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Posts posted by Kath-A-Leena

  1. I still have another week of full liquids, too. My instructions allow for other lower carb type Soups, not just Cream Of Whatever. I just have to blend them so there are no chunks and thin them a little. It's hard to find canned Soups that don't have Pasta or rice. The best one I've found so far has been Progresso chicken Enchilada Soup. I've also tried throwing some extra stuff in the blender with the Cream Of Whatever to spice it up and add a little Protein. Stuff like chopped chicken, canned salmon, & fresh herbs.

  2. I was able to hit my Protein targets during Week 1 Clear liquids thanks to Isopure and Protein bullets. A 20 oz bottle of Isopure has 40 grams protein and most of the flavors are drinkable. Punch is pretty good. I also drank one 3.8 oz New whey bullet per day worth 42 grams. Those have kind a disturbing viscosity and a funny taste. If I had it to do over again, I would just double up on the Isopure. Now that I'm in Week 2 full liquids, I can get protein from shakes. Getting in all the fluids is tough. I'm not coming close to 64 oz yet but managing to keep ahead of dehydration. I feel great except for the biggest incision which is still sore and bruised.

    I can relate to the disgusted feeling your talking about!! We have these food funerals and as we are doing it we realize this is pathetic and the reason for all our problems in the first place. I think those feelings of disgust and failure are the feelings that help drive us through the surgery and keep us motivated on the other side!!!

    On another note - how are things going for you? Any insight you can give us or new discoveries? are you able to get all your protein and fluids in? I'm struggling with getting it all in myself.

    Take Care

  3. I couldn't possibly make a decision on one final meal so I went for variety at a Golden Corral. There's a really good one nearby. I was so enthused about doing one last blowout dinner I fantasized about it all day. Then when it was all over, I felt really disgusted. Nothing was so good it justified that overstuffed feeling that makes you lean back the car seat then flop into bed as soon as you get home. And the guilt and shame. Oh my, the guilt and shame! Nope. It's not worth it. Actually, I'm glad I did it because now I KNOW that's not the way I want to live. The next restaurant meal I have will be a tiny little ladylike appetizer portion and I'm gonna feel so virtuous I won't be able to stand myself.

  4. Hey there Firecrackers. At 1 week out, I thought I would share some random thoughts on issues of concern to the soon-to-be-sleeved and the newly-sleeved.

    Clear liquid Diet- Why is everything neon-colored? I'm so happy to start full liquids tomorrow so I can consume something that is a color actually found in nature. My designated diet shelf in the fridge looks like a circus with all the varieties of Isopure, Powerade Zero, Protein bullets, and SF Jello. I don't care if ever see them again but the neon SF Popsicles can stay. Although the Isopures and Protein bullets are not the greatest tasting things I ever drank, I highly recommend working them in somehow for at least the first week post-op. My strength and energy really picked up around Day 3 when I started drinking them instead of just Water & ice.

    Going Back To Work- Everyone worries about how soon they can or should go back to work. I went back to my desk job sooner than most, on Day 5. Really, the biggest challenge has been finding clothing that doesn't bother my incision areas. I can squirm around in my chair to find the best position to relieve any stress on the incisions. It's a little tougher to get comfortable driving but it's doable. My energy has been fine as long as I'm getting in some protein. I had much worse energy problems back when I was eating a bunch of junk and sending my blood sugar on a wild ride. Of course, everyone's situation will be different. Just thought I'd share my experience.

    Hydration- I admire anyone who can get in the recommended 64 oz of liquid per day. It's tough when you're still swollen. At the first sign of a gurgle, hiss, burp, or hiccup, I back off from my sipping until Lil' Guillermo calms down. I haven't had anything come back up and don't want to push my luck. Haven't experienced any dehydration symptoms so I guess it's working out OK. Hopefully, I can up to the 64 oz target soon.

    Just some random thoughts. Hope somebody finds something of use.


  5. Had my sleeve done Friday. Big thanks to everyone sending well wishes my way. Between the positive energy and the superior skills of Dr Alvarez and team, I'd have to say I'm one of the lucky ones. Never had any nausea or severe pain. At 3 days out, I'm mostly just concentrating on getting hydrated. My little sleeve is still very swollen and I can only swallow a tiny sip every few minutes. Also,my left side is pretty sore and bruised where they pulled my stomach out, Not too surprised there.

    Everything I had heard about Dr Alvarez was pretty acurate. His team has this sleeve thing down to a science. They've done about 2500 sleeves now. Experience shows. They are all over you at exactly the right time with exactly the right meds and fluids. All you have to do is follow instructions and heal. The facilities kind of reminded me of something in an old haunted insane asylum movie but it was clean. Dr A's team really cares about their patients. They also made sure my husband was comfortable and fed. And yes, the docs are cute. Highly recommend the Dr A experience to anyone who's still researching.


  6. Ok, enough whining. Someone posted here about having their fridge stocked with all the clear liquids possible. What types of things has everyone been buying? I am still trying all of the various Protein powders but I'm wondering what everyone else is planning to use in the beginning. I'll be fine once I get to the eggs, grilled chicken, string cheese phase but until then what does everyone else have planned besides cream of wheat, sugar free pudding and strained cream of chicken Soup?

    My first week post-op is just clear liquids so I stocked up on broth, Crystal Light, Powerade Zero, and sugar free Popsicles. Most of the same stuff I've been surviving on for the past week as my pre-op diet. I also bought a variety of Isopures and New whey bullets for post-op Protein. I haven't tried them yet. A lot of people hate them but then a lot of people hate Protein shakes and I like pretty much all the ones I've tried. Just not that picky, I guess.

  7. Does this have that Protein smell and taste to it or is it much tastier than others that are just NASTY??????

    The smell of Protein drinks just gags me!!


    Kelly :D

    It really doesn't have that weird stinky foot smell. It's almost too good to be true. I've tried a bunch of different whey protein powders and GNC Wheybolic s the only one that doesn't have it. Get some next time you can catch them on sale. It's kind of pricy otherwise.

    Don't bother following the directions that tell you to use 3 scoops. That's just wasteful. One scoop tastes great and has 20 grams of protein.

  8. They must put crack in that Diet Mtn Dew! I was hooked on it for years. I've met quite a few other DMD junkies, too. About a year ago, when I got up to a 4 a day habit, I decided it had to stop and just went cold turkey. It does seem ridiculous to be a slave to a beverage-no matter how tasty and refreshing. I still have to have some kind of caffeine every a.m., like half a cup of coffee, or I get a headache that can't be killed with anything but caffeine. Still trying to kick that.

    If we can get that DMD monkey off our backs we ought to be able to give up food too.

    Best wishes on breaking your addiction as well as on your surgery.

    I am getting my sleeve July 27th in Mexico. I am starting my pre-op diet July 4. So far I have been having food funerals. I know there are differing points of view on this. Some say it is ok and some get hostile when some one admits to it. I have actually been eating things that I normally never buy.

    I am a dt mtn dew addict and I think that will be the hardest thing for me to give up. When I decided on the sleeve then found out I would have to give it up....I actually hesitated. Then the good Lord put the thought into my mind, I could give up something that really is not beneficial or I could get this weight off permanently....then I thought how totally rediculous!!

    So here I am and starting Monday I am one a day until the 4th and I will be weaned off.

    So Good Luck to all the July 2011 losers!!! Cheers to a new beginning!

  9. I guess this is kind of a lame group and I am the lamest. My VSG is less than a week away (July 1) and all I can do is read and re-read informative posts so I can get my mind prepared. Maybe after surgery I'll have more to contribute or complain about. Right now, I'm just so ready to get this show on the road! My 1 week liquid diet officially started yesterday. I actually started it on Monday, 4 days early. I was so eager to move things along. It's really not that bad but that's only beacause I know there's an end in sight. Of course, I did have to squeeze in a buffet Last Supper on Thursday. I came away from that kind of feeling cheap and dirty and disgusted. I'm glad I will never be able to stuff myself like a Thanksgiving turkey and waddle out of Golden Corral again. 4 out of 5 of my fellow diners really needed to look into WLS and put Golden Corral out of business.

    This time next week I'll be sleeved. The fridge, freezer, and pantry are stocked with every allowable clear liquid I could get my hands on. This girl is READY.

    How's everyone else doing with prep?

  10. The titanium staples stay there forever. Over time, the stomach tissue grows over them.

    Good day my soon to be fellow sleevers.

    I'm scheduled for surgery July 19th. They're removing my failed lapband (Port Flipped and Band Slipped) and converting me to the gastric sleeve. I'm also getting my hiatal hernia repaired.

    I was concerned about the liquid diet too. Besides being expensive ($150 per week) I found I hate the taste of the Optifast shakes. Has anyone been advised whether or not the costco Premeir shakes are a comparable replacement???? Or any other brand that tastes better. I've had the Premier shakes before and they taste good especially the chocolate.

    Any advise would be deeply appreciated.

    PS I have one other silly question. ......What happens to the staples??? I asked my doctor a million and one questions but forgit to ask about the staples. Do they dissolve, does the body absorb them or do they just stay there indifinitely???



  11. Hey there Kizmet (and all July sleevers). I'll be sleeved in Mexico on July 1st also. By Dr Alvarez. Soooo excited. As much as I wish July would hurry up and get here, I'm glad to have this time to prepare. I'm gonna be as ready as anyone could possibly be ready!

  12. Congratulations on the insurance approval! Good luck. Keep us posted.

    Hi everyone,

    I just found this website and am encouraged by what I see

    It sounds like we are all going to have a busy summer. I just found out today that my insurance has approved the gastric sleeve, I will find out my surgery date tomorrow. My surgeon is scheduling for the 1st week in July so I will find out all the details tomorrow.

    Good luck to all

    Please keep in contact.


  13. Hello fellow Firecracker

    To prepare, I'm just trying to get my head around the new lifestyle we're jumping into. I only have to do a 1 week liquid diet pre-op but I've already started making adjustments. Sadly, my own birthday falls during that week so no big restaurant meal or cake. That's OK. VSG is more important. I've started keeping a food diary on MyFitnessPal. What an eye-opener that is! I'm also trying different kinds of Protein powders and drinks for 1 or 2 meals per day. Oh-and today I bought my GasX strips for the post-op toolkit. I really need to dust off some of this exercise equipment around here but I can't tear myself away from the computer when I have free time. Too much to learn!

    Good luck Wendy. Let's keep in touch.


    Hi there! My surgery is scheduled for July 5th, but I'm not going to Mexico... so only four days after you.

    I'm so excited to get this new life started! I start my liquid diet on June 21 ~ the day after my daughter's 9th birthday! I've been trying to cut down my carb intake and am trying to UP my Protein intake (including protein shakes). I really want to start walking in the evenings, but am having a hard time getting someone to walk with me... so thinking I might just have to finally put my gym membership to use (I've only had it for 20 yrs! :blink:) Is there anything your doing special to prepare? I'd love to have someone to commiserate with during our first few weeks of sleevedom... After we make it through those first few weeks, then we'll be celebrating it, I'm sure!

    Well, let's see.. since there are the all these cute names being given to other sleeve siblings... I think we should have a cute name too! How about something like the July Firecrackers? :P

    Okay, talk to you soon!


  14. Hey Donna

    Thanks for checking in. It's nice to hear a good review on Dr A from an insider. I'm still just a little uncomfortable with the whole going to Mexico for surgery thing.

    Wow. You had some great success with the band. There's no reason you can't do even better after this revision. Just curious- why did you choose plication over sleeve?


    Hey there,

    I head down to TJ to have my plication with Dr. Ortiez on July 1st...what does that make us - Sleeve Sisters lol. Congrates on the decision and I know you are reading the boards and trying to learn everything you can. It's funny as I am having a revision (losing my band ) and going to plication, but I have the same feelings now that I did when I got my band. Will it work, am I making a mistake? Well - I lost 170 lbs with the band and then gained back 50..so I feel like I am taking charge of my life again...

    Keep in touch and let me know how it's going. I start my pre-op diet next week and get my fill out of my band...yikkes - even with it only sort of working - I can't imagine no fill/restriciton...

    Have heard good things about your doctors...having been in the Mexican bariatric community since 2003 - I have had the pleasure of meeting alot of the Doctors...

    Donna in Seattle.

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