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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LittleSteve

  1. Personally at 103 lbs down I would put the scales away, be a little conscious of what I`m eating, exercise, enjoy my success.
  2. LittleSteve

    Breast changes

  3. LittleSteve

    Typical meals

    Typical day: Breakfast. eggs Poached or boiled. with a piece of toast, coffee Snack. 1 x toast with cheese, coffee lunch 4inch`s of a subway Snack peanuts, coffee dinner Pork/chicken a little mash potato and veg. yogurt Snack. anything I can find that taste good, normally bad. I`m sure the only reason I have lost weight is purely due to exercise.
  4. I think shes gonna work it out, you might as well tell her.
  5. LittleSteve


    From the album: Me

  6. LittleSteve

    Short Post

    Today summer started in New Zealand and for the first time I was part of it rather than a bystander. Its only 1 in the afternoon and already I have been to the Gym, been Mountain bike riding and had lunch at the beach. Its just amazing how loosing a bit of weight changes your ability to participate in fun activates. Thank you sleeve for giving me my life back.
  7. Been to the Gym, been Mountain bike riding and lunch at the beach, Its only 2 O`Clock! I`m buggered already.

  8. LittleSteve

    Pre OP June(ish) 2010

    From the album: Me

  9. LittleSteve

    Pre OP June(ish) 2010

  10. LittleSteve

    OUCH- This was on my friend's Facebook.... RANT!

    I don`t think its because he`s fat but because he is scared of the ball?
  11. LittleSteve

    Just a rant- John Goodman-

    I goto a small Gym and I think everyone knows, the only thing anyone has ever said is "Wow your doing so well" and "OMG thats your 3rd new set of gear". Do you think its a sexist thing?
  12. Cold, thats all I have to say at this point.

  13. OMG my facebook quote. I didnt know lol. Yes I did good. have you been well?

  14. Its a little slow today so I`m gonna pump up the Tyres on the bike and go for a ride, someone else can answer the dam phone!

  15. LittleSteve

    FOUR week stall... grrr

    I don`t wanna put a downer on this, I really don`t but even if it wasn`t pure coincidence the snack thing long turm is a problem of its own. I do get that mixing things up and increasing Cal's have been said to help but personally I`m finding snacking to be a problem and has slowed my weight loss.
  16. LittleSteve

    I just want to cry

    After I lost 20lb my depression went, funny that.
  17. Anything for me, not a problem I can even eat a subway, or to be accurate 4" of a subway. Sugar (lollies) gives me a hollow type feeling and chocolate makes me feel horrid but I can eat it and in abundance if (when) I really wanted to.
  18. I didn`t know there was a chat room?

  19. LittleSteve


    From the album: Me

    Even less
  20. I haven`t forgotten, how are you going?

  21. I swapped from soda to a little low joule flavoring and soluble multivitamins.
  22. LittleSteve

    Pounds lost per month

    with the surgeries being refined in the last couple of years with the smaller sizes, in general I would hope to lose 90-100% within the first year but everyone is different.
  23. Relax, its normal, your doing very well. The hard part is done and it gets better every day from here. When your a few months out you will eat heaps of yummy food until then take it easy. Stall will come and stalls will go, my advice would be to put the scales away as its not I particularly good way of judging your progress. Good luck
  24. LittleSteve


    Well wheres the photo with the new boots?

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