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Everything posted by educationrulz

  1. educationrulz

    Back Home

    Ok Bigga, that might be a little TMI! :laugh0: It sounds like you're going through all of the typical stages so that's good news. Congratulations!
  2. educationrulz

    Does insurance cover psych eval?

    I have United Healthcare and they covered the psych eval (took one visit, was cleared for 2 visits), but they don't cover nutritionist consults. Luckily the WLS portion of my policy did not require the NUT consult so I opted not to do that since I couldn't seem to find time to fit it in. Now I'm at the point where I don't feel like I need it since there's so much info here and on other websites.
  3. educationrulz

    preop starts JUNE 1ST!!!!!!!!

    Hey chelle, my surgery date is a week after yours and I'm also worried about the pre-op diet. I hate to admit it but I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to do a 2 week low carb high Protein pre-op diet so I KNOW I shouldn't be complaining. I guess I'm not complaining, I'm just worried that I won't be able to stick to it. Maybe it will help you to be working and in school right up until you're surgery date. Hopefully this will give you something else to focus on during those tough moments. Although I'm as inexperienced at this whole thing as any other pre-op person, my advice would be that if you slip up on the pre-op diet, make sure it's a pure protein like meat and not a carb. Carbs seem to be the big no-no for pre-op WLS patients so at least you'll know what to steer clear of. Good luck and congrats on your upcoming surgery!
  4. educationrulz

    Got my surgery date-7/14/10

    Donna, I know how you feel. I just got my approval and date scheduled last week so I think I'm still in shock too. I think this is the time when the nerves really begin so set in. But I'm sure you've thought long and hard about this so we'll just have to keep reminding ourselves how important this is when our nerves try to get the best of us. Congratulations on your approval and scheduling! We'll be on the loser's side in no time. :thumbup1:
  5. I'm glad that you are recovering well. I got a date for June so I'm not far behind you. I had no idea Macik put his post-op patients on a soft diet so soon. That's good news!

  6. educationrulz

    ? about Aceves please..

    This is a serious procedure and a big lifestyle change so I think you definitely should feel comfortable about your doctor and the facility you are going to. I have a feeling that you're going to have a great experience!
  7. educationrulz

    Leak Repair?

    I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up for your wife. Thank you and your wife for sharing her story and keeping us up to date on how she is doing. Best wishes for continued healing!
  8. educationrulz

    ? about Aceves please..

    Did you change surgeon's sam?
  9. educationrulz

    ? about Aceves please..

    I take a small amount of Plaquenil but my surgeon okayed me to keep taking up till surgery. Did yours tell you differently? I read something about this class of drugs in another thread and now I'm getting worried...
  10. educationrulz

    Run Away !!!!!

    I've only been needing about 1 or 2 pills per week of what would normally be 7 to 14 pills per week if my condition was still severe. Since the surgeon has cleared me to take it I'll have to do some more research before I try to cut it out totally. So much to think about... Thanks
  11. educationrulz

    Approved by Insurance!!!

    (I've waited too late in the weekend to make an original post here, so I'll just cut and paste my forum message from two days ago here.) Well, after waiting about about a week and a half since my insurance documentation was submitted, I found out today that I'm approved for VSG surgery. I am sooo excited I could turn cartwheels! I kind of knew I had everything in place to be approved, but it wasn't real until the nurse coordinator called me today to give me the news. NOW IT'S REAL!!! I've been grinning at myself in the mirror and doing the happy touchdown dance every time I went to the restroom at work today. I hope nobody heard me in there laughing with myself. I talked to my surgeon's office a couple of days ago about pre-op testing. Since my paperwork looked good for insurance, I was able to get the info I needed to schedule the various tests. I have pulmonary testing scheduled for June 1st. Then on June 9th, I am scheduled for cardiac and an upper GI. I'm so glad I don't have to have the GI test where they put you to sleep. I would have done it if they had told me to, but happy to not do it. AND, my surgery is scheduled for June 22nd! Yeah!!! I'm still a little scared and nervous about the surgery itself. But I know I would not be nearly as prepared as I am if it wasn't for the people on VST. I keep reminding myself to expect the unexpected in terms of post op stuff, but at least I have a general idea of what to look out for. I was worried that I would drive myself crazy over the next month waiting for my surgery date, but I've had a few things come up that will keep me busy right up until the surgery so that's a good thing. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences here. I expect to be able to do the same after surgery and hope that my experiences are helpful to someone too.
  12. educationrulz

    Battle of the Badges

    It seems like the twisting and force necessary to "knock one out" could be too much stress on your incisions and sleeve. Why risk it when you'll be in tip top shape by the time the next Battle rolls around?
  13. educationrulz

    Dr Aceves credentials

    oregandaisy, This is great information. I assume the info was compiled by someone on his staff - the patient coordinator. I got a little off track because I thought it was something you had written until I got to the last paragraph. One of the most important things to research about a surgeon is either verification of the training and education s/he has received on a particular technique, or even better, the fact that s/he has been given the responsibility to teach others the technique.
  14. educationrulz

    Alamanza in June

    Bitchy wasn't exactly the word I would use, but it sounded a little condescending. Thanks for clarifying. cg, I do hope you're able to find a surgery buddy. If I were having surgery in Mexico I probably would be on my own too so I would definitely have to rely on the support of forum members in case any problems came up. Maybe you can find someone who is scheduled for surgery after you so they will be well enough to check on you after you're out of the OR. In turn, you could be a surgery buddy to someone who is scheduled to be in the OR before you so that you can check on them. You get the idea...:confused1: Keep us up to date on your progress.
  15. educationrulz

    Confused ????

    40 seems to be the standard. Surely that's an insurance issue.
  16. educationrulz

    I need Therapy ASAP!

    Wow girl! :confused1: If that's a small sample of what your daily existence is like, then I'm so sorry. It's good that you are able to recognize that this is not a healthy relationship. I suspect that you will soon find the strength to do what is best for you. Best wishes and take care of yourself.
  17. educationrulz

    Run Away !!!!!

    Do you mind me asking how much and how often you were taking the methotrexate? I looked this drug up and it has some similar characteristics to a drug I take for a skin condition. I called my surgeon's office a few weeks ago and they gave me the all clear to keep taking it (and my other meds) up to my pre-op appointment, maybe because I'm not taking that much of it. But, if it could be a potential risk factor, I'd rather try and make do without it...
  18. educationrulz

    Alamanza in June

    Whoa dude, :confused1: I just wanted to give a friendly nudge to remind you of this post of yours from the other thread about "leaks and infections". I guess this comment about bitchyness occured when the conversation was getting a little heated. Let's just try to give cg as much support as we do anyone else without any judgement. I'm sure she's read the stuff on here about her doc.
  19. Well, after waiting about about a week and a half since my insurance documentation was submitted, I found out today that I'm approved for VSG surgery. I am sooo excited I could turn cartwheels! :001_tt2: I kind of knew I had everything in place to be approved, but it wasn't real until the nurse coordinator called me today to give me the news. NOW IT'S REAL!!! I've been grinning at myself in the mirror and doing the happy touchdown dance every time I went to the restroom at work today. I hope nobody heard me in there laughing with myself. :thumbup1: I talked to my surgeon's office a couple of days ago about pre-op testing. Since my paperwork looked good for insurance, I was able to get the info I needed to schedule the various tests. I have pulmonary testing scheduled for June 1st. Then on June 9th, I am scheduled for cardiac and an upper GI. I'm so glad I don't have to have the GI test where they put you to sleep. I would have done it if they had told me to, but happy to not do it. AND, my surgery is scheduled for June 22nd! Yeah!!!:001_tt2: I'm still a little scared and nervous about the surgery itself. But I know I would not be nearly as prepared as I am if it wasn't for the people on VST. I keep reminding myself to expect the unexpected in terms of post op stuff, but at least I have a general idea of what to look out for. I was worried that I would drive myself crazy over the next month waiting for my surgery date, but I've had a few things come up that will keep me busy right up until the surgery so that's a good thing. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences here. I expect to be able to do the same after surgery and hope that my experiences are helpful to someone too.
  20. educationrulz

    I'm not from Texas but YEEEEHAAAWWW!!!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've freaked out a couple of times this weekend and started thinking that I need to go back to my failed methods of yo-yo diet and exercising. I mean, do I really want my stomach cut out and the risk of complications? I appreciate reading about complications that others have had but it freaked me out a little yesteday. I guess I've just got to go into this with my eyes wide open...
  21. educationrulz

    30 plus days in hospital

    I'm sorry to hear about your complication from surgery. I hope that things begin looking up soon. It seems like a good sign that you are able to get online and post your progress so we'll continue to pray for you to get stronger every day, and back home again.
  22. educationrulz

    I'm new to the board

    Trooper, I'm having the same problems trying to figure out how I'm going to handle the attention that I'll probably get as a "thin" woman. The thought just makes me cringe. Crazy! I say crazy because I want to look more attractive and finally get some male attention, but it also makes me want to run and hide. I've been dealing with this in my required counseling sessions over the past 6 months. Unfortunately I don't have a good point of reference because I've never been thin in my adult life. Smaller, but never "normal" weight. The therapist and I discussed some ways I can manage this but it really boils down to just deal with it as gracefully as possible and hope to learn to like it. As of right now, I don't think there's much else I can do. I've tried to move back to focusing on maintaining the proper post op diet and exercise routine and healthy healing after surgery. The rest of it is just going to have to fall into place. :thumbup: Welcome to VST!
  23. educationrulz

    Complications and struggling

    Sassie, I hope that you are feeling better soon and on the road to recovery.
  24. Where is TiffanyIsMajor? Is she ok? I hope everything is ok with her...
  25. educationrulz

    nervous ????

    Unless your insurance requires you to lose a certain percentage before you can be approved, the 6 month supervised diet plan does not mean you HAVE to lose weight. As a matter of fact, I ended up with a net gain after a few ups and downs over my 6 months. I was worried about this too but I had read from others that it really wasn't an issue and sure enough, I still got approved for the surgery even with my weight gain. Now some surgeons do have requirements for weight loss before they will do surgery so if you've already seen a surgeon, that may be an issue. My surgeon only requires that his patients not gain any weight after their first consult (thank god for some sanity in this process). But, since I've had a gain, I'm in the process of "tightening the belt" and dropping those few pounds before I go in for my pre-op appointment.

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