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Finally Did It

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Finally Did It

  1. Finally Did It


    What is Slippage? How does it happen? How do you know if it slipped?
  2. Finally Did It

    Hunger level after surgery

    Miss J 482 Thanks! I keep hearing about this slippage, but what exactly is "slippage" I've been cheating left and right I feel so ashamed, but I am starving. I had a vegetable Soup today, -- chewed it a hundred times before I swallowed. I drink my shakes - GROSSS I'm so sick of them. that is 2 Protein shakes for breakfast which takes me all morning to finish. By lunchtime, I had the soup. 4 pm I had a yogurt. I might have another yogurt.......maybe or maybe an icepop. I think that I am allergic to the whey in the Protein shake because the gas is just horrible. I have another week of creamy Soups, and I just couldn't take it anymore. Also, I haven't lost a pound this week. But I also went back to work...secretary....so I never even took a lunch break, which my goal is to walk on my lunch cuz when i get home I'm too tired. Monday is 3 weeks since my surgery. I lost all my weight in the before and the first week and 1/2....why am I not losing. I'm taking in maybe 500 - 700 calories a day. If I was "dieting" I'd be losing weight.... So once more....what is slippage?????
  3. Hey.... thank you!!! Yes, I am living on Gas X and Zegrid.
  4. Great post. I'm feeling just like you. I'm starving all the time. I feel like, why aren't I throwing up? Did I stretch my stomach and I don't know it? The gas just won't go away. Monday will be 3 weeks since my surgery and I can't imagine another week of Soup. How do I change my behaviors and my mind ? Will I fail? and fail miserably? How come I haven't lost more weight....I'm only down 21 lbs and I am due for my period. How do I stop from being hungry? Another shake???? Gag !!!!! How will I survive? I don't want to fail.
  5. I am 2 1/2 weeks, the gas is still very strong. (painful). The pain of the surgery stopped very quickly. My biggest complaint is the gas. I'm starving all the time and I'm just excited that I did it and hope and pray that I am not a failure.
  6. Finally Did It

    Hunger level after surgery

    I am starving all the time....its 2 1/2 weeks since my surgery and 3 1/2 weeks of watching what I eat. I"M STARVING.
  7. Thank you so much for the reply and support. 2 weeks of clear liquids. 2 weeks of not clear liquids, I see so many people are already eating food. WOW, I can't even think of it. SO the growling is actually GAS???? Interesting, all my life, I 've taken that as I am H.u.n.g.r.y. I know, I know..but I can't get it down in a sip with in a half hour. That is such torture - the drinks. I tried a lot of different Protein drinks before my surgery, and I thought I found the ones I liked....I did, but I use the Bullet to blend them and they are nice and creamy so it's not so blah. Can't use the blender due to even more gas. after a month I can then have soft foods.
  8. This is my 2nd posting on this but I want to change some of the questions. I would like to know what is going on.For those who have just answered my previous post. THANK YOU!!!!!Ok, I did it. Did I make the right decision? Only Time will tell. Today it is 6 days. Still no BM. I'm assuming that is normal as I don't even have an urge. I'm really worried about all the things I am feeling. 1: Left side under rib, what is this pain/discomfort I am feeling???? It is such a sharp pain, that when I move a certain way it is almost like a Stitch from running feeling and takes my breath away. It's very painful and I'm trying to take just pain pills for night only, to see if I can sustain the pain, as I have to get used to it once I start working again. 2: I constantly feel my stomach growling - is this normal???? Why is this happening??? The pain is so great at times, that I feel nauseous. I can't even think about drinking anything. 3: Why can I do ok laying on the recling couch, but horrible if I try to lay in bed? Well @ 5 am today I woke up on the couch sleeping on the right side. So I decided again to try and lie in bed to see if I can do it. I did, that I fell asleep for 4 hours. 4: How long is recup time? I thought I'd be able to go back to work Monday, I'm still taking Pain pills at night just so I can sleep I have a very LOW tolerance of pain, so if you do too, how long before you returned to work? I don't want stay home if I should be pushing myself. ( I read somewhere that some of you are experiencing people judging you....I do have supervisors who are very judgmental and and I don't want them to say anything to me like well this is what you wanted, you should come back to work. I am already hearing it from my own family, can you believe it. This is what you wanted....stop complaining already about the pain. Boo hoo......I still had surgery.... 5: I am barely drinking, I'm lucky if I can drink more than 15 oz of Protein shakes. I'm trying to just shake and not blend, but finding them hard to get down. What is an immersion blender. I normally would use the Bullet blender I have from Medifast, and it works great, but the doctor's nutritionist suggested that that would just cause me more gas pains. Trying to drink these shakes is horrible. I have also seen many of your reports saying that some of you are already eating soft foods...lucky you, I cannot have soft foods until after a month. 6: Water seems a little easier to get down. and I can eat Ice pop and Jello....but how long before I can eat food another 3 weeks, how will I last???? I'm just dying for real food, but I can't wait for cream of broccoli, cream of tomato, or maybe something else. Yea, I still feel like this. 7: Stopped heartburn meds, but gas pains are yucky. Did anyone else stop their heartburn medications? I was on Zegreid and Pepcid. 8: When I drink I feel like I'm putting water into oil and that the water drops to the bottom, and the oil floats on top. WHat is this I am feeling????? I haven't walked, due to weather, but I don't even want to walk. Everytime I take a breath, I get that sharp pain from the left side under my rib.Thank you for all of your help.
  9. Thank you so much for getting back to me and making me feel more at ease. I'm trying to drink, but it is difficult with the Nausea. You have been most helpful and supportive. Congrats on your huge weight loss.!!!
  10. I just tried to email, so I'll see if they answer me, otherwise I will call tomorrow. TMI - but just 1st BMI and 2 sneezes. Call you Dr. Tomorrow.
  11. I had my Surgery at the Oradell Surgery Center. They were wonderful.
  12. One more thing = how do you add that weight loss ticker factory thingy at the bottom of your posts? I tried going to their site and creating a new one, but to no avail.
  13. Finally Did It

    Just had surgery Monday

    Thank you and good luck to you too. How did you do the ticker factory thingy? I tried, but don't understand it.
  14. Ok, I did it. Did I make the right decision? Only Time will tell. Today it is 5 days. Still no BM. I'm assuming that is normal as I don't even have an urge. I'm really worried about all the things I am feeling. 1: Left side under rib, what is this pain/discomfort I am feeling???? 2: I constantly feel my stomach growling - is this normal???? 3: Why am I feeling this? 4: Why can I do ok laying on the recling couch, but horrible if I try to lay in bed? 5: How long is recup time? I thought I'd be able to go back to work Monday, I'm still taking Pain pills at night just so I can sleep. 6 I am barely drinking, I'm lucky if I can drink more than 15 oz of Protein shakes. I'm trying to just shake and not blend, but finding them hard to get down. 7: Water seems a little easier to get down. and I can eat Ice pop and Jello....but how long before I can eat food another 3 weeks, how will I last???? I'm just dying for real food, but I can't wait for cream of broccoli, cream of tomato, or maybe something else. 8: Stopped heartburn meds, but gas pains are yucky. 9: When I drink I feel like I'm putting water into oil and that the water drops to the bottom, and the oil floats on top. WHat is this I am feeling????? 10: When is pain or discomfort going away???? I know that is a repeat.
  15. Finally Did It

    Port pain!!

    Which side is my port ? I have pain on the left side under the rib.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
