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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TerriF

  1. TerriF

    Beyond Discouraged

    You say sweets are problem for you, which to me means you aren't controlling them. For me sugar is worse than fat... I found for me anyway, that I need to eat more frequent meals but in small amounts. No more than 200 calories 6 times a day and walking 4 miles 6 times a week seems to be what works for me. Just go to your doctor, tell him everything you have posted here and let him help you.
  2. Overland Park, Kansas Bariatric Center of KC $11,999.00 with a free year of visits and fills. They have built a new center and everything from surgery to fills and all pre consults are done in house.
  3. Hello, I live in KC and ended up using Bariatric Center of KC. A friend used New Hope with great results.

  4. Yes she is, it cracks me up that all us dog lovers post our dogs and not ourselves.

  5. TerriF

    Compliment - i think!

    Last night before we went out mine says " Your really pulling the weight off aren't you?"
  6. Mine has me on Bariatric Fusion 27 grams 35 with skim milk.....love the chocolate. I use their vitamins too!
  7. No longer do I hear "Have you lost weight?" now it's "How much weight have you lost?" finally people are noticing, a good incentive to stick with it.
  8. I just had my 3rd fill and still feel little restriction. When I got it the first day, I had that funnel feeling then nothing. But I also know I am eating a lot less so maybe it's working and I don't even know it. I will say on this last fill it burned alittle when he was injecting the fluid and I wondered where the heck it was going?
  9. TerriF

    Marriage Relationship

    Along with the counselor I would see a lawyer just to know your rights. You need to protect yourself mentally as well as financially. Not telling you where he is living would be a red flag. If he is living alone why would he worry about you causing a scene? Eventually you will become fed up and move on and he won't know what hit him. When my husband thought the grass was greener on the other side and I was so upset, he loved that. When I stopped caring things weren't so rosy then. I will never look at him the same ever again. Trust is a hard thing to give once broken!!!
  10. TerriF

    Marriage Relationship

    I would go alone to a counselor before I would let my husband get involved so you have a idea of what the counselor thinks of what your husband is doing.
  11. TerriF

    Marriage Relationship

    I agree you need to step back and maybe get a good marriage counselor for yourself. Someone impartial you can talk to and can help guide you through this situation. I think your weightloss has been great and being able to maintain when everything seems upside down is incredible.
  12. TerriF

    Can't edit profile info

    Having the same problem.....not working this evening!!
  13. TerriF

    Restriction finally

    I am right in there with you all. My weightloss pretty much quit for 3 weeks. I would get a fill and not notice anything, hopefully the third fill will do the trick. One thing I did notice was I wasn't tracking what I was eating, I wasn't eating much, I thought, till I realized I was eating to often and those calories really add up fast. My goal is to be down 10 pounds by the next fill on 7/20/11 so far I was only down 5. For the last 4 days I have been tracking my calories keeping them at about 1200 to 1300 and low and behold when I weighted myself this morning I was down 3 more pounds already. So now I know I was eating to many calories. I walk 4 miles a day 6 times a week so the excersise wasn't my problem.
  14. TerriF


    Your going to love this....9 weeks ago I was where you are right now. Wearing a bra was torture...so I got creative and took a kotex pad, ripped off the tape, covered the sticky part with tissue stuck it under my boobs against that super sore incision and I was off to the races (walking).
  15. TerriF

    Breaking the rules

    Good Evening, A lot of bariatric doctors are changing their views on eating patterns with the band. Mine has changed in that he wants his patients to be on liquids post band 3 days, full liquids 3 days and by day 7 you move into soft foods, regular foods by end of week 2. His key rules are no liquids while eating, go slow and stop when satisfied, no foods that ball up in the stomach. He stressed 2 pounds a week are ideal, I lost more in the beginning but have leveled off at about 2 pounds a week (right now I average 3.5 a week). Some patients can get by with 3 meals a day and others need smaller more frequent meals. My nutritionist had a book for me with the stricter guidelines but wrote all the changes they were making with the program as to the eating habits they wanted their patients to follow. I think every surgeon has their own guidelines and we should listen to them. I have had excellent results and I credit my surgeons skill and support with that.
  16. TerriF

    Feelin blah :0(

    I am going thru the same thing right now. I haven't lost a pound in over a week. Driving me crazy.....sometimes I think the body is saying "hey slow down let me catch up".
  17. TerriF

    3rd fill

    I am with you on this....I was scheduled for my second on July 11th but the heck with that. I called after 2 weeks and told them I couldn't wait another 3 weeks. So I go in Thursday. Well I guess I better go walk before it gets dark on me. Hang in there......
  18. LMAO # 67 is hilarious (I laughed out loud) and # 87 is me to a tee the very reason I hate going to the doctor.
  19. Your young and want the easy way out...don't we all. But do it now while your young and not try fighting it like some of us in our 40's and 50's....not fun. Pretty soon when you are looking good the money you want to spend at Micky D's will go to all those outfits you will need to buy!!!! Nothing will taste as good as you will look.
  20. TerriF


    Finally went out and bought some shorts and tank tops that actually fit (been in the high 90's here). 31 pounds doesn't seem like much but on my 5'9" body it really makes a difference. All the walking is paying off in inches which is good as I could eat the siding off the house.I need another fill and it's not till the 11th of July, I think I may have to call and get it moved up. I almost wish I would have one good stuck episode to scare me into not wanting to eat. LOL
  21. TerriF

    3rd fill

    I have to really watch how much I eat, still not having a good full feeling. I have told myself I can eat anything I want as long as it isn't white or made with anything white. Seems like I go almost 2 weeks before the scale moves and then I drop 5 pounds. Weird! Hope the next fill gives me more restriction.
  22. TerriF

    fill not working?

    I felt the same way till I would eat to much and then I know it's working. I have a 10cc band with only 2cc's in it. I tell myself I have no restriction then I might take to big a drink of water or take one more bite when I feel comfortable and then I feel to full. For me I am learning just what a fill should feel like.
  23. TerriF

    3rd fill

    Did anybody else feel nothing much from their first fill? I had my 1st Monday and really don't notice much, I've been really careful this week till today when my tummy said lady I am hungry. Made my own healthy pizza tonight and enjoyed my piece a lot. That and a fresh nectarine.
  24. I don't think there is anything I can't eat. Have been afraid to eat bread, rice or any starch thats white. I am careful with steak, chicken and pork. Love the morning Protein shakes. I had my first fill on Monday afternoon and the rest of this week I thought "Well that didin't do any good, as my scale was stuck and I hadn't had any problems with eating" Weighed this morning and was down 3 pounds. Have some faith and chill out Terri!!!!!!

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