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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ctarantino

  1. I'm now 6 days post op and every day I wake I feel better and soooooo happy I did this! Definitely needed my tool back. Minimal pain, I'm off all pain meds. I take Carafate acid reducer and reflux meds and nausea meds on occasion. I haven't gone # 2 and have taken colace so today gonna bring out the big guns (dulcolax) and hopefully poop. ((Sorry tmi))) ???????? backed up my belly is still beyond swollen, but can feel I'm losing weight. I'm sipping Water and Protein Shake by day. At night I sit with the family and have my broth and a 1/4c tea before bed. So complaints here and so happy this is behind me!!! Happy Sleeve day to others and my revision sisters!!! ????????????????????

  2. I had a MAJOR slip last Saturday, 18th. I went to the gym in the morning was fine. By 3pm I started to get a dull ache, went away and I thought it was cramps but by 6pm it came back and I was in pain! Lower left abdomen, go to belly button then follow to front side under ribs. I didn't suspect band and was surprised, sad, and shocked!!!

    CATscan revealed the major slip, lapband cut out to save my stomach from dying.

    Please go to ER or call your dr. they said I was lucky my stomach was being strangled, it takes time for band to slip but pain comes on and can be serious. It may be a slip but may not, best of luck!!

  3. Hello fellow August 11 Banders!!!!

    Checking in after all this time!!! How is everyone?

    I just completed my first half marathon on Subday. I can't believe my old post as a newbie runner starting C25K to running 13.1 miles. It's been amazing and I've taken my goal and surpassed it. Weight wise, health wise, physically, mentally, I'm living a normal life. I gym 3-4 days a week, and started crossfit training.

    I started at 236 pounds and my lowest was 128 back in April. I now go between 130-140. I'm still trying to follow rules, I had the band loosened due to reflux and bad heartburn so trying to control portions. Still logging on MFP for almost 2 years. I hope everyone has stories to share good or bad and trust me there's been struggles here n there. It's getting through with help n support. My Best to all Banders!!! :-)

  4. Great to see these fabulous updates! Bob how is the gym and that sauna sounds so relaxing! Lisa soo proud of you!!! You have inspired me to use the gym at the hotel too, I'm leaving in a week and a half for Disney and has a treadmill. No excuses right? Bvork sounds like you had a rough patch there. I'm sorry to read about your hospital trip but hope alls back on track! Scott that is amazing!!!! Can't say I can eat anything tho. I tried to eat a half a waffle with the kids and you should only hear the gurgling and noises coming from me. pizza, Bagels and Pasta were a staple before surgery and long gone. I do miss pizza every once in a while cause my family gets it still here and there but I can not eat breads, carbs, pasta. I have enjoyed running and Zumba and just started couch to 10k after I was looking for more when I finished the c25k. I feel terrific but dont see the difference that others compliement me on. Ive lost 65lbs went from 236 to now 171...anyone else having body issues?

    Great job everyone and it's refreshing to hear these success stories but I'm wondering where has everyone else gone??? Can't believe it's been 9 months!!!! anyone else good or bad? Happy or sad??? Let's continue on this journey as August banders or A11's as Caryn dubbed us lol where r u caryn?

  5. Great job Bob! I joined the gym 2 weeks before my surgery! At first it was really hard, I couldn't keep up in a cardio class, my knees started hurting in a step class and what was I supposed to do elliptical or treadmill for 5 minutes, if i could even make 5 min and then get bored. I went from 236 to 205 With diet alone then i started the gym at just over 200lbs. Well I can now not only keep up with anyone, I even Zumba past some tiny little high school girls in their booty shorts lmao I have taken up running, I just need my itouch and headphones and I'm off....treadmill, track, or I mapped a run in my neighborhood. I have become a whole new person. I don't remember the "old" me so much. I use MFP to log my cals, even the bad ones lol I am a healthier happier person who had gone from a size 22 pants to a size 12 i am now 173....And I'm not done yet!! Still have good and bad days, meals, hours, snacking but hey nobody is perfect! ;) I made a vow to change my life when I had the surgery, eating, exercise and happiness so far so good! Keep chugging Bob and everyone! It's our journey and it is what I make of it! Get inspired!!!!

  6. Hello banders! I really want to start checking in and hope everyone out there is doing well. I feel this board helps me so much and when I can look back to the begining when I was just banded helps too!

    I am now officially down 60lbs. its funny, it doesnt seem like a lot but when I type it now and look at that numbers I guess it is.

    I completed the couch to 5 k program today, just in time too, I have a 5K this Sunday at JFK airport here in NY. I am so ready to do it and I set this goal for myself a long time ago and started the C25K program the day before Thanksgiving. I had a few hiccups with the program at week 3 and 6 but stuck with it and feel I am ready. I actually run a steady 3 miles now for almost 2 weeks.

    I hope everyone is good out there and if you are reading this check in, we all need support, even if we are doing good or some not good, we all go off and have to get back on. Let's check in and help each other...anyone???? lol :ph34r:

  7. Mine is called heavy duty apps: 5K runner, it's yellow. I have it on my itouch! Love it!!! I'm ready for my 5K on Sunday!!! Can't say enough great things about it! Got a bunch of friends and family onto it too, all great benefits and results. Its pretty much interval training too which gives great benefits!!

  8. The first week is not bad at all but I def would be hesitant to start. I was in the gym walking on treadmill and neighborhood first week out but the running that goes on is rough some weeks. I did great until week 3 then again stuck at week 6. I was banded in August but started c25k day before Thanksgiving. I lost 25 lbs before beginning to run. I have my 5K this Sunday and run over 3 miles now. It's an amazing program that I feel has transformed me inside and out. I really enjoy running!!! I first ran a 5k 11 years ago but this is my first banded and feel so ready! Take it easy and listen to your body!!! good luck!!!

  9. I LOVE it and got a bunch of my friends and family hooked too! Its simple and started out doing 3 days per week. I try and get to 4 days p/w and do the day 3 on that fourth day. I have been stalled at week 5 for a couple of weeks but now I am on week 6 tomorrow at 5am. I have my 5k next months so I am commited for the next 4 weeks to RUN the whole thing. wish me luck!! Any suggestions on what a tight bander can eat while training?? Thanks!@@

  10. Im doing my first banded 5K Apil 15th. How do you carb up before a run bring banded? I cant really eat any carbs so Im wondering what to eat leading up to my run and the night before?? Any info will be helpful THANKS SO MUCH!! :-)

  11. I have tried a bunch of Protein shakes, I am too tight in the morning to eat bfast so since 2 weeks before being banded I have had a Protein shake every morning. Here is my list in order:

    Isopure Vanilla cream with cubes 1.5 scoop and 2 Splenda and I use NF milk

    Muscle milk I like the chocolate I buy on the go sometimes at 7-11

    Muscle milk vanilla 100 calorie

    Premier from Wal Mart

    Jay Robb chocolate

    I try and mix it up from all the above. For lunch I have Morningstar "chicken" or buffalo wings (fake ones lol) I like chobani high protein and put high protein granola in it too to up my protein and eat it with a weight watchers cheese stick! That's my typical morning and lunch... I'm done with protein before noon. This is my taste and what I have done so it will be different for you but hope it helps give you some ideas. Good luck!

  12. Hello August bander!! How is everyone? Its 6 months today I got my band. I have been doing well and loving the band (sometimes) It is kinda tight and I like it like that, it helps me make the right decision to eat. Old habits or you can say bad habits are hard to break. I log my food everyday on my fitness pal, I look for help and advice from friends or family when I struggle. I was never a Breakfast person and now with the band I find I dont like to eat breakfast so I have a Protein Shake every morning. I try any and all shakes and usually stick with the Isopure, 2 splenda in a blender. lunch is usually Chobani with some Protein granola in it, by lunch I have usually had my protein for the day. dinner is always different. Meals I enjoy CHILI always is good, chicken depending on how its cooked,turkey sausage keilbasa with kraut, I love the crockpot and try to mix up meals in there. Crock cooking helps because my daughter is 3.5 and son is 17 months doesnt leave me much time to do much when I am home with them and my husbands days off rotate so im alone and not always easy and by the time I get them in bed it is almost 8:30/9pm and I'm done by then!!!! I started couch to 5k, I was religious with it but its been cold and I have weened off a lil in the following weeks. Since my husband leaves for work by 6am I have to be up and dressed to run by 5/5:15AM if I wanna get it in. I have been doing it usually 3 days per week and go to the gym once a week to get in a Zumba class. I love it and lots of fun! The weight was slowly coming off and I am happy with that. i am still not done and still a work in progress LOL I have lost 49 pounds and I started at 236, was 231 the day of surgery and now I am at 187..ugh 1 lb away from 50...SOON!!!! Once I started running the weight flies off, so anyone thinking they cannot do it, you can and its a basic simple training program that works on interval run for a minute or two then walk then run...interval training has worked wonders for me. I am so proud of all of us and we are keeping our heads high and doing it! Somedays are better than others, some things are tolerated one day and not the next. I still hate eating with people, I go out to lunch with coworkers but usually play it safe and get a chili. I skip most carbs- bread, Pasta, pizza, Bagels, cereal (all was a staple everyday or once a week) I have changed everything I used to eat and feel terrific. I on occasion will eat slider food and regret it but for the most part I follow the "rules" I stay focused on my goal, i am liking my willpower, determination, and my 50lb weight loss verses the guilt I would feel for going to mcdonalds and pigging out, or the clothes not fitting and me getting angry or upset with myself and saying "thats it Im going on a diet" and failing the next day. Its not always easy but the NSV's I have had these 6 months will carry me another 6. I like walking into a regular store and buying clothes at Macys, not sweating from a flight of stairs, and most of all even if the scale doesnt move I know I am not on a diet but I have changed my lifestyle for the better. Wishing eveyone the same success!!! I have an incredible support system from online bander support groups, friends, neighbors, family, books, LBT, and my husband. I am here if anyone nees any support, advice, or a kick in the arse LOL best of luck A11's keep on with your journey and dont ever quit! keep your eye on the prize!

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