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new me by 30

LAP-BAND Patients
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About new me by 30

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    St. Louis
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  1. I was just wondering what do you eat? Or any tips for dealing with a tight band. I just had a fill that feels pretty tight, and I am having a difficult time eating. I kind of think I am still a little swollen and it will get better. Thanks!!!
  2. new me by 30

    Have you ever been this tight?

    So in 24 hours I had lost 4 pounds, which of course was all water weight, because I was so dehydrated. The Dr removed half of what he put but it still wasn't enough so he removed more. I feel amazing now that I am not throwing up every hour and I can drink water. Thanks for all the support Lappers!!!
  3. new me by 30

    Have you ever been this tight?

    I think .5 but I am not sure he never tells me. Thank you!
  4. Yesterday I received my 3rd fill, after the fill I was able to drank the water no problem. A few hours later I tried drinking my protein shake and It wouldn't go down I had to throw up. I didn't try anything else the rest of the night. Then at 2:30am I work up sliming, I had to wake up and throw up my saliva, I tried to drank water, then that came up. I have been vomiting every hour or so. I have already made an appointment for later today. If you have ever been this tight, how much did the doctor take out? Did he take out what he put in or just a little? How soon did you feel relief? I find this frustrating!
  5. Hello!! I got my lap band in May. Before getting the lap band I need to lose about 80 pounds. So far I have lost only 25 and most of that has been from the pre op diet. I am a little disappointed about, the time that it is taking to lose the weight. i have had 2 fills and I have little restrictions, I feel like I can eat a lot if I chew it up and eat SLOW. I will vomit if I don't chew good enough or eat to fast. I feel like this is a very slow process and when I think about it I kind of wished I would have went another route. Sometimes I wish I would have went with the sleeve procedures but I didn't really research anything but the lap band. I am 29 years old and I didn't want to have any complications that where not reversible. It is a big decision and it is smart not to go into it lightly. Good luck in your decision making. I also only told about 5 people, which I am glad because I already feel like some of these 5 people are wonder why I am not losing weight. I can't imagine everyone always wondering "why is she still fat" or "did you see how much she ate?" That is my issue!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  6. I have been reading the post here and I am a little confused now, with what I am feeling. With each fill our goal is to feel restricted while we eat. What does that feel like you you? I had my surgery May 11, 2011, my first fill June 28th. After the surgery I could eat whatever, as fast as I wanted without any problems. Since my first fill, there has been two times when I have eaten to fast and not chewed my food up, because I wasn't thinking and forgot. Right after I had to immediately throw it up. I am wondering is this what restriction is( not throwing up, but not being able to have large pieces of food pass)? I feel like I can eat a lot of food and not feel the feeling of being full. I don't eat a lot because there is not enough time and I want to lose weight.
  7. I am a Labor and Delivery nurse and I lift and move pregnant woman all day, I took off about 16 days and I was fine when I went back. Good LUCK!!
  8. So I talk to my doctor and he said that it is fine. He doesn't seem concerned about the pain. I will just have to work through it. I figure if am still in pain on tuesday I will make a appointment to see him. Thanks everyone for all the great advise
  9. My Doctor released me back to work with no restrictions.
  10. Hello all!! So here is the story. I was banded on May 11th 2011. Everything has been going great, about a week out of surgery I had no pain. I was walking daily and feeling really good. Then last tuesday, day 13 post op, I decided to try a Zumba class and about 30 minutes in to the class I started to feel this burning pain about 4-6 inches, directly above my belly button. I stopped doing the class and I figured I would just rest and see what happened. I was hoping that after a few days It would stop hurting, but actually it slowly started to hurt more and more. The pain is not very bad when I am laying down, sitting, or slowly walking, but when I bend down to sit or pick something up I get a very sharp, burning pain, that takes my breath away. When I lay down I feel a small lump in the area that I feel this pain. I do not know where my port and I wonder if my port has migrated or if that is where is is suppose to be. From what I have read I always thought that the port where off to the right side or left side and I remember my doctor saying that he usually put the port on the right side. I do not have a incision in this area, the closes incision is about 2 inches above the pain. I called the nurses line on friday and never heard back, so I just blew it off, but I am a little worried because I go back to work on Monday and I have a very physical job, and my co worker do not know that I had this surgery, I am not sure if I can do my job with this pain. Thank you for any advise! NV
  11. Hello all!! So here is the story. I was banded on May 11th 2011. Everything has been going great, about a week out of surgery I had no pain. I was walking daily and feeling really good. Then last tuesday, day 13 post op, I decided to try a Zumba class and about 30 minutes in to the class I started to feel this burning pain about 4-6 inches, directly above my belly button. I stopped doing the class and I figured I would just rest and see what happened. I was hoping that after a few days It would stop hurting, but actually it slowly started to hurt more and more. The pain is not very bad when I am laying down, sitting, or slowly walking, but when I bend down to sit or pick something up I get a very sharp, burning pain, that takes my breath away. When I lay down I feel a small lump in the area that I feel this pain. I do not know where my port and I wonder if my port has migrated or if that is where is is suppose to be. From what I have read I always thought that the port where off to the right side or left side and I remember my doctor saying that he usually put the port on the right side. I do not have a incision in this area, the closes incision is about 2 inches above the pain. I called the nurses line on friday and never heard back, so I just blew it off, but I am a little worried because I go back to work on Monday and I have a very physical job, and my co worker do not know that I had this surgery, I am not sure if I can do my job with this pain. Thank you for any advise! NV
  12. new me by 30

    3 days post op SUPER HUNRGY

    I had my surgery on Wednesday and I am suppose to be on a liquid diet until Tuesday. I was starving and I broke down and advanced myself to full liquids. I know that is against the rules but seriously 7 days on a sugar free diet which is like 300 calories a day if that. I was dizzy, and lacked any energy. I am not on total full liquid diet I only am allowing myself about 6 ounces of a milk product. I know some will say that I am cheating and this is how I got here but I really feel that if I didn't advance I was going to really cheat because I was STARVING. I didn't cheat on the pre op diet at all. I don't suggest doing this I am just telling you are not alone. Good LUCK!!!
  13. new me by 30

    I gained 9 pounds!

    That is very normal to gain weight in surgery, because they give you a lot of IV fluids. I would bet just one of those bags are 2.5 pounds. Don't worry about it to much. Try to just weight your self once a week in the morning. Good LUCK!! I had my surgery on Wednesday, and I also gained weight!
  14. I had surgery on Wed, and I was fine up until Thurs afternoon when I started really feeling alot of nausea. I haven't taken any pain meds since yesterday afternoon. I am only allowed to drink clear liquids right now, has anybody had this? Please any ideas, thanks
  15. What brand are these?? What is the recipes? The orange julius sounds yummy!!

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