is lay still, and people were trying to talk me into walking!). get some gas medicine, and walk when you can and know that every day they will get better and better. just pretend that weight on your chest is a big pile of clothes that are too big for you now!
  24. my surgeon reccomended their person but I said no because it was $200 out of pocket and I could find a provider within my insurance policy. I would ask the office manager or insurance coordinator if you can use your own mental health professional who treats you- explain that you are more comfortable with it.
  25. welcome back and nice to meet you! I think you should be proud- you got lots of weight off (and are still 20 pounds lighter) and have succeeded in the past with your band when it was properly filled. You are going to be back on your way in no time, and with a sweet baby as well!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
