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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Pita625

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  1. Pita625

    Trying to figure out if I'm too tight

    You are probably too tight. I went through a period where I was in the doctor's office once a month (or more) with fills and then taking some out. I'm now at that sweet spot but still can't eat breakfast. They say drinking a cup of hot tea helps - but I haven't been that lucky.
  2. Been banded since 2005 and it was the best decision I ever made. Have never reached my goal but happy the way I am. Some day I'll try to lose the rest.
  3. Pita625

    Coughing questions?????

    I was banded 4 years ago and have that same problem. When I go to bed, exactly 1/2 hour later I get this awful tickle in my throat that won't go away until I get up and "get rid" of any mucas or lingering food. Then I am able to go back to sleep without any problem. I have pain sometimes too, depending on how hard I cough. I talked to my doctor and he either has never heard of it or didn't seem to care. Just told me not to eat close to bed time. However, that's never been a problem - I don't eat close to bedtime. So the long and short of it is that I don't know what to tell you - but you're not alone.
  4. Pita625

    Wow moment

    Keep up the good work! I was 282 when I started 3 years ago - down to 185 and loving the size 12 jeans. I still go for that extra large size and it was so nice to hear he sales lady tell me that I'm bigger than I think I am. I know I've lost the weight, but my mind still sees that size 22 person. I've been stuck at this weight for a long time, but hey size 12 who would have thought!!!!
  5. Pita625

    This band has a mind of it's own!

    I am the same way - mornings are the worst and yes, I don't eat until the afternoon. Can't get anything down in the morning except a few sips of hot tea. I was so frustrated and stressed that I couldn't eat so the Dr. took everything out to let my stomach rest. I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Guess I didn't learn anything. Now I'm back to where I was as far as liquid goes and having a hard time eating. I'm not going to have them take anything out until I lose the 10 pounds I gained (down 4 so far). But I don't understand the ups and downs - eating some days, not others. The dr. did tell me stress has a lot to do with it but it's very hard to talk yourself out of being stressed. Sorry - just rambling here, but wanted you to know I sympathize!
  6. Pita625

    Getting back on track?

    I'm 3 years out and recently had to have all the liquid removed because I couldn't keep anything down. I can't believe how easy it is to go back to the old ways. I've lost 70 pounds over the 3 years and promptly put 10 back on. I had a fill 2 weeks ago (only 1/2 of what they took out) and was told I needed to wait 4 more weeks to get another. I'm still eating way beyond what I should be. Obsessing with food from the minute I wake until I go to sleep at night. I feel sooooo good about myself and am ecstatic about being able to go into any store to buy clothes - not just Lane Bryant - so why am I doing this to myself again?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
