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Everything posted by twoboysandagirl

  1. twoboysandagirl

    Pre-Op Cancelled And Only 2 Weeks Away!

    I think you did great!
  2. ok...so this is what the doctor told me. Your liver stores fat a lot of fat if you are extremely overweight. During this surgery the doctor has to move the liver out of the way. If it is too large it is harder to do the surgery. If you diet prior to surgery it shrinks the liver and makes it a little easier for the doctor to move around. I didnt do any further research on this but my doctor said my liver looked great and he had no trouble with surgery. Also, they use gas to inflate your stomach to make it easier and it he was able to use minimal gas...the gas they use often causes server gas pains post surgery. I had very little is any gas pain post surgery.
  3. twoboysandagirl

    I'm Healthy!

    That is what it is all about!!!!
  4. Definatly "allowed" to post! Ask as many questions as you can think of and get your self ready for this new life you will be living. I honestly didnt have that happen to me BUT that is becuase my surgeon required I loss 10% of excess weight before they would even let me see the surgeon (after first visit) for two reasons 1. to shrink my liver and 2. to weed out people not committed to changing their eating habits. A majority of their patients start the process and dont finish. There is no way the could preform the number of surgeries as they have consults. I lost over 20lbs cause I didnt want to mess that up. I did go out for a "last meal" at outback but by that time my tummy couldnt take that much food anyway. I am sure others will chime in and have similar experiences.
  5. Looking great. Love the socks!
  6. twoboysandagirl


    hilarious!!! not your experience...your writing. Thanks for sharing you made my day!
  7. ughhhh sore throat:(

  8. ughhhh sore throat:(

  9. twoboysandagirl

    First Size 10 Jeans!

    Awesome NSV! I cant think of a better way to end a work out! God is good!
  10. twoboysandagirl

    Drifting Down

    I think 8 pounds a month at almost 1 year out is really good...looking forward to seeing your pictures and updates.
  11. twoboysandagirl

    Pic Update Trying To Gain!

    Looking great...I used protein bars to help stop the loss!
  12. twoboysandagirl

    Day One

    Welcome! You are in the best place to start and finish your journey. Look forward to hearing more down the road.
  13. twoboysandagirl

    Major Nsv

    Wow what a wonderful testimony to how God can restore our hope. I too believe that the sleeve was a gift from God. Blessings to you!
  14. twoboysandagirl

    Protein Shakes

    My suggestion is that you get your protein from somewhere where you can return it if you dont like it. I think almost all I have seen run about $25-$30 each. That is a lot to pay if you dont like them and cant stand to finish the bottle. But I alos have to tell you that I liked one kind pre-op and counld not stand it post op. So I dont suggest you stock up. Good Luck on your journey!
  15. twoboysandagirl

    My First Nsv!

    I also see a dramatic difference in you in the photos...I remember when I started to see a difference in the pictures people took of me. Enjoy the ride. If you are doing all the right things(and it sounds like you are) then your scale will move...when mine slowed down I always noticed a big diffenerence in the changes is clothes or in the mirrior.
  16. twoboysandagirl

    So Tell The Truth . . .

    I second everything M2G says
  17. twoboysandagirl


    Looking great! Congratulations to you. You earned the celebration.
  18. twoboysandagirl

    Hair Loss Experiences

    I started losing my hair at about 2.5 months. It lasted until about 8 months pre-op. I take a supplement from GNC called B-beautiful. It doesnt stop or even slow the lose but it does help the regrowth (I think). It took about a month for me to see a difference. I was pretty frantic at first but in the end it is only temporary and well worth it!
  19. Wow Root that is one awesome story! Didnt have your same preop health issues but just wanted to tell you that all my health issues have either disappeared completely or (migraines still here) have lessened dramatically. (Went from one a month to 2 in a year!)
  20. Yep! I buy mine from GNC too. They let me return what I dont like so it makes spending $28 on a shake ok because I know I will use it or bring it right back and try another. I personal like their Gold Standard 100% Whey by ON. I like strawberry the best but I like the cookies and cream too and I used the chocolate mixed with pb2 and water instead of milk early out but I have to warn you with pb2 it is very gritty. They have a member card you can buy too. You save lots of money with it. I usually buy in bulk when they have a good sale and then they give me gold card discounts on top of that. Good luck to you.
  21. Anyone else at goal trying to find a maintence weight? I feel alone on this one.

  22. twoboysandagirl

    When Is Too Soon To Get Pregnant?

    This is a good thread for me...I was told 2 years and I actually had to prove I was using reliable birth control prior to surgery. When i went to my 1 year post-op the doctor asked if I was going to have any more children, which surprised me. I am currently unsure whether or not I want any more kids. We have three and I have always wanted 4 but...I am VERY worried about being able to get back to my goal weight after wards. It feels a little selfish to say that but why would I have gone through surgery and all the work I did (yes, I think it has been work) to get me to this spot. Curious to hear from sleevers who have gotten prego and what happened afterwards. The only example I have to go on is a by-pass friend who got prego at 1 year out and she never made it to her goal pre pregnancy so she is still stuggling to get back to her pre pregnancy weight. Not encouraging to me.
  23. twoboysandagirl


    Worst= I still hate the taste of flinstone Vitamins (if you are pre-op reading this please realize that this is a 20 second yuck in my mouth 2 times a day) Best=I went to the doctor and he didnt look at me and say, all my complaints were because I was over weight and I just needed to move more and eat less!
  24. twoboysandagirl

    Eating And Drinking. At The Same Time?

    I also feel physically sick when drinking tooo soon after eating. Most of the time it is 30 minutes but ocassionally I need to wait a little longer.
  25. twoboysandagirl

    Do I Have To?

    WOW- Thin...so glad you shared that. We need more people to share truths especially when we can learn from their mistakes. Praying you get back on track soon!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
