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Everything posted by sasicas

  1. sasicas

    Breast Loss

    Bwahahahaha! I nearly spit my coffee all over my screen laughing
  2. I don't think that is normal either. I had issues up until the 2nd month post op and had some complications that caused it. The only people I know that have had issues with eating and throwing up were either eating too much, too fast, or too big bites, had a stricture or had the RNY. I would suggest seeing another doctor who will at least do a swallow study or scope you to make sure there isn't a stricture.
  3. sasicas

    Omg My Boobs Have Disappeared!

    Mine are gone too and yes totally disappear when I lay down. It drives me nuts! So far the best bra I have found are the Ambrielle push up bras from JC Penny. No idea on the leg thing though.
  4. Yes people treat me differently. I have" friends" who have fallen off the map, and I have never heard from again. Apparently I was being used just to be the fat friend. One situation in particular really showed me how different people are around me now, even complete strangers. I was waiting to have lab work done. It was pretty empty, seats all around were empty, but people actually came and sat right next to me. It's happened at the doctors, the pharmacy, so many different places. And ya know, it bugs me. I was invisible when I was fat and it wasn't just because I made myself invisible, it feels as if people were scared they could catch the fat or something. *sigh* Things changed with my husband too. He has become protective over me which he was not before. He is more affectionate. And again this bugs the snot out of me. I know he is a man, and men tend to be visual creatures but really it's hard to take in. Now it's at the point that I have to adjust to the differences and I have to work on myself to not be angry with the differences I see from other people. I will tell you this much, after seeing first hand how different society treats obese people I will go out of my way to make an overweight person feel welcome and loved because I know how bad it hurts.
  5. Ya know without this forum I would have bailed. Matter of fact a week before my surgery I really started to freak out and even posted about wanting to back out just to have people tell me it was normal and basically to suck it up It worked and I went through with it. Not only do you have to face a major surgery but you are facing a whole lifestyle change from the way you eat to the way you look. It's totally normal to go through a million different emotions before surgery.
  6. sasicas

    Hair Loss After Vsg

    Nearly everyone loses hair from these surgeries. It's a matter of having major surgery, anesthesia, rapid weight loss, and drastic change in diet and lack of calories. Mine started at 2 months post op and it is still falling out at 9 months out. It's stinking annoying! But it's worth it to be thin. I had REALLY thick hair and now my hair is thinner than I have ever seen it, I have easily lost at least half the volume.
  7. sasicas

    I Have No Goal Weight

    That is a very wise choice. SOmetimes people get too focused on hitting a goal set by themselves or their surgeons. I did set a goal, it was a soft goal though, I wasn't obsessed with hitting it and was amazed when I did though My only REAL goal that I knew I would accomplish was to be below 200 lbs. I did want to be a size 8 but again, something I never really thought was all that realistic and again amazed when I hit it and surpassed it. I really feel these surgeries should be much more about how we feel than some number we think we need to be at.
  8. I am a Spanx only girl now. I have tried so many different brands and none were as comfortable or stayed in place as well as Spanx. My suggestion though is to order it on ebay-brand new. WAY cheaper than anywhere else.
  9. I absolutely refuse to live like I am on a diet. That is a huge reason behind why I do not keep track of calories, carbs, Protein. I keep track of nothing. I eat protein first and go from there. And I only do that because I feel better and more energized when I make sure that protein is first. You cannot beat yourself up for being a normal person enjoying normal food. That is the kind of thing that led many of us to obesity, we obsessed over what we would eat next and then feel guilty for how much we ate and many times eat something else to make us feel better or we would go on some diet, restrict everything we put in our bodies, ignore cravings and then completely go off the deep end. We let food control us and we got fat because of it. It won't do you any good to obsess over food now, just as it didn't before surgery. For me, I did this surgery to be normal, to restrict how much I ate, not to restrict what I ate. If I wanted something to restrict the kinds of foods I would enjoy the rest of my life I would have gone with the RNY. Many of my RNY friends cannot tolerate half the stuff I eat and well to me, taht is a pretty miserable way to live. Many of my WLS friends also expect everyone else around them to change and cater to how they eat now, warning you now, this doesn't work and leads everyone to be miserable. One friend in particular doesn't like to come over here because I have a fully stocked pantry and fridge with every kind of treat you can imagine. I have 5 different kinds of ice cream in the freezer right now (2 of which are MINE and only mine lol), I have two huge containers of candy sitting in the open but because I refuse to feel guilt over what I eat or allow food to control me any longer I can keep it all there and have a treat when I feel like it. You enjoyed it, you got a craving out of the way and just be happy you ate a little instead of a whole pizza Now just work on the mental side of this surgery, SO much of it is mental and if we can get a handle on it, we will be happy, normal people for the rest of our lives
  10. If my sleeve doesn't like something I know it because I instantly feel nauseous and need to just sit still for awhile until it digests. With the carbonation, the immediate feel I had in my sleeve was quite unpleasant, it didn't leave me nauseous but I could feel it bubbling and it was just disgusting.
  11. My sleeve hates carbonation. My sleeve hates excessively sweet anything. Most treats are fine however super sweet things don't mesh well and leave me feeling icky. My sleeve HATES Protein powders, any and all. My sleeve hates super, super spicy food My sleeve loves everything else
  12. sasicas


    i refuse to keep track of anything. I eat my protein first, then fruit/veg and if I have room I have some carbs. It's works well for me.
  13. Totally normal feelings. Just try to look at the bigger picture. Soon enough you will forget the obnoxiousness of the liquid diet. With the issues I had I was absolutely miserable for the first 2+ months. MISERABLE! I regretted the surgery but now? I barely remember all the pain, the hospital stay, the misery because I am normal now. Not only in eating, but I feel normal now. Just remember you just had major surgery. You drastically changed the way you eat. Your body is not happy with you and really can you blame it? lol. Drastic changes in the way we eat can make us feel so tired, cranky, emotional, a whole range of emotions. But you adjust. Focus on the Water. Yes it's annoying to drink it over and over but its worth it. Maybe try some decaf tea or use Crystal Lite (that stuff grosses me out though), just get your liquids in. I'll tell you from personal experience though, many people after the liquid diet phase don't eat a lot of Jello or popsicles for quite awhile
  14. Is she taking in enough calories? I know MANY people who hit a point where they HAVE to eat more to lose weight, especially if they are active. My non-medical suggestion would be for her to up her calories with healthy items, add in more fat for a week or two and see how her body reacts. I know for me, at 9 months post op, if I take in more than I normally do, I almost always lose.
  15. It is very scary, seeing her now is just heartbreaking.
  16. sasicas

    Being Sleeved In The Real World

    Ya know, each of us handles eating post op differently. For me, I refuse to say no to a craving or special treat. If I want a piece of candy, well I am going to eat it. The difference now is I eat a bite and I am satisfied, before I would eat a king size candy bar. I make sure to major on Protein daily, I refuse to count carbs, protein, calories, etc., I just kind of eye ball it and mentally take note of if I've had enough. I only do this for energy issues. But seriously, I did this surgery to get my weight and portions under control not to restrict the kind of foods I eat. I wanted to be a normal sized girl eating normally just much smaller portions and that is exactly what has happened. I refuse to feel guilty over special treats and I won't even admit how often I indulge in frappuccinos
  17. I think it's great that you are at least recognizing the warning signs and planning to go to psych. I cannot speak from personal experience but I do have a friend from my WLS support group who had the RNY and now suffers from an eating disorder. The girl is 5'6-5'7 and 95 lbs now. She refused to acknowledge there was a problem until it had gone too far. She got to the point that even at 95 lbs she still sees herself as morbidly obese. I have seen many struggle with the fear of regain. Also please realize there will come a point where you HAVE to increase your calories to continue to lose. Again, I am very glad to hear that you have scheduled an appt and realize this could be the start of a problem. I'm sorry I don't have any better advice for you.
  18. Hit goal at 6 1/2 months post op and now 14 lbs below goal for a grand total of 104 lbs in 9 months
  19. sasicas

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    Exactly. She has attempted to compete with me since I had my surgery, it bothers her I am smaller than her. However I am also 3-4 inches shorter and started out 70 lbs less but it doesn't matter. To her she needs surgery and I couldn't possibly *eyeroll*
  20. sasicas

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    Some people, generally women, are just catty jerks who cannot be happy for anyone who has anything better than them. I had a friend, she was the closest friend I had who bailed after surgery and me losing a little weight. She had begun making catty comments and clearly couldn't stand that I was not going to be the fat friend forever. I can only imagine the comments I would get from her now. Now I get comments from people all the time about how much I've lost and how fast it happened. I get comments constantly about getting too skinny and needing to eat more. Please. I couldn't eat more if my life depended on it right now. People I see weekly watch me when I eat, they look to see what is on my plate too. Drives me batty. Oh and of course the people that argue that I don't need plastics. At one point I was so fed up I flopped my flabby disgusting gut out to prove it ha! The sad part was that was with another WLS friend who makes comments about me too. *sigh* People are just dumb.
  21. How far out are you? I had a kink in my sleeve, a small hole, a stricture, increased swelling among other things and around the 5th week I could no longer keep anything down. It seems it was mostly the excess swelling that caused it. Surgeons are unsure why it happens with some people though and generally see it let up around week 6-7, which it did for me. Regardless it is a good idea to contact your surgeon to make sure nothing else is going on.
  22. I had pain in the same area. It was the largest incision site and where the excess was taken out of. I did have an ultrasound to make sure there was no hernia, it just ended up being from all they did during hte surgery, the entire area hurt so badly for the first few months.
  23. Originally the ENT had suggested we just take the tonsils and adenoids out though they looked to be on the small side and unlikely to be the problem. The last ENT I saw said my tongue is too big. Craziness, if ya ask me.
  24. sasicas

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I am right there with ya! I am in the process of trying to figure out how I can get one done. I have had c-sections so my gut folds over my scar. I measured under the gut and on the scar and then around the fat and it's a 3 inch difference. Not terrible compared to some I have seen but when you are wearing a size 4/5 and you have to deal with that and the pants keep falling under my gut, it's stinkin annoying! My WLS support group friends that have gone through with it are all very happy. However I would say at least 25% of them dealt with complications, from infections and the drains being in for EVER to incisions reopening.
  25. sasicas

    It's Not Fair!

    It's an adjustment for sure! Soon enough it just becomes normal. I am 9 months out and can finally get a whole egg down haha. Even my kids comment about the tiny little amounts I eat, constantly bringing up my "tiny tummy" lol.

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