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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kayleigh

  1. Last week I got orientation out of the way. I have 3 support groups to go to, my nutritional class is next week, and all my approval letters came in for my pre-op tests. Just have to make my appointments. Now, tomorrow is my first appointment with my surgeon. My dad is going with me, and I'm glad because he is probably trying to show he supports me now. (I also still live with my parents and they are very involved in my life). I've made a list of questions I have for him including some risks, etc. I was told to bring up if I know of anyone who I am related to distant or immediate family who has had a bad reaction or allergy to Anesthesia. My mother has. Are there any other obvious questions I am probably forgetting? Also, just wondering but I am getting tested or checked out for PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) by a doctor on base tomorrow. If it turns out I do, will that stop me from having surgery? Just asking from anyone's experience having it and getting banded. Any helpful tips or maybe questions that you found helpful to ask your surgeon or just ANY good tip would help so much, thank you!
  2. Kayleigh


    Thank you Catherine! Some of my supportive friends have suggested it and I am most likely going to devote a whole photo album to my "weight loss journey" on facebook. I'm definitely going to take a pre-op photo (at least 1) and definitely right after the surgery and continue on. I think I'll definitely take my measurements and take records of it all. My doctor has covered a LOT of those questions already at the orientation when he spoke. He uses both bands and since a lot of people have been throwing out a lot about the Realize Band, I'm back to undecided. Thank you! You were incredibly helpful!! Kayleigh
  3. So I finally got in to see my doctor today and she made all the referrals for me that she would need to. And did everything she could to make sure that I have a good chance of succeeding at this. I got my blood work done to check for things that could be making my weight loss as hard as it is. I openly talk to my friends about doing this, not only do I want my family's support but I want some friends to have my back as well. Some have been great about it but others have just said "just go to a gym." Shows me who my real friends are, huh? Anyways. I was discussing my appointment with a couple friends on facebook and my dad comes storming in and tells me to take off anything mentioning the surgery. People are apparently "calling him up" going off about I have no idea what exactly. But the thing is, I don't know who the heck would be calling him up telling him things. My posts are all private, etc. I'm not going to NOT mention getting the Lap Band to people for obvious reasons like "How are you losing weight?" or "Why were you out of work for a while?" etc. I'm quite open about doing this and I'm NOT ashamed to mention it to anyone! So it really seems like my dad wants to keep the entire fact that I'm probably getting "banded" a secret and that he's ashamed of it. Has anyone dealt with having a family member act hateful towards their decision? How have you dealt with it or what have you told them to make them change how they see it? Any support would be very appreciated, I'd love to have my dad's support on my decision.
  4. Thank you, Danna. I know I'm going to go through with my decision no matter what but I know sooner or later he'll come around and agree with me that I made the best decision for myself.
  5. I've seen my doctor, she put in all the referrals she needed to, got my blood work done. I need to attend a nutrition class she said, and so they called me and made the next available appointment, for May 3rd. I've been told at that point after I attend this I can see a surgeon. I have to go through Tricare Prime. And they do not do this procedure at the on base hospital where I receive care. Does anyone know what I should do after attending the nutrition class? My doctor has talked to me about it but I'm not exactly sure about which order things are going in. Another question, I'll be given a list of surgeons in the area that I can go through Tricare with, but my family and I aren't sure about if I'll be able to pick and choose which one I want. Any helpful answers are welcome!
  6. Oh wow, makes sense though. Well all of the hospitals are in Anchorage by the base but who knows? I might find a surgeon at the hospital in my town. I'll find out when they give me a list of surgeons to go through. I guess it'll all depend on what my surgeon will require me to do. Some people might not because of my age (I'm almost 19). My doctor had no problem putting in referrals for me, I've dealt with this weight for about 12 years. She said I'm the youngest that she's ever referred but that it all depends on Tricare or the surgeon. Thanks for the help! I'll definitely keep in touch!
  7. Dad's stationed at J-BER (Joint Base Elmendorf & Richardson), Alaska. I'm only his dependent. Though we live 50 miles from the base I have to be seen at the base hospital. My doctor only told me about the nutrition class and needing a blood test to test for more problems that could have kept me from losing weight. If the surgeon requires anything then I don't know yet, I haven't even gotten my list of preferred surgeons yet. I am sure I'll find out when I go to the nutrition class. I have heard of having to get a psych evaluation but my doctor hasn't told me about it, and I do get seen regularly for therapy sessions anyways.
  8. He definitely wasn't the first because he hasn't been very understanding about my whole weight situation anyways.... He gets upset whenever I post anything on facebook anyways, no clue why. Apparently his old college friends or his co-workers or anyone used to look at my profile and circulate my things back to him even though we're friends on there. My mom was the one who talked to him about my decision to go through with this. Everyone seems to look at this like me taking the "easy way out" when in fact it's not at all. I know I'm going through with this no matter what, because I envision myself buying and wearing my first ever bikini next summer! Thanks for your post, it helped a lot! I'll definitely try to keep updated. It's great to have a little feedback from someone.
  9. I've got a nipple piercing under 2 months old and I am in the process of getting a consultation for getting banded. Has anyone been allowed to keep a retainer in during this procedure? I would really NOT like to have to take it out at all but instead just put a retainer completely made of non-metal in for the time being. I will consult my doctor and the surgeon but I just want some opinions. REALLY would prefer not to have it close and waste the money I spent getting it pierced and such.
  10. Kayleigh

    New nipple piercing?

    The retainer would be entirely NON-METAL.
  11. Kayleigh

    Nipple piercing

    Glad I came across this post! I'm going in to consult my doctor on the 20th about getting banded. I have had one nipple pierced for about a month and a half. Has anyone had theirs done before surgery? Have you had to take it out? I just don't want mine to close up if I have to have surgery since it's still really new :C Has anyone been allowed a retainer in during surgery?
  12. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    Great point! Thanks, I have made an appointment for April 20th for consulting my doctor about this, hopefully I can get the ball rolling with all of this soon. I'm definitely delaying this until I know whether or not I can get the surgery here. If not then I'll go ahead with the move but contact Tricare Prime about if my coverage will follow me. I have been told that I can stay under my father's insurance until I'm 26 but we're not sure if that means I have to be a student or not. I will definitely contact Tricare soon!
  13. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    I recently made the decision that I would like to go through with this surgery, but only in the process of trying to get in to see my doctor. Basically I'm 18, 5'4'' and pushing something around 245, and have been for years. I have a BMI of at least 41, and incredibly high blood pressure. I've been trying to lose the weight for 5 years give or take. I've done as much research as I possibly could but I really don't know how to get this process started. All information I have come across has said that you have to be 18 for starters to qualify but would my age set me back at all from getting approved? I plan on seeing my doctor on the 22nd of April or sometime before. About how long of a wait would it be starting from the time I see the doctor to approval and everything in between to actually getting the procedure (in your experience or otherwise)? If anyone has any answers, thank you so much!
  14. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    Yeah, I haven't been there since 2003. It's the nicer part of Texas, that's all I remember haha. I'll just be glad to get away from Alaska, haha. (: Thanks for the help!
  15. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    Around San Antonio. My two friends are "taking me in".
  16. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    Thank you, Dave. I'm sure I'll bring all of this up with my doctor as soon as I can get in to see her. I do plan on moving across country (from Alaska to Texas) but I am now planning this move around the surgery if the surgery becomes something that I will be doing. If I do get the surgery here then I will put the move off for a while, if not then I'll see about finding a doctor down there. Thank you for all of your helpful info, Dave! Kayleigh
  17. Kayleigh

    Tricare approval?

    I am sorry - I left out the fact that I do have Tricare Prime. I have found the name of a surgeon off the base who has done the procedure for people who have gone through Tricare. Some people have suggested that I may not need to leave the base hospital for this, but I'll see when I get in to see my doctor soon. I do hope that my doctor may think it's a good option for me since I trust her and her opinion. Thank you both for your help!
  18. I recently made the decision that I would like to go through with this surgery, but only in the process of trying to get in to see my doctor. Basically I'm 18, 5'4'' and pushing something around 245, and have been for years. I have a BMI of at least 41, and incredibly high blood pressure. I've been trying to lose the weight for 5 years give or take. I've done as much research as I possibly could but I really don't know how to get this process started. All information I have come across has said that you have to be 18 for starters to qualify but would my age set me back at all from getting approved? I plan on seeing my doctor on the 22nd of April or sometime before. About how long of a wait would it be starting from the time I see the doctor to approval and everything in between to actually getting the procedure (in your experience or otherwise)? I'm also just a military dependent, so would I really have a chance of getting covered? If anyone has any answers, thank you so much!
  19. Kayleigh

    No idea where to start!!!

    Yes, I am on Tricare. I have been put on things like child-safe weight loss supplements and such all during my childhood and teen years (My weight gain all started by a doctor's misdiagnosis and mistreatment when I was about 6/7 so I have been trying to lose weight since that all started). But living overseas my whole life I was never "old enough" to go to the gyms on base or able to drive to a gym or anything. Even now, I currently live 10 miles out of my town, and was in an almost fatal car accident where my car flipped and turned over about 4 months ago. So the concept of getting to a gym is impossible (my father also commutes 50 miles to the base). I have been a yo-yo dieter in the past, I've tried many fads, bought countless books, etc. I really do worry about my health. I'm about to be put on blood pressure medication before I even turn 19. All of my attempts at a life style change have failed and I think it's time to get REALLY serious about it.
  20. I expect that I will have to take out my belly button ring during the procedure but for all other jewelry? I have 2 recent piercings, would they allow retainers? Has anyone been able to keep just plastic/bioplast/other retainers in during a procedure? The newest piercing I've had only a month and a half and I just DO NOT want to have it close up if I get this procedure in the next few months. I will consult my doctor and such but I want to hear some other experiences.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
