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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Goal (Again)!

    Yey - goal for you my lovely! It has gotta be a good feeling x
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, it is the morning after the night before..lol! Had a great night last night - lots of drinking and dancing and boy I actually have a hangover! I never get hangovers, but this morning I've got a banging headache!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CGJ, yea, I go to the boxing gym to train... I don't fight mind...lol! My son inspired me to start there, he has been going since he was about 9 - he's 13 now. He does fight though; 4 in total - two losses and two wins. He wants to go for the welsh school boy competition in the new year. I started years ago, in an attempt to break my first stall - I didn't lose weight but I did change shape and lost a dress size. The work out is amazing; the sense of achievement at the end is such an adrenaline rush. We do the same training as the men, but with shorter reps. I love it! I don't go as regularly as I used to but when I do go I thoroughly have a great time. My daughter has started to come with me now too - I want her to be able to throw a punch without hurting herself!
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok! So had a good week on the 5:2 - been rewarded with a new low of 156 - just 2lbs (a good dump as my beloved hubby would say) from my surgeon's goal. And it is my official weigh day so I'm gonna claim it as good. I knw the cycle of bounce and stick will stay with me for a little while now, but that's cool... I can't wait to say I've met my first goal weight! It is my friend's hen night tonight, so I am gonna enjoy the cider and dancing know that I am the lightest I've been for nearly 20 years! Right, I'm off to change my ticker! Have a great weekend my lovely friends x
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD, how long is the agreement on your other house... perhaps he could move out when it ends? Sorry to hear that he thought it was ok to talk to you like that! But every cloud and all that - goal has gotta taste good? Dee, I'm thinking of you, you are right, the situation we find ourselves in isn't comparative as it is subject - I hope you feel better soon - it must be a nightmare for you - sending you cwtches! CGJ, time is a healer! If you remember I had a TT with muscle repair and BL back in March and that is now just a very small memory. I know it is half the surgery you had but the recovery sounds similar, especially the mental aspect of it. But I can tell you now, it does get better and you will feel the benefits. Once you are able to exercise it is like you've been given another chance. I stopped all vigorous exercise due my apron - it bounced and wobbled uncontrollably; not only was this really embarrassing but it also hurt my back and pelvis. My exercise was reduced to walking and although that was good and I enjoyed it, it didn't give me the stress release that I needed and I got frustrated easily. Now, I can do what I want without those problems. When I went back to the boxing gym, I couldn't believe the difference it made to how I could move; more nimble, quicker, lighter with no pain in my pelvis or back! And I also worried about my fitness, but it was fine - yes I was a little weaker but no one but me noticed! Basically, what I am trying to say is the surgery that you've opted for is an ends to a means... and there is light at the end of the tunnel - be patient my friend! Hugs
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Great pics LV! I really can't 'see' where the extra 14lbs will be lost from, you look tiny! Glad everyone enjoyed their Thanks Giving feasts ... sounds like a lot of turkey curry will be around for a while!
  7. coops

    The 5:2 Diet

    yes Georgia, it is amazeballs and it's all down to you that I am chuffed to beans...! x
  8. coops

    The 5:2 Diet

    Gotta add my experience... I was in a stall for nearly two years; no matter what I ate, how I moved or any diet I could not shift a pound. Disheartened and fed up didn't come close to how I felt. I wasn't at goal and I really felt that my eight loss journey had ended. The Georgia told us about the 5:2 and how it was working for her. I decided to try it, well, I hay tried everything else! That was June... I have broken that stall and lost 10lb. Now, that might seem slow to some reading this, but for me it was amazing. I am now 3lb away from my surgeon's goal and when that day comes I will think about going for my personal goal, which will be an extra 14lb or so extra. This, albeit slow, has worked for me... And even though I don't lose on a weekly basis, I am seeing results in measurements. Sorry for the long post
  9. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Girls - Happy Thanks Giving from across the pond! Enjoy your day, food and all! Tomorrow's a new day! This might sound a little weird to you lot, but I am fasting today and doing well! Weird what the time zone does to us eh? Weighed this morning and saw another new low... looks like I have a new bounce range after all - Sarsar, I am exactly like you... lose 2-3lbs stay there for a while, anything between 3-7 weeks then lose another couple of pounds. I am just hoping this sticks for Sat morning so I can 'claim a loss'?! GT - I know nothing about what you are going through, and I have no words that can help! Just want you to know, that I am thinking of you my lovely friend x
  10. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy - yes, yes, yes ... what a great idea! I would love to go shopping and get you in a goal outfit! That has really cheered me up... oh and me classy - lol - you ain't seen me drunk...lol! But don't fret, there will be no strippers, but we just have to dress the bride to be up - she's in her 50s and getting married in Vegas! I am sure it will be, well... fun! We are going to Cardiff Bay, a boat trip first with food and drinkies then to the pub! Bring it on... after such a stressful time I am more than ready for some cider and a dance. Laura, I too am battling 'man flu' - cough, cold, sneezes and blocked nose. Such fun! But I refuse for it to stop me. Feast day today - doing well this week regarding food choices and intake. Fast day tomo and I've made some red pepper and tom soup ready! I am on dinner duty in work and that comes with a delish school dinner...NOT! I always have some meat, usually chicken and salad, so at least it is fresh and healthy! I am probably gonna jinx myself... but I saw 157 this morning, so defo broke the 159 set point after 7 weeks of stand still - lets hope it sticks! M2G - Brit speak - that cracks me up more... I really don't consider myself British, even though I am! I am a 'classy welsh bird' - repeat until you believe...hehehe x
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CGJ, your story about your sister is so sad - what an awful thing for you to deal with. I am not as close to my bro as you were but to lose him would break my heart. I find bereavement so difficult.
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh and I think I am on the cusp of losing another pound.... saw 158 again on Sat, just need it to stick so I can claim it! Perhaps this is the start of another small losing phase? Please let that be - just 5lbs away from my surgeon's goal and I can almost taste it!
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oooo - I forgot to mention, I added a teaspoon of coconut oil... dunno why...lol
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I too love long hair... but I love short hair too! I suppose it is one of those very personal things... Now mine has a little thickness back I am trying to grow a little length so I can wear it in a variety of styles. It has a natural curl and can look pretty if teased in the right way. So the butternut squash went down a storm with the hubby too - we are hooked, especially in this cold weather. Easy to make: 1 butternut squash 1 red onion carrot - I used 3 small/medium 1 small sweet pot 1 1/2 pints of veggie stock - I used oxo cubes, not sure if you get them in America? garlic pepper, chilli powder (you can leave this out or use curry powder) and mixed herbs. Chuck in a saucepan for 30 mins and blend - I used a hand blender. Yum yum yum! Low cals too... that made a massive pot and served 8 bowls of loveliness ! I am going to try red pepper and toms tomorrow... same sorta thing!
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok, first fast of the week done and in the bag... feeling rather smug. You lot - and a friend - inspired me to make something wholesome (good American word there ladies) and I made butternut squash soup, from scratch. OMG! It was delish! So proud of my little self, simple but effective! My kids loved it too - my daughter had seconds and my son literally wiped his dish clean with some bread - yes, they still have bread...lol. Hubby on afters so he hasn't tried it yet but there is plenty left. Will prob have some for my dinner tomo. So, now I have the bug for soup making - I think red peppers and toms are my next project! hahahaaaa! I also love the idea of sharing outfits before going out on here. I have a hen night on Sat and I'm unsure of what to wear... my hubby is way to kind to be honest and my daughter doesn't 'get' my style! Wrong generation, she will learn one day. And my son, well he thinks I am beautiful whatever - bless him!
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CowgirlJane, I defo agree with the skinny jeans - they look fab! 3rd & 4th pic for me... Can I be honest... not fussed on the leather jacket - I think black might be the wrong colour for you? A bit harsh for your skin tone? Might be the lighting of the pic though... As far as the shoes go ... defo consider boots; ankle or knee length, they would totally rock those skinny jeans. I love the red top - defo a good colour on you. Ever thought of putting green in your outfit - ok, I'm biased cos it is my fav colour, but I reckon with your complexion and your hair it would look lush! Of course, this is coming from a woman who has no dress sense...lol... please feel free to ignore me...lol x
  17. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh yes, that set point - I was there for 2 years before starting the 5:2 and I think I've found a new one at 159 cos I've been here for 6 weeks! It is a pain in the tail... but I am determined to break through this one also, even if it takes another 2 years! I've also tried the change in exercise - it seems my body reacts short term then gets kinda 'comfy' and stops reacting - then I hit a plateau and stay there for a while. I've heard a lot about the Insanity but it is really expensive here in the UK! Not sure I am totally motivated to spend that much money and have the DVDs collect dust? I do enjoy my Curves work out and I've lost 12 inches since starting there, which was the end of May - started the 5:2 mid June so the inches are higher than the weight loss.. that gives me some hope that changes are being made!
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm 42 now - officially told I was peri menopausal at 39 but I feel it started years before. I went through 2 years of terrible hot flashes 24/7 but they have dropped off - they come and go now. Before the last 6 mths I'd probably had 2-3 visits from aunt flo and they were, well, nothing to report. I've tried HRT in patches and tablets but I didn't get on with them (started gaining weight too) so I on no form of treatment now. What do you mean by 'unveiled'? I've heard that fat cells hold more estrogen - is that what you mean? I know the position I'm in isn't uncommon and I also know that hormones 'can' affect weight loss... this is why I posted. However, I've also read a lot of posts from women who are in the menopause losing weight with relative ease. I suppose it is just another case of, we are all different and respond differently to external and internal factors! At least I'm not and haven't gained! =]
  19. Just thought I'd update here - 23rd Nov no change from 159 (I've seen 158 but it didn't stick so I'm not calling it). So in 6 weeks I've not lost a pound. Doing my fast days twice a week ranging from 500 - 600 and I'm happy with that. Generally my feast days are good - some treats here and there but nothing too deadly and any slight gain comes straight off - probably Water. Still going to Curves. Any ideas how to mix this up again and get losing?
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    On another note - I think I know where my funk has come from and why it has been around so long. I am blaming hormones. As you all know, my lady hormones have put me into early menopause... well, since starting the 5:2 WOE I have seen more of my friend than I have in the last 3 years! This time she came with no warning - and without TMI she was heavy and I had cramping which I haven't had for a while! Not sure why this is happening, as I've said before, my doc told me that my ovaries have pretty much packed up! This has been going on for over 3 years - I think it probably started before my sleeve, but my weight was always a convenient excuse for the medical world to blame any bodily inconsistencies on! Can the 5:2 change hormone balances? Is this why the scales isn't being kind to me? I dunno, but it certainly explained part of the funk!
  21. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hahahaaa... CGJ, that is good! I'm crap at cooking just as well I can tick the other box hahahaaa So, fast day number two in the bag, didn't eat til the evening, had cups of tea/coffee and a cuppa soup all day - and refused a cake in work - then refused another one at home -check me out!
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey! I'm here, been reading up on the posts and had much thinking to do... Dee, I am gutted to hear of your situation, truly I am! Wish I could do something for you, I am sending cwthes to you, yours and your lovely dog! Cathy, what a crap time you are having too - all that bad news in one foul swoop! And good for you for not turning to food - much respect there m'lovely! And yea, we will defo meet up. I'm ok here - very busy in work and tired with it. Lost for words really after reading this... but I just wanna say, regardless of weight and weight related goals, we are all good, honest decent women and I feel very attached to you all...
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia, your photos are lush... looks like you had a fantastic trip! Good to see you back x
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD - I sent you an email with the first draft of the shortest profile for you to check - to see if I am on the right lines... x

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