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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kellyw74

  1. Congrats. Sounds like you are doing awesome!! Kelly
  2. I agree with the other posters....YOU HAVE TO EAT!! You have to get those calories up for your body to burn fat! If you eat too little, your body thinks it is starving and hold on to everything you give it! I went thru this in the first couple months. I was only eating like 300-500 calories a day and not losing a thing!! I was so saddened. I was exercising an hour or more a day too! No wonder I was not losing!! I was burning more than I was taking in! Who could lose doing that??? I upped my caloric intake to 700-1000 daily and knocked the exercising down to a couple times a week and started losing again. I also find that I can NOT super-low carb. When I do, my body just won't lose. So, try mixing things up for a couple of days. Eat more and don't exercise so much and see what happens! Kelly
  3. kellyw74

    Wisdom Tooth? Now?????

    I had mine out when I was 30. I made them knock me out too. NO FUN. Mine were impacted and BAD!! You don't want it to get infected, then you will have BIGGER problems!! Just get it taken care of you will feel so much better! Kelly
  4. kellyw74

    Extra help?

    LIke I said "Don't know, can't say." I have a dog because I hate kids!! LOL Kelly
  5. kellyw74

    Extra help?

    I think it all depends on how strong of a person you are and how much you want to do for yourself. All my husband did for me was drive me home from the hospital. I did everything for myself from the minute I got home because I wanted to. I made my own drinks, took my showers alone, changed my clothes, everything. If you want to do it, you can! He did walk outside with me, just in case I fell, but that is about it. Then again, I don't have kids, that might be a little different, but all the stuff for yourself, do what you can alone. It will just make you stronger!!! Kelly
  6. kellyw74

    So Bummed Can't have Rita's Ice anymore

    I feel so sad about cantalope! I got one and cut it up and the next day brought 1/2 cup for my snack to work. Took a chunk and spit it in the trash! I was so SAD!!! I love(D) it pre-op and now, I HATE IT!! It tasted like garbage to me. So sad!! Kelly
  7. the scale read 179 this a.m. i stepped back on 4 times just to make sure it wasn't broke!! LOL

  8. I have been able to drink lots too! I was worried about it and was told I am fine. The more I could drink the better off I would be. Liquids just run through and there is NO WAY it can stretch your stomach, so don't worry. It is like a funnel just runnin' through. You will be fine! Kelly
  9. kellyw74

    Missing work??

    I was really tired, but able to go back on day 7 and was fine! Just sore and tired. I have a desk job and was fine, really! Kelly
  10. kellyw74

    What is your REAL age?

    I REALLY love my sleeve!!! My "real age" is 33 and I will be 37 in November!! Kelly :D :D
  11. Hey Meggie!! I don't know why I just now seen this post, but a BIG congrats to you on your weight loss!! That is awesome!! Glad to hear your trip to Hawaii was good. Isn't it crazy that we will be four months out on Monday??? It just seems so surreal! I am doing well, but I tell ya, it seems like the closer I get to goal, the slower it goes. I have not lost much at all in the last two months. Maybe like 10 lbs. I know a loss is a loss and I am happy to be losing, but dang! I thought it would go so much faster! I work so hard and it just doesn't show. I have dropped a lot of inches tho! I am in a size 8 now and this morning I weighed 179lbs! That is CRAZY for me to weigh that little!! People are calling me skinny minny!! LOL I can pretty much eat anything and have not had any issues. I still stay away from bad carbs. I have not eaten bread, Pasta, rice, etc. I have not had any sweets or pizza, fast food, etc. I exercise a lot too. I did make some chicken sausage on the grill the other night and man were they greasy!! I ate like 2 bites and had to throw miney away. The next evening, I was paying for that grease!! My sleeve was not happy. That is the only issue I have had with somehting not agreeing with me. Keep up the good work! Hugs, Kelly
  12. kellyw74

    Eating grapes??

    You really should ask your nut, everyone's plan is different. I was not allowed to have skinned fuit until 3 months, but I ate grapes and spit the skins in the trash! LOL Kelly
  13. kellyw74

    getting off of the PPIs

    You know, me and my dr. both were worried about my GERD getting worse after surgery. However, I find that mine is MUCH MUCH better. I only had one issue since surgery in 4 months and it kinda was my own dumb fault. I took Nexium for 8 years and switched to Prilosec because it helps control my hunger better. Once night, I woke up choking on acid, which I had NEVER done before!! IT was horrilbe! Come to find out, I was only taking my Prilosec once a day and was supposed to be taking it twice!! DUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was the tacos!!! That is the ONLY issue I have had!! So, your acid could get better, mine has.!! Oh and my dr. said the reason it gets worse is because the stomach is so close to the esophagus now and just flows right up. Kelly
  14. kellyw74

    Nickel allergy and surgical staples

    I too have to wear nickle free earrings. Have since I was 10. WEIRD!! I never even gave that a thought. OMG, I could have killed myself!! Glad I didn't have a reaction to the staples!! LOL Kelly
  15. Hello and welcome!! You will find alot of support and some really great people here. Please keep us updated on your journey. Good luck to you! Kelly
  16. You need to stop taking laxatives!! That is probably a BIG source of your problem!! People THINK that just because they simply aren't going that they are constipated. That is NOT TRUE!! Have you thought about how much food you eat and what you are eating? If your primary source of food intake is protein, you will have nothing to poop out. Our bodies use it all up for energy. And, what small amounts of other stuff we do eat, doesn't leave much to come out. I use to be a HUGE pooper. I would go 2-4 times a day! Without fail. I MIGHT go once a week now or once every 10 days! That doesn't mean I am constipated because when I go, I go. I don't sit there and feel like I have to and don't or strain or bleed or feel horrible, I go!! That is what constipation is. The need to go, but can't. It is a HORRIBLE feeling. Bloating, bleeding (sometimes), uncomfortable straining, it feels like it is right there but won't come out. Not simply not going for a few days. When you take laxatives that are not necessary, you are really doing damage to your system by forcing your body to do something it doesn't need to. Then it won't do it on its own. Be careful with laxatives!! Kelly
  17. I have never felt pain from eating, but did once from drinking too much to fast early on! Dr. said that was my sleeve "Working". He said if I felt pain, it was telling me to either slow down, chew better or take smaller bites. I have always gurgled and still do at 4 months out. It is so annoying!!! Kelly
  18. kellyw74

    AMAZING Creamy Black Bean Soup/Puree

    Sounds delish. After surgery, you can divide that 2 c serving you eat by 8!! LOL Kelly
  19. kellyw74

    Protein Bar Recommendations Please

    Pure Protein bars are soooo good and have ALOT of protein in them. That is the only brand I eat. Most stores have them, including Walmart, Target, GNC and Walgreens. Kelly
  20. kellyw74

    getting off of the PPIs

    Yes, this IS why we are ONLY supposed to take calcium citrate. It is the only form that will be absorbed after surgery. I take my 20 mg of prilosec in the morning when I get up and after dinner/before bed! Kelly
  21. kellyw74

    Leather Pants NSV!!

    That is awesome!! Kelly
  22. Get you some Centrum people. It is not that big and is the ONLY Vitamin out there that is COMPLETE!! I have been swallowing them daily since week 4. No issues at all! Kelly
  23. kellyw74

    slim fast low carb shakes?

    I used them in the begining because I could not do Protein drinks they made me gag and gave me the squirts! They helped with keeping my calories up too. I got them on amazon.com. Kelly
  24. what is adblock???????????? Kelly
  25. kellyw74

    How much should I be eating?

    You should measure all your food and measure with measuring cups not a scale!!! We want volume not weight!! That is what your stomach will hold is volume. How ever much your plan says you should be eating at the stage you are on is what you should measure. Probably 1/2 c., so measure that out and take 20 minutes to eat it. If you can not finish it in 20 minutes then throw it away! Your stomach is probably gassy or you are eating too fast!!. Get some gas x or bean-o. Try that and if it doesn't help, tell your dr. kelly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
