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Everything posted by pcos_chick

  1. pcos_chick

    Do You Think I Will Look Ok?

    You are NOT a loser for posting that! I've lost over 150lbs and I look very very different. I'm 18 months post op and I'm still dealing with and trying to adjust to the changes. Not only do I look very different but people treat me very differently as well. It seems like something that doesn't get talked about as much... but its good to try and prepare for these changes. Its not easy. (Still worth it... but not easy!)
  2. I'm 19 months post op, loving life. Still taking Biotin. My hair loss was considerable and my new growth is more than 4 inches in. I wondering when I can stop taking my biotin supplement. Never had nail issues, just the hair loss and it came back pretty quickly (relatively I suppose.) On top of helping bringing my hair back (yay) it also seems to have effected the speed at which other body hair grows and I'm hoping that when I stop the biotin I won't have to shave my legs every darn day again. When did every one step down from biotin... or why haven't you? Thanks!
  3. pcos_chick

    Fiance Mourns The Fatness

    My suggestion would be to have him check out these boards. My hubbie created a 'secret' account here (as in didn't tell me until later) that it really really helped him with his worries and concerns. It sounds like there is support there and some worry... which is natural. The boards might help ease his concerns and help him voice his support in a more... helpful way.
  4. pcos_chick


    I didn't have a weight goal either! I think somewhere in the back of my mind I was hoping to get to 240lbs! I thought being a size 16 or 18 would be amazing. Now I'm 190, still losing and a size 12! You have great goals. Don't let anyone tell you that you need a number to shoot for. My goals were to be healthy. To run a 5k (Nailed it!) To ride horses again (started last summer... when I was 240!) You can do it!
  5. pcos_chick

    Pcos Sleevers. Anyone?

    I'm a PCOS'er as well. As mentioned above WLS is NOT a cure for PCOS. I'm so happy with my weightloss (see sig) but still have PCOS issues. Periods are still irregular though more like 3-4 times a year vs. 1-2 times a year. Still have to be really really careful with insulin resistance, etc. The good news is that this a tool not only to help with weight loss but also with PCOS. I exercise alot more now (just did my first obstacle 5k, and run 3-4 times a week), I'm very carb careful and some of the more annoying PCOS symptoms have tapered off somewhat (less facial hair, less face pigment, etc.) Good luck!
  6. pcos_chick

    Single Ladies: The Opposite Sex

    I'm happily married to a guy who thought I was sexy at 340... he's the greatest! I'm horrible with this question though. I have always been an outgoing and flirty person. I've always been touchy-feely as well. I can perceive that the 'rules' have changed. Meaning that as a fat girl no one took that stuff seriously. Now maybe, they do? This is something I really struggle with. I feel like I'm trying to relearn my sexual identity, if that makes sense. Again, happy and content with hubby but feeling out of sorts at times with the rest of the world because I feel a shift in how people respond to me. I'm a pretty confident person but its funny now to realize how much of that confident was based on the idea of myself in the pecking order of beauty, size and appearance. I'm shaken without it.
  7. pcos_chick

    Anyone Regret It?

    I wish I had done it years ago!
  8. 155 since March 16th, 2011
  9. pcos_chick

    Two Years!

    Thanks for the update. Love love love seeing the year plus updates.
  10. Looks like I"m low in Iron. What is everyone taking? I see that Celebrate makes a Iron + C I've heard SlowFE is great too. Thanks!
  11. pcos_chick

    Why Am I So Cold?

    I'm a year post op and always always cold... handy here in Dallas so long as I'm outside. Having a hell of a time finding sweaters to where inside!
  12. Hormones! No doubt.
  13. pcos_chick

    Nsv Pcos Style

    Yay! I'm a year out and still irregular but I do have it! (pre-op I would have it maybe once a year...)
  14. pcos_chick

    Not Wls Related But I Need Opinions...

    Instead of registering for gifts... which seems more formal... Have them create an Amazon Wish List.... Then you can distribute the list on the sly... This way folks won't feel obligated to get gifts but if they were so moved they could pick stuff the couple could really use.
  15. Ladies... where are you shopping these days? How would you describe the stores you shop at? Now that I'm out of plus sized clothes I'm realizing that i know nothing about the many different places to shop at! I hit the usual suspects like Old Navy, Target, JcPenny's... But I'm sure I'm missing some good resources for clothes. So... where is everyone shopping and finding things? I'd love to get a list going.
  16. pcos_chick


    Its very common... I found that the best thing to do was to exercise. Just like with cramps or other hormone related moods exercise seems to even things out.
  17. pcos_chick

    Considering A Real Diet

    I'm sure you've heard the old adage, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I really really hesitate to give advice because here on the boards we really get such a small view into each others lives and few of us are experts at much beyond ourselves. But it seems like you have acknowledge that the real issue (real being a horrid word... perhaps underlying would be better).... the real issue is something mental or at least a chemical issue that effects you mentally (and then indirectly, physically.) My suggestion is to put a hold on any 'physical' solutions. You've already applied the best possible physical solution to the physical part of the issue - you got surgery and its working! You've dropped 90 lbs. That is amazing. Medifast will be there for a while. I think you feel rushed because of this one year anniversary date looming. Its just a date. It doesn't mean anything. The generalization that once you hit one year your weight loss stabilizes is just a generalization. Its not a hard line. You want something else to consume your life? Something positive? Something to be passionate about that doesn't involve obsessing about the mirror or scale? Medifast won't give that to you. Size 8 or twenty more pounds gone or what ever the magical number is doesn't give you peace or self worth or harmony with your body, mind and hormones. And at 48, if you could have solved this problem on your own... you would have by now. I'm not trying to be harsh. Its obvious based on the history you've shared, the posts you've made and what we all know of this struggle that you are a strong, intelligent, capable person. Now its time to ask for some help. Not the form of a diet but in the form of getting some of these mental issues addressed. Like me, I truly feel you have been undeserved by the medical community, who for must of your life have likely not acknowledged the complexity of obesity. I don't mean to project here and I certainly don't mean to paint you as any kind of victim but be your own advocate now. Seek out the professionals that can help you. I'm talking Endo docs, and nutritionists and mental health folks that understand the bigger picture here where your hormones and weight and issues have banded together against you. I think you are highlighting a serious issue here that a number of folks struggle with. And sadly, even here it doesn't get much spotlight.
  18. pcos_chick

    Considering A Real Diet

    This is a pretty interesting discussion - maybe more so for me because I am just a few weeks from my one year as well. There is one thing in this thread that I don't see folks talking about much and that's the mental aspects of all of this. I was 250lbs and over 30 years old before anyone even mentioned PCOS to me. After being diagnosed I did the same thing any other obsessive person would do and educated myself about PCOS (or metabolic syndrome or syndrome X) to the point of absurdity. Every book, web posting, story about PCOS made me more and more angry. I am a poster child for PCOS. Textbook symptoms and have been since puberty. But I was fat so surely the entirely of my life and my problem was the cupcakes I must have been forcing down my gaping maw. Am I angry? You F'in bet I am. Was I underserved by our medical community? Horribly. And the reality to this is that there is mental baggage as a result. All of us here are on the road to gaining some understanding the delicate balance that represents our metabolism, our cravings, our hunger and our weight. Will we ever fully understand it? I hope so but what a daunting task when everyone's body chemistry is different. What I hear in Crosswind's post (on top of a clear understanding of how her body works) is anger and pain. Why aren't we normal? Why can't we just eat without the cravings, and fat and obsessing etc. It sounds like you have figured out where you want to go with regards to an action plan. I don't know anything about medifast so can't speak to it. I do however want to suggest that you find an outlet for the emotional weight you are carrying. Our body's work against us. I don't know why and the explanations seem interesting right up to the point where you realize that the explanation doesn't really help you lose those extra pounds. I think its ok to be angry and sad and upset and worried and all those emotions we go through as a result of our weight and weight loss. I really hope its ok because I have a boat load of my own. And I really do believe that this is as important to treat or address as any other comorbidity related to obesity. Do you really want to be a size 8 or are you really trying to get to the quality of life you think you'll have when you hit that milestone? If its the latter then its time to work with someone to figure out what you think that magic number will bring to your life.
  19. pcos_chick

    Vagina Question!

    So I've always been a huge fan of baths! I can literally sit for hours reading in tub! Now that I've lost a lot of weight I'm noticing strange thing... After spending some time in my ridiculous garden tub when I go to get out of the water there is a.... well a 'draining effect' if you follow my meaning... an amount of water dribbles out. It never seemed to happen before I lost the weight. Is this a normal thing? Its not bothersome... just another interesting thing to get used to.
  20. pcos_chick

    I'm Always Cold!

    Electric blankets are the only thing keeping me sane!!! Heating pads work too!
  21. pcos_chick

    Question for MEN ONLY!

    I know this is a little off topic but... just learn to pee standing... its pretty easy and hands down one of the best things I ever learned how to do! See Finger Method here: http://www.wikihow.com/Urinate-Standing-up-As-a-Female I learned for two specific reasons; one, I race sail boats and going down below to pee vs peeing off the back of the boat like the guys was annoying and two, chicks have this really annoying 'hover' tendency which means toilet seats in public bathrooms are often pissed on and wet! Standing is the way to do it!
  22. I log my food using Livestrong - My plate. I generally stick to low carb (between 50-100 carbs a day). I ride my horse 4 days a week. And generally speaking I follow the guidelines for VSG (I'm always amazed at the folks that don't do this!!! I have two friends that have had bypass and regained all of their weight and profess confusion about why they failed with cans of diet coke in their hands.) Use the tool!
  23. Well... just stepped on the scale 4 times and each time it kept insisting that I'm 200lbs. I told to stop kidding me but it will not recant! When I started this journey at 342lbs I was hoping to see 240lbs... the 'recommended' weight for my height seemed like a joke.. and now I'm 15 little pounds away. I can't even begin to describe how happy I am right now. I'm so very grateful for everything that I have in my life! I feel great! Today I want to thank the stars, gods, surgeons, friends, family... this awesome community. *happy dance*

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