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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JustFluffy

  1. It has been so long since I've been on these boards...no - "No News isn't always Good News".

    I posted on another thread about my progress, or lack thereof. If those "oldies" out there will remember - I did really well the first year of being banded. I dropped weight lack a fiend...exercised...even ran a 5k. Then something happened. Life.

    I ended up going through a nasty divorce, moved back home (in with my parents with my kids), then out on my own. In the process ended up four hours away from Dr. B. and without insurance for over a year. I ended up going back to get my Fluid out in January 2010 when I got pneumonia and esophogus spasms. I had already gained back about 30 pounds of my (around 70) lost.

    In the next year I ended up meeting a wonderful man, got remarried (never been happier), and gained 50 pounds. So now I'm up 20 pounds from the day I had surgery. Sucks. I had to find a new doctor (no one would take me within 100 miles of where I live). They said sorry we won't accept existing la-band patients. I finally found a doctor two hours from me that was willing to take me on this past November. I was able to get one fill in November (my itial visit) - when I went back in March for my next fill he wasn't able to access my port - it had flipped. So I had to wait until end of June for my insurance to pay for the revision. He was also going to move my port (he thinks it is a bad location in the chest). In the mean time I ended up with Erosion of the Esophogus, and my throat isn't dialating like it should (yep it won't work at all). I have constant port soreness. What's weird though is when I eat I get sharp pains there? I went back to my new doc on Wednesday and after discussing everything it was decided everything has to come out. I'm now waiting for insurance approval.

    I'm extremely unhealthy and feel the worse I have in my life (physically). Mentally I'm the best I've ever been. My children are doing wonderful, they really like my husband. I'm finally treated like I should be treated...I never knew what I was missing....

    As for the future, I'm looking into RNY conversion. After reseraching I believe it will be the best surgery for me. We are all different. Some of us have had great success with the band. I wish I could say I was one of those. I wish you all the best with your journeys. I'll try to keep everyone posted on my successes and failures. Don't be strangers as I have! If you hare struggling or succeding, please post. We all need to hear the good and the bad!

  2. Hello All,

    I haven't been on here in probably over a year, maybe two. I wanted to post a quick update to let you know how I've been. Band-wise, not so good - I've gained back all my weight plus 20 pounds. I ended up moving back home to Florida and seeing a different doctor. I only found one within 100 miles that would take me on as a patient (which I wasn't happy about).

    I ended up going through a very nasty divorce three years ago. I had pneumonia a couple of times and ended up getting my Fluid out of my band. After that, I couldn't get a good restriction - either was too much or not enough. Didn' help I lost my benefits and insurance - so my follow-up wasn't what it should have been. Needless to say - It hasn't beena smooth ride.

    I am having to have my band removed now. I have major GERD and esophotus issues. My port has flipped (again), so my doctor can't access my port. He hates it in the chest anyway - says it is dangerous (he is a prior chest surgeon and trama doctor with 30 years experience so I'm not going to question him knowing all the complications I have had). Anyway I'm looking at other WLS options and waiting on my insurance compny.

    I see many of the old Bandits are struggling too...I also see some are still doing well. I wish you all the best - and do what is right for you. Make sure you follow-up and a 2nd opinion doesn't always hurt...

  3. Good luck! I had LapBand three years ago and loved loved loved my Magic Bullet - for WLS it is a godsend. I am looking forward to getting an MD's perspective on the Sleeve as a patient. I am having revision surgery on July 1st - my doctor wants to remove the band and I'm waiting on insurance approval for Sleeve. Looking forward to your posts and getting to know you...


  4. Hello everyone,

    I posted a long thread, which I won't repeat on this thread under Band to Sleeve Revisision Thread introducing myself. I'm researching the Sleeve and trying to determine which direction I'll be heading in three weeks. I have to have my port revised, the doctor wants to remove my band and I'm leaning towards getting the Sleeve done (insurance approval pending). I've strugged the past two years with my band to the point I've regained all my weight lost post banding, plus 20 pounds.

    I do have a wonderful support structure at home (which I didn't have with my band) and want to make an educated choice. I know my doctor wants my band removed...so do I go bandless and stay morbidly obese or move forward with Sleeve revision. I've tried it on my own for twenty years (on and off diet rollercoasters). The band didn't work for me. Will the Sleeve? (I know it is up to me - but I have those nagging doubts). I need the help and advice of those that have been in my situation. Also those who haven't had the band and that have had the Sleeve surgery done. My ears are open :-) Anyone have any regrets? Negatives and Positives?

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you....


  5. Hello everyone,

    I was banded in 2008 and did great the first six months to a year. The bad: Ended up going through a really bad divorce, moved (away from my doctor), lost all my benefits, couldn't find a doctor in my new area (moved) to take on existing Lapband patients. To make a long story short - had no follow-up, got unfilled, ate like a fiend (I blame the love of food and stress) and regained all of my weight back plus x (I've lost count). The good: Finally found a doctor that would take me on as an existing patient, am out of an abusive and negigent marriage and ready to take on life. My kids are save and I'm married now to a supportive and loving man.

    I was so proud of myself my first year banded. I even ran and completed a 5k (which no one showed up for - ex-husband & his family. He wouldn't even bring my kids - which I begged him to do). I finally had my life back. I got down to 219 in November 2010 - my goal was 160. At that point, my weight loss stopped. I found a way to "eat around my band", sliders - soda, everything I knew I shouldn't eat. I'm very much an emotional eater and as my marriage crumbled my weight went up and up...I finally found the strength to leave and doing so left my band "maintenance". To me my children's safety as well as my own were more important than me being fat and unhappy.

    In the middle of all my marriage problems, I met my soulmate and my current husband. He treats both me and my children as we should be treated. My body is now holding me back from the life I want to lead. I want to be active, I want to be healthy - being 280 pounds is not geting me there. We both have things we want to do. I really don't think I'd be here now if it weren't for my hubby. He gives me strength and supports me 100% in whatever decision I decide to make.

    Now you've had my personal background...here's my band. I went one time after moving back to my original band doctor - I had pneuomnia and bad reflux - they took out all of my Fluid. Afterward I spend weeks calling every doctor in the panhandle of Florida - time and time again to hear that they won't take on existing patients. I finally found a doctor in Pensacola that agreed to see me. He was able to get me a fill (only 1 cc at a time) back in November 2010. Of course he freaked when he found out my port was in my chest (which is where all my old doctor's patients have it). He wanted to move it but agreed to work with me. I went back in March for my second fill. Seems my port has flipped (again - had original port revised in July 2008 for the same problem) - and he cannot access it. So we decide it is time to move the port for revision. Seems BCBS won't pay for revision until July (pre-existing condition which is nill once my insurance is effect for a year). So I patiently wait. I called back a month ago - still having pain in my chest and reflux. He orders and upper GI to find out what is going on with me. Now he says the band has to go.

    So now I'm waiting to hear back from his office to see if the insurance will cover the sleeve or removal (they would cover the port revision). I'm terrified not to have my band (which in point is useless to me anyway), but I'm also very nervous about the Sleeve. I'm doing my due dillagence and research to see if it is for me. I'm past ready to start living my life. I don't think the band is for me and feel like such a failure and I don't want to feel like this anymore. I'm sick of tired of being sick and tired.

  6. Hello old friend...I'm so happy and proud of you! You finally found what you were looking for and success. I'm too looking at revision - the band hasn't worked for me either. I'm back up to my heaviest weight and have strugged a lot in the past two years (first year with the band were great). I'm scared of the change but am researching and trying to make the best decision for me. My biggest worry is if I will screw this up too...

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