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Posts posted by chilo1

  1. GT!! Nice to see you again (or read you)!! Glad you're doing well, how much more to goal?? I've been stuck for ages, but heyho, I'm not doing things exactly as I should, apart from the exercise bit. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. The other day at the supermarket I realised this older man staring at me, then I bumped into him a few mor times while I was shopping. After that he was in front of me at the check out and didn't stop staring, at me, mostly at my boobs (I had a low cut top on) it was terrifying. I went home after that and changed tops straight away, I can usually handle attention from men (not that I get much) but this was disturbing.

  3. I changed my goal so many times that I dodn't even know what my goal is anymore! I would say that your body will let you know. I feel good at this weight, even though I'm still overweight according to BMI. I started low carbing a while ago cause the lbs aren't shifting,and I almost fainted a few times in the gym while doing my exercise class. Today was the first day that I could finish it again without feeling like I was gonna faint, and that was because, i think, I had some Cereal and some fruit juice just before going in. I am 159 now,and 5 4" so who knows, good luck :D

  4. I obviously have much less restriction than you guys :( I can eat a big piece of toast with Peanut Butter for breakfast without any problem at all. I find that the most filling thing for me is a nice piece of beef/steak and salad, I know that it will fill me up with good calories. Tonight I had a small bowl of fruit salad (pineapple, straberries, kiwi, pineapple, no sugar or anything added) and no problems whatsoever. I pretty much eat like a normal skinny person now (I compare myself with my friends who are all naturally skinny)

  5. I'm def a gym rat since my surgery, i think this is one of the big pleasures in my life now that I've lost weight!

    I love doing classes, so now I do classes 4 times a week. I do weigt training (bodypump) for an hour on mondays, body combat tuesdays and thursday and a very vigourous step/aerobic class on a friday, religously! The rest of the time I'm on my feet (or driving my children around) and running around to catch my 1 1/2 year old baby!

  6. Angry with myself again!!!!!!!! Yesterday father's day I had a piece of cake with a scoop of icecream, when am I gonna learn!! Today I worked out extra hard in the gym, to burn at a bit of the who knows how many calories. I did cardio and weight training, in total 2 hours, on a monday I usually just do an hour of weight training. The only good thing is that I had an enormous rush of adrenaline after and I felt great, so I've decided I'm doing this every monday, so now I've booked the classes and childcare for 2 hours next monday, apart from my routine the rest of the week!

  7. All I can say is that I'm almost 11 months out and I consider myself normal. I can go out to eat to restaurants with my family or friends (who don't even know I've had surgery) and I feel much more normal than I used to be. Why? Because I used to ALWAYS be hungry, I used to eat despertately and never get full. Now, I go out, eat a bit, drink a glass of wine,have a converstaion and am not thinking about food every single minute of the day!

  8. I used to have bladder incontinence as well, my dad and husband are urologists and wouldn't consider anything till I lost some weight, now after losing weight, I don't have incontincence anymore so I think there's hope for you, good luck!

  9. THAT's true we have each other, and it must be so hard to understand what we're going trough unless you've been through it yourself! We can do this, thanks to all for your support, and please ask for my support whenever any of you need to, I'm always around :P

  10. The honeymoon period is definetely over!! And now I know by personal experience that the honeyperiod does exist!

    As many of you know I've been struggling with working my sleeve lately, so I decided to go back to basics and it isn't easy!!!!!!!! I'm back to mostly Protein and good carbs and no snacking. I've started to increase the intensity of my workouts to try and start moving the scales again. No more snacking and NO junk or alcohol! And it's much harder then in the first 6 months, at least for me. I'm craving carbs like mad, today I was doing a body combat class and I got all shakey and had to sit down and put my feet up for a few minutes, and I know it'ss my blood sugar trying to regulate itself again. I didn't give in though, just had a small fruit smoothie (no sugar) and now having chicken breast for lunch.< /p>

    So for those of you who are in the early stages try and do your best in the first few months, check on Tiffykins posts where she said she never strayed til she got to goal (or Juliarh). I know I'm gonna make it to goal, but it's damn harder now that I'm almost 11 months out, so wish me luck and makethe most of your first few months!!

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