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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    What Is Bandster Hell?

    You are probably right in the middle of it! It is that time between surgery when you are all excited and motivated, through to when you start to feel the benefits of your fills. Often in BH you will not lose weight, you will feel as though you could eat anything and that the band isn't even there. You will be wondering why you had surgery if you had to rely on your willpower so much etc etc etc. The good news is that is only temporary. And if you have to ask, then you are probably not having as difficult a time as some other bandsters. Congratulations and enjoy your results as they come.
  2. You are still healing from surgery so even though the pain will most likely go away soon, your body still needs time to recover. Overdoing it too soon will set you back.
  3. SageTracey

    Bmi Down 10 Pts!

    Congratulations. I was thrilled when I became overweight. Now I am aiming for normal. Keep up your great work.
  4. SageTracey

    Im Not Loosing

    If you are not already doing so, it can pay to log your food and exercise with an app such as myfitnesspal.com this was a real eye opener for me and I discovered I was actually eating more than I realised, despite my best intentions.
  5. SageTracey

    Self Pay And Credit Card Question...

    Surely there are too many variables involved for us to answer? It would depend on your credit cards and banks, as well as how the surgery processes the payments. You might get a more definitive answer by speaking with your bank/s and surgery. Good luck. PS Why not plan to use the miles/rewards points as a celebration for a post-surgery NSV? Something to work towards and look forward to.
  6. SageTracey

    Any Hoosiers In Here?

    Good luck in finding a workout buddy. I looked in on your thread because I was a Hoosier for a short part of my life, when I was an exchange student about 31 years ago. Great place, great people.
  7. SageTracey

    Anyone Else Cold Since Loosing Weight?

    Definitely colder since I lost weight, but also prone to power surges (hot flushes) so I never know what the next half hour will hold. I have learned the art of layering! (And my winter doesn't get anywhere near as cold as some other places.)
  8. SageTracey

    I Think My Band Is Too Tight....

    This comment is incorrect and ill-informed. The danger of complications from being too tight are real and significant.
  9. That must be so frustrating for you. Hopefully your dr is working from a perspective of what he believes is best for you in the long term but it does sound as though you have communication issues which are making this process difficult for both of you. Good luck in getting back on track with your fills and your weight loss.
  10. Definitely go with the x-ray so your surgeon can see what is going on. My port had tilted at my last fill and it took two jabs for him to find my port. Not keen to go down that path again so do everything you can to find out exactly what is going on. Good luck.
  11. SageTracey

    What To Wear

    Keep it loose and comfortable. No pressure on your incisions or your abdomen.
  12. SageTracey

    I Cant Start Working Out!!

    Take it one step at a time. Then add another one and another one. Workouts don't have to be formal classes or gym sessions. You will have longer term success by choosing exercises that you enjoy and are likely to keep doing for longer. For me, that includes dancing, walking, cycling and swimming.
  13. SageTracey


    People don't suffer sins, they commit them!
  14. SageTracey

    Keeping The Silence

    Yes, I am curious about "the look" as well. Given that the surgeon doesn't take my face and that we all lose weight at different rates from different parts of our bodies, I cannot imagine what sort of a look a person who has had WLS might have that marks them out from someone who has had their gall bladder removed or a hernia repaired. There is no right or wrong about telling people that we have had WLS. In the beginning, I only told my husband (well, we made the decision together), our children and my mother. Afterwards, a couple of people guessed because of my post-op but eventually I have told most people. The only things that irk me about telling or not telling are those people who declare that they will be honest and tell everyone. This implies that those who do not tell others are in some way being dishonest and, for me, that ranks right up there with the judgemental people who say that WLS is the easy way out. Neither is true and neither is helpful.
  15. SageTracey


    Sounds like this is a journey of continuous learning for all of us. Did your surgeon offer any advice on how to prevent a recurrence? Thanks for your update.
  16. SageTracey

    A Couple Of ?'s

    On the exercise front, my dr said I could do whatever I felt capable of at my one month follow up visit. Good luck.
  17. SageTracey


    Dumping is not typically associated with the lap band.
  18. SageTracey

    First Fill

    I was stung by a bee yesterday and would rather have a band fill! Honestly a fill doesn't hurt unless the surgeon has difficulties accessing your port. My last fill, my port had tipped and the surgeon took two attempts to access my port. The second hurt because he said he hit the metal rim of the port first time and blunted the needle. Otherwise, no problems!
  19. SageTracey

    "i Think You Are Too Skinny"

    My reply to the last person who said that to me was that I would stop losing weight when I was the same as them (cos we are about same height.) Shut her right up!
  20. SageTracey

    Back To Work?

    It depends on how well you cope with a general anaesthetic, the type of work you do and your recovery from the gas pains. Another factor to consider is the accessibility of the post-op food that you will need. Some people go back within a day or two. My surgeon recommended two weeks and I took them.
  21. SageTracey

    Laughing Causing Discomfort??

    Sounds like you are enjoying a good old belly laugh. Great way to burn calories and I wouldn't be worried about it. Just be sure to discuss it with your surgeon at your next appointment.
  22. SageTracey


    just posting here to see my title LOL
  23. SageTracey

    Always Constipated/never Poop!

    Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and water.
  24. SageTracey

    Scared And Excited!

    Banded in April last year and have lost 63kg (135 lb or so). I remember the pre- and post-op excitement vividly! Just remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint. The band is a tool which will help you reach your dreams but you still have to make the right food choices and do the exercise to get the results. I'm not saying this to be negative or to rain on your parades, but because I wish that I had understood those points more fully before hand. It wouldn't have changed my decision but my early expectations could have been more realistic. Good luck to you all!
  25. SageTracey

    Struggling With Meal Plans

    It's very difficult to make suggestions when you say you are a picky eater but don't tell us what you do/don't like. However, one of my favorites for lunch is a St Dalfours Gourmet to Go kit which has either salmon or tuna plus Pasta and vegetables. This is quite filling and has low calories, plenty of Protein. I just warm it up in the microwave and it's ready to eat. Or you can eat it cold. Coming into the warmer weather down here in Australia, I am also getting back into salads with tuna, chicken or boiled eggs for my protein. Keep experimenting and checking out what other people are eating for more ideas.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
