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Posts posted by JimmyGotSLEEVED

  1. I know where you are coming from... No one in my family supported ms when I suggest I wanted weight loss surfer they all told me to do it naturally and laughed at the thought. Even my friend laughed and discouraged me a little. Then I thought to myself, I'm not doing this for THEM, I'm doing it for ME. After that revelation, I became even more committed to getting the surgery done. Even though I don't hace a surgery date yet I know I'll have it before 2012...

    So remember this:


    PS: I support you ALL the way!

  2. Obesity is a disease that causes death. Even though it doesn't cause it directly it still opens a indirect flood gate that lead to many other diseases in itself like heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes and etc...

    People who have never been obesity DON'T know the struggle and never will. When someone tells you it's easy to lose the weight tell them to gain a hundred pounds for a year and then come talk to you. People assume it's easy to lose weight but if that were true why is 75-85% the US obese, you get my point, right??? What your friend doesn't understand is that yeah it may be easy to lose weight, but keeping the weight off if the hardest thing in the world, period.

    This is YOUR life and everyone else has there OWN. So no one has any right to tell you what you SHOULD do in your life or own skin.

  3. i chose the sleeve because it similiar to the lapband and similiar to gastric bypass. Let me explain...

    The lapband only provides u with a tool to limit the amount of food you intake. The sleeve cuts away at the lapband by giving you a smaller stomach that limits the amount of food you intake. Here's the plus side of the sleeve v band. With the band in place you can always cheat and never feel completely full so your progression is hindered. With the sleeve you can cheat but its much harder to plus you tend to feel filled a lot quicker. If you DO choose to cheat you will get a rude awaking called "dumping syndrome." Even though the dumping is NOT as severe as the one you get when you have the gastric bypass, its still a rude awakening, like touch a hot pot.

    With the sleeve you are only cutting away a piece of the stomach, but you will be completely the same on the inside jus with a smaller stomach. With gastric bypass your rearranging your insides to work completely differently. The sleeve is less invasive than gastric bypass. The gastric bypass has a better weight loss result but YOU CANNOT CHEAT THIS, there is no leeway with the foods you eat. With the sleeve you wont lose as much weight as the gastric bypass, but you will have a little leeway with the food you eat.

    This is why i choose the sleeve over the band and the bypass... this is my reasoning and my opinion, not to be deliberated :Plol... im stubborn...

    but overall you see why "I" chose the sleeve after doing all my research... Hopefully you stick with your gut and do whats right for YOU, not what others THINK is right for you....

    on that note... good luck on your journey!!!!

  4. I'm fat dude I don't weigh 500lbs though but it's def an ego problem. Like you I've tried EVERYTHING then some. Everyone will agree with me that losing the weight is easy, but keeping it of is the hardest thing in the world. I grew up playing HS football, I was in good shape back then. Then I stopped hitting the gym started drinking created bad eating habits next thing you know I'm categorized as obese lol. So I started hitting the gym. I lost so much weight that they hired me at the gym. Then I started making a lot money and went right back I to my old habits. I lost sight of my true goal. So I gained the weight back again. And trough out the whole process I had the mentally that I could do it all by myself. Well that's impossible, human nature branch through community we have to learn from each other in order to better ourselves and that's where the gender difference comes I to play. Women go to other women for assistance in bettering themselves. They do care what other people think. Men stick to our one man island theory of all we need is ME and that's where we actually FAIL ourselves. I use to think i could do it all on my own now I KNOW I CAN'T,. So this is my way of showing it, by going through the process and taking extra steps to prolong my future. I am a candidate for the sleeve and this time I'm going through it with it from step A to Z...

    Your brother ia in denial, men are in denial the most when it comes to genders. Ego and denial go hand in hand. It's a defense mechanism in men that keeps us manly. Even though it's a positive in some ways it has more negatives in the long run

  5. I've been trying to get this surgery for over 2 years now. I've done the 6 month weight loss routine 3 times already just for the doctors to tell me last minute that they did not take my insurance. I've went to several seminars, support groups, dietitians, and psychartrics and it's become overwhelming. As you can see I have 3 times the amount of knowledge then Most because they went thru it once and I think it's a waste of my time. I'm jus spending, spending, and spending... Hopefully I don't get a repeat of the last 2 years this year.

  6. i'm really starting to believe that you are being set up to actually FAIL in order to get approval from the insurance companies.

    I don't see the point of it, because if i could lose the weight on a "normal" diet, i wouldn't be jump through hoops and traffic to get this surgery done.

    I strong believe that if you've been obese or morbidly obese for over 5 years you should have to go through this nonsense.

    You would assume being obese for a half a decade would be proof enough. Personally, i think this is ridiculous. Insurance providers are always finding new ways to screw people over and this another prime example.

  7. For YOUR safety and rapid healing do a week liquid diet because it helps you in so many ways. The first being it prepares you for life after the surgery. Second it makes the surgery easier for the doctor. Third it cuts down surgery time. Fourth it limits the amount internal bruising for a procedure like this. Fifth its gives you more confidence going into the surgery. Sixth it increases your overall safe during the surgery. Like I tell everyone it's better to be safe than sorry. One mistake could hault progression and lead to months of backpedalling. Leave no room from mistakes. Make the margin for error as low as possible on your part and you will thank yourself later...

  8. After months... and Months... and MONTHS of searching for over a year a change. I finally found what i was looking for.

    I was so ready to give up, but something deep inside told me, that progression is active and never stagnate.

    I swear to everything i love, i was going to remain this chubby, insecure guy forever, but THIS, THIS right here was the light at the end of the tunnel for me.

    i know a lot you are still curious and wondering what the hell i;m talking about, so let me tell you.

    Today i found the FIRST doctor in over a year, that didnt turn me down. Not only does this doctor ACCEPT my insurance (Amerigroup=trash) but he ALSO started doing the surgery i longed for... the SLEEVE!. I spoke to him today and he was great. Taller than i expected but straight to the point to if or buts. His staff were also amazing. Even though I've done my research about the sleeve for over a year and change. They explained EVERYTHING with accurate details, so i was impressed because the other doctors that DIDNT accept my insurance but did the surgery, didnt know much or were fluent enough to break it down properly.

    I don't want to get my hopes up or nothing but i havent even submitted the paper work to Amerigroup as of yet. Hopefully they approve and dont try to screw me over AGAIN for the millionth time.

    I feel so relieved right now. Now i can start on my journey to become a SLEEVER!!!!

    oh by the way the Dr. name is Gorecki!

  9. Honestly screw everyone with negative thoughts desperately trying talk you out of this surgery that CAN and WILL make you a better person overall mentality, physically and emotionally. I know exactly what you are going through. Ever since I decided to go for this surgery myself the only person I've been albe to talk to about was my older sister, because she herself had the lap-band procedure done. Everyone else keeps telling me, "no, don't do it, work out, all you have to do is this and that and you will be fine." In my head, I'm screaming my ass off, because they don't know what we go through being obese, morbidly obese, fat, big boned, chubby, whatever they choose to call it. You see they don't have the same issues that we have, they have NEVER experienced the same pain we have gone through, so they don't understand the emotional, physical, and mental suffering we try to fight everyday of our lives.

    They all say it's easy to do this and that, so I told all them to each gain 100lbs and lie with it for a month and then come talk to me. Maybe then they will get a slight glimpse of our struggle.

    At the end of the day Mamma thats YOUR body! Do what you want with it if you KNOW it will benefit you, period, because at the end of the day your worst critic will always be that person in the mirror.

    So yeah, I support your decision! You are NOT alone!

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