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Everything posted by mnbsleeve

  1. mnbsleeve

    Running up caloric deficit, is it safe?

    I'm not an expert but I believe that is what is called "burning fat." BTW, don't forget to include your resting metabolic rate, which is how much you burn just being alive, i.e., while you're sleeping or just resting, doing nothing. It could be as high as 1,000 + calories. It depends on body mass. It could be higher or lower. So if you count that in.... you should be burning like crazy!!! Good Job!!!! I suppose that at maintenance, you can eat all the cals you burn. But, again I'm no expert, I think the deficit is good. Congratulations on your progress!!!!!
  2. mnbsleeve


    I've also heard/read people mention vitamine B12. You can get it liquid. It can boost your energy and conversely, decreased energy if you're low. Check with your nutritionist. Good luck! You can do it!!!
  3. mnbsleeve

    How soon?

    I'm still pre-op (VSG date 6/6) but I was told at least one month/4weeks before intense workouts. I cycle on weekends and spin/walk/yoga during the week. But like others, I was told walking is okay, moderately at first. Like others said, it's more about the healing and recouperating. Our bodies need the energy. I'm no authority but I'm not sure how much muscle repair can happen if lifting while healing when we are consuming mostly clear fluids for about a week. Thanks for posting this question. I'm going to ask MD again and be specific about weights since I want to encorporate those too. I'll post here if I learn anything new.
  4. mnbsleeve

    I did the Shimmy Shimmy Shake!!!

    I want this problem, I want this problem, I want this problem!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL whew, had to get that out!!!! :-)
  5. mnbsleeve

    I did the Shimmy Shimmy Shake!!!

    WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!! You go girl!!!!!!!! Happy shopping!!!!!!!
  6. mnbsleeve

    Its been 4 months!

    You look FANTASTIC!!!! and sooooo happy!!! Congratulations on this accomplishment! You are very inspiring!!! You are going to rock that half marathon!!!!!
  7. I haven't been sleeved yet but I'll share what my nutritionist told me. The goal is to push the protein and keep carbs to about 20g. You can do 30 to 40 grams of carbs if you are active! This will maximize weightloss. Then, once in maintenance, you can add back things and see how the body does. I believe this is similar to what others are saying above. I think the suggestion to record everything you eat is really good! I would record my weight and excercise too, maybe even how I'm feeling that day. Then you'll be able to track what was most effective, what tended to slow you down. I think I'm going to start that right away. My date is June 6!!! Yikes, coming up!!! :-)
  8. Hello Gang! Trying to plan for my upcoming surgery - purchasing shakes etc - and wonderfing if anyone has suggestions around "getting the Protein in." I keep hearing this as well as talk of "sip, sip, sip" and I'm not sure what to expect. I was told to get the protein in because you feel better and stronger and recup better from surgery. What are people doing, or did, right after surgery, to make sure you get it down? How does it look? Are you in essence drinking all day? Also, how do you get the rest of the fluids down? I was told 32 - 64 in total (including protein). Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated!~ My best to all on this journey! MNB
  9. This helps Daisy! Thanks for all the tips!!!
  10. Thanks so much Holly! I appreciate your imput!!!
  11. mnbsleeve

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Well, as my friend said to me when I first started cycling a few years back "number one rule is don't fall off!" I try to follow the rules... when I can! :-)
  12. mnbsleeve

    Hello from a Newbee!!!

    Thanks Lynda!!! I'm having my surgery at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. It would be great if there's more people here from the general San Jose area!!! Lets keep our fingers crossed!
  13. Raine, what great suggestions!!! I'll remember these when I'm there. Thank you!!! (To be sleved 6/6)
  14. Thanks Lots of hope! I googled the Isopure drinks and it looks like plain liquid but it has protien. Thats a good idea! Also, when you say "sip, walk, sip walk... etc." Should I just be sipping every couple of minutes??? Or every ten to fifteen??? I don't have a sense of the amount of "gulp" or "sip" or how it would be. I'm getting the idea that I'll only be able to just eak in a few drops at a time. Is this right??? Thanks for your imput!!!
  15. Thanks guys, this is very helpfull. So I know I won't have to worry so much about the protien at first. The key is the hydration. Also, I will pick up some of the premier protein shakes to have when I am ready for that phase. Thanks guys. I really appreciate you taking the time to post!!!!!
  16. I hear what you're saying. We've all tried, repeatedly, many things throughout the years usually with not great results. I've come to think of this surgery as maybe not for everyone, but certainly for those feeling prepared to take advantage of science and technology when all else has failed. I don't see it much unlike say an infertility treatment where someone may undergo IVF to conceive where no other way would be possible. I remember the criticisms early on when "test tube babies" were seen as unatural or worse. People were often expected to "just do it the natural way" or otherwise "it's not meant to be." What about angioplasty, where arteries are unclogged surgically but the patient remains responsible afterwards to keep the heart healthy with diet and excercise. Should they skip the procedure?! I don't think so. I think we, meaning society, always go through a period where we poo poo new medical procedures and advances and much of the negativity, in my humble opinion, comes from lack of knowledge and understanding. Stay strong, remember why you chose this. Use your energy to focus on YOU not to "convince" others. Consider who you want to tell and how much. This is YOUR life. Those that can't be supportive may have to take a back seat for a while. My two cents! Best of luck with your surgery and journey!!!
  17. mnbsleeve

    Hello from a Newbee!!!

    Thanks guys!!! I appreciate the warm welcome! I will definitely keep everyone posted. I know how much I enjoy reading about everyone's progress and experiences. I can't say enough, this board has been soooo helpful!!! My best to everyone!
  18. mnbsleeve


    Best of luck to all the Jewels having thier surgery today!!! Wishing you all a super speedy recovery!!!! I'm scheduled for June 6th. I've been on a combo of liquid shakes and one very small meal consisting of 4oz. of lean protein and steamed vegetables. I am to do two cliear liquid days right before surgery. I've also been nervous off and on but doing much better this week -- witht the help and support of the wonderful people on this board!!!!! Good luck to all!!!!
  19. mnbsleeve

    Total cost of surgery - $915

    Tha'ts fantastic! I'm so glad for you. What a relief it must be to have this resolved. Good for you for pursuing it!!!!! You are worth it!!!
  20. Hello Gang, I posted this in the pre-op forum and it occured to me that you post-op folks may have some insight for me! My surgery date has been set for June 6th and I am excited but I have been having lots of anxiety! I wake up at night thinking I'm crazy to do this. In the morning when I look over the entire journey and how I came to this decision, I am comfortable and convinced and positive it's the right thing for me at this time! Is this normal? Did others have these pre-op fears? I also worry I will not be able to think clearly. I am a doctoral student (don't attend regular classes weekly) and fear I will not be able to do my work for too long. I think this is contributing to my anxiety. Any help, support, ideas are greatly appreciated! Best wishes to everyone on the board in their journey! MNB
  21. Julie, and others on this board, even though I did not post this question, your posts are incredibly helpful. Thank you for your insights throughout. I just wanted you to you all to know what a difference your efforts in posting are making!!! Thanks again! MNB
  22. mnbsleeve

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    Cheryl, looks like all your hard work is paying off!!! My hat off to you!!! AND you have a 3 & 4 year olds!!!! WOW!!! Good for you!!! You're a Rock Star!!!!! I plan on walking 3 miles this evening and if I can leave work early enough I will attend a yoga class at the gym. Wedenesday and Thursday spin, Friday & Saturday walk and hopefully one last short bike ride on Sunday before my Monday morning surgery!!!! Yikes!!!!!
  23. mnbsleeve

    WELCOME Gym Rats!!!

    WOW!!! Lynda, that's awesome!!! I was told I would not be able to ride my bike for at least a month. I was hoping I may be able to do it a little sooner, a little at a time on flat ground like you did. You have really encouraged me. Thanks for your post!!! Congratulations on your progress!!!!
  24. mnbsleeve


    Fingers crossed for you Beth!!!!
  25. mnbsleeve


    Hi! I'm scheduled for June 6th!!! I'm using Biochem sports whey Protein powder in vanilla flavor. It also comes in chocolate and no flavor, I believe. I am not picky about taste and this fine to me. It mixes with Water. It's fat free, 99% lactose free and wheat & gluten free. It has 20g of protein per serving which is 2 scoops. I like that I can thin it out as much or as little as I want. It recomends 3/4C of water but most of the time I use 1 1/2 to 2 cups - or about 12 to 16 oz. I'm still learning quite a bit about products though so I'll stay tuned and see what others are recomending. Best of luck with your pre-diet and your surgery. I'll post here after my sugery next Monday!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
