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Nechama L

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nechama L

  1. There isnt much worse than a money-making gimmick. Find out from your doctor how much you should be eating and then either invest in a set of cheap plastic portable measuring cups or those disposable storage containers that are that amount and use those. Do you really want to rely on something like that? Taking it out every time you go out to eat instead of learning how to measure on your own? For me, I have learned based on the size of my fist, fingers, palm, etc how much is the right portion for things. I say don't waste your money... Save it for new clothes!

  2. Your husband needs to respect you and your new limitations. You should NOT be eating solids two days after a fill! After a fill you should have liquids for two days, mushies for two days and then move to solids because otherwise you could cause your band to slip. Don't force yourself to eat something that could be dangerous for you and definitely don't gulp anything. You are just asking for trouble.

  3. Coming more from your perspective than perhaps others, I would say to wait. I would caution, however, NOT to gorge yourself but to use these holidays to start to train yourself on Portion Control, chewing slowly, cooking differently and viewing the food as one minor part of the holidays. It will be easier for you next year to then look back and say "I could do without this dish, I could change the menu that way, I could substitute here and there" without making yourself nuts and miserable. Also, keep in mind, that depending on when you are banded, you may have to have mushies/pureed foods which will be very difficult to do for all meals when you can't use your immersion blender/food processor. Cooking full menus for your family and then separate foods for yourself will not make this process any easier.

  4. It will feel different because you will feel satisfied before you get to full and you will learn how to identify the satisfied feeling so that you will stop eating. Good luck and learn to trust your body's signals. I see many people on here who don't change their habits yet complain how the band doesn't work for them. Pay attention to the signs, follow what your doctor tells you, enjoy the freedom that you will have when you start to take control back from food and rule it instead of letting it rule you...

  5. Did you actually think you were going to get positive comments? It sounds dangerous and just plain stupid to be doing it yourself. The only luck I wish you is that you don't end up doing major damage to yourself. Also, there is no excuse for stealing. You are not judge and jury to determine that your brand of justice fits the injustice served.

  6. The way that the port is attached to you is different with the Realize band which makes recovery a bit easier. Both bands have very informative websites, but if my insurance only covered one, I would go for that one. In the end they will both work for you if you work with them.

  7. Really it addresses a larger problem for those who don't go to the doctor when they notice a problem and wait and wait and wait. I would imagine those same people don't go for pap smears, eye exams, dental cleanings etc on schedule. It's a carelessness or a blase attitude and I imagine you either have it or you don't. Glad to hear you don't!!

  8. I know one person who has been banded, she is a very close friend and we have known each other for over 7 years and one who had a different procedure.

    I am very much a barf-a-phobe (I just created a new word) so I am uber-careful to chew my food. I know eventually I will screw up or the band will be PMS-y and I wont be able to swallow something but I am not going to let it scare me.

    I think tha if you don't have anything that would cause them to have a worry about your breathing that you have the right, as the patient, to clarify with the surgeon what it is that is absolutely required and what is just being cautionary in the realm of testing.

  9. Forgot to answer a couple of your questions :) I have lost about 15 pounds I think since surgery (which was about 6 weeks ago) and I definitely want a fill next week when I go in. Really, it is for two reasons.

    1. I am starting to feel "peckish" (love that word) after I have eaten what I know is the right portion that should have satisfied me.

    2. My next appointment after the one next week is a day before I go on vacation and I don't want to only have liquids and mushies during that mini-me only vacation :)

  10. I don't recall having to do anything beyond a chest x-ray. I still think that that sounds overly cautious. How old are your kids?

    I have eaten lettuce a couple times in salads with a light dressing and have not had much of an issue, but it drives me crazy to have to chew it so much and since I am not a lettuce lover, I am totally happy with not having it anyway. I have a friend who sometimes gets stuck with lettuce and sometimes not. I think a lot has to do with what time of month it is since I have been told by my surgeon that some women are more sensitive (tight) right before and during their periods.

    I don't eat fruits because they contain a lot of sugar. I had some cherries recently which was nice. I have heard some people have problems with the skins of things like peaches and nectarines and also with bananas because you can't really "break" it up by chewing. I had one smoothie which was nice because it was fruit and yogurt so I felt it was ok as a whole meal.

    I kind of see my ordering in lunch every day as my "going out to eat" because my husband and I don't eat out anymore since he is on Atkins and I am banded. Just not worth it. You can definitely ask for half your order to be wrapped up right when you get it to control your portion. You can also ask them to substitute half of something for vegetables. I have seen that there is some card that people take with them to present at a place so they can order a smaller size but A) I think that is for certain specific non-Kosher places and B) I would rather ask to have half wrapped up than have a waiter who won't know what I am showing him and be embarassed for no reason trying to explain what I need.

    BTW, if there is anything you feel you don't want to post in public and ask, feel free to send me a private message! :)

  11. Why on earth would they tell you that? I would double check that they weren't kidding about the radiation. I mean, people who do chemo can usually be around kids after, so how much could they possibly radiate you with a chest xray?

    That being said, a part of me would say it would be easier to email but I also remember when I first joined how disappointed I was seeing nothing from any Jewish frum people on here so I consider this thread as a public service and will answer you here! :)

    I never heard of veggie caps so I wonder if those are Kosher.

    Keeping in mind that I am a vegetarian, here is what I generally eat now that I am fully in the band swing of things (without a fill yet - hopefully next week!)

    Breakfast - 1 Myoplex Protein Shake (14 fl oz) and a single serve Breakstone's cottage cheese

    lunch - We order in lunch every day at work, so either I get a scoop of egg salad, a vegetable Soup, a vegetable side dish, or some other very small portion of something that I can have. I find I can usually eat 1-2 cups of food for this meal and then I am truly full.

    dinner - Most of the time I end up having leftovers from Shabbos (I don't get bored easily, so I can have leftovers a few days and be happy) or a veggie burger, Protein shake, Chobani yogurt

    For Snacks I will have a 90 or 100 calorie pack of Fiber one brownie, pretzels, etc. There are so many to choose from! I also will snack on American or Cheddar cheese of that Smart Beat brand because they are only 25 calories a slice. I do stay away from fruit for the most part. If I have anything it is a small applesauce cup to keep it portion controlled.

    Since I have a feeling that I will have stuck issues with Pasta and rice (as many people do) I have just stayed away from them for the most part so I dont expect them to be a main part of my food (plus they are not the kind of calories we should have anyway!) If I want to treat myself, I do, but I don't overdo it.

    For Shabbos I make tofu or soy dishes in sauces (low cal bbq or Tomato sauce), vegetable kugels (I make them light and make sure to portion what I eat), vegetable Soup (usually it is pureed because I made a ton before the surgery in anticipation of my liquid diet so I have a ton in the freezer!), a potato or rice side dish (but I have greatly reduced the size that I make since my husband is on Atkins so he won't eat it anyway), egg salad or devilled eggs for seudat shlishit or as appetizer, and for dessert either sugar free Jello or sugar free pudding (I am always parve because I am a vegetarian so for me it is a dessert for all occasions!).

    I am sure there are other things but those have become my staples. I find if I surround myself with some good choices then when I have breakthrough hunger I will reach for something that is low cal, high Protein and filling so that I am making a good choice no matter what!

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