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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by crash878905

  1. Great job on your weightloss!! I had my band put in on July 6th of this year. During my mushies/pureeds (over the course of about 5 days) I GAINED 4lbs. Talk about feeling discouraged! I was thinking to myself, I just had surgery and I'm hardly eating, how can I possibly GAIN any weight??? But I posted a topic on here and got great responses that gave me some insight. Your body went through a traumatic thing (surgery!). It is taking what it can to repair itself and get well again. Try and think of it that way. I had a 2 wk preop liquid diet and lost 10lbs. I had a 10 day postop liquid diet, 1 week of mushies, and then I started introducing regular foods. On Monday I had an appointment to get a fill and found out I don't even need it! My doctor says I'm doing beautifully without a fill... and here I was concerned that I was gaining weight in week 2 post op! I'm down a total of 35lbs now, which is not typical from what I hear. People say that your first month post op is healing time, and if you lose weight it's a bonus. So I feel like a lucky girl! Give it time and you'll do beautifully. Best of luck :)

  2. I decided not to tell people except my manager about my band. Apparently now my whole department at work thinks I got my stomach stapled. I'm not offended that they think I got my stomach stapled. I'm annoyed for a few reasons.

    1. That information is absolutely incorrect.

    2. People are so willing to share my personal information.

    3. They don't know anything about bands.

    4. A coworker told me that people didn't think I needed wight loss surgery and actually compared me to an anorexic/bulemic having a distorted body image.

    5. They don't know or understand my health/weight issues.

    Frustrating!!! I don't want people sharing my business around the office. It honestly hurt my feelings. I started being proactive and telling people about the band to correct any rumors. And I casually brought up the band in conversation with the people that had been spreading the stapling rumors, just to set them straight. I'm not embarrassed by my band. I just don't want the world knowing before I want them to... and it's MY business.

    Any advice or similar situation???

  3. Just wanted to make a post about my new found confidence... I think it has to do with people starting to notice my weight loss. I don't mean this in a vain way, but I love when people tell me my face looks thinner, I look healthier and happier. It encourages me to keep making the right choices and staying on track.

    Also, I'm surprised at the complients/attention I'm getting from guys. Hear me out--- I am not saying this because I think I'm drop dead gorgeous, and I know I've lost only about 1/3 of what I want to lose, so I've still got a ways to go. But I think that since I feel happier and healthier, it gives you a glow on the outside!

    What a great feeling. I hope it continues! I hope you are all feeling gorgeous out there... male or female! We work hard to get healthier with this band, it's nice when people acknowledge it!

  4. I appreciate your candor. Today is my 1st day of the exciting 14-day Liquid Pre-op diet. LOL Iam wondering how many days it took you to shrink you tummy a bit so you weren't so hungry? Thanks!

    I am go grateful for your story. My surgery is Aug 18th. I start me preop liquid diet on Wednesday. I have a renwed excitement!!! Now I am counting Wednesday as the start of my new life instead of the 18th!!

    You guys inspired me as much as I did you! Lucy, you might find it hard to believe, but I was only physically hungry twice. The Protein kept me full. When I was hungry I had lettuce, peppers, and onions with 1tbs of oil and 1 tbs of vinegar. The surgeon's office didn't like that I did that, but to me that wasn't really cheating... it was vegetables lol. And I did slip and have a small piece of cake for my sister's birthday. When I slipped up with the cake, I felt so GUILTY, thinking what if I mess up with the band, maybe I shouldn't get the band, etc. But it was fine. Don't let guilt consume you if the same happens to you.

    Fourshepards, the first day of your preop is the first day of your new life! Best of luck :)

  5. Hi all! I am having surgery next week and decided to keep it a secret from my friends and family..even my kids..i'm afraid if it doesnt work i'll be embarrassed. Can I hear some success stories and what should I expect ?

    I tried to keep it from everyone. Eventually it does get out. At one of my jobs, when they found out, they were actually insulted I didn't tell them so they could say a prayer for me! One lady did talk behind my back saying I was young and she was scared for me. And at my other job, I just found out everyone knows but they haven't said anything to me yet, just one person. And he was actually curious about it and asked me questions, which was cool. It turns out, a lot of people think the band is bypass, so it's cool to inform them. If an overweight person asks me about it, I tell them I had the band because I just think, well what if they're thinking about it for themselves? Some of my family doesn't know, and eventually I'll tell them. Before surgery I was dead set on not telling anyone. Some of my friends and family don't like the idea. And you won't be able to change their minds. Just remember, you're doing this for YOU! As long as you know it's right for you, then don't let any other voices in your head.

  6. Thanks for posting this. I don't have a liquid pre-op diet; my doctor told me to do Atkins. I am, however, doing all liquids for 20 days after surgery, and then soft foods/mushies for 10 days.

    It won't be so bad :)

    Your post was a life-saver this morning. I am 1 1/2 weeks into my 3 week post of diet and have been fighting it for some reason. And like you I am a carb-oholic. Your post has given be the push I needed to stick with it another 1 1/2 weeks. It is getting easier and I have lost 7 pounds. My stomach isn't as hungry, but my mouth still wants to eat.dry.gif

    Thank you for this post!!!! I was supposed to have surgery back in Feb, started the pre-op diet and made it through 4 days....hated every moment but also had some family issues arise so my surgery was put on the back burner. Now I am up and running again and hope to get a new date within a few weeks and I am totally DREADING the 2 week liquid only pre-op diet. Your post is encouraging! :-)

    I am glad you posted this....it's a good reminder for me!

    I am so happy that you guys found inspiration in this :) I was a big whiner through my preop diet, I'm pretty sure my family wanted to lock me in my room until surgery day lol. Just keep thinking it will all be worth it. You're going to be so proud of yourselves... just gotta get through the preop diet (good news is, it doesn't last forever!)

  7. Im still waiting for the insurance approval and so last night I decided heck why not go to the cheescake factory and enjoy a banana cream cheesecake....after reading your post...I feel extremely guilty. Your post made me think, reflect and it put things into perspective for me. Just because I do not have a date yet doesn't mean that I should eat carelessly and shouldn't start living a healthier life. I remember very very long ago..when a few crackers and a hard boiled egg used to keep me satisfied...

    Im glad you reflected...and posted it...it made me think and it inspired me...good luck with your journey and keep us posted :)

    I'm so happy that I inspiried you :) Please don't feel guilty! I went all out prior to my preop diet... including the Cheesecake Factory... redvelvet cheesecake... my mouth just watered! During my preop diet, I did slip up once or twice and felt VERY guilty. I second guessed my surgery, my willpower, etc. I came on this website and vented and everyone told me not to feel guilty, but to learn from it... those were very smart people! You'll have your time, and when it comes to your surgery day you will be more than ready for it :) best of luck!!

  8. Well said Crash! I think not having any junk 10 days before mine got my body ready to succeed with my weight loss. I am down 90 pounds since April and loving it. 50 to go to my goal! I do eat weight watchers dark chocolate raspberry ice cream bars when I want something (80 cals and oh so good!) Good luck and you have the right frame of mind to succeed.

    I am amazed at how well you have done!!! I hope I'm that successful. And don't get me wrong... I still love my sweets! lol I'm going to try those WW chocolate bars :)

  9. good for you

    I too have done a preop diet and am proud of myself since I havent had a successful run in over 20 years, I started at 200, have lost 17 pounds and am getting the lapband on tuesday august 9th.nervous but excited. any post op advice you can give me for the recovery is greatly appreciated. take care and good luck

    You're getting your band on my birthday! I think that means good luck lol I've learned that everyone's recovery is different. My mom got the band and she said she felt a lot of gas pain. I was trying to prepare myself for that... but came to find I had NO gas pains after surgery. As soon as I woke up the nurse asked me if I was in any pain or if I was nauseous. I said yes to both and they took care of it right away. Keep in mind, the pain was not unbearable at all, I just didn't want to feel the smallest amount of pain because I am a big baby! The ride home, which is tricky for some, was easy for me. I suggest bringing a pillow and putting it between you and the seatbelt. Incase there are potholes or if the driver stops short, you have some cushion. My doctor gave me percocet just as a precaution. I napped when I got home, and a few hours later I started to feel a little bit of pain take over my body (later to find that anesthesia is not my friend). But as far as my stomach being sore or the incisions, yes they're sore, but completely manageable with tylenol-- no big thing. Don't get worried! I did take the percocet at night to help me sleep because the anesthesia made all of my muscles sore for about 2-3 days.

    Two days after surgery I had to go into work for an important meeting. I got through it, but looking back, I shouldn't have gone only because sitting for hours was uncomfortable. Again, nothing was extremely painful, just tender. My surgery was on a Wednesday and I went back to work the following Monday. After work I got home and napped, you'll be tired for a good week/week and a half. The best thing to do is to plan out your food and have things on hand that you can eat. Allow yourself to eat all the things that are ok'd after surgery by your surgeon. I limited myself to just chicken broth when I could've had a variety of things, and I regret not switching it up a little. ALWAYS listen to your doctor. I picked something up that was over 10lbs and when I checked my incision there was a little bit of fresh blood. After that I didn't lift another thing! I hope this helps, and I'm sorry I gave you a novel! Feel free to ask anymore questions :) You're going to do great Tuesday! And just to throw it in there, I would go through recovery 3 more times if I had to... it's worth it!!

  10. Did a little bit of reflecting over the weekend, and I've come to realize that I LOVE that I had a 2 week Protein Shake only liquid diet. Yes, you read that right. This coming from the girl that kicked, screamed, and complained through most of the preop diet. I know that some people are not required (or are required to do the liquid only diet and choose not to), but boy am I glad that my surgeon requires it. Here's why. I truly appreciate every piece of food that goes into my mouth...most importantly the healthy stuff. And of course, it did jump start my weightloss.

    Before the band and before the preop diet, I wasn't a binger. Yes, I ate too much food, but not bingeing. And I am a complete carb queen...and chocolate fanatic, sugar addict, lol you get the point. Vegetables, whole foods and healthy foods were not a part of my daily diet. I even counted ice cream as a milk product when on Weight Watchers. Most days of the week I ate ALL my meals at fast food restaurants. This morning when I ate a hardboiled egg with 1 oz of low fat cheddar cheese, salt and pepper, I was content. My insides felt good (weird, I know lol). Now if I were to rewind back to May of this last year, I would've had a Dunking Donuts croissant with eggs and cheese and a medium iced caramel latte with whipped cream for Breakfast and I never felt full or content.

    I know I have the band to thank for this, but it's more than that. Being "deprived" of the garbage food I was eating really helped me gain perspective. My body was created perfectly by God (sorry if others believe otherwise, don't want to create waves here) and I was slowly destroying what He gave me. I feel back on track and happy with my new way of eating and my new way of thinking. Yes, at the beginning of my recovery time I did think "omgosh what did I do?" because of the discomfort I was in on my second day post op, but it did pass and I felt brand new on day 5.

    So anyone that is about to start or in the middle of their preop diet, YOU CAN DO IT! It truly does get easier, I promise you that! And once the preop diet is over, I hope you can relate to what I've said.

    Best of luck everyone :)

  11. Did a little bit of reflecting over the weekend, and I've come to realize that I LOVE that I had a 2 week Protein Shake only liquid diet. Yes, you read that right. This coming from the girl that kicked, screamed, and complained through most of the preop diet. I know that some people are not required (or are required to do the liquid only diet and choose not to), but boy am I glad that my surgeon requires it. Here's why. I truly appreciate every piece of food that goes into my mouth...most importantly the healthy stuff. And of course, it did jump start my weightloss.

    Before the band and before the preop diet, I wasn't a binger. Yes, I ate too much food, but not bingeing. And I am a complete carb queen...and chocolate fanatic, sugar addict, lol you get the point. Vegetables, whole foods and healthy foods were not a part of my daily diet. I even counted ice cream as a milk product when on Weight Watchers. Most days of the week I ate ALL my meals at fast food restaurants. This morning when I ate a hardboiled egg with 1 oz of low fat cheddar cheese, salt and pepper, I was content. My insides felt good (weird, I know lol). Now if I were to rewind back to May of this last year, I would've had a Dunking Donuts croissant with eggs and cheese and a medium iced caramel latte with whipped cream for Breakfast and I never felt full or content.

    I know I have the band to thank for this, but it's more than that. Being "deprived" of the garbage food I was eating really helped me gain perspective. My body was created perfectly by God (sorry if others believe otherwise, don't want to create waves here) and I was slowly destroying what He gave me. I feel back on track and happy with my new way of eating and my new way of thinking. Yes, at the beginning of my recovery time I did think "omgosh what did I do?" because of the discomfort I was in on my second day post op, but it did pass and I felt brand new on day 5.

    So anyone that is about to start or in the middle of their preop diet, YOU CAN DO IT! It truly does get easier, I promise you that! And once the preop diet is over, I hope you can relate to what I've said.

    Best of luck everyone :)

  12. Why would you think losing 26 lbs in a month is slow??

    The band is not magic. You didn't put on 100 lbs in a month, so it isn't coming off in a month.

    Eat a small amount of healthy food everyday and you'll get there. But not next month.

    Just stay realistic and optimistic. I think positivity is a big part of this. Think yourself thin!!

    I understand what you're saying, I just can't help being impatient lol I also forgot to add that my weightloss began 6/22, a little over 6 weeks. And 26.2lbs in 6 weeks is still good, I know... but like I said, I'm impatient!

  13. So here's the deal-- I'm 1 month post op, and my surgeon's office told me to stay between 800 and 1200 calories, and between 60 and 70g of Protein. Nothing was said about how many carbs, fruits, and veggies I should have. I know I am still healing, but my weight loss is going slow. I try not to compare my journey to other people's weight loss but it's hard not to. Including my preop diet, I'm down 26.2lbs, but I can't help but think maybe if I keep tabs on carbs, veggies, etc., it'll help. It's also getting difficult cause I haven't had my first fill yet so I am feeling pretty hungry.

    What did/ what are you guys eating 1 month post op? Any food ideas? Problems? Limitations? What are your nutrition requirements?

    Thanks :)

  14. Hi there! I was baded 7/6/11. And you will hear it a million and one times, but I will just say it here anyway... the band is your little friend that wants to help you lose weight, but he can't do it without your effort! Even though I'm only a month out of surgery, I am learning that more than ever now. Sure, I can still eat a milk shake, m&ms, chocolate, cheesecake, whatever I want (not that I have!). Mentally I am still hungry and want the bad foods, but I have to make the right choices. I haven't been up on my walking and I think that's why my weightloss hasn't been as much as I'd like it to be. For example, a family friend got surgery 1 year ago. Her total weightloss is 25lbs. When I heard that I was like what?! You had surgery just to lose 25lbs?! And my mom was banded in February of this past year and she's lost 55lbs so far. The difference is that my friend eats Bagels, 3-4 cups of food (apparently she hasn't found her 'sweet spot' with fills) and isn't doing what she should.

    Don't get me wrong, I ABSOLUTELY made the right choice getting the band and don't regret it in the least bit. So far I'm down 26.2lbs. Sure, I'd like it to be more but then I remember I haven't lost over 8lbs on my own since I was 14.

    Best of luck with your surgery! I'll be sending prayers your way. You can do this and be successful!

  15. I was banded on July 1st I lost 20 pounds by my 10th day post op then I stopped, even gained 2 pounds, those 2 lbs came and went for about the next 4 days then 2 days ago I started losing again, I'm now down 2 more lbs....thank god the scale started moving down again! So that's 22 pounds in 20 days post op. How about you? How is everything going? What is easy and hard for you right now? Are you hungry? Anything difficult for you with the new way we have to live? Best wishes and all the luck in the world to you!

    wow 20 lbs by your 10th day!! My preop diet started 6/22, surgery was 7/6. I'm down a total of 26.6 lbs, including the preop diet. When I went from liquids to mushies and mushies to solids, I gained 5lbs. I was very discouraged! But this week it's starting to come back off. I am much happier now that the weight is starting to go down because I was beating myself up about it a little. I kept saying BUT I'M NOT EATING THAT MUCH!!! lol I was being a little bit of a brat. Cause I was comparing my eating habits now with how I used to eat preband (which was embarrassing!)

  16. Just went to the farmers market and got some zucchini, squash, spaghetti squash and a whole lot of basil (smelled so good I couldn't pass it up!) Normally I just bake or grill the veggies with a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Any new ideas other than simply grilling or making pesto?

    Ahh I love summer farmer's markets!

    ...I can smell the basil now, and it's on the otherside of my house lol mmmm :)

  17. OF course I can only speak for myself, but my doctor said absolutely no swimming or submerging myself in Water (including baths) for at least 4 weeks. I am DYING to go i the pool! I'm in NY and it was just 100 degrees lol. I did cave and put waterproof bandages on my incisions (they had already scabbed and fell off) and went in the pool for a little while, but I only went in up to my bellybutton, so the water didn't hit my incisions. I don't think I'll go in again because I am nervous about infection too. My aunt had laproscopic surgery (not the band, something else) and she had an infection in her incision. She said the only thing more painful than that was childbirth... so consider me NOT swimming until next week lol hope it helps!

  18. seriously i think u guys( recently banded) need to stop worrying about restriction, u have not even healed yet and you are worried about restriction. I may sound rude, but really worrying about healing. the band isnt going anywhere, its a journey not a race.

    im 4 months out and still learning my new body signals, i really do not know how at 23 days after you can even think about anything like restriction, i think u need to talk to ur Dr, im sure they would tell you the same thing

    I'm assuming you didn't mean to sound so abrupt, but yes I am focusing on my healing. I just couldn't help but notice the hunger. I am still getting used to my band and all the changes, and that's why I posted this... to see how other recently banded people are feeling.

  19. Ok, I've been banded going on 3 yrs this December 2011. Just an FYI, because I thought the same thing, that they put the saline in at the time of surgery, but they don't, so you need to be careful eating too much before your first fill because that is when the restriction will happen and not before the first fill. Your band is empty, til your first fill which is why you are hungry. Everytime after that, if you get hungry even 2 weeks after your fill, go get another one because I didn't know this and learned the hard way and ended up gaining weight back, thinking I could eat. Play it smart and wait til you get the fill, then you'll see a difference in your hunger. Hope that helps :D

    Once I get a fill I know it'll take some getting used to. I was hoping I was one of the lucky ones that didn't need any saline in my band, guess not! haha thanks for your advice :)

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