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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by brazcan

  1. I am trying to educate myself to have my meals at regular hours. So I have my soup/broth at lunch and dinner. Milk with Protein for Breakfast and a bit of coffee after. For Snacks mid morning, mid afternoon I have yogurt, protein dink, etc. Water and juice all the time between these meals an snacks. It seems to be working well ans it allows me to have meals with the family. For one second it is hard to see them having a nice full meal while I am having my broth... but it is just one second, then the craving is gone. :blink:

  2. Hi Viccky

    I still did not start these foods, I am still in full liquids. The only creamy thing I am having is yogurt but I add a bit of Protein Drink to it to make it less creamy. Yesterday I made my Soup a bit ticker by adding potato and carrots (mussed) and I felt stuffed for about 2 hours, very uncomfortable.

    By the way, It would be nice if you added a ticker and signature with info about weight, surgery date, etc so it puts the questions in context and people have more info before answering.

    Take care :D

  3. I will be back to work next week and I really did not want to get into details of my surgery. I know people will ask and I do not feel comfortable just dismissing them but I do not want people saying things like " removed part of the stomach" (it still shocks me). Any sugestions on how to briefly answer without being rude and without extending the conversation? Any suggestions will be appreciated. :unsure:

  4. Hi

    I went through the same worries and it was hard to leave my kids. I decided that I would be better by going alone and having my husband with them otherwise I would be too worried about them. I missed them a lot but I had the laptop and could see and talk to them twice a day, kiss goodnight and pray before they went to bed. They were just fine with that. They had a calendar in the fridge and they placed stickers there everytime they wanted moms hugs or kisses so could give them all the misses hugs and kisses when I came back (and the gifts too, LOL). When I returned I realized that the time away to rest and recover was actually very important and in the 2 first days after my return I was a bit bothered by the noise and constant calls for attention. Take the time away to speed up your recovery, it will be worth it. :D

  5. That's a lot different than a long haul flight. I flew back from Australia to the US (~22hrs flight time) 3 weeks postop and that was pushing what my doctor wanted me to do, but I had to get back to work.

    They did thrombosis testing to check if I was prone to clots, I took aspirin, wore compression stockings, drank a lot of Water and walked as much as possible. I also travelled business class.

    That is really long!!!! I think in the initial question she mentioned 15 hours and there was a suggestion to break the trip in 2 days as I did so she could sleep in a hotel before the next flight. Business class is also a very good suggestion since she would have a more comfortable place and legs up. But by all means it is a long flight. Thanks

  6. That's a lot different than a long haul flight. I flew back from Australia to the US (~22hrs flight time) 3 weeks postop and that was pushing what my doctor wanted me to do, but I had to get back to work.

    They did thrombosis testing to check if I was prone to clots, I took aspirin, wore compression stockings, drank a lot of Water and walked as much as possible. I also travelled business class.

    That is really long!!!! I think in the initial question she mentioned 9 hours and there was a suggestion to break the trip in 2 days as I did so she could sleep in a hotel before the next flight. Business class is also a very good suggestion since she would have a more comfortable place and legs up. Thanks

  7. Hello!

    That is fantastic, so pleased everything went well! Did they give you good aftercare advice? Do you have a doctor at home to check up with?

    I got all the post-op info in writing and info on signs of serious complications (Tachicardia? Very low blood pressure? Rush to ER). My family doctor agreed to see me at 1 week and run some tests at 1, 3, 6, 12 months but if the tests show anything wrong I will not be able to go back to Mexico and will have to be seen here. Thanks

  8. There are many good doctors in Mexico. Dr. Rod is also well known. The only think I would completely refuse was to go to the strip mall clinic that one the doctors works on. If Dr. Rod is in a hospital than it will be fine. :DHowever, if he is more expensive, maybe it will not be a problems to loose the deposit and just book with another doctor. Dr. kelly was able to accommodate me in the "last minute" as i already had tickets, vacations, etc. Give it a try. If you want call his assistant directly, her name is Thrish and the advantage of her on any facilitator is that she will be there for you when you need it. Her phone is 619 955 6771

  9. Mine who was completely against the surgery is also being extra kind.

    I thought of making a little sarcasm about it but then decided to just respond to his kindness with kindness. So he came home yesterday and I had a nice dinner for him and the girls ready to be served. They were all so happy.

    Just enjoy and do the same for him. Maybe something special that he enjoys and that you have not done in a long time specially for him. :D

  10. I just came from there (VSG). Everything will be fine. You will be surprised as to how fast you will stat to feel better. The first 2 days are uncomfortable but nothing that you cannot manage, especially with your wife at your side. If you feel that you are too anxious, ask them for a little benzo. It worked wonders with me. Calming vibes going your way. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  11. Just an update on the long haul question. Please see my post above to understand this.

    I ended up missing my flight on the 12/02, at 1pm. Next flight was at 22:30 (4.5h to Washington + 2 hours wait + 1 hour to Toronto) . I had to stay in the airport all day and then took this flight. Apart from the boredom and normal fatigue that anyone would have in similar circunstances, I was just fine. No additional symptoms. I tried to walk in the airport every hour fro 15 minutes. I "walked in place" by my seat in the place twice for 15 minutes to prevent blood cloth as i did not a compression stocking. I brought some chicken broth, juice, Water, pain med (just in case), gasex. Everything was fine. I was in my day 5 after surgery. I made sure I had a good rest/sleep after getting home but I was absolutely fine during the whole time.


  12. I am surprised you can eat all of this at 5 days out. I am 6 days out and still in Clear Liquids. I realized the pain in the stomach was due to it being empty. I am having something every 2 hours and I notice that the broth is more comforting. Less volume and more frequency is working for me. I also think the surgery and post op was worse than I thought but I improved a lot after removing the drain (there was more than a yard of tube inside):blink: I am feeling better but I need to rest after 3 hours up and I am not doing anything heavy. Maybe you can try to eat less and more frequently to see if it works for you. Hope things get better soon

  13. My pain/discomfort improved a lot after removing the drain on day 4. I rest the most I can and I feel that after 3 hours up I need to be in bed for a while. I am trying to do all my body is asking for.

    Last night I woke up in intense pain in the stomach and then I decided to try to check if it was some sort of hunger or empty stomach. I had a bit of warm chicken broth and the pain disapeared instantly. maybe we do not feel hungry but the empty stomach still resents being empty. Just some thoughts.

  14. Hi everyone

    I keep reading about some of us who is having Constipation and taking fibers for that. However, if we are drinking only clear and full liquids, how come it can be constipation? Is not it just that there is no bm because there is not enough there to come out? Should we still have normal bms while on the diet and how frequently? I have not had any by day 6 so I dont know if I should be worried about this, take something to help with it, get ready for something bad or just wait and see.

    I know it seems silly but I am starting to worry about it.


  15. Thanks Rootman

    The trip was smooth. We waited for about an hour as we were in some sort of fast track line. It was interesting to see how it works, all the people selling things... It is tiring anyways as I needed a bit of a rest when I came to the hotel. Today I am leaving to Toronto. I will bring pain meds just in case. I cant see the time to hug my kids again.

    Take care.

    Brazcan, the only advice I can give you is that returning to the US through customs usually takes 2 HOURS or more, mostly sitting in traffic in line for the customs check, which is 5-10 minutes. So plan accordingly.

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