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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    re the TT - my over hang was very similar - my surgeon wouldn't do the anchor style for me because of the scarring - my result isn't 'perfect' but compared to what it was it is bloody good!
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cor, this thread is going mental!! I missed the comment by that other member of the site re the 5:2 - could someone show me the way so I can have a read please! Sheryl, that post of Chris's TT looks awful - my scar was nothing like that in the first week! It looks really painful too! I was supposed to fast today - but it all went wrong! I wasn't prepared for the afternoon of running around like a muppet and then I had to grab something quick which lead to eating more than I wanted *sigh* Never mind tomo I will try again. I feel so very tired at the moment - I mean really tired; even my eyes hurt!
  3. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT, the 'first anniversary' for all major events are so hard after a bereavement - I am lucky that my parents are still with me but I have watched my husband and his mother go through the process of grief and it is not easy. I think it gets slightly easier, with time, but never goes away. You are dealing with this loss, and your personal problems in such a beautiful - much respect to you my friend. Dorrie, I forgot to say that I am thinking of you too - the daughter thing strikes a chord with me but for different reasons.
  4. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Great idea! Ms. Skinniness= Dorrie Feedyoureye= Kim Sarsar = Sarah MG2= Sheila - Centennial CO Ccjane = Sheryl Georgia = Georgia Uk Cathy = Cathy Swizzly = Dee Brown= Wanda Globe= Florinda?? ...GT help! Susan= Susan Laura-ven= Laura Chimera= Kelly Supersweetums= Sheila Coops= Sue - Pontypool, sunny South Wales UK OrgeonDaisey= Denise
  5. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Laura, I can't begin to imagine how difficult that was for you - I have no wise words; no advise. But I am sending you a massive Cooper cwtch. I hope you can move forward from last night in a positive way... x
  6. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey Dee - good to see ya, and wow - that photo comparison is just, well are you sure they are both you! You look absolutely stunning; amazeballs my lovely! I hope things have calmed down for you a little, but it doesn't really sound like it! I bet you are looking forward to some chill time - I know I am! It ain't fair that you haven't lost weight, but the fact the your clothes are bigger is a bonus and one I can relate to. But, and this is a big but, do you NEED to lose any? Keep us posted - I've missed you x
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh just remember the accent thing - yea Shameless, don't watch it...lol! I think it is based in the north of England. I have to say, I sound nothing like that - my accent has a welsh lilt. My hubby is from the north of England and his accent is different to mine...lol! I love the accent thing and I can do great impressions...keeps my kids happy for hours!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Georgia! Check out that scale reading - wow - lady you certainly are our cheer leader! I want to be YOU! x
  9. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow - I go to bed, go to work and I have pages and pages to get through...lol So, yea, Coops I'm Sue - but a lot of peeps call me Coops in 'real' life because my surname is Cooper! Is this a welsh thing? Sarsar - your pics are beautiful! You're so petite and I just love you hair - I am trying to grow mine a little but it is so fine! *sighs* Re to pooch - yes I had a full TT with muscle repair in March and the pooch is above the scar. Not sure if it is still swelling as my surgeon said that until the scar is white swelling can continue. I know it is minimal but it really does bother me... I need to understand that I will never have a Lara Croft body that I crave! Oh and the legs...lol... I have a lot of muscle in my legs - and often get comments on the but mostly from men! They often ask me how they are so muscular and what training I do...lol. I hated them for a while, but I have learnt to love them now!! Fasting today - going well so far,gonna have soup for tea to wrap the day up. Night on the 'town' tomo = lots of cider and lots of silly dancing!
  10. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG! M2G - how do you do that! I have missed so much; sorry Sarar, Skinny, Susan, FYE, Jayne and Georgia - anyone else... this thread moves so fast! Re the pouch - I will get a pic to show you but please don't shout at me! I know it is ME but it is there and I sometimes wonder if I should l just chill the hell out at 42 and let it go or get rid of it! I will defo mention it to my surgeon. I haven't posted any TT pics on here because I felt insure - but I would do it in this thread, cos I really do trust you lot!!
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    LV - you are tiny tiny tiny lady! And you look great! I love that green on you; my fav colour!
  12. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    thanks for the positive feedback on the dress. I will wear it Saturday night and enjoy it. I haven't got a different jacket to go with it and I had a look in the shops today for one, but nothing I liked or that would match the lace sleeve. I agree a bit of colour would look good but again, I don't own any accessories for it at the moment. I bought it last minute cos it was half price, down to £25! So I will be a little black, but that is ok... I will wear some bling earrings; do my hair and make up and probably wear my contacts too - I'll just have to rock the black!! As far as the group goes, I have to say that this place is where I come to every day, whether I post or not - it is a thread that the people here are my friends; even though we haven't actually met, we have connected in a way that I can't really describe. But I feel safe here and I like it. I am not opposed to new members per se, but I do feel that the dynamics would change - a lot.
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT - move to Wales!!
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Brown, don't give up - perhaps 'take a break' emotionally and physically - I did that a few years ago and it felt good - the funny thing was, food didn't rule my life as I thought it would! But keep on keeping on! Like I said before, I was stuck for two years - nothing I did helped or worked, kept seeing the same 2-4 lbs above my lowest, I won't lie it was really hard and I nearly gave up. The reason I didn't give up was because the sleeve is an investment in ME for LIFE and it has no expiry date. By the way my body loses it will be my 4th year anniversary before I get any where near my personal goal - but who cares how long it takes?
  15. coops

    My surgeon

    Laura - I am super-duper chuffed to Beans for you - amazeballs with tinsel on! Now it is official that you are a success perhaps you will believe me/us when we tell you that you ARE a success and that you look amazeballs!! Hugs my friend x
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Gotta tell ya, I am going soup mad here - if I can blend it, it is soup! So warm and filling - tasty and low cals as it is all veggie! Loving it - and so is the rest of the family. Saw a new low - just want it to stick now so I can change my ticker thingy - but I'm not hopeful as I have two weekends of festive drinkies ahead of me. I hope you don't mind giving me some feedback - i bought this dress and I 'think' it looks ok... hubby says yes, but he always does. excuse the bare legs and slippers...lol - it is freezing over here, so I would wear this with tights and heeled black shoes - not sure which ones yet though. Do I brave it? It is 'fitted' and the little pouch that is left from my TT does show, but I am sure that it is only me that really notices and is bothered by it! Opinions? x
  17. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Crickey! This thread has gone bonkers... just caught up - so much to read - phew! Seems like there is a mixed bag out there right now - cwtches to those who need it! Oh, and hello Susan! Great to see you on board- this thread really has been a life saver for me, I hope you will feel the same way! GT - you are such a wise, wise woman - loves back at'cha xx
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, good to hear from you and coolio re the new low - chuffed to bean m'love! Sounds like you are going to have a stressful new year, but pleased to hear that you are going to stay put for chrimbo and enjoy it in you current home. Glad that MIL is doing well in her new place, it is a massive upheaval for her, but I am sure with your support she'll be fine. Talking of support, whilst all this is going on around you, I hope you are looking after yourself and well as your family... you know where I am if you need me... x GT - Oh man! I wish there was something I could do for you to help ease the situation. I know you will just 'get on with it' 'cos that is what you do - you are a fighter and one hell of a determined lady, I just want to take some pressure away for you! I often think of you... and send good welsh vibes your way. Hang in there my friend, if you need to vent, you know where I am...x
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Skinny - thanks for the comment, yea the daughters do seem strong minded don't they! Sounds like your stuck between a rock and a hard place with yours. I hope it will turn out for the best. Hard work having kids! Brown, I am sooooo with you! It is so hard to lose weight, especially when you are surrounded by peeps who do it in their sleep. My only advise is to keep on keeping on! Sounds like your body has found a happy place; a set point as such. You will break through it, it might just need a little more time.
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I knew that story would strike a chord with us... I really don't think she was being bitchy towards me; probably thought I would understand as I've lost a load of weight... but I think her emotional intelligence is low as she didn't consider the fact that I can't get to my goal and I can't eat a snicker bar to even out further losses.... *sigh*. I don't say anything in work about my diet these days and I rarely get comments on my weight loss now. I am kinda pleased about this as I didn't share my sleeve with many - just two peeps know in work. I do get comments on my clothes now instead; how lovely I look and how that colour suits etc. I agree with everyone that the next few weeks will really test us. I will use the flexibility of the 5:2 to work around the nights out that are lined up. I am not going to set myself out to fail though; I am not going to tell you that I won't eat x,y or z because that would just be a big fat juicy lie! I am going to enjoy my Christmas parties and if there is food along, then I will eat it IF I want to. I think at 3 1/2 years out, I have to be realistic in my own expectations and limitations - I want to eat to live not live to eat. That being said, I will, as usual be super vigilant in the New Year - I am determined to write a goal post one of these days!
  21. original stats: Start date: 11 June 13 Start weight: 168 Started Dec at 156 - that is 12lbs gone and 2 left to Surgeon's goal. I am guessing that I will do the bounce thing now for several weeks; especially over Christmas, and then in the NY those last pesky two pounds will go. Once I am sitting at 154 it will be a test of the 5:2 to get to into the 14*s and then on to my personal goal,,,hmmm, this will be an interesting test!
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    This week has been a mis match for me... hubby' birthday food on Monday, good fast days on Tue and Thur then pizza last night to celebrate Betty's Police Cadet acceptance. Now it is the weekend and I am not hungry at the moment. I still have the dreaded man flu so I haven't been to the gym this week - it is also manic in work at the moment and my energy levels are really low and it is sooooo cold - and that doesn't help either! I'm not saying I'm off track, but I don't 'feel' on track either if that makes sense. My bounce has started already - so I know I need a little more vigilance on my feast days for sure. I really wanted to see my surgeon's goal for Christmas, but I don't think that will happen looking over my 5:2 pattern of losing. Never mind - it will come in the New Year! On a side note a friend in work - who is a dear friend and I love her to bits has done well on the 'conventional' slimming world diet - she's lost just over 3 stone - 42lbs and is looking fab. Others have told her that she is too skinny but I don't think so, she is really tall and has lovely long legs so she can carry herself well, oh! and she is young too! She is aware that I am struggling to get to my target weight (she doesn't know about the sleeve) and now she is complaining that she is under her target weight! And that if she doesn't put weight ON she will have to start paying again - she goes to a weekly club thing. She's lost it all through diet and no exercise. This did one on my head to be honest - insensitive? Or just completely in her own weight loss bubble? Here's me struggling like hell and she knows it - she knows I do the 5:2 and exercise, and she just kept on about being under her target! Arghhhhh ... I dunno - I was a little sharp with her and told her to just drop her target weight and not and not pay. She said: 'Nah, I'll just have a Snickers bar!' - What? really? FFS!!!! Ok... rant over... sorry but momentarily that really p*ssed me off!
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I know this is off topic - but I gotta tell you - my daughter applied to joined the Police Cadets and she has been accepted! So proud and chuffed for her as she wants to follow in her dad's footsteps and become a regular police officer so this is the first step! Just so proud!
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Ok, so it is Steve's birthday today, and true to form he wanted take away for tea and cake for dessert! Obviously I joined the food fest! Thank you sleeve for keeping the portions small! Fasting tomo and looking forward to having a rest from food - soup all the way for me. I've made some butternut squash ready for tea and will have a cuppa soup or the like in work. As long as it is hot, I'm happy!
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hmm, I only really come here - the 5:2 place! I like this group; we are tight and we know each other well now... I am also pleased it is closed and a small group - makes me feel 'safe' to share. I sometimes check the vets forum but not daily! I agree a vet is at least a year.

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