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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mannapanda

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  • Birthday 03/04/1976

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  1. Happy 37th Birthday mannapanda!

  2. Happy 36th Birthday mannapanda!

  3. I'm feeling the same way about how people are 'watching' me. The weight for me came off pretty quickly at first, but now that I'm on the maintaince diet, it's not coming off as quickly. I had my first fill a couple of weeks ago, and at that point I seemed to be full with just a cup at meals. But lately I seem to be feeling more hungry and able to eat more. They didn't put in much for my first fill b/c it seemed to be doing okay. I was glad to find this post b/c I too was worried that I had stretched out my pouch. I'm anxious to get my second fill and have a bit more put in to help curb my hunger and ability to eat more. I'm doing okay probably 80% of the time on my own, but it's that 20% of the time that my will power sinks and I eat more than I should. Trying to stay focused and remembering where I came from (35 lbs. lost so far) and that I am still losing, just not as much as before!
  4. My doc has me on carnation instant breakfast sugar free shakes. Now that I've had surgery, I've become a bit lactose intolerant, so I'm mixing it with lactose free milk (they did mention that the lactose intolerant thing could happen after surgery.) I am supposed to drink 5 shakes a day and add enough protein powder to equal 20 grams of protein. I add dry milk powder...it mixes well at any temp

  5. what liquid drink are you drinking? I need to know the name I have heard about unjury, I don't know about any other type?

  6. I was banded on Tuesday, April 26th and am on the two week post liquid diet. It consists of 5 carnation instant breakfast, which are mixed with milk. So, since my surgery I've had some awful gas. Walking did help, but in my binder that they gave me it also said that you may become sensitive to dairy after surgery. I was so bummed when I came to that...I know it doesn't happen to all, but I think that was contributing to my issue. I love milk and dairy! I've tried soymilk before and just couldn't stick with it. But, now it's different...I feel like I'd rather try and get used to the taste of soymilk before having to deal with so much gas again. It's day two of soy and going well....quite a relief!
  7. I lost 15 on my preop liquid diet. I was on it for 2 weeks. I like the advice that others have given...everyone is different! =)
  8. mannapanda

    hbA1C before surgery

    Mine had to be below an 8.0 ...it was a 7.6 at time of surgery. Just sent in a home test to the lab....with my sugars lately, hoping to have a lower number now that I've lost some weight with the preop diet and with the band!
  9. Hi all! Just wanted to share my great news! I'm so excited to be on this journey!! It has certainly not been easy, but it's going well! I lost 15 pounds on my pre op diet and was so excited!! Today...3 days after surgery I hopped on my wii and weighed myself again and am down another 3.5 pounds!!! So glad to be going in the right direction finally. It's so defeating when you've tried other things and you just don't budge! Plus my insulin regimen has gone way down also....my endocrinologist says that I may be able to go off insulin soon! Just wanted to share my happy day!
  10. mannapanda

    Need support to get through pre-op diet!!

    Hi! I just got banded on Tuesday (April 26th) and am doing well with the post op liquid diet. I had to go on a 2 week liquid diet before and did think it was outrageous and thought that I couldn't do it. But, I had to get in 5 carnation instant breakfasts sugar free a day and could have sugar free Jello (which I ate a lot of) and broth and crystal light. My day 7/8 were the hardest b/c it was over the weekend and I was at home and was around food more. But, I made it through! I think the thing that really kept me going was the thought that this is only temporary and that I will eventually get to go back to solids. Plus, I lost 15 pounds on the pre op diet! That was great motivation! I am also on insulin, and I am very thankful for the pre op diet b/c I was able to deal with that changing before I had surgery. So when surgery came around, I wasn't bottoming out with really low numbers. Good luck to you!!! Hang in there! I know that a weak moment in my pre op came when I found out on this site that some others don't have to do the pre op diet. That was hard to hear. But I was determined to follow my doc's orders...he has my best interest in mind!
  11. mannapanda

    Bathroom Problems

    I was so happy to find this post! It's day two post surgery and I haven't had a BM since the day before the surgery. I've had several surgeries before (diabetic retinapothy) and I know the narcotics can cause the constipation. I haven't taken any vicoden yet today (really, didn't need to) but am concerned about the BM. So, based on what I heard on hear I took some milk of magnesia. I'm still waiting, but we'll see how the rest of the day goes and into the night. Thanks again for your post!!
  12. Just had my band placed on April 26th...2nd day after surgery and starting to feel a little better, here's how it went: Arrived at 8:30 that morning. My husband waited on a different floor while I went up to the presurgery area to get ready. Had me change and then asked the normal questions about history and meds, etc. A young man came in to get some blood work (I'm diabetic, was guessing that was what the blood work was for.) He seemed pretty uncomfortable for some reason, it was kind of odd to me. But, he did his thing with little pain and was on his way. I told him that I had already lost 15 lbs on my pre-op diet. His comment was 'that's a bit much to loose in 14 days, is that healthy?' I told him that is what the doc wanted me to do! Well, after he left I looked down and realized that I had my gown on the wrong way (tie is supposed to be in back...I tied it in front and was going to switch it around, but forgot)...and I ended up giving him a bit of a show of my cleavage...opps! No wonder he seemed uncomfortable, poor kid! I was nervous about the IV because I don't do IVs well. The nurse got it on the second try, it wasn't in a very good spot, my wrist, but it was in, that's all I cared. PJ (my husband) was able to come in then. The doc came in and was all smiles and was very pleased to hear of my weight loss already and that I was now taking half the insulin I usually do. It made me feel good about it all. I too as some had stated, as I was getting dressed, had the thought of...here we go, can't back down now! After the doc talked to me I got some relaxing meds, that was good! Then they wheeled me to the OR and they slid me over, strapped me down, put on the mask and I was out! Next thing I remember, I'm waking up and heading to my room. I was in and out a lot because of the drugs, so bits and pieces at this point, but I do remember being put in a wheelchair to go get an xray. I got nauseous and had dry heaved a couple of times on the way down and then on the way back. When I was back at my room they gave me some anti-nausea meds and that was the end of that. It made me really sleepy though. I remember trying to stay awake, I was scared to sleep...I later talked to my husband about it (he's a medical transcriptionist) and he chuckled and said, no...that was the anti-nausea meds, they make you really tired...they want you to sleep. I did sleep pretty well through the night and was relieved to wake the next morning feeling more refreshed. I was released the next day around noon. Had a morning Breakfast of 1/2 cup beef broth and 1/2 cup juice...then a 1/2 cup Protein shake later as a snack. I went home and I think I over did my intake...had broth, juice and Protein Shake all at once and felt nauseous. Gas has started to come as of yesterday and that is relieving some uncomfortableness. I took a couple doses of vicoden yesterday, but am feeling okay today...trying not to take too much as I havent had a BM since the day before surgery. Sent my dad (who's staying with us to help out) to get milk of magnesia to maybe get things moving in that dept. Yesterday I had the "oh my gosh, what have I done" feeling, but am doing better today. I know that with each day I will feel better and better! =)
  13. mannapanda

    Any April's out there?

    Hey! I'm having surgery on the 26th of April. Still waiting for a time for the procedure...nervous but excited too. Am on day 8 of liquid diet, going well, but hasn't been real easy. Am looking forward to gettng back to normal food, but I know that's a ways away yet.

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