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Kate rules

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kate rules

  1. Sounds like you need a proper bra fitting. The way cup sizes/band sizes work is like this: 36D=38C. Sounds like you can go down a cup size or band size, but not both. My bra size, prior to starting weight loss for surgery, was 40DDD. My cups are definitely to large on that bra now! I am wearing one of my old 38DDD bras and it seems to fit properly now. As said by the other ladies, it might be time to bite the bullet and be prepared to lay out some significant cash for a well-made, properly fitted bra. I believe Nordstrom is a good bet due to the half-yearly sale. I wear Chantelle bras, runs from 50-90 bucks each.
  2. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    My gas pains are getting better - but even my cats are leaving the room! Ewww.... I'm cheating my diet and introducing a mushie today. But I'm gonna puree the lima beans and add chicken broth. I have been toeing the line but have been feeling woozy. I'm going to try a bite or two. If that doesn't sit well I will leave it alone! I am super stoked about my weight loss so far! Would like to see 163 by September. I have been exercising every night. What a wonderful tool this is!
  3. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I managed to slime on water. Yes, water. I must have ingested too quickly because an hour later none had gone down and I had the icky, slimy, pukey taste in my mouth along with the uncomfortable feeling of water backing up in my tummy. I didn't vomit, but had one of those run to the basin moments! Yucky.
  4. Kate rules

    Rant: Dinner Party

    I'm so sorry you had that experience. I would take the other posters suggestion and not go to future dinner parties until you are able to partake of the food served. You should probably have an honest conversation with your mum. Explain that while she may not have noticed or appreciated your efforts after her surgeries, you were thoughtful in how you treated her so she would not feel excluded. She may not care but it could hold up a mirror for her insensitive behavior. Hugs to you, btw.
  5. Kate rules

    Baked (NOT fried!) mozzarella sticks

    I've always baked my mozz sticks. They are good.
  6. Kate rules

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    @LisaB: who did your surgery? Dr. Moazzez did mine and I was very pleased with Bluepoint.
  7. Kate rules

    Mushy Ideas

    Fordhook Lima Beans cooked supersoft with smart balance spread, salt, pepper for seasoning. High in Protein and smart balance has good fat in it. I love lima beans so bought 4 pounds. Mashed potatoes w a tiny bit of gravy and chopped roasted chicken breast. Broccoli florets w lemon.
  8. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Gas pain back today not as bad as before. Percocet and gas-x helping.
  9. Kate rules

    So disappointed in myself

    I doubted my own need to get banded. Hey, I lost 27-28 pounds in 6 weeks! That was one-third of my excess body weight. Some people might say I'm crazy to get banded to lose only 57 pounds but these 57 pounds are horrible for me in every way. I've avoided being in pictures for years and looking back through my digital albums I see tons of photos with hubby and kids but few with me because I hid behind the camera. My weight keeps me from living life to the fullest and from enjoying good health. I'm sure, if left to myself without the band, I would have packed the weight I lost back on within 6 months. No doubt in my mind.
  10. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Oh, weight back down to pre-surgery level. 177.8. Am worried I haven't had enough protein or calories and that this is pushing my body into starvation mode.
  11. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Doing so much better. I went for a .5 mile walk last night and held my diapraghm up as I walked. This did the trick because last night I slept and OH MY GOODNESS I passed gas like mad. Now that this unpleasant phase is hopefully a mere memory I need to concentrate on protein. Didn't drink any yesterday.
  12. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    How long did everyone's gas pains last? I need HOPE...
  13. Kate rules

    So disappointed in myself

    There are a lot of different ways that people (including us) perceive the band. Some of us do view it as "the easy way out" or "throwing in the towel." I do not. It is unlikely that anyone who spends the time and energy to use this site and chat with others made the decision to embark upon the journey of weight loss surgery with a cavalier attitude. For me, this has been a very emotional journey to admit 1) that I need help 2) that I am not completely at ease with my decision. You've lost 80 pounds, that's incredible! Sounds like you have been working hard at it. I think you are making an affirmative decision to lose more weight and keep it off. It's just a tool, it can't lose the weight for you. The same hard work and decision making processes will gave to be in effect for this phase of your weight loss and it has been for the first 80 pounds, In many ways I feel like a failure because I have not been able to keep a normal weight (or even just being simply overweight) for my entire adult life. I have made the changes I need to make the band as much of a success as possible for me. I'm done beating myself up for my mistakes. We have a whole world out there who judges us because we are heavy. We really don't need to pile on any more. Congrats on your incredible success to date and however you go forward, I wish you health and happiness!
  14. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Feeling better with stronger pain killers on board. can't recline without discomfort so I am sitting up. Hoping for a nap. I normally bounce back from everything so easily - this whole thing has taken me by surprise!
  15. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I did drink protein and had pudding and applesauce. So I'm going to concentrate on water today before I worry about anything else. Amy - can't thank you enough for heating pad advice and support. Last night was hard. I tried to lay down in bed last night but bronchitis still bad and I couldn't stop coughing. TMI - I'm still getting green stuff out of my lungs despite all the antibiotics. Physician assistant writing me script for stronger pain killer so maybe I can sleep. Still chewing gas x.
  16. I have to say, I'm not sure whether I am feeling hunger or gas pains. Has anyone else gone through this? I can hear and feel my tummy talking but am not sure what it is trying to say! Please tell me someone else out here has experienced this!
  17. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I was in Bandster Hell last night. Chest hurt, stomach hurt and there was nothing I could do other than chew on gas x and take my lortab. I did end up getting sleep but not enough. I'm back like that this morning so calling doctor for better drugs. Last night I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a huge mistake.
  18. Kate rules

    hunger or gas pains?

    Banded yesterday. Hoping it isn't hunger. I'm having head hunger and can power through that but actual tummy hunger I hate! It is a bit early for real hunger, right?
  19. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I'm gonna try the heating pad now. Geez, don't know if I'm starving or if it gas pain. HELP!
  20. Kate rules

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I am so jealous, Steph! I've been up and about but not feeling as great as you are. Not sure if hernia repair or liver biopsy is making it worse.
  21. Kate rules

    Pre surgery jitters!

    Yeah, I didn't do bowel prep. Couldn't eat at all day before surgery. But when I mentioned to nurse I had to work that day, she said just eat stuff that will easily digest.
  22. Kate rules

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I'm post-op day two. Have a lot of gas and am looking forward to getting rid of it. Never been so excited to burp and pass gas!
  23. Kate rules

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Hey Shauna, Not scared at all! Excited, a little anxious maybe, but not scared. I don't really have anything to compare against. My doctor did annoy me a bit when he kept forgetting that I definitely needed a hernia repair. So, he did do the hernia repair and also did the liver biopsy. My port incision is the largest and most uncomfortable. It feels like I have been kicked in the stomach or like I did 1000 situps in one day. I would insist on proactive pain management if you are concerned. I'm home now and am a bit uncomfortable. I got Lortab, a liquid form of Vicodin. Also have to take a liquid Augmentin due to the bronchitis. Have 5 incisions. Will post pics on my blog. http://lowbmilapbandjourney.blogspot.com/
  24. I had my lap band surgery at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital on July 5, 2011. I arrived at the hospital at 1000 hours for my 1215 surgery. I checked in at the surgical waiting area and was given a pager. A few minutes later I was paged and finalized my registration with the desk personnel. She gave me back the pager and told me to stay close. 15 minutes later I was paged. I was taken back to my room, changed into a gown and slipper socks, gave a urine sample and an IV line was started. The anesthesiologist and my surgeon stopped by for final checks. I had, quite unfortunately, managed to develop bronchitis the night before and it almost derailed the whole operation. Lucky for me there was no fever and I managed to clear my lungs enough to be cleared. I was taken by gurney to the operating room. I scooted over onto the cold table, put my arms out to the side and breathed in some oxygen from a mask. That is the last thing I remember before a very vague recollection of being wheeled to my room for the night. I snoozed on and off for the next few hours, enjoyed my PCA with dilaudid and watched TV. I walked somewhere in the 2300 hour. I walked a few times after that. I had my barium swallow/upper GI at 0830 hours. Everything looks great. I am fortunate that the Ancef they gave me also covers my bronchitis. I'm feeling a lot better today. Still coughing up green stuff. I have had some beef broth, Jello and pink lemonade. There is also a bottle of crystal light sitting on my hospital table. I'm not hungry at all. I think this is the first time in years. I'm looking forward to this new part of my life. Starting weight: 205 pounds Weight morning of surgery: 177.8 pounds Goal weight: 120 pounds
  25. Kate rules

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Still in hospital. Am thinking this extended stay has more to do with my nurse being at lunch more than anything else. They took away my pain pump but haven't given me anything else. I napped for a little while this morning and definitely needed it. I've been up walking a few times. I had my barium swallow this morning - yuck. Everything looked good. I'm bored. Ready to go home. Good luck to our July 6 banders. How are my July 5 band buddies?

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