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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cheri, glad the shingles isn't too bad and that you don't have the nasty rash... my mam had singles years ago and it was awful - she was constantly in a lot of pain with it. I know it is hard, but try to rest when you can... x
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sardar, you look fantastic! Thanks for posting the pics and reminding of what 'used' to be! I am glad that this is completely private too... makes me feel a little safer, if that makes sense - we seem to have built a really strong group dynamic now and I like that. Thanks Laura! A quick update on my week - did my two fast days - Mon and Weds and both were good. I couldn't do Thurs this week cos a gang of us went to the comedy club to watch Tom Stade and I knew it would involve drinkies! So I had a lil drinkie or two and laughed until it hurt! It was a great night. As far as the scale goes, not seeing any change in numbers and I am firmly in this bounce range 159 - 161; seems like my body really has found a new set point and I don't know how to break it... this is the longest I've stayed in the same range since I started this WOE. I am a little disheartened, but I refuse to give up. I really do want to get rid of at least another 14lbs, if not more... perhaps even for my 4 year anniversary...lol. Right, I am off to look for my mojo, still can't find it!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    can you join using a hotmail account?
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD, I'll email you later x
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and OD - I'd love to help you draft a profile paragraph - PM me your original one if you want?
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yep! Me too with the salt thing... but at least we know! I've been meaning to pop on and vent for a while... don't know what has stopped me really. I suppose I didn't wanna put a downer on the recent successes that have been shared. And kinda hoping that the cloud over my head would bugger off... but it hasn't. Anyway, I've been in a funk for a while now - think I mentioned it a while ago - and it usually comes and goes within a few days, however, this particular funk has lasted longer. last Friday, I got weighed and measured in Curves - in over a month my 'official' weight had only gone down a pound, yes one effing pound and I had lost just over an inch - all over! I was gutted. Previous to this I was feeling fat and ugly; and that kinda confirmed and nurtured my inner demon! I just felt that I 'deserved' more... I needed to hear more and I wanted more. This kinda peed me off to such a degree I thought sh*t to it and indulged all over the weekend; pizza, fish and chips, chocolate and cider. Hmmm... all clearly made choices and no regrets. No affect on the scales as it read 159 on Sunday morning... how stupid is that? This morning 161! No drama, top end of the bounce range. I really don't want to give up, but I am getting really pi**ed at not getting what I perceive as results. I just feel that after 3 1/2 years I 'should' be at my surgeon's goal weight and with all the extra hard work I put it, I 'should' be below it. I know the BMI is a load of BS, but I can't help to yearn after a healthy number on that side of things... I really am envious of all you that are in the healthy range. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to do the 5:2 and I will keep fighting the good fight, I suppose after all this time and longing I am getting a little bored of not being at goal. I want to moan about maintenance; I want to complain that my clothes are too big and I need to get a new set! Even after my TT I still look at my tummy and think it is too big! FFS! This is so much bashing on the grey cells as well as the physical ones! Perhaps I am just tired... I don't know... but I just wanted to put it out there with you guys cos I know you'll understand. I mentioned my frustrations to a friend who just told me that I looked great - yea, thanks! She didn't get it! It is hard for those who haven't been in our shoes; who haven't walked our path; who haven't struggled with weight loss or obesity! She just didn't get IT! OK, rant over... sorry but I had to get it out of my system.
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    this is going to take a while to get used to for sure! I haven't been able to log on either ... nightmare. I agree with you all when you said that there was a feeling of panic thinking that I had lost contact with you!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Big hugs to all you that need it... this thread goes up and down with emotions, fair play! FYE - chuffed to beans for you m'love! Loving the all time low - get in girl! All good here, nothing to complain about really... and yes it is COLD! And I feel the cold so much more these days. Did my fast Monday, but went over - had a low cal day today and will prob fast again either tomo or Thurs - got a late night in work Thurs so that might be the best day? I will see how I feel. Noticing a tighter restriction lately again too - seems to reflect the weight loss; goes in fits and spurts. One day/week it is 'normal for me' the next super tight and then I feel I can eat that little bit more? Might just be in my head. I still use the same size plate (small) so I know I am not overdoing it. Scales are still at the low end of the bounce range - I really want to break this one again, but the body is resisting...*sigh*. At least with the 5:2 I 'know' it will happen at some point, just getting fed up of the same numbers again! Still not really complaining! Well, perhaps just a little!
  9. coops

    movin' and groovin'

    Love this thread... I will have to get snapping for it! Great idea!
  10. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT - what a moving post, it really did touch me and again I feel humble and grateful for the life I have. I agree with the above - you are valuable and bring so much wisdom to us. Your words are always mindful, intelligent and said from the heart. I also agree with M2G, you have a beautiful style of writing that captures not only what you are expressing but the person who is reading it! Cwtches to you my lovely!
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yea, Cheri - chuffed to beans - good luck with the ultra sound. Again, I feel so lucky after reading the posts about dating... online dating would scare the crap outta me! OD, I hope you are feeling ok - and 139 is just a dream for me! I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage next year, and I am so blessed to have found a perfect partner - and I do mean perfect! We are definitely soul mates in all aspects of our lives and existence! I asked the kids if they would mind us going away for a week without them, and fully expected to hear huffing and puffing - testing the water for reaction. Surprisingly, both kids we 'yea Mam, go for it! You and dad deserve a good break without us!' Whoa... that was a shock. Don't think we could afford a weeks jolly without them and a family holiday next year, but it was nice to hear. Saw 158 on the scale... not gonna record it yet but felt good to see a 'new' number - I've only seen it once before. I hope it sticks as it would make me 4lbs from surgeon's goal! So close! Enjoy the weekend ladies - x
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    5:2 is going well, managing to stay relatively clean on most non fast days - fast days are just 'part of me' now and they don't phase me at all. Scale does not reflect my hard work - back to the low end of my new bounce and struggling to break this set point. Still going to Curves and enjoying it... but I just want to see a new low number; feel like I need the praise from the scales that 'I deserve' - if that makes sense. The Hallowe'en thing doesn't bother me really - we don't buy in extra goodies as we generally go to see my friend each year as it is her birthday.
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT - thanks for telling us your recent medical news... that must of been an awful thing to hear at such a young age. You just keep on impressing me with your guts and determination! No wonder I am often in awe of what you say... stay strong my lovely friend... sending you big ole welsh cwtches (hugs) x
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OH forgot to say - OD - your pic is beautiful! Glad to 'see' you! Cheri, your little girl is adorable... worth all the stress and exhaustion - lol! I remember it all too well.
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hello! Just caught up with the thread and glad to read that everyone seems more upbeat. Been away for the weekend visiting Hubbie's family and it went really well - long story short; they fell out 5 years ago and have just made up. It was great to see them back together! So had a few days of not watching what I ate, and just enjoying the moment. Fasting today and not hungry at all... it is 2pm and I've had a some coffee... all good so far. Will save my cals for dinner and that will be me done! Scale is just bouncing around at the moment, but I expected this as it seems to be my pattern, however, it doesn't ease the frustration! Never mind - as long as I see a slow decline - slow being the operative word!! It is half term here, so I am off work for a week - I do have some school work to do at home, but nothing too important or strenuous! Planning on visiting some friends who I don't get to see when it is term time, so that will be nice.
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I was gonna pop on and have a moan about the ole bounce returning, but after reading all the lateset posts, my moaning had been diluted into oblivion! Hugs to all of you... your stories are heart breaking and kinda makes me feel so very lucky and blessed to have a life where major addictions have not been on my radar. I am lucky. Thanks for reminding me x
  17. M2G, My lovely friend. I am so glad, pleased and honoured to go through this journey with you! You truly have been my motivation and you have encouraged me every step of the way - through my darkest weight loss times and my high points! Thank you for sharing, thank you for staying and thank you for being honest to me, you and others. This place wouldn't be the same without you ... Hugs from across the pond my sleeve sista x
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    LV, I know you're in the wrong head space but, really and truly, I can completely empathise with you - I go through the same sorta cycle. I call it my dark place. And yea, it is hard to read how people fart and lose 100lb when we are struggling to get rid of the last 10-20lb! But I also believe that each and every second I fight this last bit of weight is making me more successful. I will not regain. I will not get ill due to obesity related diseases. And I will continue to build my health and strength -physically and mentally, regardless of what the f*ing scales say! Stick with us m'love - and take all the compliments that you are given; if you don't believe them today, you might tomo? Hugs!
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    chuffed to beans for you Cathy! x
  20. Just a note on the scar thing - my surgeon recommended that I use vaseline, box standard of the shelf stuff, once a day after showering. I started that about 3 weeks post op... my scar is ok, still quite dark in place but healed really well... I am sure that it will lighten with time. I agree though, it is all hit and miss and genetics have a lot to do with it
  21. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well I gotta 'fess! I've had a shocking weekend, that has followed a shitty week. Lots of stress eating and crap food at that today! I really have tested my lil sleeve today, and this isn't my 'normal' behaviour. Not good! I don't tend to look for food anymore. I really do need to have a lil word with myself! Need to fast tomo and get back to the gym, cos I just feel lethargic and 'fat'! And I don't like this feeling...
  22. Hey GT! Been 7mths mow since my TT and BL - I don't wanna hijack this thread so I'll PM you x
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Crikey OD, you are very brave - hope you are ok, be kind to yourself. GT, salty food has the same affect on me too, make me thirsty which is hard work with a tiny tummy that has no room for water! Sometimes, if you are craving it, it probably means that your body needs it. Not sure about the signs of dehydration though.
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey Brown... you aren't being a Debbie Downer at all - that is why we are here! I am probably the slowest loser in town - never made goal - never stopped trying. I was in a stall for nearly two years, yes two years! It was a right nightmare, especailly when I used to see newbies get sleeved and get to goal in that time frame. No matter what I did or how I moved no shift on the scale. It was horrible but I refused to give up because I could 'see' that I needed to get rid of more 'fat'. Then Georgia introduced the 5:2 and being inspired by her success I thought, well it can't hurt. That was May. 5 mths later I have lost 10lb. That, by no means is fast. But it is a loss and I have broken my lowest set point of 163 of which I saw rarely and would bounce around all over the place. I am now sat at 159lb and still bounce 2-3lb around that. I have learnt that this is my pattern.... I will stay here for a week or 3 and then see another 'whooosh' where I will set a new low weight - repeat pattern. My focus right now is to get to 154 - that is my surgeon's goal (I am 3 1/2 yrs out). After that I will try to get to 10 1/2 stone or 147lb. Not sure I want to go much below that even though I will still have a BMI of overweight - I can live with that. Apart from my weight goal, I also have size goals. I am currently UK 12/14 and although that is ok, for my 5 2 frame I would like to be a UK 10/12. My point, albeit long winded, is that even though the 5:2 is a slow process, it is working for me. It gives me the chance to control my weight, with sporadic losses and to live my life as I find it very versatile. Don't give up - like the others have said, we are all here for the long haul. You've done so incredibly well so far... you will get there and you are worth the investment and time that it takes... keep on keeping on my lovely!
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    glad to see this is alive and kicking! Great to see you Cheri, sounds like you are feeling more up beat and boo to those pesky hormones, I am sure they are why I;m not at goal. OD awesome news about the new low amaze-balls!- all that patience was worth it! I would chop my left arm off to see 13?! It might come to that yet! M2G glad you called it my lovely! FYE - always good to see you back and it sounds like your holiday was good fun! Dee - you really are my heroine - you just keep on doing it regardless of outcome and that really helps me/us keep plodding along. And yea, peri menopausal really does suck the life out of you! Everyone else... yey to us! Such a great feeling to have this thread for support. I've had a whirlwind week - really poorly at the beginning and didn't really eat for 4 days - I called Monday my official fast day and Tues was a semi fast day. Yesterday and today, well, holy moly, all I want to do is bloody eat! Last night I had the munchies from hell and fortunately there was no junk food in the house and I am far too lazy to go and get some! Thankfully! My 'treat' was white bread and marmite...lol... oh well, it ain't choc but filled the hole. Today I've eaten more too and got my choc fix so tomo is defo a fast day. The scale is bouncing again, but I expected this as it seems to be my pattern - oh and the lack of number 2s (hahahaaaa - ouch) hasn't helped matters! And I've given myself a week off exercise too - no curves or zumba or boxing this week. Just feel like my body needs the rest. Still all good as Mr Sleeve stops me going too mad! Not gonna sweat the small stuff. Looking forward to my fast day tomo

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