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Everything posted by Sleeveme2011

  1. Sleeveme2011

    Got My Date!!

    Congrats on your date!!! I will still be on my diet when you start yours. My surgery is the 25th.
  2. Sleeveme2011

    Stocked up for after surgery today

    Sending up prayers for you. All will go well and congrats on your up coming surgery.
  3. Sleeveme2011

    First Day Home

    Congrats on your surgery! I am glad all went well and you are doing well. LOL! at the dream you had, that is so funny. Take care
  4. Sleeveme2011

    **OFFICIAL** Team Line Up!!

    Add me please.......August 25th right here
  5. Sleeveme2011

    I think God has opened a door :)

    God is opening doors for you and it is such a blessing that your mom was able to help you and you can be closer to home. He always works things out. You are in my prayers!
  6. Congrats! I am excited for you!
  7. YAY! I shall be sleeved on August the 25th. I am so excited. WHOO HOOO! I am a tad bit nervous but I know all will be fine. I have faith and I continue to pray about it. I have a week and 4 days. WOW!
  8. Sleeveme2011


    I was approved today. Surgeon's office called but I was at work so she emailed me and Yay!.... My co-workers think I;m a nut, " I was like Thank you Lord and smiling and everything and they were like whats going on why are you so happy" LOL! They dont know so I just said I'll tell you some other day LOL!> I meet with my surgeon on the 9th to go over my results and to schedule a date. I was thinking the week of the 30th but my cycle should be here then and I am not sure about surgery when company is in town. What do you think? We submitted on the 2nd and approved on the 5th. I must admit I called every single day. I called to make sure they received it and entered it in on Tuesday. Wednes. I called but they had gone for the day and Thursday the lady said they should have a decision by today, it usually take 48-72 hrs. Yippie!!!
  9. Sleeveme2011


    Thanks! MEmemeee Thanks for the info your nurse told you and If I do get an August surgery date I will surely come over.
  10. Sleeveme2011

    I got the call!

    Yay for us! I got approved today also... I know exactly how you feel about getting in as soon as possible. I asked my office if it was possible to come this afternoon and she said my surgeon was out today but if he were there she would have made it happen. LOL! I go on Tuesday. Hopefully you will get in soon! Best of luck to you .
  11. Sleeveme2011


    Paperwork submitted today around 1 p.m. Tentative surgery date is September 15th. Now the waiting begins. Praying for a quick approval.
  12. Sleeveme2011


    Oh my! Double check to make sure the surgeon's office actually submitted. I have heard stories of the surgeon's office not sending like they should. I sure hop your paper work gets in soon. I called my insurance this evening to see if they had received my paperwork and they had and it is in the system and still pending (which I knew that part). So I am glad they did at least get it. Praying you get a quick approval and the time goes by fast.
  13. Sleeveme2011


    For those of you who have had your information submitted to your insurance companies, how often did you call to inquire on the status (approved, denied, etc)? Do you feel that your calling helped to get your decision any sooner? My information should be submitted on Tuesday and my plan was to give it 24 hrs for them to get it and process everything in their system and then call twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
  14. Sleeveme2011


    I thought it was and that's why I wanted other peoples opinion, LOL!
  15. Sleeveme2011


  16. Sleeveme2011

    Don't wait - be proactive!!

    I plan on doing the same thing. Give it 24 hrs to receive my paperwork and get things entered and then I will start calling to check daily. I thought about calling twice a day ( once in the morning and once in the evening) but they may be to much, LOL. BTW what insurance company do you have insurance thru?
  17. Sleeveme2011

    September Sleevers

    My last PCP visit is Aug. 2nd and hopefully I will have a surgery date the first of September. Whoo Hoo!
  18. Sleeveme2011

    Opinions wanted

    I have Cigna insurance and as everyone else I have the 6 months PCP visits. I wanted to try and go to my last appt. on the 5th. All of the previous appointments I had were the 13th, 14th, or 11th. Do you think I would be pushing it to go on the 5th (August)? The previous surgeon's office said if i went April 29th and then May 20 that would suffice (her example). What do you guys think? I'm so close but so far it seems. LOL!
  19. Sleeveme2011

    Opinions wanted

    I sure hope so! I just called and the lady said it did not matter as long as it is one every month. I am going to aim for Aug. 2nd and pray I get a quick approval. Your approval was super quick! I know you are thrilled. Congrats on your up coming surgery.
  20. Sleeveme2011

    Opinions wanted

    Thanks Wishes. :-) It is not the 180 days, i checked on that back in April. I get conflicting things when I call in. LOL! One person says one thing and then call right back and that one says something else and then call back and I get told the first two were wrong and so on. LOL! Congrats on Aug 4th being your last visit!!! YAY! We may end up with the same surgery day!
  21. I have Cigna insurance and as everyone else I have the 6 months PCP visits. I wanted to try and go to my last appt. on the 5th. All of the previous appointments I had were the 13th, 14th, or 11th. Do you think I would be pushing it to go on the 5th (August)? The previous surgeon's office said if i went April 29th and then May 20 that would suffice (her example). What do you guys think? I'm so close but so far it seems. LOL!
  22. Sleeveme2011

    NUT visit

    Hi to everyone! I am meeting with my NUT on Friday. I have to take four days of food journals with me. Those of you who have already met with your NUT' what did your meeting/visit include? I know you will go over what things to eat or to stay away from but besides that what else did they go over with you or give you? One step closer.....Thanks
  23. Well I believe I found another reason that I should have this surgery. I'm busting out of my pants. I just bought these pants from Lane Bryant and they are my size and I wore them two times before today. Well today I happened to reach to pull my shirt down and I brushed across an opening that should not be, LOL! So the seam has come apart on the left side. I pray about everything and the first thing that popped in my head was "Lord, is that another sign I should have this surgery?" 5th visit is on the 11th. Then I'll be like this :blink:probably. LOL! Anyway I hope everyone had a good day.
  24. Sleeveme2011

    6 Month Supervised Dieters

    I am going through the 6 months right now also. July 11th will be my 5th visit. WHOOO WHOOO! I remember starting this journey in March and thinking "6 months is so far away" but now it is right around the corner. The closer I get to the submitting part the more anxious I am getting. I'm nervous as with any surgery I have had I was nervous but I don't think nerves will set in until the tell me " your surgery has been scheduled for _________" then I'll probably be a ball of nerves. I continue to pray and keep my faith and I know all will be fine. I already have my letter of recommendation from my PCP, meeting with the NUT on the 8th and then 5th visit the 11th and hopefully last visit Aug. 8th and it can be submitted that same day. Praying for a quick smooth easy approval. Looking at a September surgery date. I had it all planned out until my boss asked me if I had thought about coming back on FT at work Well actually No, LOL! (hubby and mommy think its a good idea) So now I am going back FT at work. My supervisor and I are pretty cool but I dont want to tell her i am having WLS but I know if I say "I'm having surgery" she is going to ask "What kind and are you ok". I thought about doing it around Thanksgiving and take that Wed. off and the following week after off and then it wouldn't really seem like I was taking off for two weeks due to the holiday.... HUMMM But I really dont want to wait if I dont have to. AHHH HAAA enough of that! Yes I am also on the 6 months and counting down. Wishing you all the best. (Sorry for my ramble"

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