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Posts posted by italianlady13

  1. Mine are way different now too. I have had three since post op and they are heavier and longer, however not as heavy as that. I would go to the hospital to make sure everything is ok. Maybe a cyst burst or something? Do you have pcos? That just seems like ALOT of blood to me. Do you have any cramping on one side near a specific ovary? I would definately go to the doctor especially with the other symptoms....but then again maybe I'm a baby and go to the doctor for every little problem?

  2. get that halloween candy outta the house quick and give out toothbrushes instead!!! It's like have drugs in the house with a recovering drug addict. Everyone fears the surgery will fail and if you eat candy and junk it's bound to. HOWEVER you must live a normal life as well and know that there will be times when you eat a piece of candy here and there. Now that I have said that stop beating yourself up, throw out the junk food, and realize you are two weeks out and can hurt yourself eating Snacks and junk. At two weeks broth was my best friend....

  3. hey we are in the same boat exactly. My husband was a real ass also. Reminding me that I was fat, counting the food in the cupboards. I finally got fed up. I decided to leave the Middle East where we were living. We agreed that we would try to work things out but have some space. He just stopped talking to me altogether then after a MONTH on thursday he told me he doesn't love me and will file for divorce. Well that a*****e can eat his heart out because i'm now a sexy hot lady and he's just a small troll. 50 pounds lost has done wonders for my self esteem. I LOVE MY SLEEVE!

  4. This surgery is giving us the chance to live a normal life. When I say normal I mean NORMAL. It doesn't mean we can never have a slice of pizza or a cheeseburger or an occassional piece of chocolate. My doctor actually told me to eat chocolate and to NOT deprive myself. Eventually, the cravings for those foods will go away and sometimes that kind of food even tastes bad to you and you won't want it. However if you are in a social situation or a birthday party you can indeed have something, everything is ok in moderation....

  5. I'm three months out and have lost 50 pounds. I do get hunger but it's not intense like it was before the surgery. And like itscometothis has said I eat some small meal and it's gone. I also notice that if I drink a caffinated beverage like coffee or tea I feel hunger alot more and if I eat bread....other than that it's nowhere near at all the intense I have to eat half the fridge kind of hunger....

  6. I didn't mean perfectionist in a bad way. Just sometimes people are overly hard on themselves which is what I meant. You can't be hard on yourself, be gentle with yourself and allow yourself some screw ups. This surgery (if there are no complications) is fail proof. You would have to eat and eat and eat (which isn't really possible) for it to fail. the less you think about it failing and the more you just forget you had the surgery and live your life (excercising and pretending you are just doing some diet) then it will start to move. The more you get on that scale and weigh yourself and think about what you can't eat, it won't work and indeed will fail. The mind is a powerful thing. Just keep telling yourself THIS WILL WORK and it will.

  7. Are you a perfectionist? I see a person who is really punishing herself. Why? EVERYONE does this, everyone goes through this. I suck at chewing and sipping and taking my Vitamins and eating enough Protein as well....

    who told you that you can never have mexican food, pancakes, burgers and fries? In time you will be able to eat everything you enjoyed before just in smaller quantities and not as often. And you know what? You are going to get to the point where you won't WANT those things anymore because they just won't do it for you like they did before.

    You will see that this surgery is going to be the best thing you ever did for yourself. Remember that right now your hormones are raging. Shortly after my surgery I would walk through the grocery store and cry. i was not there to buy food I was just there to be around the food (kind of like visiting the cemetary) and I would read the nutrition content and cry (think obituaries) it was HORRIBLE, but I got over that with time

    Just do your best and your best will be! You can and WILL do this and you will look back and be slightly amused that you felt this way ever, I promise you this.

  8. EVERYONE keeps asking me if I'm 22! THAT is the best part. I was 31 and feeling horrible, ugly down on myself. I tell EVERYONE about my surgery because I want them to see the benefits of this surgery, especially people who I can see feel just as badly about themselves as I used to. I'm a definate advocate!!!! I can't wait to lose the rest and meet my goal, what a feeling that will be! Also, I'm so cold all the time. I am literally freezing cold all the time and have to bundle up!!

  9. Enjoying who I am becoming....I believe you may have misunderstood her question. DECAMOM is over induldging yet STILL continuing to lose weight. Her concern is that she will get to goal and then continue to go below goal because she is eating what she likes not yet is still losing weight....

    I have been noticing this as well. In the beginning I was super controlled and counting montitoring and measuring....I gave that up a few weeks ago. Mind you, I still monitor and measure but I have tried to put it in my subconcious. If I go over my carbs then so be it, if I go over my fat, then so be it. I don't get histerical if I do and yet the weight keeps on coming off. It's like a miracle. However, I can understand feeling like "what the hell am I going to do once I lose all the weight I need to". I think the body is a miraculous thing and you will lose until your body is at a comfortable weight. When you are maintaining then it may be necessary to up your calories and carb intake to more normal levels, so adding a snack in or a sweet treat once in a while. one woman on youtube said she would maintain by drinking an adult beverage frequently....I would not advocate that though considering cross over addictions and what not....

    I guess it just going to be a matter of understanding what it feels like to be "normal" again. Like when we were kids and looked at food and didn't gain weight. Before the surgery I could smell sweets and gain a pounds through osmosis! I guess you are just going to have to enjoy feeling like you have a normal metabolism! Congratulations on your loss!

  10. You have a wonderful husband and it's no wonder why you married him. My husband told me that I was too fat on our third date (I should have seen the red flags). He often questioned what i was eating, why I was eating it, watching me as I ate, counting the food in the cupboards to see what I had consumed.... I got so depressed I just kept getting fatter and fatter. I later found a letter he wrote to his brother about how I was not that good looking (everyone comments on how i'm a good looking girl even in my chubby days) that I needed to lose weight but I made a certain amount of money. Needless to say we are not together anymore but before I left him I made sure to have my surgery done and lose some weight so he could get some idea of what I look like slimmer.... and eat his f**king heart out a*****e! You are so so lucky and I hope I meet my prince who will love me no matter what.....SOON!

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