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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 5McK

  1. I received a medical loan through Care Credit for my $14,600 bill. It is 0% interest for one year. Worth looking into if you can make the payments to pay it off in a year.

    I have noticed a significant drop in our grocery bill since I started this journey and while I won't save $14K the first year there alone, I know that over time it will be much, much larger! Plus, all my co-morbidites are gone....no snoring, lower blood pressure, diabetes, etc. That will save me money on prescriptions!!

    As for weight regain...everything in life is what you make it. If you go into this with a positive, can-do attitude, then it will be a great experience for you. Do your research in all areas and make your decision with a clear heart.

    Good luck in whatever you choose!

  2. Hang in there ladies!!! During my first 8 weeks I stalled TWICE, each lasting 14+ days. I was angry, sad and frustrated....but, I did find that the inches were melting off during that time. Then it was like I hit a groove and lost good numbers after that for the next month. Stick to your program and this will work. You will get through the stall and when you hit goal you will look back and realize that it was just a blip on your radar in the whole scheme of things.

    I'm stalled again now, but it could be more holiday related than anything. Darn those family members and their sweets!!! ack2.gif

  3. You are not alone in the slip or the reaction!

    I slipped last Friday and ate three small chocolates. Left to pick up my daughter from basketball and while in the middle school parking lot, got the worst abdominal pain of my life (and I've had 3 c-sections and the VSG)! Started sweating horribly, had the pain, I seriously thought I was going to die.

    You can bet I won't eat chocolates again!!!

  4. A very sad story. Each of us takes a risk with this surgery. I hope everyone does their research on hospitals, doctors and possible complications.

    I know that I walked away from a surgeon because my gut told me it wasn't a good situation. I waited longer than I could have and drove a hundred miles to the next largest city, to have someone I felt comfortable with perform my VSG. I also explained to my husband and kids that no matter what happened, I was having this surgery for a chance at a longer, healthier life and I choose the situation I was walking into.

    I hope this family finds peace.

  5. Obviously it's different for each person and at each facility.

    When I woke up from surgery I hurt, but it was not something I couldn't handle (I've had 3 previous c-sections, so maybe that is why I dealt with it ok). The nurses stayed on top of the pain and had me taking my meds regularly to stem off the worst of it. I was one of those patients that got up within 4 hours of surgery and started walking and I did this every few hours. I was one of the last ones sleeved on a Thursday and I was the first one released on Friday morning because I was doing the best. I truly believe it was because I made myself get out of that bed and Iwalk.

    This surgery is alot like childbirth in that at the moment you are going through it you think, what have I done?! I don't want to do this. But give it some time and you will be thrilled and it is so worth the temporary pain!!!

    Best of luck on your journey!

  6. I was a big Water drinker prior to surgery too (over 100 ozs a day). I struggle to get 32 ounces a day in now and I should be getting at least 64! I'm hoping this will improve the further out I get.

    After surgery Water felt like hot lead in my belly and sipping was a struggle because it was so uncomfortable going down. That first week was NOT easy. I drank G2 so that I was getting electrolytes and not dehydrating. I'm 8 weeks out now and while a can't guzzle, I can drink a little more normally. However, sometimes it just doesn't feel good.

    Not drinking at meals is sooo important, but soooooooooo hard! The fluids flush food through your sleeve faster which keeps you from feeling full longer. Stop drinking 15-30 minutes before you are going to eat and don't drink until 30 minutes after. This alone will cut down on the amount of fluids you are taking in drastically because it will take you 30 minutes to eat! So for 1 1/2 hours at eat "feeding" I'm not drinking....and I'm supposed to be eating 6 times a day!

    Good luck on your journey!

  7. Sweetie I'm so sorry to hear you are frustrated and sad. This isn't an easy thing we are going through, but know that you have so many people on here that have gone through similar things!

    I'm 7 weeks post-op now. The day I was released onto soft foods, I had a major breakdown because my husband, thinking he was being nice, picked up fried chicken and fries and brought it home to Celebrate. He didn't understand that I still couldn't eat those things! I just sat on the floor and cried and cried. Every step is a learning experience. Our family went out to dinner on Friday night and I looked at that menu and nothing looked good. I ended up not ordering anything and just sat and talked to everyone throughout the meal. I felt awkward, but knew that just eating to eat was not the right thing.

    I do use mayo, mustard and ketchup. I don't use much. I can't eat scrambled eggs without just a little ketchup on them. Plus it helps them go down better when you first get to start eating again. Everything seemed so dry to me I needed that touch of ketchup so things wouldn't get stuck on the way down.

    Keep your chin up. It does get better!

  8. Actually, I got the slimes the first couple days after surgery. It wasn't like throwing up at all. It was like all this extra saliva just kept coming up my esophagus and into my mouth and I had to spit it out. It started with a "metal" taste that in the past made me think I was going to throw up, but it was just all this...slime!

  9. Congratulations on your new life!!! I'm only 6 weeks out myself, but hopefully I can help some!

    Spicy foods - my doctor said to wait until at least 3 months out. I took a bite of very spicy chili last week and my tummy burned all evening. Not fun!!

    Swallowing - the first week was horrible!!! My doctor said that everything was really swollen and I should expect this possibly for weeks. Luckily I just had it for that first one though. I sipped Gatorade and didn't stress about shakes or Protein during that time. I was focusing on staying hydrated and getting those electrolytes.

    Stretching - I really don't know the answer to this one, but I do know that after about a year out people talk about feeling like they can eat more. Might want to consult your doctor on this.

    Problem foods - I think this may be different for everyone. I'm having issues with some dairy right now. Not all, just some.

    sleeping - I found that if I tucked a pillow under my belly, I could pretty much sleep on my tummy just a few days out.

    Wounds - I washed my wounds daily and had very few problems. My stitches were itchy and it took nearly 6 weeks for the final one to fall off. (Yep, just happened this week).

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