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Posts posted by Cancel

  1. I can feel you're pain. I also wear a CPAP. I have been using it diligently since December. This is my third try with it. Two times before I gave it back. Now I can't sleep without it. You have to get a mask that works for you. There are literally hundreds on the market each with small differences. They even have special pillows for people who are belly and side sleepers. I like you couldn't handle it at first but found that if I used Carmex lip balm on my lips before I went to sleep it kept me from gettinb too dried out at night. It actually worked, after about 3 days I noticed i woke up at 6:00am (my usual wake up time) and it was still on.

    Oh, and don't keep it too tight a small leak is acceptable.

    If you would like to PM me I can give you more info, I'm a Respiratory therapist and work for a sleep center so I may be able to give you more tips based on what you are experiencing.

    Hope this helps and just keep trying.It'll get better and the benefits are worth it. :)

  2. That would be wonderful in a perfect world but unfortunately there are people who have ulterior motives for dispensing false information. It becomes very difficult to decipher what is true and what isn't, what is someone's opinion and hearsay versus what is fact.

    As someone who is new to the forum this can go both ways. It sometimes appears as if some posters may be employed by some facilities to boost patients.

    Not everyone is going to have a 100% positive experience. These boards are to get others opinions and experiences.

    I have an advantage of having a medical background. But, I am still researching who I want to do my surgery. Because this surgery is life altering but by no means is it immediately a life saving procedure. This is not like going to hospital with a heart attack and needing life saving surgery. This is still an elective procedure. That is why a good surgeon will make sure you are cleared by a cardiologist if you have high blood pressure. Or a pulmonary clearance if you have asthma. These are guidelines put in place for a reason. Not, just to make money for another Dr.

    If you can't come to a public forum to hear the good, bad, ugly and fantastic results people are having why bother even having the forums?

  3. I will have a $600.00 copay to the hospital plus my surgeon has a program fee of $600.00 that is not covered by insurance. I think its to fill out the paperwork and the preop courses they make you attend here. I will have several nutritionist visits before surgery and an appointment with a personal trainer before surgery and again when I'm cleared to exercise. So far I have also had to pay for my co-pays every month that I go to the Dr. for my diet supervision. So $120.00 for that. Hopefully that will be all there is, I'm trying to save some money also so I won't have to worry about taking some extra time off work if I need it. Hope this helps, Tracey

  4. It does seem like it takes a long time, but it's worth it. I started my process in March and won't be having surgery till October hopefully.

    I am trying to go through my insurance so that takes 6 months of a doctor supervised diet plan. I am now in month two. I was really frustrated when I first heard of the diet requirement but it's going by well and it gives me the time to research exactly what I need to do after surgery to make it a success.

    And the medical clearances are there for your own safety as well as to cover the doctor. It's better to know going in if you have any conditions that may make your recovery more difficult. It's a lot easier to anticipate something and have it treated before going under anesthesia. Than having something happen and need to fix it after it's happened.

    The sleep apnea issue is actually a really important one. The complication risks of undiagnosed sleep apnea can be horrific so it's better to know if you have it and get it treated with a CPAP before surgery. And a lot of people have no idea they have it until they have a sleep study done.

    Hope my rambling helps at least a little.

  5. I would defiantely do before photos. This way if you stall or start to feel as if you're not making progress you have a great visual to go back and compair to. My DH is a photographer and I hate when he takes pictures of me but, I will have a ton on before pictures to compair when I am done. I have even let him take some of me in my size 22 bathing suit. I won't let anyone else see them at least not yet. Maybe after I get to goal. Good Luck

  6. Well, where to start? I am like everyone else here, overweight and tired of it. I can't remember ever being thin. My highest non pregnant weight has been this past year at 266. I am currently at 258. I am on month 2 of my 6 month diet requirement for insurance. I have Cigna and am hoping they will follow suite with Aetna and start covering the sleeve when their policy comes under review. Which is May 19th of this year. So hopefully by the time I am done with the diet requirement Cigna will cover the sleeve. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have not been able to lose any weight on Weight watchers after 9 weeks and boy is it frustrating when I go weigh in each week and they ask "well, what did you do this week". Always the attitude that you didn't follow the plan. And "if you would just follow it, it will work for you". NOT! But I have to keep going to prove to the insurance I am making the attempt. Not that I haven't tried at least 50 diets in the last 20+ years. I know who my surgeon will be and have been working closely with his team to do everything I need to in order to get insurance to pay. I have already met with the nutritionist and she seems great. I know I will need a cardiac clearance, as I have high blood pressure. Also, Pulmonary clearance due to asthma and sleep apnea. Those evals I'll get out of the way when it gets closer to a surgery date. I also have to have a psych eval and that will be cash pay as the one they use does not take any insurances. But it will certainly be worth the wait to get insurance to cover it. My biggest hope is to maintain this weight until surgery. I am finding the posts on here very helpful and am glad my surgeon and his staff keeps everyone well informed as to what is required before surgery. I am surprised when people have no idea about why they need further testing, I always just ask, and if they didn't give a clear enough answer I wouldn't be comfortable with that surgeon. So I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. Now I don't feel as if I'm lurking LOL. Oh and I am hoping to have surgery sometime in October. I know it's a ways off but it will pass by in no time. I am glad to see there are so many people out there with the same concerns, fears, and challenges. Thank you to everyone who posts.

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