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Everything posted by Sleeveme2011

  1. Sleeveme2011

    Sleeved On May 4, 2011

    Yay! Glad all went well.
  2. Sleeveme2011

    Upper Gi

    Thanks Ladies.
  3. Sleeveme2011

    Upper Gi

    Had my Upper Gi test and other labs yesterday. The test wasn't bad, but the stuff they have you to drink was gross!! I felt like gagging, LOL! From what he could see, everything looked ok, no signs of reflux or an hiatal (sp) hernia. So thats good. The results will be sent to my surgeon,so I am guessing in the next 2-3 weeks I will be meeting with him again. I got a call from my case worker (I forgot her actual title). She just wanted to put a voice with the name (she was on Vacation when I had my 1st appt.). I thought that was nice, and she sounds nice and friendly. Most of my test are done. Next week I have my 3rd PCP visit. 3 down and 3 left. Whoot! Whoot! LOL! So ready to be sleeved.
  4. Sleeveme2011

    I WAS APPROVED!!!!!!

    Congrats! I know you are so happy. You are on your way to being sleeved. Whoo Hooo!
  5. I am overweight. I have been overweight almost my entire life. I am so sick and tired of being called names and being told what I "need" to do. :angry:NEWSFLASH***** I know I am fat. I have mirrors in my home and I look in them every single day. I dont need you telling me something I already know. WELL today my aunt came over to my moms house. First thing she says "hey big mama". Pissed me off but I moved on from it and simply said hi. I started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago and changed some of my eating habits prior to that and have lost 19 lbs. My response from her " you have more to get off, keep on working on it". Pissed again! Just simply say good job on your weight loss or something encouraging. Its like every time she sees me she has to say something to say about my weight. "You are getting broad across your back, loose some weight" or "you are jiggly" always something. Those of you who think talking to her and telling her how i feel will help, it doesn't. The best part is...DRUMROLL!!!! She is fat herself. She pisses me off sometimes and it does not stop. I snapped on someone the other week and my hubby said I need to be like that all the time. LOL! if only it worked. Just needed to vent! Thanks everyone
  6. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    Thank you so much! Oh wow! I am sorry you went thru what you did growing up. I was never really small every so I have been the fat kid for a long timmmmmme. LOL! But the comments and what not get old. I have a brother that I hadnt seen in ages, saw him the other day and this idiot says "I see you arent pushing away from the table" I ignored him. Heck, my bro-n-law called me lazy today because I wasnt helping my hubby mow the yard. I like the passage out of the bible. I pray a lot and I try to hold my tongue when dealing with people. I have a short temper and attitude and can say some things that might make your jaw drop. LOL! I am trying to work on that, but God knows it is hard.
  7. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    LOL! That is so funny.
  8. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    You are so right. For now it is either my weight, my hair, what color I choose for my hair, if I cook or not...etc. the list goes on. Thank you...I ready for my sleeve.
  9. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    An inner filter would be great. She has never had one of those. She has always been this way for as long as I can remember. Hearing from others that grew up with her, she is more "tamed" now. LOL! I am wondering what I will be picked on after the weight is gone?? I mean I will not be the "fat" kid anymore and what not. LOL. Family
  10. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    I'm sorry your grandma went about it the way she did. I cant wait to start losing, for so many reasons. I already know when she finds out I had surgery she will freak out but she will get over it.
  11. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    LOL! Love it!
  12. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    Thank you so much. I am proud of myself and I am so ready to have this surgery. :-)
  13. I know everyone has a different pre-op requirement. For me I will be on a 2 week liquid diet, I believe. My surgeon's office provides all the stuff. I want to attempt a liquid diet prior to my pre-op. Mainly protein shakes and jello, water, and other liquids. Did anyone else do their "own" pre-op before their pre-op? My hubby thinks I am going overboard trying to prepare myself. He said I could wait on the protein shakes. LOL! Just wanted other views. Thanks
  14. Sleeveme2011

    Your own Pre-Op

    We are in the same boat. LOL! I will not have surgery till around September. I started on March 14th adding in Protein shakes to replace a meal. I did good up until last week. So I wanna try it again. I want to try to do as much as I can to shrink my liver.
  15. Sleeveme2011

    Cigna ??'s

    I think the food logs is just something extra you can do but don't have to do. I have Cigna and I am not required to have food logs. If you decide to keep a food log, myfitnesspal.com is a great source. I use it. You can log all you eat and your exercise.
  16. Welcome! I am a newbie also. Everyone seems nice and helpful here. I am sure you will like it.
  17. I haven't had my surgery yet. But the right now the only ones who know are my mother, sister, hubby, mother n-law, sister n-law, and 2 close friends. I made them all promise to not say a word to anyone. I want to avoid negative comments and everybody telling me what I "need" to do or "ought" to do. Now after surgery, I may tell an aunt and if someone asks then I'll be honest. I am more of a private person, where as my hubby wants to tell. Hence how my momnlaw and sisnlaw know. LOL! But they are supportive and promise to not tell. So I am ok.
  18. Sleeveme2011

    H. Pylori Bacteria

    I think everyone is tested for H-pylori. The upper GI is not done by all surgeons. At least the 1st surgeon I was going to did not request me to have one. However, my new surgeon has me getting one.
  19. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    LOL!@ Mandemsmom..... the funny part is she already joined a gym. How about for Christmas last year she gave me a gym pass, swimsuit and swimshoes so I could test out the gym. My sister and I laughed.... I will point out her flaws for sure the next time. Hopefully it will help. She is one of those people who thinks they know everything about everything. LOL!
  20. Sleeveme2011

    New here. Hi!

    Hello to everyone. Married with a daughter. I'm a full time mother, wife, student, and part-time employment. I love my family and going to church. My journey started in March. I have to do a 6 month weight management with my doctor for insurance purposes. I started out set on the RNY. I have family members and friends who had RNY. I started my research and joined different forums that dealt with RNY. Even had a consultation with a surgeon's office ( would not have met him until right before the surgery :-(..) After a lot of prayer and more and more research, I decided to go with the sleeve. All of the vitamins you have to take with having the RNY and then the possibility of vitamins not absorbing or what not. Plus I am forgetful with taking pills. I know I will have to take vitamins with the sleeve, but not 3-4 times a day. I truly think I just need the restriction and I pray that I do well. With my change, came a new surgeon at a different office. They are testing me for way more things then the previous office had sent me of to do. I actually like having all the test, just to make sure. Well tentatively, I hope to have my surgery end of August first of September. 6 months is a ways off from now, but I am about to have my third weigh in with my PCP. So it is moving. My second appt. I had lost 19 lbs. So I was happy about that and started thinking maybe I can do it on my own.....then I thought more and the question is would I be able to keep it off? I am thrilled to have found this site. I am ready for my tool to help me to reach my goal weight and to maintain it and stay healthy. Hope to talk to many of you! Take care
  21. Sleeveme2011

    I want to scream at people!

    You are so right. You can't please everybody and I sure don't try. LOL! It is time to please ourselves. I had a cosmetic surgery in 2008 and when she found out (after the surgery) she went CRAZY! Why you do that and blaa blaa. I can only imagine what she will say after I have WLS and start loosing.
  22. Sleeveme2011

    New here. Hi!

    Thank you all. The hardest thing right now is waiting the 6 months. Gotta love insurance companies.
  23. Sleeveme2011

    New here. Hi!

    Thanks ladies for the welcome! I feel that I am making the right decision and I pray and continue to pray for guidance. I do not know anyone personally that has been sleeved. So being here is and will help a lot. Ranchersdaughter, I know what you mean about loosing and then gaining. I tried about every diet there is probably. After having my daughter I gained 50lbs and stayed there until recently. That gain put me in the 300's. Time for a change. My little one is a busy one and my knees are starting to hurt to mention other issues.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
