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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by meriteri

  1. Hey Holly,

    I agree with the others. I just had surgery 9/8/10 and although I'm not taking anymore pain meds, I am still tired and weak. In fact my husband has been taking care of the boys and cooking & cleaning. (He took 2wks off to help out) I am able to do some cooking & cleaning, but mostly all him. Is there is someone else that could be in charge of the party & you just help out? Maybe that would be an option?

  2. I am 3 days post op and am not getting in my liquids or Protein. My Dr. has ok'd me to have full liquids. I need to concentrate on getting in my liquids & protein. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I went to GNC today & bought a soy Protein Powder that tastes chalky, and awful! So just wondering what has been the best for all of you? Thinking about getting an Isopure powder or Unjury?

  3. Finally it's here! At 6am I am going to the hospital to get my sleeve. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I'm sure many of you know the feeling...Please keep me in your thoughts & prayers tomorrow. Thank you so much everyone for the support & encourgement! And make some room on the loser's bench! LOL

    Also I know there are others getting sleeved tomorrow & in the wks to come, Good luck to all of you & God Bless!

  4. Catyroses,

    I haven't tried the shakeweights, but I did read an article that basically said don't waste your money. Wish I had the link for you to read but don't sorry! Before I read that article, I wanted to try them too.

  5. I was working out at a gym and would occasionally talk to another woman there. One day she just came up to me and said that she was having wls! She was really excited & happy about her decsion. She told me all about the lapband. And when I got home I started researching. It was because of her that I started thinking about having wls & learning about my options. I am scheduled for my sleeve on the 8th and I think this will be one of the best decsions I have ever made!

    Even though it was because someone was so open that I decided to have the sleeve, I find myself nervous to tell other people. Slowly I am and have been getting mixed reactions. Some people have been encouraging and others have said things like your young, you can do it on your own. Then I have to defend my decsion. Those negative comments do make me question my decsion. I've always been the type of person that needs input from others to decide on things. But now I am learning that everybody will have an opinion and the decsion is MINE.

    Anyways, I'm just glad that there was someone that was open and shared wls with me because it brought to where I am today!

  6. I had a consult with Dr. Veninga yesterday and was pleased with the info & him. So I scheduled surgery for Sept.8th. I will be starting my pre-op diet on the 25th! That should be interesting. The nurse did say that if I really needed food to have 1 sm salad and chicken or steak. I'm excited to see how much weight I can loose in that 2wk period.

    They showed me a video of the surgery which I had been trying to avoid, and now after seeing it, it still kinda freaks me out that I'm going to be going through that?!

    I'm also wondering about follow up care in the future with my PCM. I'm self pay for this surgery & not going through Tricare. Will he be able to order all my labwork & stuff? Oh and also the Dr. gave me Rx to fill wondering if I take it into the pharmacy at the MTF if they will fill it? I'm so excited/nervous to begin this new journey!

  7. Dynamo,

    I too am a military wife wanting the sleeve. If your MTF or one close by does the sleeve you can have it done there and don't have to deal with the hassle of tricare. That was my original plan,but the surgeons here are fresh out of school & because of a neuromuscular condition I have do not feel comfortable doing my sleeve. I was going to travel to another MTF but they require a 6month supervised diet before being put on a waiting list that can take 3-6months. I am ready to start living my life now, before my husband's next deployment in 9mths! So I took out a loan and I'm gonna go for it. I'm torn about spending the money when I could get the bypass for free. But I too like you feel like the sleeve would be the best for me. Hopefully tricare will start covering the sleeve soon! I admire your patience and will power to do what you can on your own! Good luck on your "pre-op" diet!

  8. Tiffy,

    I am a sahm/w too. When my husband was deployed I packed up our house & moved. Then when our house was built I did it all over again & even carried heavy boxes & matresses upstairs. Along with that I've always kept the house clean and done my daily chores. But now that he is home he helps out with my duties.(He is a clean freak!) But when I see him folding the laundry or something like that because I didn't have time to get to, it makes me feel like crap that he's doing the things I should have done. Maybe your husband feels the same way. He feels like that's his job not yours. Even though you are perfectly capable of doing it. I learned that my husband likes a clean house and will do it if he wants to. He doesn't get mad that I didn't get to it, but he is ocd when it comes to cleaning. We've even gone to over to friends houses & he will pick up or take the trash out. That's just the way he is and I love him!

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