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Everything posted by mnbsleeve

  1. mnbsleeve

    Can you eat sushi?

    I've eaten sushi with no problems at all. Like others here however, I stick to sashimi and avoid the rice because I need to get the protien in and I also want to keep my carbs down. But when I've eaten it, it's been with no problems at all. Also, I did not eat it till after 4 months out. My first 4 months I was very strict with my food intake. I still follow "the rules" now but I've had a few guilty pleasures, like a bit of sushi! :-)
  2. I agree with Rhondalynn, this is very interesting! I've never heard about this and look forward to reading some responses on this thread. The only thing that came to mind is my very petite sister in law who was always very cold. For years we would tease her for feeling chilly in the summer. Now, years later, still petite, she is experiencing feeling too warm - probably due to changes in hormones. But how is it different for a person whose always been small? I always assumed it was less fat layers to keep her warm!
  3. mnbsleeve


    Oh I love this NSV!!! I've always dreaded going through those things!!!! You reminded me of something else I won't have to stress about! :-) Congrats on all your progress!!!!!
  4. mnbsleeve

    Need to vent - So frustrated

    Oh Fusilli I hear you!!!! I'm one of those too! I stalled for over 4 weeks, dropped a few pounds and stalled again... it's actually my pattern. Don't mean to scare you with that one. It really stinks. In the beginning I was very concerned given the drastic measure I had taken. All my prior experiences keep coming back and would assume another "failure" -- they were my only source of reference! But I am finally able to embrace this for what it is, a "different" experience with it's own unique process. It's helped me to just tell myself to go with it. I've lost about 60 lbs since June and I'm feeling great ... but I know those nasty stalls can do a number on us!!!!
  5. To echo MissDIva, it takes time. In the beginning it feels like all you are doing is managing vitamines, food, Fluid etc. trying to juggle and it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to coordinate all that... especially since the tummy feels full so easily. I would just focus on getting through each day and doing my very best each day. Some days I made the targets, others, not so much. But I just kept plugging away. It will pass!!! and each week gets better. In terms of nutrition, my MD did warm me that in the beginning it's difficult to get all the Protein in with just food, since we can bearly eat a bite or two. So shakes are necesarry. Eventually you'll tolerate more food. I'm 5+ months out and can eat pretty much anything but I still have to supplement with shakes occationally. Main point here: you're all pretty much on target! and the experiences seem pretty much the ones we all have (my own and what I've been reading about the last 9 months or so) Good luck to you all. Hang in there!!!!!! PS: sometimes I would scramble one egg thinking "I would only be able to eat half" only to find that one tiny bite did it!!!! That would freak me out! :-)
  6. I think you are just going to have to give them a try and see how they work for you. I've read both reactions: like leahG above, who can't tolerate them at all, and like ITSMEMRSJ who can totally make them work. I'm more like Leah. I could not get down any of these types of protein drinks. I tried them all, on their own, in crystal light, cold on ice, room temperature, you name it. They totally gross me out and give me the heaves :-) But, for some they work really well. So the bottom line, you'll have to give them a try and see what it's like for you. It is nice to be able to get all that protein in easily. I know some places give you/sell you samples so you don't have to buy a large quantity until you try it. Perhaps you can give that a try. Congrats on your surgery!!!!! See you on the loosers bench!
  7. mnbsleeve

    4 days out-discomfort

    Flowermama! Sorry you're feeling pain! It will pass. The first few days are the hardest, then things get better daily! I know you mentioned walking hurts but it may be helpfull if you can move a little. Sometimes gas gets trapped causing this horrific pain and movement tends to "dislodge" it! If you could muster a few walks around your house it may help. Hang in there! It will pass (no pun intended!) :-)
  8. mnbsleeve

    An "old-timer" checks in

    Thanks for your post Breezy! So great to read about all the wonderful things you are enjoying. You look fantastic and your confidence and joy really comes through. And yes!!! Your arms are totally buff!!!!!! Way to go!!! What do you do to get them so strong?!
  9. mnbsleeve

    Century Club!!!

    Lynda! Congratulations!!!!!! I can't believe you were sleeved less than a month before me and you have rid yourself of 100lbs!!!! Well done!!!!!!!!! What a great accomplishment. Enjoy the new you! I'm sure you're looking super hot.
  10. Congratulations! Sounds like you are already healing nicely! Like others said, walk, sip, walk, sip.... Each day gets better than the one before! Looking forward to reading about your progress!
  11. Right before my surgery I started to notice, what seemed like a rash of complications posts! I suddenly panicked and wasn't sure what to do. I learned from people here that this is normal. Having fear and panic. For me it lasted all the way to the day of. I was freaking out inside as they were putting in my IV. But I was prepared because I had read about everyone's experiences and understood it was normal. If you've made your decision with caution and looked at everything you needed to, then just revisit the reasons you are doing this and remind yourself why you're doing it. I think it's completely normal to have these feelings. Regarding chronic diarrhea: I have not read of anyone having this with the sleeve. I did struggle with some diarrhea in the beginning, NOT chronic however, but it was because I developed a lactose intolerance. Many of Protein shakes have milk. My NUT figured it out right away and once I ony used soy based and those for lactose intolerance I was fine. Also, at 5 + months out, this has gone away! I can also now eat cottage cheese, yogurt etc. Something I could not do in the begining. This is a process and our body has to adjust. Everyone is different. But the nerves and fear seem to be pretty universal here! :-) I think it is only natural! Best of luck on your journey. Sending lost of positive thougths your way!!!!!!
  12. LIke Coop mentioned above, body composition really changes! Especially if you've never excercised before. So you start to shift more in body fat/muscle ratio. I've noticed my body is definitely taking a more sculptured, leaner look yet I am not loosing as much as others and actually weigh more than some people I know, but I am still "smaller." I excercised a lot before my surgery. But since my surgery I seem to get a much better payoff! I "try" not to focus too much on weight... it's hard though :-) Some on this board have metioned they always keep a smaller article of clothing around to use as a "goal." I've taken that suggestion. I try on that garment (usually pants for me) and it seems to give me the reality check I need. For me it's more concrete than measurments, although that can certainly work too. Recenty someone gave me the idea to keep photos side by side. I'm searching for some older ones now. I've taken some current ones. Her post was amazing. You realy can't "see" the changes our bodies make until you "see" them!!!
  13. I developed a lactose intolerance right after my sugery. I also reacted to pretty much most shakes and protein products with diarrhea, probably because of the milk. So I struggled a bit finding the right products. My NUT helped me through that. At the mushies stage I could not have cottage cheese, yogurt, most of the things people generally begin to eat. I resigned my self to this new change in my body HOWEVER, now about 5 + months out, I appear to be able to tolearte lactose well. I began trying some yogurt, then cheese, then milk... Right now, I can eat most anything, but I really stick to surgeons rules (protein first, fluids etc). I'm feeling great, lots of energy and no diffulties with intestines or stomach upsets. I've never thrown up and the only time I had some pain was when I ate something way to fast mindlessly - I was really stressed about something that had happened and my mind was elsewhere. It went away within a few minutes after I relaxed. It's a process and we all go through it a bit differently, I think. Best of luck on this journey!!!
  14. mnbsleeve

    I have a neck!!

    For me it was right about the 30 lbs. loss that I started to really look thinner. Like you, it started showing on my face and neck mostly. I used to get a little nervous because "no one would say anything." Then starting at about 30+ the noticing and compliments started happening!!! more and more with the losses. I actually got my first, non-family "you're so skinny" comment this week! LOL I have collar bones, ribs and, as of last night, hip bones!!!! LOL Who knew! :-) Enjoy your new hair cut. I bet you look smoking hot!!!!!
  15. Go for it!!!!!! BTW, have fun tonight!!!!
  16. mnbsleeve

    The Stall From Hell!

    I don't think you are necessarily doing anything wrong! I have a similar experience than you. You are just a bit ahead of me time wise. I also average about 8 to 10 lbs. per month. As I posted above, for me, when it comes down to it, it's a really good loss rate. I was never able to get this type of loss before, even with lots of hard work! I think some people just loose faster. I tend to tell my self that as long as overall it's all going the right direction, just stay calm and keep doing what I'm doing. I don't think one "fun size" candy should throw off the entire month! If it's a pattern, of course, that may be the culprit. But if you are working out and doing what you're suppose to. It's going to have to come off. Also, I've been reminded here on this board many times that as we get closer to a healthier weight, things slow down naturally. Which makes sense because at some point we do have to slow down the loss, or rather, maintain. Congrats on the 70lbls lost! That's an awesome accomplishment!!! Keep on keeping on! :-)
  17. mnbsleeve

    The Stall From Hell!

    Okay, I have to chime in! MEEE TOOOOOO!!!! My whole journey has been a big stall. I tend to get stuck for up to 4 weeks. But then there are these consecutive drops of one to three pounds. Overall I've been averaging about 10 lbs per month, like SleeveStalker above. I do notice that when I get my Proteins and liquids in I drop. For me usually that means getting a shake down because I'm one of those that still struggles with them. But without them I have trouble getting all my proteins in. So if I have more than 3 days where I am short on Protein, it's "get a shake down" time. I finally came to accept I am a little slower to loose BUT, inspite of the stalls, it's coming off AND way faster than before when I use to kill myself with excercise and food restriction only to loose 2 to 3 lbls in a month. So I'm just accepting these stinkin' stalls because overall I'm way ahead of the game. Hope we all get a drop in the scale soon!!!!! Even better, hope all our clothes fall right off our bodies :-)
  18. YES! I agree! Loose clothing is sooooo much more exciting!!! I think my body shrinks sometimes and the scale doesn't quite reflect it.... maybe fluids, whatever it is. But my clothes will often fit different overnight! I LOVE that when it happens :-) LOL (even if it is a pain to have to keep finding new clothes!)
  19. Wow! Good job Sarah!!!! Same to you Hadouni! Congrats to both of you! Anything you do now before surgery will only help you even more after the sleeve. It's also very helpfull with healing! You will find that after surgery you will have a momentum that develops from all of this pre-op work. It really does pay off. Best of luck to both you of you! Looking forward to reading about your progress. See you on the loosers bench!!!!!
  20. Liliana, others have already given you good suggestions so I can't really add much. But I do want to echo 2bfit's comments, and others. YOU SO GOT THIS!!!! For me it has been so worth it. Just do a little dance, look at an old picture of yourself, and think about why you are doing this. Whenever my tummy would grumble, I did that and felt in control! I am chosing to do this and for good reason. It seemed to boost my resolve. Hang in there YOU TOTALY GOT IT!!!!!!! We'll save you a good seat on the loosers bench!!!! :-)
  21. mnbsleeve

    Funny NSV!

    Woooo Hoo Linda!!!! You go girl!!!!! Strut your stuff!!!! I know what you mean about not necessarily being interested. But it sure feels good to be noticed!!! Super cool NSV!!!!!!!
  22. mnbsleeve


    Kristy! You look great! I agree with others, you look smaller than a size 16. I'm going to have to do this too, compare two pics. I don't think I really percieve the true difference, the changes my body made. I will see if I can locate some pics. It's hard because I've been very camera shy in the past! I wonder why? :-)
  23. mnbsleeve

    Need Help Please!

    Amanda, I am so sorry you are going throught this! The people above have offered some excellent suggestions and I don't have much to add. Mostly I want to offer my support and words of encouragement. On the "complications" thread on this board, I read of others with complications, and like Tennille above, were able to get to the bottom of it and are doing well. I wish this for you. I could add that an antiacid is critical. If I don't take mine I experience the type of discomfort and symtoms you describe. You're probably on one but I thought I would throw that in. I also took raglan and it helped a lot. Hang in there. We are all rooting for you!!!!!
  24. mnbsleeve

    Some wonderful people!

    I have to chime in here! I could not agree more! I have said it many times, there are some awesome folks here and like others are saying, I am getting througth this journey thanks to the information and words of support I have found here. I am always amazed at the willingness of people, as yecats said, that basically have their own life to live, and yet willing to take the time to post, respond, and help out someone who's needing info or support. So, I will also add my most sincere THANK YOU!!!!!!!! (Several of those people are right here, right now, posting above! :-) ... and I'm sure more below! :-) )
  25. Like everyone said, you should do great! At four months out I felt pretty much "normal." I just ate way smaller amounts and of course focus on Protein, fluids as per surgeon etc. I had to take a one week work related trip at about 2 months, just under. I did great! Like several here already said, I took Protein shakes with me to supplement and I "paid attention" to nutrition and fluids. But I did great. I don't see why you shouldn't have a wonderful trip!!!!! BTW, if you take dramagirl28, I request you take me too!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
