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Everything posted by mnbsleeve

  1. mnbsleeve

    Camisoles Are My Friend

    Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations on the smaller panties!!! I think camies are sexy! They feel very nice underneath one's clothes. Also, it seems to me they make your tops fall nicer somehow. I stopped wearing them years ago because they tended to ride up... Thanks for your post. You made me think to try some again!
  2. Knee! Don't panic. It could be that you overdid it since it hasn't been even two weeks from your surgery. But I doubt you did damage to your stomach. It is most likely muscle pain in the incision area. I was about a month out and pain free and sneezed and I got terrible pain on my side for about a week. My surgeon told me it was the muscle that was still healing and I somehow strained it. I freaked thinking it may be the stomach. I AM NOT A DOCTOR but just sharing my experiences. Lets see what others have to say. Someone may have additional imput. Just rest up and take it easy. I saw your post on all the calories you burned on Fitness.com LOL You did some serious walking girl!!! :-) Hope you feel better soon!!!!
  3. mnbsleeve

    By George! Dare I Say Thin?

    You look absolutely beautiful!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! and like others have said, and I've said it before, NO WAY you look much over 30!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!! You rocked that sleeve now rock your life!!!!! xoxoxox
  4. mnbsleeve

    No Support From Husband...

    My cardiologist told me "plain and simple, your body is working against you!" I also have PCOS and have struggled with infertility and weight. While I've always had zero cholesterol, low blood preasure, great blood sugar, I do great stress tests on treadmill (always been active), excellent EKG etc. (all evidence of healthy living) I could not loose the darn weight. At least not significant amounts. I MUST keep my calories to about 800 and that is very difficult to do without a sleeve in the long run. I just turnd 49 so things were not getting any easier for me. BTW, I have completed a few sprint distance tri s, several cycling events and a number of 5Ks and 10ks. This while overweight! pre-surgery! I read "Slow Fat Triathlete" a few years ago and it encouraged me to not give up living an active life style for being fat (great book by the way!). But I dont' want to be fat anymore!!!! I was told, not by my surgeon, but my cardiologist, that I was a great candidate for this surgery because my body was working against me and I was willing to do the work long term. So it's not "easy." EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT I am just sharing my experience. I envy that you are just 26! This was not available for me at that age. Lots of us here on this board have said we regret we did not have this done sooner!!! LOL I wish you the best of luck on this journey Estelle. I know it can be challenging at many different levels!
  5. mnbsleeve

    Gastric Sleeve Pre-op Torture

    Hi Chunky! I don't have much to add to the great advice others have given. I just want to add my support and say congratulations on all the effort you are putting into this phase. You will get through it!!! and it will be so worth it!!!!! Hang in there! We are all rooting for you!!!!
  6. Sara, thank you for this great post! You look absolutely beautiful!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
  7. mnbsleeve

    At Goal...for Now.

    Congratulations Paul!!!! I say go for the gold!!!!!! :-)
  8. Wowza! You look absolutely stunning!!!!! Love that dress!!!! Congratulations on everything you have accomplished. Enjoy the new you!!!!
  9. SK! You look like a new woman!!!! You look GREAT! Congratulations on all of these wonderful accomplishments!!! I know what you mean about feeling like you would not have put yourself out there pre-surgery! I'm only half way to my goal and I'm already feeling that confidence and excitement you talk about. It really is incredible how much we were holding in. Thanks for the well wishes. Back at you! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
  10. Geeewhy! Congratulations!!!! Good job on the great progress!!!!!! Looking forward to reading more about your journey! Enjoy the new you!!!
  11. mnbsleeve

    Hello To All!

    Alexander! WOW! What incredible perserverance!!!! My hat off to you for going after something you knew was right for you!!!! Congratulations on everything you have accomplished, including the amazing weightloss so far. I will check out your youtube videos. Looking forward to following your progress!!!!!
  12. mnbsleeve

    New To Forum

    Hang in there fabuless! Some of stall constantly throughout the entire process! It does seem to start up again. You're not "doing anything wrong!" It's just really hard when it's happening. I think in the beginning, pretty much everyone seems to stall shortly after surgery. At least that's my sense from what I've been reading these last few months. I can just say, hang tight! It WILL come off and it WILL be great! :-) Rooting for you!
  13. Welcome Dom! Congratulations on your surgery. This has been an incredible journey for me and I would do it again in a heart beat! Sending lots of good thoughts your way and looking forward to reading about your progress!!!!
  14. Happy Thanksgiving Skinny! Congratulations on all you have accomplished. Thank you for this update. I'm always so inspired watching people's incredible progress. You look GREAT Nicole!!! Just beautiful!!!
  15. Meggie wow!!!!! What an amazing transformation!!!! You look GREAT!!!! and very happy too! congratulations!!!!!!!
  16. mnbsleeve

    Down 100 Pounds! Yay!

    Wow Meg!!!! You look fantastic!!!!!! I love what you said: " my 'fat suit' is never coming back!" I've often felt like I've been trapped in this fat suit!!!! How great it's coming off for all of us!!! Thank you for the uplifting and inspiring post. You'll get those last few pounds you want to loose. You look AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Congratulations Warrior!!!! You'll get those last 25lbs!!!! Sounds like you are rockin' that sleeve! I recently bougth a size L pea coat! I kept grabbing the XL (already down from the 1x and 2x I've been wearing) and my husband kept saying, that's too big! You need smaller! Sure enough! The medium fit better than the large, but I was kinda freaked out and got the large. But if my husband had not been with me, my brain would not have adjusted. I wouldn't have even tried on the Large, or the medium! So weird!!!! :-) in a good way!!! :-)
  18. mnbsleeve


    Congratulatoins CT!!! What a great update!!! I struggle a bit with that whole eating thing too. I just keep giving myself reality checks and reminding myself of the total calories I am consuming and burning. Like others have said, it should level off for us as we become more accostomed to our new bodies and new way of being. Sometimes I just can't believe the changes I am making!!!! It's scary to think it may go away. I guess it's a normal response to an abnormal situation! Congrats again!!!!!! Enjoy the new you!!!!
  19. That's great Julie. Just keep up the good nutrition!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!
  20. mnbsleeve

    Been Around a While

    Trixie, thank you for posting such personal story. My sincerest condolences! Sounds like your mother really wanted this for you and knew what it meant only in a way a mother knows. I'm sure she will be close to your heart as you go through this journey. She will be smiling big wherever she is knowing you will be getting healthier and stonger. Sending lots of good thoughts your way for a great surgery and a super speedy recovery. Like others here, I am available to answer any questions or lend support as you move througth the steps. Feel free to contact me anytime! I look forward to reading about your progress. Be well! Stay strong!
  21. Hi copchick! Just wanted to send you good thoughts for a fast, positive resolution. I'm sorry we all have to go through such ridiculous hassles!!! Hang in there. Fingers crossed for you.Glad you posted!!!! :-)
  22. mnbsleeve

    3 month Surgiversary!!!

    Wes, a big CONGRATUATIONS to you as well!!!! What great accomplishment. Way to go on the gym workouts too!!!!!!!
  23. mnbsleeve

    3 month Surgiversary!!!

    Kimberlina!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Girl, you don't sound conceited or anything of the sort! You sound happy, joyful, and totaly alive!!! I'm loving your energy. You sound young and vibrant. You go girl!!!! Enjoy your life, the new you!!!!! just grab life by the collar and go for it!!!!
  24. I loose an average of about 1 to 2 pounds per week. I know others loose a little faster but FOR ME it's record loss!!! I use to work much harder and always felt miserable and I was lucky to loose a couple of pounds in a month!!! Now, I feel really great, I'm not always hungry, I work out less than I use to (although I would like to increase it) and I'm STILL loosing weight. I basically go about my life so time just flies! And even though I have stalls, I loose overall. So, I know I don't loose as fast, I NEVER DID, but I'm a happy camper!!!!! :-)
  25. Oh my gosh! You look great!!! A see a big difference. For starters you look so MUCH younger. You're beautiful!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

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