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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ktwilldoit

  1. ktwilldoit

    Any More Sixties?

    I'm hoping to find a fellow 60+ sleever here. Today marks DAY 1 of my two week pre-surgery liquid diet. My surgery date is May 5th. I've told my friends to raise a glass for me and Cinco de Mayo! This is my second time with all liquids. Back in February I was just two days away from my surgery date and the hospital cancelled the surgery because my thyroid numbers were out of whack. I brought the numbers back in place in 4 weeks and then had to wait again for a surgery date. I'll be 63 days after the surgery and I hope all this waiting will pay off. I'm always reading posts of success stories and then find out so many of them are from people 30 and under. I know I'll never have a great figure. It's been stretched out for most of my life! I just want to be healthier and possibly be without so many of my current problems. I look forward to being able to be more active and be able to experience old activities and a lot of new ones too. Is anyone else in this same boat?
  2. ktwilldoit

    Hello all

    Hello all, This is my first group to join and being 6- (I've dropped the other number) now, I feel I can be a genuine member of this group! I just completed my 6 month program and still need to lose 3 pounds to get my referral for VSG surgery. I am happy with my decision and I am excited so far with my new journey. I will enjoy traveling along with you on yours or will certainly enjoy your company while on mine. Thank you for starting this group!
  3. ktwilldoit

    New Member Researching and Deciding

    Hi Stephanie and welcome! I am still a newbie here but I like to check in and read what people are discussing. I am pre-op and have decided on the sleeve because after a lot of research I feel the sleeve will be the best surgery for me. I can't imagine how difficult your everyday life is, due to your pain. I am over twice your age and I am finally VERY ready for this surgery. I started on this journey about 3 times before but I obviously was not ready. Yesterday I completed my ***'s required 6 month program, so all the paperwork and other requirements are complete and recorded. I still have 3 lbs to lose to get my referral. It will be lost! My nutritionist is so great and she gave me some great suggestions to help me. During these past six months, I have done a lot of reading, interviewing others who have had the various surgeries and followed other support groups. I strongly believe the reason why I didn't last through my previous '6 month' programs is because my guardian angel was steering me away for my own good. I learned yesterday that my *** only started using the 'sleeve' during this past year. I would not have had the "sleeve" choice then. I know the 'lap band' is not for me because there are so many problems with it and if you read through the forums, so many people who had it done are now coming back for another surgery (mostly sleeve) to correct whatever problems arose due to their lap band. I don't like the idea of getting my guts rerouted. Why mess too much with the original plumbing. The sleeve will take excess away rather than sending pipes in an alternate track. The sleeve surgery will keep the portion of the stomach intact which absorbs nutrients our bodies need. The other 2 surgeries will require those patients' need to take far more Vitamins and minerals than sleeve patients. Bottom line - that's why I want the sleeve. When I discussed all of this with my nutritionist, she said she couldn't influence my decision but, the sleeve surgery has been very successful in Europe and has had good results. She really likes it! Here in the states the sleeve had been the part I of a two part surgery for extremely severe obese people. Doctors would perform the sleeve part first so the patient could lose enough weight to then return later for the second half of a weight loss surgery. The doctors then discovered that the first part was successful enough to not have to perform the other half! What you said about exercise - I know right now doing some is helping me and then after surgery, it will be a necessary part of my new and healthier lifestyle. Do what you can. I have 100+ pounds to lose and during these hot summer months, walking has been out! I did find a wonderful substitute - Water aerobics. I can run, do jumping jacks under water and I get the same results as if I were doing this stuff on dry land. Look into it, it might be an option for you. Good luck on your journey and I hope you will receive useful information to help with your decision.
  4. I too just got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in June. I'm still trying to get adjusted to the idea of wearing something over my nose during the night. The equipment my *** supplied me works very well but the nose gear hasn't been that good for me. When I chose the mask that fits into your nostrils rather than something covering your face. The pieces kept unsealing from my nose during the night causing me to wake up. My husband who has been using gear for about 10 years helped me out with some of his equipment. His gear fits inside the nostrils rather than just sealing the nostrils. He gave me one of his old sets and a piece that fits my nose. It's been about 2 weeks now and I've been staying asleep through the night. Just make sure you find the equipment that works best for you! Good luck.

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