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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    The Sleeve Works

    Wow, you are doing an amazing job there,,, you have lost a whole person!!!! A great story and one that gives me hope! Keep up the good work... =]
  2. coops

    NSV, work uniform

    That must be an amazing feeing,,, but you are 69lbs down... what an amazing achievement! Over half way to goal too. Enjoy getting some clothes that fit....lol... good for you =]
  3. coops

    Sleeved 12/22/2010

    Yep... this is the best present ever... and I too count my blessings everyday. I am glad that I found this tool to help me get well and healthy again. I am glad that I have a support family and amazing friends (those of whom I have told). I am also glad that I joined this forum to gain a wealth of advise and kind words when they are needed... not to mention the extra support from my new cyber family!!
  4. Hey, Good luck with the sleeve and your liquid diet! I found it okay, I knew it was a means to an end and it wouldn't be forever. Towards the end it was hard work, but knowing that my new tummy was healing made it easier to deal with. You sound like you are pretty organised and sorted for the beginning of your journey. Remember to keep us up dated. Once, again, good luck! you are right - the next year will be interesting!! For all of us!
  5. coops

    90 lbs

    Well done and congratulations... 90lb in 6 mths, as others have said, is amazing. How do you feel! I bet it is a great sense of achievement... =]
  6. coops

    Ok here I go...me at 168

    Yep! I agree with everyone... you look GREAT!! Mind, you looked good before, but now more confident! I bet you feel good to. Well done!! =]
  7. coops

    Christmas in the 50s

    Good for you... it is a good feeling knowing that it is ok to leave food on the plate and to say ' no thanks' when seconds are offered. Great pics bby the way... you look really happy! =]
  8. coops

    Afraid I'm hungry

    I didn't feel hunger until about week 4. I am now 5mths out and I am not as hungry as I was in the beginning... hopefully it will get better for you! Good luck =]
  9. Hey, don't worry I am not at my Christmas goal either... nevermind. I will be soon enough!! Merry Christmas! xx
  10. coops

    My 3 Months Post Pics

    OMG! Diva you look amazing... a different woman!! Congrats on a job well done! xx
  11. coops

    8 months post op

    well done and congrats on a fantastic weight loss! what a great christmas present!
  12. Some great advise given here,,, Mama -C-Ta. And not much I can add, but agree... I too didn't even think about Protein for the first three weeks... concentrate on fluids at this point and let you body rest and recover over the major op it has just had... then, when you are ready, you can add more protein. Do try to stay positive and remember, this is a great and safe place to vent! Good luck =]
  13. coops

    I am so embarrassed- not exercising

    No worries Lila... I could do with that... someone to say 'Oi Cooper, have you done your exercise this week... what? No!! then shift your ass!!' lol... I defo want my mojo back, cos not only does it help with shifting the pounds, it also makes me feel sooooo good!! Do you have any exercise tips or advise? XS 2011 ... you are only just 2mths post op! The only thing I did was walk in the beginning... I was advised by my surgoen not to do vigourous exercise until 10-12 weeks and then build up gradual. So, that is what I did, until recently that is!! Back to building it up gradually then... =]
  14. coops

    New Chapter

    Hey Brownbear... I understand your hesitations about 'sharing' on the internet... believe me, I too felt the same. However, this is a great site that is not only full of great information but tons of support from those who are going through, or have been through each stage that you and I will go through. I have told a few people in my life about the sleeve and they are close friends and family. My parents' reaction was similar... my day said something like 'Oh my God girl, what is the matter with you?' which, was answered with 'Dad, derrrrrr, morbidly obese, that is what the matter is!!' Before my op very little was spoken about the sleeve, the op and post op life. However, that changed with every pound that I have lost. They are not only support, but 'proud' of me now too.... get that in the back of the net!!! Basically, what I am trying to say, is that you have to do what is right for you... for whatever reason! You are clearly an intelligent man, and you know what is what regarding your health and life style... all the best!
  15. coops

    drinking while eating

    Hiya Hanna, After food I wait for about 30 mins... it does help you stay fuller for longer, but on the rare occasion that I have had a drink straight after, it didn't sit well and made me feel a lil sick. I find 30 mins enough time for the food to settle. As far as before goes, again I try to wait 30 mins, but to be honest, I sometimes forget! You are right though, to wait 1-2 hours would make it hard work to get all the fluids in per day! I too am on a 3 meal a day with no snacking plan.
  16. coops

    New Years Resolutions!

    hey thinoneday... this is defo the way forewad for me... I am such a self critic .. if I talked about anyone else, in the same way I talk about myself, I would be disgusted!!! Got be nice to me... consider it done!! xx
  17. coops

    I am so embarrassed- not exercising

    Interesting... up until Oct, when I was really ill, I started to LOVE exercise again... I was going to Zumba, going to the gym, using free weight and the wii fit at home, doing aerobic dvds and walking the dog regularly... now, well like the above posts, I have simply lost my mojo!!! I am loving Lila's words... of building it up slowly! This is what I did when I was first sleeved in July... so I think that is excellent advise and sorta pans out to what I have started this week... I have taken the dog for an evening walk twice so far (and in the freezing snow!) and I have started to do some light free weights, whilst watching tv at home... little chestnuts make big oak trees... Good luck everyone! xx
  18. coops

    New Years Resolutions!

    I was going to say exercise... but I think I would be better to say, be kinder to myself!! I am soooooo nasty to myself on times, for different reasons that I think to be kind would be good!!!
  19. Glad you are feeling a little better Lolli, this is definately a 'journey'! You have been given some great advise here... I know it is difficult, frustrating and a down right pain in the backside... but the sleeve is a great tool and it will work. I have never been successful on a 'diet' and yet with the sleeve I have lost 46lb to date! The weight you have lost so far, will NEVER come back... the two pound gain is normal so please don't beat yourself up about it... ! I weight pretty much daily, but I only record my weight weekly... I am trying to ween myself off the scales, but it is hard. Keep up your good work...and let your body recover! You have had a great start! =]
  20. hey,

    thanks for the add... =]

  21. coops

    I'm in the 60's whoo hoo!!!

    Hey Sleeve 3 me... well done on a job well done... 19year is a lonnnnngggggg time, so I can fully see why you are doing the happy dance... I bet you feel fan-bloody-tastic!!!! and over half way to goal too... !!! Diva, I am loving your dancing banana!!! x
  22. coops

    3 stone down pics!

    Fab pictures, you look so much healthier and HAPPIER! In your pre op pic, you look so SAD and I feel like I want to give you a hug! What a difference 3 stone has made... keep up the good work Twostepsback!!
  23. coops

    Hair Changes

    Yep, mine is thinning too... I eat my protein first, drink plenty of water, take all my supplements and it is still falling out like crazy in the shower... oh, and I am a 'slow' -hahaha= nightmare! But if you read Chilo's thread and others on here, they all say that it will grow back! Lets hope it is sooner that later eh?! xx
  24. interesting stuff I too am colder now and feel the cold a lot more, which is a bit of a pain considering we are experiencing one of the coldest winters here in the UK for a long time... typical...lol I am sleeping better and feel more awake in the day too...
  25. Hiya Susanne, thanks for your comments... yea, I have always been a slow loser... but to be completely honest, before, when I followed a diet or eating plan (however you want to phrase it) I could only lose between 5-7lb... that would take me between 6-8 weeks and then I would stall for a month or so and basically give up!!!! That has been the case for most of my adult life and then I woke up weight 238lb and wondering what the hell was happening... I guess you are right!! I always have and always be a slow loser... but at least this time I am losing, The slower I lose, the more I appreciate each and every pound that I can get rid of.... amazing really and I am loving my sleeve xx

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