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Everything posted by DrmBig4Evr

  1. DrmBig4Evr

    Being Sleeved tomorrow and scared!

    I had the same nerves and feelings, but this is actually harder than any easy way out! This is an entire life change that you are forcing upon yourself for health, for yourself and for your life! I started thinking that way and guess what happened...the pain in my back got worse! My hips and knees began hurting as if I were being told I NEED this surgery. Its not an option. Stay focused and know it is NOT the easy way out.
  2. DrmBig4Evr

    Being Sleeved tomorrow and scared!

    Why? Whats wrong? You're gonna do great! I suggest you read some uplifting stories on here to remind you why you scheduled it in the first place! Good luck, prayers are with you!
  3. DrmBig4Evr

    Long stall

    I'd say start tracking exactly what you eat and go back to being as strick as you were post op. Also, get more exercise in. Make sure you get your protein and water in, up to as much as 80-100g. Makes a huge difference. Keep carbs between 60-80. Also check out the newest post called 100 lbs down, he gives insight regarding his exercising. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/70301-100-pounds-gone-10-pounds-to-goal/
  4. DrmBig4Evr

    Pre Op Question...

    My first inclination is to say no. On the other hand, will you be able to walk appropriately after surgery?
  5. DrmBig4Evr

    Learning to deal with stress

    Thoughts and prayers are with you!
  6. DrmBig4Evr

    Fat girl - thin body?

    I'm very worried about it. I think that is a large part of this mental journey and I will have to face it at that point. I will continue to view myself as fat even though the scale and mirror don't reflect it. I am hopeful there are some techniques I can use to assist me during that time. I also hope I will be able to recognize that I am doing it just as you did.
  7. DrmBig4Evr

    optimum heart rate for cardio

    Stick with one machine for 2 weeks and switch it up, also push yourself to go for a little longer each time! If you don't have enough time, higher intesity works also! Check in and let me know how your doing!
  8. I'd call your surgeon. Right now there are more allergies going around than infections. He may give you an antibiotic and that should knock it out in about 24 hours if it is an infection.
  9. DrmBig4Evr

    If no NAIDS...then what?

    Honestly, nothing other than tylenol. Anti-inflamatories are NSAIDS. I am concerned as well because of my back, hip, and knee pain. I was only told not to take them for 7 days preop.
  10. Should I be concerned if I have not been told to do this??
  11. DrmBig4Evr

    optimum heart rate for cardio

    My opinon?? Ok, when I lost the most weight around 50 lbs. (I haven't had surgery yet) the most success I had was with intervals, 4 and 4. 4 minutes of harder more intense work out with a heart rate around 170 and then another 4 minutes of heart rate around 140. I did this initially for 28 minutes and then worked up to 56 minutes. I had a trainer once tell me that my max heart rate is when I start to have trouble carrying on a conversation with someone which was around 170.
  12. It is a truly personal decision. If I thought about when the timing would be "right" for me it would never happen. On the other hand if I were starting a new job I would not take off or mention the surgery at all. I would wait and see if you are approved and if you can schedule surgery mid-March and push your start date off 2 weeks. I scheduled mine after a business trip, right before my boys birthdays, and I have another business trip 2 weeks after surgery. I have the option to work from home and I will use it if needed, but for now I've taken off a total of 5 days for the surgery. I'm playing it by ear. I figure things have a way of working out.
  13. DrmBig4Evr

    Things to ask the doctor

    There is an entire thread on this subject that covers alot. I just asked about the complications, which they have to tell you about anyway so you will hear it. Also, I asked about pre and post op diets, typical stay in hospital & what to expect. Vitamins and issues post op. Thats all I can think of now, but just search in the top right of the page and you will find the thread I'm talking about. Good luck!
  14. DrmBig4Evr

    what shall I expect?!?!

    Well, I had this same question and it depends on your surgeon and where you are at in the process. Doctors usually have pre-op testing they need, but I had it done before I met with my surgeon. All I did was go over the surgical procedure, sign the informed consent about the good, bad, and ugly and go over diet, schedule surgery, and questions I had. That was it, no exam or anything from my doc because I already did the physical, stress test, psych, nut, etc.
  15. DrmBig4Evr

    The High Heeled Assasin's Intro

    Thank you @Peace! I will!
  16. My official intro, you may know me as DrmBig4Evr, or Kathryn, but allow me to introduce to you The High Heeled Ninja Assasin. Going through the official pre-operation phases from research to pre-authorization, approval and now finally pre-op status I have gone through a number of emotions. I know all of us have pre and post op. In reflecting on this past week I realized a number of items I wanted to blog about, but didn't get around to it. This morning I realized the best way to do this is to write this blog and title it appropriately. All of my life I have been known as a fighter, a fighter against adversity. Now, I realize that is not enough. Why fight adversity to gain a "normal" sense of life when I can go up against my fears, additions (food/abuse), problems full force as a ninja and break through each one and move FORWARD?? I've been living my life the wrong way. A little background on my past, but this past does not define me... * Teen mother * College Graduate * Abbusive Relationships * Supportive Family * Narcissistic Husband * Overweight * Single Mom of 2 beautiful boys, turning 11 & 18 at the most appropriate time, the weekend of my surgery * Professional & Strong Woman I have allowed the above "classifications" define who I am. I thought I was embracing adversity and overcoming it when I should have fought through it and kept moving. There are those to remind me that I am too young to have an 18 year old and to them I say simply, I know. However, I noticed that I also have appeased my biggest interloper, my ex-husband (Nov 2012), by giving into his demands and putting my life on hold as not to "rock the boat". When I decided on this journey it was mainly for quality of life puroses, medically speaking, but what I have realized I've gained is a change of a QUALITY LIFE. You may be wondering about the title of my blog. Well, obviously the ninja assasin may be self-explanatory. I will overcome AND advance forward very calculated and strategically. However, the high heeled part is specific to the abuse I have received over the last 13 years of my life. The physical abuse stopped about 10 years ago, thankfully, but the emotional, financial, and manipulative ways continue on today. I have clawed my way out and I am finally seeing a light. I was told I do not look good in heels, but I LOVE wearing them. I am not too tall, but not short either. 5'5.5" with 3" heels would make me as tall as many men. Being overweight, heels made me feel pretty. I used to blame my ex for his opinions stating it was his insecurities. Typical Napoleon complex in my opinion. However, I bowed to the abusive behavior, I started buying more flats, and why not I had back problems anyway. I didn't realize how upset I was about this control until I was faced with attending a R&B concert and I "asked" if I could wear heels with my dress and I was told no, I look unnatural. WHAT???????? I wore flats and rocked them, noticing I was the only one with them on. NOW? Its time for ME. I am going in full force with my heels on assasinating any negativity and facing adversity like a Ninja!
  17. DrmBig4Evr


    Normal emotions, I am feeling the same things, I haven't told my family yet. Im waiting until after.
  18. My kids love saying Sporting Goods, they are boys, and teens/pre-teens!
  19. You can do this! And I'll be right there with you that week!
  20. DrmBig4Evr

    When is running ok?

    I was told no more lifting 15lbs in 15 days, exercise as tolerated, but no running, boot camp, etc until after 1 month post op.
  21. Ok, in this forum we have some information on what to bring to the hospital and frequently asked questions. However, my question is a little different. What supplies or items do I need post-op to be successful?? It can be anything, here I will start... * medicine cup to put liquid in so I drink slower * small oyster fork * smaller plates * scale for food or measurement tools * Vitamins - multi-Vitamin, Calcium citrate & D, Biotin, vitamin E
  22. DrmBig4Evr

    Dry skin.....

    Oh and throw in some vitamin E if you can depending on your stage
  23. DrmBig4Evr

    People dont get it!

    Wow, that is rough. I'm sorry, people won't get it, I had it happen to me and I am not sleeved yet, but I had people trying to sabatoge my weight loss when I lost about 45 lbs. You know what you were told and what you can eat. I think you were very polite about it and ate what she gave you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
