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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Eating Only 3 Times a Day and No Snacking...

    Yep, I was told to eat three times a day and still do... easy habit to form in the early days and not it is my routine! If I do need a snack it is a protein based one or some fruit or veg! When I 'think' I am hungry I just drink a lot of water!
  2. coops

    I've been a bad boy

    On the bright side..,. you did get some exercise.... calories out v calories in etc...
  3. just to confirm... peanut butter on wholemeal toast tasted a-maz-ing!!! xx
  4. coops


    Oh man,.. the Peanut Butter was gooooooood!!!! Only managed a slice and a half of the wholemeal toast, and that took me 20 mins or so... the pouch test might have done NSV though!!! x
  5. Great thread... This year I want to be a size 12 (UK) ... I want to buy a pair of Bench jeans, in that size 12, to wear to the Take That concert... but inparticular for my Robbie Williams... that with a matching Coops l's Robbie tee shirt!!! *sighs* Oh I have until June 16th to get this sorted 'cos that is the magic day!!
  6. Dawn, this is a whole round success then; becoming more healthy and not needing your medicine is such a benefical part of being smaller... no wonder you are on cloud nine... and sooooo close to goal. You really are an inspiration to me and I am sure many others who have read your thread. Keep us updated on the rest of your weight loss adventure!! Congrats again ... x
  7. Hey, Interesting thread... Starting weight 238... wk 8 weight 209 loss of 29lb wk 12 weight 203 loss of 35lb wk 16 weight 196 loss of 42lb as you can see a considerable slow down... which I assume is fairly normal! I am now just 6mths out and have lost 48lb in total, slow but sure!!! My BMI is on my ticker! Hope this helps
  8. thanks all... yea I didn't look at it like that... my TOM is such a pain in the arse cos it ain't regular, I tend to forget that she is a weight loss nightmare... fingers crossed for next week... I might do this again only the week 'after' my lil visitor... to Celebrate I shall have a lovely piece of wholemeal toast with peanuit butter... except I don't feel hungry yet,,,lol!!
  9. coops


    Chilo, that is better than any weight loss..... EVER!!! Ain't that why we all did this... to experience the things we wanted to do... to have fun... to be confident in our bodies as well as our minds and hearts.... I LOVE THIS!!! xx
  10. coops

    New Hair

    Tiffy, what a lush cut!! and colour too... Defo trendy and up to date... nice move! It looks really thick too... that cheers me up knowing it comes back! Oh and nice teeth too...lol =] x
  11. OMG... what incredible success you have had so far... well done and congratulations on your loss so far! How far away from goal are you now? What is the best part about shedding another person in such a short space of time!!!
  12. coops

    Amazing feeling

    Leslieh, WOW... you look like another person; and hey, you weren't an ugly dukling in the first place just a bigger swan... now you are a a smaller swan and 2/3rds to goal!! Congratulations on a great job so far... I bet you feel as good as you look... what are the best bits about losing 96lb? Keep up the good work and thanks for the pics! =]
  13. Hey Susanne, you are too kind... but in the pic you can't see my body...lol... when I get to my half way goal, I will post before and after pics!! I am going keep to a relatively low carb eating plan, as I did before, but I think I will do a 'soup' day once a week, I found it really easy, tasty and convenient, especially in work!! =]
  14. coops

    Staying Positive

    fingers crossed for good news... good way of thinking too... it give you time to get prepared! Keep us updated and good luck! =]
  15. Ok so, this is the end of day 5 of the pouch test. I weighed this morning - (desperate and therefore almost naked!) - my offical weigh day.... and I am.... *drum roll* down a POUND!!! All that for a pound...oh and my monthly visitor turned up... hmph! OK, positive slant... a pound is a pound is a pound... that is better than nothing or a gain ... new slow losers mantra!!! I really want to get 186lb -now currently at 190 - as this would be my half way goal... grrrrr C'mon body, work with me here!!! Another positive NSV... I had a bath tonight... ok so that isn't unusual... well, for me it is cos I don't normally have a bath, I tend to shower... less time to see my self naked...lol Anyway, the last time I had a bath was way before my sleeve... I couldn't believe how much room was in there!!! I have definately shrunk in width... and my tummy was almost all under the Water too....yey!!!
  16. coops

    50+ lbs & GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!

    Hey Vixen, congrats... what a great success you have had so far, as I am sure it will continue all the way to goal... great pics defo looking 'hawt' I LOVE your style of writing.... bring more on !! =]
  17. Eureka & DJjackson... yep, my 10 year old is exactly the same... regardless of what he is eating, once he is done.. he is done|! He only eats when hungry and never, ever eats to feel 'stuffed'!! My daugher and husband on the other hand.... well they eat til they can't eat anymore! The annoying part.... they are all in the healthy weight range - sooooo... that leaves exercise... and yes, guess what... all three do a lot of exercise that they love! My daughter who is 12 now did go through a stage about 2 years ago where she was 'fat' and I am not sure why or where this came from.... it lasted approx 6 mths. She now understand that her body is changing and that she is turning into a woman,.. she hasn't mentioned it since... My son is probably more body aware because he does boxing training and has recenlty been asked by the coach if he wants to fight... he is aware of different muscle areas and has a 6 pack developing nicely, of which he likes to parade!!! All that said I am going to keep an eye on him... I don't want him to focus on how he looks !!
  18. coops

    100 pounds lost

    Doeboy77... wow check you out!!!! Congratulations on your 100lb weight loss.... you are looking healthy and happy! =]
  19. Hey... day four of the pouch test... no weight loss!!! *sighs* ... been a tough day as I have spent most of it in the hospital... got the all clear after more tests... when I had pnuemonia, there was a mark on the x ray... and now it has gone!! YEY me... This however, impacted on my day cos my eating pattern has all gone.... still on just protein but I had to make to with a salami type sausage thing for lunch... nive to chew though...lol Had turkey for tea, grilled with some spices and that was lovely! Struggling to get my water in today though... but will do my best during the evening! Tomorrow is my offical weigh day, when I record my weight, so I am praying that there will be minus a pound... but I do have one more day to go! - Oh and aunty flo still ain't here!!
  20. Glad you joined us...lol... this isn't so much about moaning, but uniting... nothing wrong with slow losing... as long as it all comes off!!! Which it will do in time and hey, I have time to wait!! =]
  21. OH MAN... this is another reason why losing SLOW is GOOD.... My scales has moved just 7lb since mid OCT!!!! BUT I think I am down a full size, especially around the waist and legs (trousers size)!!!! I am toooooo scared to try a size 16 on though; just incase....lol... Oh waht a tizz I get myself in!!
  22. OH as a foot note, perhaps I should include, that when I got back from the gym and had my tea... I had to have a little nanna nap on the sofa!! Tee Hee! x
  23. coops

    So cold

    Interesting, as I too now feel the cold when I didn't before... so is this how slim people experience the winter...lol! =]
  24. coops

    6 Month Update

    Well done Mary... what a great success you have had so far, and I am sure you will continue to do so! Plus you are more that half way to goal...My sleeve was done about nearly two weeks after you and I would have loved to have lost as much... keep up the good work! =]
  25. coops

    My very first every NSVs

    Globetrotter... this is MEGA, MEGA. MEGA exciting... wow 70lb+ in just 5 mths in NOT slow... you are doing an amazing job and an inspiration to me, as I am sure to all of us! I love your NSV, they give me that happy feeling!!! keep up the good work and well done! Looking forward to the pictures =]

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