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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    64 oz water, really?

    I do try to drink as much water as possible; I find if I don't start the day right, I forget... but I do drink a lot of tea and decafe coffee with skimmed milk. Just out of curiosty though... how many pints is 64oz? Is it about 3 pints? =]
  2. Hey readytosoar, I too think you are doing well... what bothers me is the 2oz of food thing... I eat three meals a day and I can eat between 6oz and 8oz in one sitting, within a 20 mins time frame... I think the best way to go forward, and I am trying to do this, is to go at your own body's rate... keep doing what you are doing cos it sounds like you've got it in the bag... well done and keep up the good work! =]
  3. coops

    Looking for reassurance

    Hey Lovingme2011...your weight loss to date is amazing!! Well done you! If you need to continue to lose, could you retrace a time where you had really good weight loss and eat in the same way.? I am sure that you will get your head around it and lose again... but for now, be proud of the brilliant job that you have done to date!
  4. Von28b... your success is truly amazing.... 80lb in 4mths is, in my opinion, life changing. It is difficult not to compare with others - I do it all the time and to no advantage to myself - so, your advise is spot on! Keep up the good work and your goal will be with you in no time at all! Well done and an inspiration to all of us! =]
  5. coops

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    SN.......................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.........Lbs to Goal Avilda.......................275.................187..............177..............10 Cwalker....................250.................180..............170..............10 DJackson..................229.................229..............215...............14 Ibejjo........................249..................249.............229................20 Juliarh......................230..................230.............215..............15 Kimmes....................239..................222..............200..............22 Kgremmy.................225.................210..............199...............11 LeslieH.....................212..................212.............199...............13 LilMissDiva...............235..................235.............220...............15 Mommy2Girls...........275.................240..............228...............12 Moni luv...................190.................190..............178...............12 MRSKOUBIK.............317..................283.............267...............16 pattimomof3nj..........203.4..............167.1...........155...............12.1 Sailorgirl..................240.................220..............200...............20 Secret Surgery34......205.................179.............165...............14 Sleeve 4 me.............166.................166.............154................12 Yolanda240...............236.................203.............170..............33 Coops .......................238..................191 ...........177 ...............14 Had to join in this time.... great idea Diva!! Ok... so looking at my last two mth weight loss (just 9lb) wanting to lose 14lb maybe slighty optimistic... but I am hoping it will inspire me to get more exercise in! I am hopinh that 7lb a mth isn't too much at my stage though!!
  6. coops

    My life changing year

    SParkle, congrats on a job well done... I agree with Pamela, you looked good post op... however, I can completely understand how different you must feel... slimmer and healthier! You are soooooo close to goal and you'll defo be there for your birthday! I am an April baby too, got a biggy this year and would love to be at or near my own goal by then!
  7. coops

    stuck at loosing!

    Shelby... stuck at losing???? I don't think so!! You are doing a-m-a-z-i-n-g!! I wish my body would do the same... I am a SLOW loser...lol!! Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for every single ounce lost... Keep up the good work!!! =]
  8. coops

    I seem to have misplaced

    I am with you too ladies... now in a very flat b cup with room! I think by the end, I too will just have that empty space... never had big boobs!! I would love a boob lift and TT when I am ready, but I will have to pay and not sure if I will be able to afford it! Best start saving now eh?!
  9. coops

    1 year out

    Longhorn, you have soooooo got your mojo back! What a wonderful life you have now... I am really impressed, not only by your amazing weight loss, but by your sheer enjoyment of life. I too took this journey for a happier, healthier and fitter lifestyle... WELL DONE!! Share a little ... just between us... how did you get to run 5k? I am knackered after 20mins on the running machine!!! x
  10. coops

    slow weight loss

    Hey, I agree with feedyoureye.... sounds like a stall. You had the surgery 2nd dec, so you not yet 4 weeks out... remember you need to give your body time to recover and repair. It is still thinking ' Hang on a minute... what the hell just happened ?' It will pass and you will start to lose again. I too experience stalls and they are really frustrating, but eventually the scale moves again for me! Just another thought, are you drinking enough water? Good luck =]
  11. coops


    Oh Chilo, this made my day... what a fantastic NSV and xmas pressie... 2011 is gonna be your year! And yes, you do have agreat figure!! Well done! x
  12. Hiya Ange,

    Hope you are ok... been thinking of you! xx

  13. coops

    Girls only!!!

    Hello... I am 5 1/2 mths out and my lil 'friend' is still out of synch... it is a pain and I am hoping they get more regular when more weight has been lost...
  14. coops

    Me at 249 :)

    Ouroborous, let me be the first to congratulate you... what a fantastic job you have done... you look amazing and really healthy... I hope you don't mind me saying, but those jeans look to BIG on you!!! Well done on a good job! =]
  15. Hey Chrisk, try not to worry too much Mommy2girls is spot on... at 2 1/2 weeks post op I stall for three weeks... it as like my body said 'Oi what the hell is going on here... what have you done to me?' It does get better and you will start to see the scale move again... Have you taken measurements? I did this and where there were weeks of no actual weight loss ,I still lost inches. I have come to realise that stalls are going to be part of my journey and I try not to stress over them when they appear. Good luck and don't be too disheartened =]
  16. Wow... that must of been a really tough time for you and I can fully appreciate why you gained back some weight and turned to food for comfort... not many of us in your position would have done any different. Well done for taking the decision and getting the sleeve. I know it is the best gift I have ever given myself! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress...=]
  17. coops


    No probs.... you'll know when you are ready to go forwards with exercises and different exercises! I have to be honest, my weight has always ruled what I could or couldn't do so it is sweet relief to be able to move a little faster and a little nimbler... the most important thing for me though is enjoyment! If I don't enjoy myself, I get bored and then I stop!
  18. This is a really interesting question and I have been thinking about it all day... For me, I didn't really have a choice in whether or not I was a slow loser... I am a slow loser!! I have fully accepted that now, but in the beginning it was really frustrating! I think my body must be super efficient and not letting the fat go as quicky as I would like. I am simply happy to be losing weight regardless of the speed that it is happening... infact, I am grateful for every pound lost because at this stage it is a pound gone forever! Whether or not it will help my skin is another matter... like everyone else I have skin issues...lol... and like everyone else time will tell on whether it bounces back or not! I think, down the road I would love to get a TT and a boob job, but money will be the deciding factor on that!!
  19. coops

    How Did Everyone Do?

    Hey all... Christmas was fab this year in the Cooper household!! I gave myself three days 'off' whereby I didn't worry about what I ate and enjoyed a treat... but ... i wasn't stuffed to the point of feeling sick and I didn't go mad! I lost a poung Christmas day morning... and hoping to do the same next Sat but, if i don't that is ok too... I just like the feeling of being in control now...!
  20. coops

    Starting Week 9

    Hey... what a difference in just 8 weeks... well done you! Keep up the good work! PS didn't even notice the hair 'cos I was overwhelmed with the shrinkage!!!!
  21. Interesting post... I use face cream daily and nightly... it isn't an expensive one but I do like it and I can feel a difference if I forget... I too don't want that turkey neck thing going on.. But, I keep forgetting the rest of my body, occasionally and it is occasionally, I do use some body cream... I think this is a habit I should get into!
  22. coops


    Hey Holly, I started to walk a lot at your stage, I did use the wii fit and used the freestyle jogging to walk and jog - lightly - then at 6 weeks post op I raised the bar a little... started jogging on the wii more, used an execise bike etc. Around 8-10 weeks I started going to the gym, we have a little one in work, and I used all the machines that I felt comfortable doing, as my weight decreased, I upped my workout and varied my routine. I also went to Zumba at around 10-12 weeks. It is great, real fun, but it is really fast paced and high impact! Like Tiff said a great cardio work out but I wouldn't of been able to do it at an earlier stage. Good luck with your decision, let us know how you get on... I am aiming to get more exercise back into my routine...!
  23. Ha, that is an easy one.... NO WAY!!! My past efforst of losing weight always ended with failure, tears and self loathing... I would follow a 'diet' religiously and lose no more than 7lb! This time it is different; not easy, as I still have to make the right food choices, but easier as I can see results for my efforts. I am nearly to half way now and I can honestly say that without the sleeve I wouldn't of lost 14lb! This is one of the best decisions that I have ever made, and even if I don't get to goal, I am a winner!! Good luck for March Toyia!
  24. Hey Pam, 49lb is awesome in three months... well done you! And you 're near your half way marker!! Keep upi the good work! =]
  25. coops

    My hair is falling out :(

    Hey Fleur, I too am losing a lot of hair... I have followed all the rules and yet it still comes out every morning in the shower... Not sure what to suggest! But it is horrid! I've just had mine cut a little shorter and I've rearranged my parting... a lot of my friends who know about the surgery, have said that it doesn't look as fine as it is?!! Thankfully it is a temporary thing and will come back... looking forward to that day! =]

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