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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LittleSteve

  1. LittleSteve

    oh, nuts!

    Its more expensive but I buy nuts in little 25g bags, otherwise i would never lose weight. (no self control)
  2. LittleSteve

    My closet in empty

    I have 1 pair of jeans and a belt I keep adding holes too. I`m still wearing 6XL tops to the gym even though I'm now an XL but its getting silly now, I'm going to put off buying anything until I get to 100kg. I So hate shopping
  3. The problem I have with a cons list is all the cons I have found are really the whole point of the sleeve, such as, if I go out for a meal I can`t eat much. Yay I just ate nothing at MacDonald's.
  4. LittleSteve

    How much can you eat

    I`m the same I go from 0% full to 100% full (Thanksgiving dinner full) within 1 bite. As for eating a lot of watermelon I think thats becouse its Water - melon.
  5. Sooooooooooooooooo? I know its gona be good!

  6. LittleSteve

    Anybody watch dr phil today!?

    Guys too. I've only lost 1/2 my weight and already I`ve started dating again. Its much better than World of warcraft!
  7. I believe you are on a "typical" stall and even though you could change strategies to maximize weight loss as quickly as possible, as long as your not (persistently) doing things that increase the amount of calorie laden food you eat it is impossible to NOT lose weight with VSG.
  8. LittleSteve

    Random ?

    I`m the managing Director of a small computer repair company or to put it another way, I`m the dude who answers the phone and trys to justify his existence while not actually doing anything of importance at all.
  9. LittleSteve


    My hunger comes and goes now. I think long term its a good thing that we feel some hunger. Its not too helpful while losing but after I think its going to be a big plus.
  10. LittleSteve

    Life STINKS after surgery

    Thanks for your post 4romatl, would love to here if things get better for you.
  11. LittleSteve


    How many are you aiming for per day? I`m thinking I probaly hit 800-1000 Calories.
  12. Hi Dave I`m in IT. When its busy I can even forget to eat quite easily, its not a problem. After the four week point its just not a hassle.
  13. LittleSteve

    I need a smoke!

    Patches worked for me.
  14. LittleSteve

    Going back to the gym

    I went back at 6 weeks and it took me a couple of weeks (at least) to get back into it. now at 12 weeks it feels like I`m flying in comparison! I can get a little dizzy for a couple of seconds if I get up quickly. I have all the energy I need.
  15. I weighed myself every morning with Passion then last month my scales broke and I haven't replaced them . I`m thinking I may not bother.
  16. I know how you feel at 2 weeks I was the same, and yes you will probably get away with it but the consequences are high. If you can just hold on for a bit longer it would be much better.
  17. Today I had a treat. MacDonald's Breakfast, I was a little dishartend and disappointed because it was a long way to drive for 3 bytes of a egg muffin. Today at the Gym I did 20 Burpees in 30 seconds, It felt Awesom. Oh and I have a date Sat night.
  18. LittleSteve

    I don`t belive it, Where`d it go?

    It certainly is going to take some getting used to. :biggrin0:
  19. That was a wonderful post CLK. I just wanted to add that I love my food just as much as I ever did. As for quantity its awesomely relative, Eating a slice of pizza now is sort of equivalent to eating a whole pizza then, same amount of time taken, same taste and same fullness. I have no problem stuffing my face with pizza occasionally.
  20. LittleSteve

    Ideas about candy?

    I really wouldn`t go down that road, Its like just one cigarette.
  21. LittleSteve

    Gaming Sleevers

    I started playing Cataclysm (alpha) four months ago. I got very bored very quickly as not having your guildies around takes all the fun out of it. I have stopped playing ever since i got sleeved and am waiting for the retail release. Flying around Eastern Kingdom is awesome.
  22. LittleSteve

    My situation

    Congratulations on your new smaller stomach.
  23. Your stomach has stretch receptors so when food touches them, a message is sent to the brain telling you to stop eating. I believe you just have to relearn what full is. when I am eating I can go from hungry to the I don`t want any more very quickly. I have to stop right then or I get the can`t move for a week feeling. For me its very obvious, easy to anticipate and satisfying. I also still get hungry and eat every 2-3 hrs but for some reason and without trying I no longer crave junk food.
  24. LittleSteve

    eating when bored??

    I have the same problem and this is what worked for me: Chuck out all the Junk. buy grapes, nuts and dried fruit etc. Buy a load of little tiny weeny zip-lock bags. makeup lots of little bags of good snack food and place at front of fridge.
  25. LittleSteve

    New to VST

    Thats a good point Jane, I was kicking myself for not getting WLS earlier but if I had it would of been the band and just between you and me I don`t think I would of liked the band at all.

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