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Sleevie WonderLand

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sleevie WonderLand

  1. Sleevie WonderLand

    BMI too low

    Oh, and congrats on the no-more-blood-pressure-med status! That's so awesome!
  2. Sleevie WonderLand

    BMI too low

    Thanks a bunch Holly. I was totally wondering if being sleep deprived would work in my favor. My husband actually suggested it (everyone has these good sneaky ideas!) and it is definitely a part of my evil VSG plan *insert villain laff here*
  3. Sleevie WonderLand

    BMI too low

    @Thinoneday.... I soooo deserve this surgery right now, and if I can have it done at little to no cost, why shouldnt I? It's the light at the end of the tunnel for me. So I too disagree with you, but I appreciate you sharing your suggestion.
  4. Sleevie WonderLand

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    I'm a Boogie down baby too Jay Miss....born in the South Bronx (139th Street) and then moved to the North East Bronx when I was six...I still rep 241st /White Plains Road!
  5. Sleevie WonderLand

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    Hey Ladies...our group is picking up...slowly but surely!
  6. Sleevie WonderLand

    BMI too low

    If it were an option for me, I'd be on the first thing smoking to Mexico. Unfortunately, we're still trying to recover from my husband being laid off, losing our home, and everything else the rest of our country is going through. Our credit score is probably lower than my BMI. I'll still research it some more, gotta resesarch all options...
  7. Sleevie WonderLand


    I'm coming to your house to get all your pre-op clothes! you look beautiful!
  8. Sleevie WonderLand

    In regards to masturbation

    I was just being NOSEY. Saw the letters M-A-S-T-U-R and my fingers clicked on the link before I could finish reading the title...:001_tongue:
  9. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    So many people are saying they will be having a hernia repaired during their surgery or that they've had hernia surgery at one time or another...why is this hernia thing so common? Could I possibly have a hernia too an not realize it? *semi hypochondriac*
  10. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    See? So many people walkin around with hernias not knowing. I had a bout with chest pain some years back, the doctors never found anything and eventually the pain subsided (or maybe I just learned to cope with it). I do get a weird stomach cramp/spasm thing at times when I do a deep bend (to tie my shoe or something like that) and have to lay or sit down to ease it. I'm definitely thinking I probably have some sort of hernia.
  11. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    I just googled (images) "hernia" to get a little more insight. Yikes. Double yikes.
  12. Sleevie WonderLand

    Tell Us Where You're From!

    Hey PYT!!! Congratulations on your surgery! I live in Mt. Vernon - where exactly do you live? It's awesome to finally have another person in this lonely group.
  13. Sleevie WonderLand

    Questions to ask your surgeon

    Ditto what everyone else said. You're a fricking VSG Master!
  14. I just wanted to send you an encouraging note. I havent had the surgery, so I dont know what you're feeling, but I do empathize with your expectations of everything not being met (YET). With everything good comes a little struggle, and I bet in no time you'll be posting about how much weight you've lost and how much better you're feeling. Be encouraged. I'm sure it will get better.

  15. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    Duh, that's what an upper GI is huh? Sorry, no need for a response on that last question. I suffer from dingbat syndrome from time to time.
  16. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    So if I have one, will they see it when I have my endoscopy?
  17. Sleevie WonderLand

    Hernia Posts

    *bends and curtsies* Why thank you Tiffykins! I had no idea they were so common until this forum. Every other person mentions it in their post, so I was just wondering.
  18. I was referred to you by kwikwits, she had nothing but great things to say about you! You look FAB!

  19. I've done an info session at NYU Langone and so far am intrigued by the surgeons there and hope to have Dr. Ren do my VSG. I'm very anxious to know if anyone has had surgery done by any of the NYU Langone staff and what the experience was like from day one to surgery. I'm also really concerned about the hospital stay - how long did you stay, and did the staff seem attentive (that's a big deal to me). I'm scheduled to meet with Dr. Ren, and the nutritionist on 6/22.
  20. I cant thank you enough. I'm beyond happy for you, glad to hear you're coming along, even with the craziness of the liquid diet. I'll be sure to look up TIffykins, cant wait to hear/read what she has to say.
  21. Sleevie WonderLand

    Anyone still undecided?

    The main question I asked myself when pursuing WLS is about sacrifice. Am I really ready to sacrifice just being able to put anything in any quantity in my body for the rest of my life? Am I ready to deal with just having a small portion of my favorite foods rather than overfeeding myself just to satisfy my bottomless stomach and hungry brain for the rest of my life? Hell to the YEAH! If it means I'll be improving mine and my family's quality of life, I'm so ready to do it. I know there are alot of physical and mental changes that will have to come with this surgery to make it work, and I'm committed to make them all. Surgery is nothing to play with. It's definitely a decision that you should carefully make and know the "goods" and "bads" that come with it. In this case for me, the "bads" dont really seem that bad. If you're not ready, then dont do it. You wouldnt marry a person that you werent 100% sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with (thru good and bad times), so look at this surgery kinda in that way. Could you live with your sleeve till death do you part? I wish you the best of luck either way!
  22. Hey Jess! Im stickin with NYU. I think the surgeons there have enough experience with all the Bariatric surgeries, I'm confident that things will turn out fine. I've already kinda started my paperwork with them, I havent found a good enough reason to switch surgeons at this point. I will definitely be asking Dr. Ren about the size of my tube, it's on my list of questions to ask her when we meet on the 22nd! I just started a NY Group here on VST when you get a chance, please join. I'm hoping that eventually we'll have a large group of local Sleevers that we can share info with possibly in person, or just on the boards in general.
  23. I feel like such a dork for asking you all those questions in that "conversation" we've been having. You practically answered my questions days before I asked them. SMH Dr. Fielding conducted the info session that I attended, and I too was impressed by his success with bariatric surgery both performing them and experiencing it himself. It is pretty cool that he can totally understand the fat person's brain. I chose to go with his wife, just because I kinda wanted a woman's touch during my surgery, AND because Dr. Fielding's calendar was super booked for this month. Figured his wife would be the next best thing. I'm so happy your surgery was successful and that you're doing well. Cant wait to tell my tale. Although I did my research about the hospital, I still wanted to hear first hand from a patient how the hospital and it's staff were during recovery as that's pretty important to me. I am still curious though, how was the pain? I've survived 3 c-sections so I'm imagining that this is probably along the same lines, probably even less, but I'd still like to be prepared (yeah, I know, everyone reacts to things differently). If you were in pain, what did they give you - morphine? Liquid pain relievers? Just curious. Thanks for taking the time to give me the great "closing argument" (trying to use attorney talk , hee hee) as it helped me greatly. I live in Westchester, but have no qualms about meeting fellow sleevesters to sip and talk about our experiences. Hopefully I'll get to meet you at a support group meeting at NYU in the near future? In the meantime, STAY IN TOUCH!
  24. Can you believe I'm just seeing this? I gotta get the hang of this VST site!
  25. Tryna get the hang of this VST thing.

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