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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by screeden

  1. oh, so jealous. love In and Out Burger, miss that place :) LOL

    I definitely notice how much people eat in public p[laces and the vast majority of them are obese. I am just so glad not to be one of them any more! It all plays in my head but I dont say a word (especially to my husband who is thin but man can he eat!) because I wouldnt have wanted or benefitted from that kind of criticism when I was overweight!

    We went to In & Out the other night (hamburger joint in Ca)and I just had a few of his fries. The majority of people in there were obese and the calories are on the menu sign...the double double (two patties, two cheese) was 670 I think and fries was 370. I think the posting of the calories is a new state law...doubt it will help.

    Anyway the part that really bothered me was the children who are already huge and have been trained to eat like that!

  2. the first 6 weeks are not about losing weight, but about healing. you are not going to have any restriction until you get your first fill, and you will most likely have to have several fills before you get a good restriction. you are doing fine, it is normal. after the swelling goes down after surgery, you can pretty much eat what you ate before. after you get a fill, you will eat less. i did the same thing. :)

  3. It is your decision and yours alone on who you want to tell. i have had 2 negative comments to me about having the band, one from a co-worker and one from a mom of my son's classmate. the co-worker said that i should just eat less and exercise, shouldn't have gotten the band. i told her "uh that is the point of the band, to eat less. wasn't able to do that on my own". that shut her up. the mom said one negative comment just because she had 2 friends who had a bad experience with the band and bypass.

    i told my family and some co-workers. my family has been extremely supportive about it. most of my co-workers are too, i told them because i work at a hospital and if anything happens to me, they are aware of it.

    you don't have to explain anything to anyone. those who are negative about it, you will find don't know anything about the band and are usually skinny people who do not have a weight problem. it is your decision and yours alone. and if anyone gives you crap about it, tell them to back off!! :)

  4. Ask around about surgeons in your area. attend seminars to meet the surgeons. Look online and do the research, just don't pick anyone, ask around.

    as for the insurance. everyone's is different. i am fortunate my insurance pays for it 100%, i only had to pay $150 to my surgeon for my consultation fee. that is it.

    ask your insurance how much they pay, is it 100 % or 80 %. if you pay cash, mine would have been $16,000 and they actually do financing there too.

    hope it all works out for you :)

  5. Whew, glad I am not the only one here. I was sitting there the other morning watching my husband make a huge bowl of Cereal for himself, i am talking heaping bowl, probaly 3 servings, thinking to myself "wow, that is alot of food, i would be puking." He does not understand how i am not hungry or don't eat much. that a small bowl of Soup fills me up. LOL! he has seen me get sick once, my own doing for eating too much and drinking right after, so i think that turned him off of the band. :)

    anyways, i can't go to the buffet places, they make me want to vomit.

  6. OMG,

    Since i had my band placed, i don't know if it is me, or what but i have been noticing how much people eat and that they eat soooooo much food and eat these huge bites. And sometimes it kind of grosses me out. I don't know if i am more aware of it since i eat slower and take little bites. My husband polishes off so much food and i guess i never noticed it before, but i do now.

    anyone else like this???

  7. i am assumin 6 wks out? pizza and nuts are not the smartest things to try with the band. you might still be swollen so eating that stuff can make you throw up. have you been filled yet? i get tight right before my period, so i drink warm liquids and creamy Soups with my Protein Drinks. i also swell a little with the fills. i love both pizza and nuts but will not even go there. chicken, if it is dry, then yes it can get stuck. better if it is tender and tiny bites, chew, chew, chew. my doctor says chew each bite 15 to 20 times. try some warm liquids for a day and see if that helps the swelling.

    good luck to you and hope it gets better.

  8. please make sure you use the IS, for your breathing. It will help, i promise. i am a respiratory therapist and it is a preventative device that makes you take a deep breath. in patients use it every hour, 10 breaths. it prevents pneumonia and atelectasis, which is the collapse of the air sacs in the lower parts of the lungs. i know people don't think it is important, but it is. i used mine religiously.

    it will get easier every day. just take one day at a time and walk, walk, walk.

    Thanks! I am going to take pain meds tonight. I feel like it will help me sleep better. Glad to hear someone else can't breathe all the way yet either. I am still using the breathing thing from the hospital when I think about it. I will have to call and ask about heartburn on Monday. I really don't feel like taking my supplements or anything, the thought makes me nauseous!

  9. wow, did you tell the surgeon his PA was trying to talk you out of the surgery? he needs to be informed that his staff is not very nice, that turns patients away. there is one nurse at my surgeons office who has been very rude to some patients and seems to be put out if they call for an unfill. i go to a different nurse, and she is awesome. does not talk down to me and is very encouraging and informative. you are the only one who can make the decision, not anyone else. next time the PA says some BS to you, tell them that it is your decision and that is that. it is better to lose the weight slowly, 1 to 2 lbs per week is ideal, what my doctor calls the sweet spot. when you lose it slowly, it is more likely to stay off. the bypass, most patients regain the weight in 5 years and my surgeon will not do the bypass, only the band or sleeve. he says the bypass is worthless. :)

    wishing you the best :)

  10. for me it was not that bad. alot easier than i thought it would be. i had my gallbladder removed 9 years ago and i thought that was a rougher recovery than the lapband was. the first 2 weeks do suck however, called banders hell, not much in the way of food. but the first week is liquids, 2nd week is mushies, i was so happy to have cream of potato Soup that week. 3rd week soft foods, then regular foods 4th week. the gas pain is the worse to deal with, they inflate you to get to the stomach. and it takes a few days for the gas to move out. it is a learning process, i am 5 months out and still learning. :)

    have you attended a seminar? they also have support groups that non banders can attend with the banders to get information too. :)

    i am 37 lbs down and still very happy that i had it done. don't regret one bit of it. it is a lifestyle change, not an instant fix. you will find that those that the band "did not work" for them, most likely did not eat and exercise like they should have, they want it to be an instant fix and think they can still eat whatever they want. it is a tool and you have to work with that tool. it is one leg of a 3 legged stool, diet and exercise are the other two legs, with out them, the band fails. believe me i still cheat, but i make alot wiser decisions with it as i know if i don't i will be paying for it later. i stay away from white bread, don't even want it, never thought i would feel that way as i love bread. i eat Pasta, corn, rice and even popcorn with no issues. i just take small bites and chew everything up well.

    you are the only one who can make the decision to get the band. i am still happy with my decision. make a pros and cons list of the band and being over weight. attend a seminar and get all the info you can.

    good luck with your decision.

  11. talk to your surgeon and see what he thinks. might be a good idea to postpone it for a month or so, just to let your body heal from the surgeries you have had. i had mine out 9 years ago, and on of my incisions from that surgery was reused, so i didn't have a new scar. that was awesome for me. :) hope you get better soon. i thought the gallbladder recovery was much rougher than the lapband recovery.

  12. welcome to LBT. i hope you get good news soon. It is probaly a good thing you had to wait the 6 months as that gave you time to get the information you need to make the decision. it is not one to be taken lightly. it is a lifestyle change, you do have to change you eating habits or it is done for nothing. it is a tool and you have to work with the tool. i am 5 months out and am still learning. :)

    good to hear that you have alot of support. welcome to the next step on your new life journey :)

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