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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hey Chilo.... WAY TO GOOOOOO!!! Can't wait to get to a 12; you're gonna make a 10 easy my lovely!! In November I was pretty much frogged marched to get some new work clothes, inparticular trousers... that is when I bought the size 18 and did the happy dance... now they are getting baggy but I am too scared to try on a 16 just incase they are too small!! How can this happen as in the time that I bought them I have only lost 6-7lb???? Strange? But I ain't complaining =]
  2. I am sooooo loving this thread! Liking it lots and lovin the like button... Ok day 3 of the 5day pouch thingy... OK so far; soft foods today; egg mayo, tuna, omlette and mackerel on the menu and all tasted yummy... nice to chew. Energy a little better and I managed to go to the gym. I did one hour of cardio; 10 mins warm up in exercise bike; 20 mins on the rower and 30 mins on the treadmill - personal best - and 20 mins of toning/weights/floor work!! Looking forward to the meat day tomorrow and Sat! OK, that was the good stuff... but I ain't lost a pound (yet) couldn't resisit but to weigh this morning... still 191!!! And Aunt Flo is late too so I am really hoping that is why the scale hasn't moved!!! Seriously, my body is defo against me at the moment!! How is everyone else doing?
  3. coops

    First Goal

    Hey, defo Little Steve now... what a fantatic job!! I agree with all of the above comments; you do look fit, healthy and defo younger... congrats on a great job and not far from GOAL!! =]
  4. coops

    What do you think?

    Hey Chilo... I felt like that yesterday... today has been a little better! I am hoping we both shift more than a pound!! I am back to the gym tomorrow... couldn't have done it today or yesterday!! =]
  5. hello fellow sleevers, As we are entering a new year and a new decade, I thought it might be a good idea to start it with a fresh sheet as such and a positive attitude. I really want to kick start my weight loss again as I have been losing really slowly and I am feeling a little frustrated and despondent. I am diong all the right things; eating three times a day, concentrating on Protein and liquids, working out, but my negative attitude and my harsh thought process are not doing me any favours! I definately need to be kinder to myself! So, with that in mind, I am thinking about going back to the liquid phase or at least partically liquid phase. I am thinking along the lines of two Protein shakes and one meal a day. The question therefore is... is this a good idea? Or will it slow things back down when I start eating three meals a day again? I don't want to mess up my metabolic rate any more than it is already!! I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas or advise on this because I really want to start the year off on the right foot and get that scale moving again! Thanks in advance
  6. coops

    Valentine's Day... What Will You Weigh???

    oooops.... There should have been a message above ^^^^^ that read like this! WOOOOOOOW! Mini-Me... well done on getting to goal!
  7. coops


    WOW... that is brilliant ... wish they had that here in the UK!! I personally haven't been to Curves, but several of my friends go and LOVE it. I just can't afford it at the moment, as I have a free gym in work that I use!
  8. coops

    What do you think?

    WOW Diva.... result!!! I am in the same boat... but my lil friend is late... booo hoooo!! OK, day two... no headache today, even with a busy day in work! healess chicken comes to mind! Today has been a lot easier; actually enjoyed my soups today too!! Mind, I am peeing for Wales!!! Looking forward to fish and eggs tomorrow.... egg mayo for brekkie... tuna for lunch and omlette for tea!! YEY!! This had better shift a pound or two! xx
  9. coops

    One Year Later

    Wow Bill, fantastic post and story... well done on your excellent weight loss... you really are a changed man!! Good on ya fella !! =]
  10. coops


    Lizabug... you have done really well to date and your weight loss isn't slow... not at all!!! The dreaded 3week stall is a pain in the tail, but it is a way for you body to take some 'time out' and readjust... remember, you are still recovering from major surgery! Try not to get too stressed.... I know it is hard, but the scale will move again! I went through the 3 week stall and it passed! Good luck =]
  11. coops

    14 weeks post op with pics

    WOW... what quick weight loss you have had... amazing!! I too wish it was melting off me...lol =]
  12. coops

    Beginning week 3

    Hi Lisa, ^^^^^ I agree with the others^^^^^^ You are doing amazing, and the dreaded 3 weeks stall is just that.... dreaded! Most of us experience it and we all get over it! The scales will move again... good luck! =]
  13. Hello...

    just read on a thread that you did the 5day pouch test to put you on track... May I ask, how did you find it? And did you lose much weight? I am at the end of day one...lol =]

  14. Nice one girls.... I wish we had a like button cos I like all of the above ^^^^^^^^
  15. coops

    Who's sleeving in July?

    Hiya Julie... Wow... 54lb is amazing... So near to goal too!! I am 47lb down now and things have been really slow lately... I am doing the 5 day pouch test to see if I can kick start my weight loss again... I have put it on another thread!
  16. coops

    What do you think?

    OK Ladies, i agree with the above... it is weird but I would be lost without this forum and you lot!! Diva... yea, c'mon down... join us! Right; day one... not too bad during the day... getting a litte hungry now (19.48 here)! But that is ok... 'cos I will finish my Soup in a min and I have some Protein shakes left... oh, not forgetting the water! Did have a headache earlier, not sure if that was cos of hardly any carbs or whether it was stress from work...lol I hope this will kick start my new year for me! How you doing Chilo?
  17. Hey Diva... you talk so much sense aye!!! I am a streaky loser too... but recently it has been a pound here and there... literally a pound.. and it is frustrating but I have to get on with it, which is what I am doing! Yep I agree with you... there are some posts that I feel like that too... I don't and won't ever put a negative comment on as everything is in perspective but I really would love to have a nice steady and consisitent weight loss of 2-3 lb a week. That would seriously change my out look...lol! Yep, we are what we are... and as long as it keeps coming off... I can't really complain,,, well!!! x
  18. coops

    Hello, everyone!

    Good luck with your decision... It is up to you who you rell and why! I looked into WLS for many years and I am really happy that I found the sleeve cos it is certainly the best one for me! When I told my parents they were, at least, not happy! My mother especially... oh what do you want to do that to yourself...etc! This comes from a woman who eats less than me now I am sleeved and is tiny!! However, as my date drew nearer they changed... once they heard what the research said and the proper information, not just scare stories! Now, well, I wouldn't be without them... they are a good form of support and encouragement and they are proud of my weight loss to date!
  19. coops

    Shopping in my closet

    Before I got sleeved I had a bit of a episode and chucked away a load of smaller clothes, I didn't know the sleeve was gonna happen as we were looking into it and worried whether we could afford it or not! Today, I have tried on the last of my saved items, ie those in size 18 (UK) and now they fit ... I have nothing to try on! How stupid was I? Hindsight is 20-20 vision. I am tempted to get some small clothes in the sale ... but by the time they fit it will be a different season!!! Oh well! =]
  20. Hey Gem... Happy New Year!

    hope you are well... long time no speak!

    Hope you had a good christmas! x

  21. coops


    looking mighty fine ... and your hair looks great too... not fine at all!! x
  22. Loving the new pic!! x

  23. coops

    Hiya, hows things?

    Hope you had a good Christmas... oh and Happy New Year!

  24. another good thing about being a slow loser... I appreciate every ounce and I am grateful for each one off too... oh and this way I don't get complacent in the losing phase!!! YEY!!

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