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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Florinda, what a pr*ck! But I agree with Denise - this isn't you, it is HIM! And he needs to get a grip! My offer of a goodie bag is still there, if you PM me your addy... I know it won't be the same as the American stuff you are used to but I will do my best - just give me a list and let me see if I can sprinkle some magic on it...lol! In the mean time- keep your chin up my lovely x
  2. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    wow - so much going on! Happy Birthday Sheila, hope you've had a good day! Florinda, you've had so many tough decisions to make just lately... I think (and only think) that I would have to save the money - I know that sounds awful, but it sounds like it would really help you long term; take some financial pressure off? But, I really don't know what to suggest - go with your heart! Sarah, I just love what your little boy said.. those words would be tattooed on my heart! Glad the dating scene is going well for you single ladies... it is weird to hear of your tales and plights - I have forgotten how complicated it all is. There seems to be so much going on, I can't remember it all now - but I do read. I will have to start replying as I read cos sometimes, especially with the time difference, this thread goes bonkers and I've only gone to sleep and work...lol!
  3. Cheri - I have MISSED you!!!! I'm excited to see all the old names...lol... hmm, do I need to get a life perhaps? x
  4. coops

    2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

    Wow - what a great post - thank you Happy Camper! And thanks for the shout out. Great to see so many names, that were inspirational for me too; Tiffykins was a shining light! Lets not forget M2G - she held me up many times along with many others; you know who you are! And Globe Trotter; great to have people who are on the same page. I am 3 1/2 yrs out now and STILL not at my surgeon's goal! But soooo close! I know - will it ever happen? Erm, yes because I've decided not to give up! This sleeve is for LIFE (not just for Christmas...lol). I keep coming here because I have made some really good friends; friends who understand where I am; who believe in me and we offer each other support through this mad journey. They pick me up when I am down, make me laugh and sometimes make me cry! We don't just talk about food, ya know? This place really has been a fantastic resource to me and many, many others. Glad I found you all ...
  5. I agree with Georgia, since doing the 5:2 in June, I rarely eat breakfast - the earliest I eat will be around 11am - the latest I eat is 10pm, so there is a regular fast window of 12 hrs daily ... sometimes, I can do 16hrs but I do struggle, I think if I put my mind to it and organised my days better it would be doable. It certainly stops snacking! keep us updated on your progress and keep up the good work... that regain will be gone very soon =]
  6. coops


    I joined Curves as I thought it would be a great way to get me back in shape after my TT... and it worked. I lost over 12 inches all over and I throughly enjoy it. I would recommend it for an all over work out that only takes 30 mins and 3 times a week will give you a great boost. I haven't been since before Christmas, but I will be going back. My daughter comes with me, she is 15, and she enjoys it too. Here in the Uk you can do a try before you buy type thing... is that an option for you? That way you can have a go, have a look around and see if it is for you?
  7. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh, I've done well so far this week - a good fast day Mon, a clean low cal day today and I intend to fast again tomo. Insanity in work Thursday, so I won't be able to walk again Fri...lol. I am still at the top end of my bounce range and I really don't like it - hoping that it will come off soon as I am 'due' a 'whoosh' on the scale. If I remember right, the last time I hit the top of my bounce I stayed a while and then dropped to a new set point. I have been at this set point for 4-5 weeks, so fingers crossed my pattern will continue and I will see some positive movement soon. On another note, I have an amazing NSV - I tried my old signate ring on today, my mam and dad bought me it for my 21st birthday. I haven't been able to wear it for about 18 years as it was too small. It fits perfectly again! I am wearing it as I type, But the strange thing is that, I am at least 14lbs heavier now than I was when I was 21... hmmm, I really do think that my body composition has changed a lot in the last 22 years!!!
  8. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Woah, so many posts to catch up on. I don't mention everyone either, I too forget ... but I do read. Florinda, I read the link. How sad. Sounds like she was a very talented and intelligent woman, even though I don't know her work as such. She lived just 'down' the road... we often go to Barry for a day or afternoon, there is a little beach there and the kids used to love it when they were kids.
  9. LMD - there have been a few of us vets that have had the regain, some left, some have got rid of it and some are still fighting the good fight... I often think that NOT reaching goal has meant that I didn't regain!? Sounds strange but I honestly think it is true!! And I am still fighting the good fight... I will get there, even if it takes me another 3 1/2 years - my sleeve is FOR LIFE right? My hubby has chronic arthritis in both his knees and has had major surgery to both, recovered well and got strong and fit again (he has to have another one soon) so the good news is that, it is possible to get back to where you want to be.
  10. woah - my two fav vets - LilMissDiva and Jane in the same thread...yeye! Great to see you both and to hear your updates. Sorry about your health issues LMD, glad that you've come back to let us know how you are... I've often thought about you! Those dogs are sooo cute!! As you can see I'm STILL not at my surgeon's goal., but soooo very close! I've started the 5:2 woe and it is working for me - after a very long stall of nearly two years - it got the scale moving again, and although my weight loss is still slow, I am slowly getting there!! Good luck to both of you getting that regain off - you know where we are xx
  11. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Dorrie, woah! Now, that is what I call stress and a real worry. Stay strong my lovely friend... you can get through the next few weeks -months how ever long it takes. Sending you cyber hugs m'love x
  12. coops

    The 5:2 Diet

    I agree GT, your new pic looks awesome! I can't see where the 30lbs will come from though - I think we are in the same boat with this crazy BMI... If I ever got to a 'normal' BMI I think I would start to look too old! Dunno? But seriously, you look strong and curvy! x
  13. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sarsar, Tyler sounds delightful! Perhaps he should meet my daughter, because they are defo cut from the same cloth!
  14. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    no prob with Queen of the Crop here
  15. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    second fast day completed, well sorta - over the 500 more like 700 but I'll claim it as good. Been eating pretty clean this week and the scale has bounced right up! Gutted... but I'm sure it isn't 'fat' as my rings are really big on me still - they normally get tighter. And if I didn't know better, I would say that Aunt Flo was on her way?! All the symproms are with me and have been for over a week. Oh and Florinda, how do you do Insanity - bloody hell! I can hardly walk today. I have never used my muscles like that, even at the boxing gym... the front of my legs actually hurt and my tummy is really swollen...*sighs* ... what we do to shed a pound eh? Oh and I still haven't had a proper poo - so I've just taken two lil magic tablets to get things moving. Hugs to all x
  16. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, I don't know why, but I can't imagine you putting up with any shite of a bloke!
  17. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh Florinda, I do wish you some luck - such a lot of horrible things are happening right now for you. I am glad you pop on here and tell us... glad to hear your encounter was good! Nice to feel wanted. Where is Laura? Sheila, great to hear from you - I am liking the sound of a quite house for a while, even if the timing is bad! Oh and from me... I desperately need to poo - ain't been since Friday - booo hooo - top end of my bounce range now! I am bloated and swollen and it is uncomfortable! On the plus side did my first Insanity work out today in work - 6 of us used the hall and did the power dvd - hard but a great feeling to complete it... won't be able to walk now mind...lol Hugs to all
  18. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well Sheryl, can I just say not all english men are as crude as your date - my hubby is english...lol! I gotta be honest with you, I am not a fan of tablets - I have a pretty addictive personality and the thought of taking tablets on a regular basis freaks me out. I've often been given the opportunity by my doc for anti depressants, and I did take them for a short time after the birth of my second child, but I didn't take them for long. Too scary for me. As far as sleep or the lack of it goes, I rely on the old fashioned way of exercise to wear me out! If I am physically tired I sleep much better - I also like to read before bed... all old fashioned but work for me. However, if I have real bouts of restless sleep patterns, I just go with it and let it take its course. Just lately, with the hot flashes coming back I haven't been sleeping well... and yes I am tired, but I just gotta let my body deal with it. So, bad feelings? Hmmm, this is a good one... when I was a teenager I was very angry - and I mean effing angry, about everything and everyone. But if you ask anyone, they wouldn't know. I hid it and I hid it well... always laughing and smiling - the joker of the group (of which I still am). I would let things fester and fester and fester and try to find ways to deal with it. Private tears. I found exercise. I also used to draw a lot - pencil drawings of people and some water colour; I would lose myself for hours and hours just drawing and listening to music. This didn't get rid of the anger but it let me deal with 'myself' and it allowed me to keep it hidden ... funnily enough, I didn't use food! Now, I often 'allow' myself to feel bad feelings; I allow myself to recognise the feeling and the effect it has on me and others. I let it be... I don't try to change it. I have found that this has helped me deal with bad feelings in a more positive way - I think I have learnt from it and learnt that things are not always perfect; I don't always feel good and I can't control everything around me. I have periods of 'dwelling' - I let myself feel down - time to lick my wounds as such - and this has enabled me to recognise my own behaviour patterns. I can also recognise others' behaviour patterns too. I agree with Kim, I can't change the big things and I don't try - I do try to change what I can, if it is for the better. Not sure if that helps anyone... I doubt it...lol!
  19. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Oh, I meant to say, it was two years ago that I started the 'gonna get to goal' thread. At the time I said I would give myself a year to get to goal and then deal with the weight I was... hmmm, perhaps not eh! Anyway, I am glad I didn't stick to my word and I am glad that I kept coming here - I really want to get to at least my surgeon's goal and then hopefully, with time, as low as I can and still look ok. I don't want to get too thin in the face and 'age' myself, if that makes sense...anyway... just thought I'd say! lol
  20. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Daisy, that is strange - but like Kim said, life is strange...lol... How do you feel about it? I did a semi fast day yesterday, around the 700 mark and today a proper one; made quorn curry with cauliflower rice and it was a hit! Enough for tomo's lunch too! Kelly, funny you mentioned hair - I am trying to grow mine a little - just a long bob so I can curl it or put it up - just want a change but it is still very fine, not as bad as it was, but still fine. I hope it will grow out and not look awful! I sometimes miss my long hair.
  21. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Cathy - you look amazeballs!!! Loving the second pose - sexy ladeeee xx
  22. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Cathy, we managed to escape the downpour - Steve works in and around Abergavenny and he hasn't had any major flooding to deal with. Very lucky. Good to hear the scale is moving in the right direction for you,,,work defo makes it easier to fast - agreed!
  23. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    My Mini Cooper, Sally, is British racing green with a white roof and white strips on the bonnet - silver alloys and she is beautiful! I was going to get the welsh flag on the roof, but because of Steve's job (police) it would be too obvious and easily to recognise... we don't live that far from where he polices so it would be easy for someone he's locked up to find out where we live! Can't take that risk. I did look at welsh flag side scuttles for her too - but they don't do them for my year... shame cos they are lush! Not fasting today, although I probably should - seen the top end of my bounce this morning - but I will attempt tomorrow. Will be going back to work and back to the gym on Monday... all things normal will resume! Oh and I've never had anyone ask to touch my shoes...lol... how strange!
  24. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Globe I agree with Brown - perfectly said. Yes grief does effect us all differently, and I completely understand why you stayed away - I think I would of done the same thing, I believe that you are a stronger woman that I. Hugs to you my lovely friend.
  25. coops

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, my fast day was proper sh*te... after all the good work over the Christmas holidays, I've tumbled down and eaten like a total fool! I'v eaten proper rubbish all day, snacking monster has broken into my body and taken over! OH well... I will try another fast day, prob be Sunday now... then fit in two next week - *sighs* Feel bad when Skinny called me diligent, when clearly I haven't been today...lol! Thanks goodness for my sleeve mind... cos the damage I could of done!!

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