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Everything posted by mnbsleeve

  1. mnbsleeve

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Yes, yes, yes!!!! I'm so in! SW 192 End 172 Goal -20 by Dec 25th! Thank you ForensikChic for starting the challenge! It's my first!!!! Yippee! :-)
  2. Shanny, your post is very touching! I don't know why sometimes this has to be part of the journey but it is. I think it happens with all kinds of success, unfortunately, not just weight loss. I had a good friend not be able to "tolerate" when I finally achieved an educational goal. After watching me struggle for years, working and going to school, and litteraly clawing my way out of a whole, when I graduated she kept making malicious, downputting cracks about my new degree and asking if she had to address me with this or that title. It took it's toll on the friendship and even after years of close frienship, it ended. Or I should say, I ended it with a heavy heart. Because allowoing that toxicity in my life was bringing me down and I knew there was nothing I could do to help her with HER issue. Even if I downplayed my success and made myself smaller for her sake, it did not help because it was HER journey. I was really fortunate to have a really great psychologist do my psych eval before the surgery. He was great because he spent alot of time helping me process some these issues that could come up - the type you describe above. At the time I did not think it would apply. I sort of laugh it off inside. He told me to be prepared for colleagues who in the past would have been "impressed" with me in some way but that now would turn on me. He said sometimes people hold this internal thought: "yeah, she did that great, or she's really good at that (or whatever), BUT she's really fat!" and that serves to quelch their insecurities. He told me not to be surprised if those same people, that once were encouraging or supportive, would now become downputting in some way, whether obvious or subtle, or feel threatened or even feeling "targeted" by your changes. He included, partners, friends, family... in different ways of course, but similar dynamic. So there you have it, if the psychologist brings it up, it sounds like it's unfortunately a prevalent situation. Some have the misfortune to experience it more than others, or in closer relationships than others. We just don't have control over others' process or feelings, choices, journey -- even though I spent a good chunk of my adult life deluding myself that I did have that control and adapted my self to accomodate other's insecurities. Sorry this post is so long but a quote came to mind from Nelson Mandela. It really helped me years ago when dealing with that situation I shared. I'll post it below. Wishing you all the best. Hang in there, keep strong. You did not nothing wrong. You just let your light shine (sorry so corney! ) OUR DEEPEST FEAR IS NOT THAT WE ARE INADEQUATE Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkenss, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing Enlightened about shrinking so that Other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously Give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. Nelson Mandela
  3. Hi Rev! I'm only 4 and 1/2 months out but have struggled with some of the things you talk about. I wanted to share that a big challenge for me has been getting the shakes in. I too have had lots of trouble getting them in which in turn caused the problems with the rest of my food intake as you discribed. What I did to get those suckers down is relaxed the rules. In other words, my NUT wanted me to keep the carbs below 5 per drink and Protein of at LEAST 20. I am lactose intolerant big time now and for some reason, just about all shakes give me the runs, if I don't puke first! Sorry :-) None of the powders/soups/drinks seem to work! What I do now is use soy milk and frozen fruit, sometimes fresh, like blueberries or strawberries. I've also been able to tolerate yogurt so I ad some of that and I found a whey protein that has many more carbs but I use that and double up. I can get up to 50 grams of protein in one shake! If I can't finish the entire shake in the morning, I save it and finish it in the afternoon. (I bought a bullet which really helps) This has made a HUGE difference in how I feel and in keeping me even keeled. I have lots of energy to work out as well -- although on occasion I get that "weak feeling" starting in my arms, like they are super heavy. Then I know I'm low on nutrition. I also have a juicer and juice greens - green vegies, especially leafy greens. I don't juice fruit because of the sugar content. I use to do this before surgey as well. You can get fluids in but most importantly a ton of nutrition!!! I have to say, you have to get used to the flavor, but for me, it feels like I take a shot of some kind of magic because it realy energizes me immediately. I really missed it when I could not do it right after surgery. I get organic greens. You don't have to do much. I do about 8oz worth, but you may want to try 3 - 4oz in the begining. Just juice a few kale leaves, celery stalk and cucumber, for example. You can also add a litte parsley. Juicers can be expensive but in my opinion, they are worth it. You get lots of antioxidants as well as vitamines and minerals. (sounds like a commercial, LOL) Like Amanda, I turn to a "to go" shake when I am out and about and struggle with what to eat, what sounds right etc. But use the Ensure, lactose intolerant. Again, it's got more carbs and cals than my NUT would like, but too bad! At least I eat and feel right. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING NUPTUALS!!!!! I imagine what a stressful time this must be, especially with the holidays and all the "fun stuff" you describe! :-) It's possible that all of the preparations in themselves are taking a bit of a toll and things may just get better (i.e., more energy, relaxed, mood,) after the big day! There's alot going on in your life right now and I would not underestimate the effect these things have on our state of being! I wish you a beautiful day!!!!! Hope to see pics in the future!!!! and congrats on ALL you have accomplished!!!!! PS: the Vitamin tip from meggie sounds good too! especially during this stressful time! Be well!
  4. Hi Decamom! I am sorry that I don't have anything to add that would be helpfull. But I did want to send you some good thoughts your way that this gets resolved for you soon! I'm sure it must be a little scary not knowing what's going on. Hang in there! I'msure you will get to the bottom of it!!!!!
  5. mnbsleeve

    How are the jewels of June doing

    Hello Jewels! I'm such a dork! I had not seen this threat before! At 4/12 months out I am doing great. I've resumed my life pretty normally. It's included travel, family reunions and celebrations. I am working out and staying active. I feel well, energetic - which is good. I've had lots of stalls but I have come to accept that this is how my body seems to do things because at some point I also get these big drops. Overall, I am thrilled with my sleeve. I am right about to get out of the 190's!!!!! I am at 191 this morning!!! Maybe I can do it by the end of the month!!!! (In 5 days?!) I'll be working out extra hard this week to "help my body" along :-) Hope everyone is doing well. I love reading the progress posts, especially pics!!! I have to post some myself. I also love reading the NSV's. It so inspiring when I see people changing -- their lives really!!! Best to all of you!!! I'm sure I will "run into you" in the boards!!!!!
  6. mnbsleeve

    Hey you guys...

    Guys! You are looking GREAT!!!!! Wowsa!!!!!
  7. mnbsleeve

    New to VSG talk.com

    Welcome to the forum. There's a lot of great information here and a GREAT group of people. Lots of support! Best of luck to you on this journey!!!!
  8. mnbsleeve

    Confession Time

    LOL! Didn't you know? chocolate is MEDICINE!
  9. mnbsleeve

    Confession Time

    I was pretty strict through month four. Then I relaxed a little. I had a sip of wine, occasionally a little dark chocolate square. I've also had a small fingerling potatoe with my meal of protein and veggies, and I've had a few pitas with cheese for snacks. I would attribute my "stalls" to this except that I stalled more so before when I stayed on program perfectly. I definitely don't overdo and it's only been on very few occasions. But, as someone already said, it's nowhere near what I may have eaten before. It really is a "bite"!!! So, with the working out I think it gets burned off :-) No matter, it helps me feel "normal" and that I will be able to do this "forever." I just feel control now that I didn't before, even if I have something "not so good for you" - it 's just a bite, rarely more than twice in one week, and I've still remained around 600 to 800 calories.
  10. Congratulations on the photo shoot, the 5K, and your great success!!! You look awesome!!! Thanks for posting this great pics!!!! Very inspirational!
  11. mnbsleeve

    Bruised but not Broken

    What an experience! How fortunate you are both ok! Sending good thoughts your way for a super speedy recovery!!!!!
  12. mnbsleeve

    Is 8 months out too late?

    Well put Coops! I am only 4 and 1/2 months out but this is a great post Ali and great responses!!! I'm guessing we will all get to a spot like this at some point in our journey. It really is work and NOT the easy way out. I really appreciate all the thougthful responses and Ali, I appreciate you putting this out there. BTW, as Coops said, (and others too), you've done a great job. Congratulations!!!!!! You'll get the rest off!!!!
  13. Okay, I don't know if this is good or bad!!!! During spin class today, in full workout mode, focused on pedal stroke and cadence while standing on the bike, I realized the back of my stretchy pants had dropped below my butt!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I grabbed them and yanked then while trying to spin..... I thought it was a bit breezy in there! :-) Luckily, I was in the back row. But, several folks had left and entered through the door directly behind me!!! The lady next to me, Barbara, saw my horrified look as I struggled to pull my pants up and said: "you're looking great!" and gave me a big smile!!! If I wasn't so happy my butt shrunk so much I would be embarrased to return to class!!! LOL
  14. WOW!!! M2G, you look BEAUTIFUL!!! You looked beautiful before and now you are looking radiant. I also love your thoughtful post! What an inspiration. Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment!!!!!
  15. I am happy to report that I just went to Kohls and picked up some new pants!!!! Yippee!!! AND a new workout bra since the other one wasn't really doing much work anymore! I will try them out at tomorrow morning's spin class. I think I'll wear a mask too.... so embarassed!!!!
  16. mnbsleeve

    new pic updates :)

    Looking great!!! Good job!!!! Really cute kid too!!!!!
  17. mnbsleeve

    I made my goal!

    Congratulations on everything you have accomplished!!! Enjoy the new you and thank you for posting!!!
  18. mnbsleeve

    3rd day out-spasms

    I was prescribed Raglan and took it for about a week. It really helped with spasms and nausea.
  19. I have juiced for years and did so preop. After my surgery my surgeon said to wait and not juice till on mushies, preferably solids. I did do an experiment and strained the juice and it does have lots of sediment. I have since restarted juicing and my body loves it as much as before surgery. I've always felt a great difference. I juice once per day. I mostly do green veggies and green leafy vegetables, including parsley and cilantro, however. I also do purple cabbage and other veggies. I rarely juice fruits because of the sugar content. But I have on occasion juiced water melon or regular melons/honeydew. I personally tolerate the flavor of greens just fine. It may be intense for some. You can always use just a few green leaves, say kale, and add celery or cucumber to soften the flavor. I healed really well and was on my feet rather quickly after my surgery and my surgeon said he thougth juicing all those antioxidants for so long probably played a part. Overall I would say, I don't think you could go wrong. Do hold off immediately after surgery though, IMO. There realy is some fiber in there and it may be too much for a newly sleeved tummy. I really like the poster's above suggestions about adding protein to the juice. I will have to try it. Juices fill me up so I count them as liquid but I can't eat for a while after. If I add protein, it will be a meal!!!
  20. mnbsleeve

    Dear size 6

    LOL!!! Too funny!!!!!!!
  21. mnbsleeve

    NSV at the gym!

    WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! You go girl!!!!!!!
  22. mnbsleeve

    I almost blew away!

    Skcunningham, Congratulatios on all this great progress! And being off those meds!! Wow! How great is that!!!! Rootman & Julie, you both made me laugh outloud with the chair stuck on the butt and the balancing on the heels!!! LOL Been there, done that!!!!! LOL Thanks for the great sense of humor!!!!
  23. mnbsleeve

    101 Pounds Down

    GreenEyedMamma!!! Beautiful!!! Congratulations on this great accomplishment. Your video brought tears to my eyes! Keep up the good work girl! You're looking great!!!!!
  24. Could there be any relationship to blood sugar?!
  25. mnbsleeve

    Popcorn safe to eat?

    I just recently had a little bit of popcorn at the movies. I am 4 and 1/2 months out. I had no problems. But I too was told to wait till 3 months. I also had just a little for fear I would not be able to digest it! :-) But it did feel like I could have had much more! :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
